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9 minutes ago, Rosalina said:

I wanted to go out swimming today, but I received a message by Amazon that the PSP will be delivered in the early afternoon. Means I have to stay in the sticky room the entire day. Oof!

Oof, indeed.

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3 hours ago, Rosalina said:

Till Saturday it will be obnoxious regarding heat. 


2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Good morning, everybody! Look forward to a scorcher if you are in Europe today! 40°C what the eff?!?

14 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

and the best thing is, i've to go to uni today....

ugh, i am already getting grilled

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Since Australia is a continent with a like 3000 x 3500 km area and Idk in which state you are living, it is kinda hard to define their summer. In general, the more, the northern. I think the west coast around of Perth has the best climate from what I have seen so far. 



My PSP arrived. 

Jeez, this thing is super tiny and weighs like nothing. 


Anyways I am released now. 

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21 minutes ago, Rosalina said:


Since Australia is a continent with a like 3000 x 3500 km area and Idk in which state you are living, it is kinda hard to define their summer. In general, the more, the northern. I think the west coast around of Perth has the best climate from what I have seen so far. 

Well, I live in an area northwest of Sydney, which is surrounded by coal mines and has a load of desert (NW) winds.

Therefore, the climate is sucky and we miss out on a lot of rain.

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TBF alcoholism, MDMA and bad decisions do help distract me from my government's human rights violations, so at least they're right about one thing

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Fuck Global Warming

On Iceland a glacier already died out because of that. 

If where have more this kind of summers, forest burns will be as common as in Greece or California and we can grow up dates and figs instead of apples and cherries. 

Edited by Rosalina
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Man, the way to uni may have been hell, but the room i was staying in was climatized 🤤

1 hour ago, Rosalina said:

If where have more this kind of summers, forest burns will be as common as in Greece or California and we can grow up dates and figs instead of apples and cherries. 

It's not a question of IF anymore, it a question of 'when'. Wasn't there a report yesterday about getting ready for 46°C summer in the future?

But hey, let's save the coal indsutry jobs or something.

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6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Man, the way to uni may have been hell, but the room i was staying in was climatized 🤤

It's not a question of IF anymore, it a question of 'when'. Wasn't there a report yesterday about getting ready for 46°C summer in the future?

But hey, let's save the coal indsutry jobs or something.

Yeah, the water and ice industry will boom.

I have not seen the report yet, but 46°C seems to be unlikely for the near future, at least I do not expect to ever experience it in my lifetime.

I will have fun with my 37°C room. 


Also I cannot stand climate conditioners. I could not even go shopping because it was way too cold in the stores. My throat reacts extremly sensible to these.

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23 minutes ago, Rosalina said:

 I could not even go shopping because it was way too cold in the stores. My throat reacts extremly sensible to these.

OOF. That must be tough.

23 minutes ago, Rosalina said:

46°C seems to be unlikely for the near future

I just checked the news, and it seems over here some City reached 42.6°C. And France had ~45°C a few weeks ago during the last heatwave.  46°C doesn't sound that farfetched anymore.

Where i am it was only 34°C today. ''Only''.


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Those are certainly dire-sounding situations, indeed...

Meanwhile, over here I feel like this Summer was actually less hotter overall. I don't remember these last days of July only having max temperatures reching the low 40's. Usually we also have an at least 50C day per year... but haven't seen it happening yet for this Summer. I know there were a few high 40 days some time ago... but usually we're talking like being something constant. Not just a thing of few days.

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14 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

OOF. That must be tough.

I just checked the news, and it seems over here some City reached 42.6°C. And France had ~45°C a few weeks ago during the last heatwave.  46°C doesn't sound that farfetched anymore.

Where i am it was only 34°C today. ''Only''.


Yeah, 42.6 °C was highest. 

Still this extreme kind of heatwave is very unusual. 

Longer drought phases became more common, yes, but that kind of intense temperature was absolutely not expectable. The all time highest temperature record was beaten by 2°C (!!!). 


31 minutes ago, Karimlan said:

How your body reacts to sudden temperature changes is also a thing. Some folks can get sick due to these.

Yeah, that is the case for me. 

I also cannot drink ice cold drinks. 

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I haaaaaate sleepless nights so much. 



Also my hometown was fifth warmest place - lol 


And today same shit all over again. 


I really hope tomorrow will be cooler with rain as forecasted. But even then it will take days till my room has becomes cooler so cool at least (talking about 25 °C) that there is a slightly chance to get a bit sleep. 

Edited by Rosalina
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18 hours ago, Parrhesia said:

There is nothing north of Sydney.


Everything here is either North, North-west or West of Sydney. And this is just a fraction of what is north of Sydney.

17 hours ago, Tryhard said:

just part of a bigger cover-up...


You wouldn't dare! As a true 'Strayan, I am deeply offended. How about you RACK OFF!

(Also, they're flat-earthers, so they're not a reliable source of evidence.)

15 hours ago, Nobody said:

When i went to "australia" i guess i went from south america to south america

funny how everything was so different tho

Because you went to Australia, because we have since proven that it is still existent and it's non-existence is just a dank conspiracy theory brought up by f**king flat-Earthers!

Edited by WeAreNewcastle1053
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2 hours ago, Parrhesia said:

Imagine thinking that anything north of, like, Gosford exists, smh. Bet you even think Queenslanders are human.

They are human! What's your problem with people who live in the northern parts of Australia?

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Imagine thinking Australia exists


I feel like i am getting grilled today q.q

6 hours ago, Rosalina said:

I really hope tomorrow will be cooler with rain as forecasted.

when i checked yesterday, there was rain forecast for tomorrow for over here
now not anymore <.<

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