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24 minutes ago, Lysithea said:

The thing is it is easier to make propaganda today thanks to social media. 


As for the DDR and fugitives thing: It just proves that Germans (and perhaps people in general) are easily distracted by being presented scapegoats to mask the utter failure that was Merkel's "We can do it!" 2015 fugitive politics, for example. Blaming the fugitives for the failings of an incompetent, complacent government that is only interested in getting fatter and fatter everyday is idiocy on a level that makes me embarrassed to say I'm from the same country as those morons (though the German soccer "fans" are reason enough to be embarrassed).
Just saying.

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is it meckern hour?

27 minutes ago, Lysithea said:

Nationalism is nothing new. 

But we should know better by now.

Thankfully, we seem to be doing better than most of the world atm when it comes to that. Everywhere in the world extreme right has 20-30+%, here the AFD Idiots are stuck around 12%, thankfully.

12% too much, true, but i am happy we aren't UK, Italy, or god forbid, Murica.


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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

is it meckern hour?

Eh, I just felt the need to vent a bit. No worries.

But enough doom and gloom. We're here to have fun and to distract us from all the shit that's going on IRL, aren't we?
Have a funny picture of Sophie trying to turn her friend Plachta (who is stuck in a book) human via haphazard alchemy:


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9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

isn't that basically Falcom

Excellent point.

9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

If you want any of the images, just tell me and i'll send em^^

As Marth said in that funny Let's Play: All of them!
And then Jagen was like: No sire!


On a different note, I'm currently listening to the Trails of Cold Steel 2 soundtrack.
One of those cases where the music far trumps everything else in the game. Heated Mind is too epic for a regular-ass battle theme.

Edited by DragonFlames
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I've never played Undertale, it didn't interest me. I did want to see what the hoopla was over the game, and so read a gameplay and plot summary online.


Interesting twist and its philosophical commentary. I give the creator props for that.

And hearing that Undertale is all memes and funnies going to guess Sans gets his name from the font "Comic Sans"? The supposedly most hated font in existence.



Having two Nepfans with similar Nepnep avis on one board going back and forth in replies, makes it it look like to someone quickly skimming as if it is the same poster/clones. Does the lavender lady have some super-speed afterimage trick?



On the topic of XC1DE, will they be adding the Fashion Armor feature from XCX? XC2 didn't have armor slots, so it had to make the costumes into Accessories/Aux Cores. But, XC1 doesn't have to do that, which is better for gameplay freedom anyhow, even if the costume Accessories had great effects.


And if an XCX port or XCX2 should happen, and it so happens we get XC2 characters in the game, can we not get Rex? Why?:

  • I would assume, and prefer, that XCX keeps its more realistic aesthetic than plain old XC's.
  • And when I think about what Rex would look like in that "(through the filter of anime) realism", I'm not sure he'd look good in it. Rex is too much of a child visually, and that I think is to his detriment. I'm afraid he'd make me want to dip my head into that acid lake in Cauldros.
    • Nia I would say would share Rex's problem. Tora, while viable as a Nopon, has Poppy, who would also seem out of place. 
  • Morag or Zeke therefore would look much better I believe, since they're both more mature. And I'd say Morag more so, since Pandoria might be a touch too unrealistic, whereas Brighid seems more readily adaptable.

And actually thinking on it, there aren't any human children in XCX IIRC. Lin is considered a child of 14 years, with that innocence being part of her perspective and Tatsu relationship, but she doesn't look the most "childlike" to me. It's almost like she was forced to be a child, or that a child was forced to look adult. One or the other.

Which then leads me to think, if there are no children in NLA, did they all die with the Earth? Or did they not have mimeosomes and they've been sleeping in cryostasis in the Lifehold Core the entire time? The former possibility seems too cruel. But if merit chose who got on board and who didn't, then I can get the cutting of dependents. NLA has plenty of young adults and adults who look like they'd be fertile.

But, maybe Rex wouldn't look that bad with greater realism.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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24 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

No, football (soccer for Muricans) match result

Oh, I see.

Some local match or something else going on? Admitedly, I haven't paid much attention.

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I've never played Undertale, it didn't interest me. I did want to see what the hoopla was over the game, and so read a gameplay and plot summary online.

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Interesting twist and its philosophical commentary. I give the creator props for that.

And hearing that Undertale is all memes and funnies going to guess Sans gets his name from the font "Comic Sans"? The supposedly most hated font in existence.

Comic Sans is hated? Can't say I've heard.

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

On the topic of XC1DE, will they be adding the Fashion Armor feature from XCX? XC2 didn't have armor slots, so it had to make the costumes into Accessories/Aux Cores. But, XC1 doesn't have to do that, which is better for gameplay freedom anyhow, even if the costume Accessories had great effects.

Oh, that feature is like, one of the best things you can do in games where different outfits/costumes are a thing. Reminds me of the Tales series, with the "bonus stat or stat-ups at level up" titles. Most of the different outfits ones give falt out 0, so why even use them. At least, that's how it is in some games. Well, I think even long-term it's not too much of a difference... I think.

Wouldn't surprise me if they do. I think DQXI is going that route for its Switch port, so why not other games.

