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What do you think are the best and worst promotions in FE?


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GBA Fighters to Warrior

No SPD bonus makes me go ;/

I know right? Fighters need that shit too! D:<

Best? Ill go with what i like best.

Cavalier > Paladin is one of my favorites. (GBA and FE9) Cuz like stats happen and junk.

Peg Knight > Falcon Knight. Hell yeah swords! I find a lot of use for that!

Mage > Sage. Staves, yo!

Worst? The one i hate the most....

Archer > Sniper. Mehhhh. (at least in the games ive played)

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I know right? Fighters need that shit too! D:<

And in the one GBA game whre they DO get speed on promotion, they're still lackluster. >_<

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Best not counting master knight: Armour to Great Knight. One of the shittiest classes in the game (though one that's always appealed to me) to one of the coolest. +2 movement is pro, too. Honourable mention to Sniper > Bow Knight in FE2.

Worst: Objectively, probably Cavalier > Great Knight. I do it all the time, anyway.

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Best: Mercenary -> Hero

Anti-Best: FE4 Axe Fighter -> Warrior. You gained.. almost nothing? Yay?

Hint: Killer Bow + Pursuit Ring = making a bloody mess of anything with wings.

Admittedly this requires favouritism plus Johalva for what is at the end of this still infantry in FE4, but...

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If we're arguing favoritism those items belong to Lester

I guess that's true, but the actual promotion gains are.... ugh....

And Johalva isn't that amazing anyway. (Then again, I only used him once and he got RNG fucked, so this may be PE talking, too lazy to look up averages)

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So it's better to grind Lara to 10, waste a Master Seal on her, and then get to 12x instead of Thief -> Dancer?

Grinding Lara isn't for the faint of heart, true. Thief -> Dancer is probably better for efficiency purposes, but getting Lachesis or Leaf ready for promotion is not the most efficient path, either.

Not to mention she loses more stats that way than promoting her from Thief to Dancer.

Little known fact: The Thief Fighter -> Dancer stat boosts are so high they wrap around and become negative. ;):

Edited by Baldrick
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FE6: 8 HP/3 Str/3 Skl/2 Spd/3 Def/2 Res/2 Con, +1 Axe rank(+50 Wexp)/E Bows

FE7/8: 3 HP/1 Str/2 Skl/3 Def/3 Res/2 Con, +40 Axe Wexp/E Bows

Don't lump all GBA promotions together.

I like the RES buff to compensate for the nerfs everywhere else. That net +1 RES is going to turn them into real mage-killers.

Edited by tiff
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Grinding Lara isn't for the faint of heart, true. Thief -> Dancer is probably better for efficiency purposes, but getting Lachesis or Leaf ready for promotion is not the most efficient path, either.

You can have Leaf ready for promotion in Chapter 9 without slowing your pace one bit. Following that, Leaf saves turns all over the fucking place. How is that inefficient at all?

And you'll notice I specified Prince and not (-ss), since Lachesis is less so.

Little known fact: The Thief Fighter -> Dancer stat boosts are so high they wrap around and become negative. ;):

How is this latter part a good thing?

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Uhhh. . .

Best: Mercenary -> Hero. It goes from sword-locked to OMG TWO RANGE. Honorable mention to DS Cavalier -> Paladin for gaining a ton of RES for no reason.

Worst: Uhhh. . .DS Pegasus Knight -> whatever Minerva is. . .because losing stats isn't the point. . .

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Yeah... Mage Dragons are unpleasant to face indeed. Especially since magic is, like, totally useless on them.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Chapter 23: If you're looking at ~15 damage before RES from two annoying Bishops, I'll take the 6 damage reduction per turn.

Mage Dragons: Less for me to heal off with a Physic, because no way in hell am I putting my healer on the front lines in Chapter 24 or Endgame.

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I still feel that the 5 def makes up for it by being useful for more parts of the game, though.

But eh, there's always the "reclass to Paladin" option~

Once I had an entire team of Paladins and Marth and it was glooooorious~

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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