9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And if an XCX port or XCX2 should happen, and it so happens we get XC2 characters in the game, can we not get Rex? Why?:

  • I would assume, and prefer, that XCX keeps its more realistic aesthetic than plain old XC's.
  • And when I think about what Rex would look like in that "(through the filter of anime) realism", I'm not sure he'd look good in it. Rex is too much of a child visually, and that I think is to his detriment. I'm afraid he'd make me want to dip my head into that acid lake in Cauldros.
    • Nia I would say would share Rex's problem. Tora, while viable as a Nopon, has Poppy, who would also seem out of place. 
  • Morag or Zeke therefore would look much better I believe, since they're both more mature. And I'd say Morag more so, since Pandoria might be a touch too unrealistic, whereas Brighid seems more readily adaptable.

And actually thinking on it, there aren't any human children in XCX IIRC. Lin is considered a child of 14 years, with that innocence being part of her perspective and Tatsu relationship, but she doesn't look the most "childlike" to me. It's almost like she was forced to be a child, or that a child was forced to look adult. One or the other.

Which then leads me to think, if there are no children in NLA, did they all die with the Earth? Or did they not have mimeosomes and they've been sleeping in cryostasis in the Lifehold Core the entire time? The former possibility seems too cruel. But if merit chose who got on board and who didn't, then I can get the cutting of dependents. NLA has plenty of young adults and adults who look like they'd be fertile.

But, maybe Rex wouldn't look that bad with greater realism.

I'd almost wish for a XCX2 than XCX port. It's like the only Wii U game left I have that doesn't. Then again, not like I have much to begin with. That said... might as well. Contrary to what some may think, I'll only finally consider getting a Wii U a complete waste the moment the Switch's VC repertoire catches up. Admitedly, that's what my Wii U ended up being used for the most. For aquiring past-console games. Go figure.

I'd ask why would there be XC2 characters... but well, I won't say I'm that versed with the XCverse when it comes to pulling cameos between themselves.

Considering how customizable Mimosomes can be in terms of appearance but without the drawbacks of actual flesh-and-blood bodies, it wouldn't surprise me if any children, if present, were just shoved to adult shaped Mimeosomes, as part of the "everyone must carry their weight" mindset. Also, I doubt Lin was the only child prodigy around to secure a spot; but she likely was the only one allowed to keep a Mimeosome closer to her actual appearance/age.

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2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'd ask why would there be XC2 characters... but well, I won't say I'm that versed with the XCverse when it comes to pulling cameos between themselves.

XC2 has the heroes of that game getting an invitation from someone, they walk through a portal, and end up in a dimensional crossroads of sorts- The Land of Challenge. The nonsensical Nopon Archsage who brought them there introduces them to Shulk and Fiora from XC1, and within the confines of this The Land of Challenge, they can fight together. 

Elma shows up in this place, tricked by the Nopon Archsage who visited NLA into using a special combat simulator. She thinks the heroes are virtual Ganglion in said simulator, and they have to fight back against her as a boss. 

After the heroes win, the trick ends and everything is explained, Elma makes friends, and she can within the Land of Challenge fight with them. If you then win a second battle against Elma, which is tyrannically uncontrollably hard even on Easy, the Nopon Archsage gives her the power to be brought into XC2's world and she can be used there. She has a few scenes there, but nothing affecting XC2's plot.

And, just so she doesn't have to worry about the Lifehold Core running empty while she's gone, the developers wrote it so the Nopon Archsage says that while Elma is in that simulator that lets her cross into the Land of Challenge, time moves at like 1/1000000 it regularly does. It'd require centuries in it for any significant amount of time to actually pass in Mira.

-So long story short, it's pure fanservice through and through.




I saw this was revealed off to the side for Switch on the same day as the Nintendo Direct:

It already has a dedicated website.

It's a sequel to a minor-but-apparently-good PS1 strategy game. If the reviews check out well, I might get it.

And on an Xenoblade note, this game has the character designer from XC1 and XCX coincidentally.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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I never cared for Undertale and never ever will. 

First the retro graphics daunt me and second I am not fond of this kind of humor. I can see people liking it, but it is just not my kind of. 


As for the DDR and fugitives thing: It just proves that Germans (and perhaps people in general) are easily distracted by being presented scapegoats to mask the utter failure that was Merkel's "We can do it!" 2015 fugitive politics, for example. Blaming the fugitives for the failings of an incompetent, complacent government that is only interested in getting fatter and fatter everyday is idiocy on a level that makes me embarrassed to say I'm from the same country as those morons (though the German soccer "fans" are reason enough to be embarrassed).
Just saying.

I am honest, I do not see Germany reunited, simply because of the financial gap between west and east.

*Soli* still exists because the people from the former DDR states get paid worse and get a lower pension.

It is a poverty certificate that this gap has not been closed yet.

So no one needs to wonder that the "worse" east is electing the AFD more because these people are frustrated with the current politics and have to "worry" more about foreigners than the more wealthy west.


That aside I do not find it quite fair to lump all AFD politicians together because the gap because right conserative and neo national socialism thoght within the party is way too huge (same with Tories and Republicans)  to make a simple judgement about that party. I can imagine that something like a split could happen in the near future.


Edited by Lysithea
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10 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

But enough doom and gloom. We're here to have fun and to distract us from all the shit that's going on IRL, aren't we?
Have a funny picture of Sophie trying to turn her friend Plachta (who is stuck in a book) human via haphazard alchemy:


The 3D stick figure limbs is the best part of this image. 

9 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

NepNep, hear my call, and clear this man's doom and Gloom away!


Hey, these are pretty nic-

*sees first image of the fourth row*


I'm not mad. I just want to know why.

9 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Heated Mind is too epic for a regular-ass battle theme.

This one's great but it's a shame it doesn't actually play that often. I think. I don't remember. 

But it's still not as good as Get over the Barrier from Trails to Zero. That one's the best normal battle theme in the series, none of the others come close. It's also just perfection. Get over the Barrier and Battle from Torna ~ The Golden Country are actually perfection, these are the two best regular battle of themes out of any game i've played.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

On the topic of XC1DE, will they be adding the Fashion Armor feature from XCX?

God, please. On one hand it's funny but on the other hand, i hated getting cool armor designs and then getting new gear that's much better but looks terrible.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But, maybe Rex wouldn't look that bad with greater realism

It depends on how they'd do it but i think he'd look fine. Though if Xenoblade DE is anything to by, it looks like the series will leaning more towards the "anime" side of things. The artstyle of DE does actually resemble the original more but the colors have been turned up and it's presumably running on the XB2/Torna engine, perhaps improved.

On the subject of Rex looking like a child


This will never not be hilarious to me. Shulk is 5'6. Rex is shorter than Shulk but they're only three years apart (Shulk being 18 and Rex being 15). Someone run the math, what height is Rex? 

I may be an expert in Xeno but i'm not an expert in math.

Also i hope we get something like this in DE. I think Xenoblade 1 could benefit from a Challenge Mode, as well as various difficulty options. Ideally i'd like to see Rex show up just like Shulk did in Xenoblade 2 but i don't know how that would work.


5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'd ask why would there be XC2 characters... but well, I won't say I'm that versed with the XCverse when it comes to pulling cameos between themselves.

It's just DLC shenanigans. Nothing canon.

Now KOS-MOS and T-elos on the other hand. I mean, they aren't the same characters as their Xenosaga counterparts also XB2 T-elos is much better than XS3 T-elos but they are actually canon within the context of Xenoblade 2.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's just DLC shenanigans. Nothing canon.

Now KOS-MOS and T-elos on the other hand. I mean, they aren't the same characters as their Xenosaga counterparts also XB2 T-elos is much better than XS3 T-elos but they are actually canon within the context of Xenoblade 2.

Oh yes, when it coms to people like KOS-MOS is like, totally canon!

Reminds me of Project x Zone, that treats Namco vs Capcom as canon so a good portion of the cast already knows each other, heh.

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Never tried 2. I have the first one... but I kinda stopped after like, Ch10 or so.

It started to feel like quite the slog... never thought I'd see the day a SRPG would make me feel the chapters were going slowly. Not even SRW did it, when in Alpha and Alpha Gaiden I was like, having stages in the late game take up to 3-4 hours each...

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4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh yes, when it coms to people like KOS-MOS is like, totally canon!

The funny part about KOS-MOS is that even to this day she shows up everywhere but Namco refuses to remake the Xenosaga trilogy.

Can we be in the timeline where Monolith Soft buys back the rights to Xenosaga and Xenogears? Especially Xenogears because i do not trust Square Enix with that IP. Not that they're doing anything with it anyways but if Square Enix ever gets the idea to remake it, i don't trust them. Especially with how long it took them to get their shit together with the remake of their most popular game.


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That reminds me...

Just imagine, in an alternate world, maybe we had those Episodes things the way they were suppose to happen. Since that's what the whole Xeno thing had going no? Some games are meant or were mant to be "episodes" or so.

Speaking of FFVII's remake... eh, depending how things go... might stick to the original, thanks. Then again, other than the change from ATB RPG to... more of an ARPG? Don't have much complains. Except accesability, heh. Nowadays gets harder for me to be up to date.

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Just imagine, in an alternate world, maybe we had those Episodes things the way they were suppose to happen. Since that's what the whole Xeno thing had going no? Some games are meant or were mant to be "episodes" or so.

Yeah, Xenogears was originally supposed to be a six part story, though told in a way that you could understand them independently. Xenogears was Episode 5 but there's no part of the game that suggests it was meant to be a multi-part series until the end credits. Tetsuya Takahashi wanted to work on a sequel but Square Enix (then Squaresoft) wanted to focus most of it's efforts to Final Fantasy 8, so Takahashi and most of the Xenogears dev team left the company and founded Monolith Soft. What would've been Xenogears Episodes 1 through 4 can be found in the Perfect Works books. There is nothing on what would've been Episode 6 though, other than it would've been the end. But given how natural Episode 5's ending was, i can't imagine another story after. No one knows how Episode 6 would've played out, except Takahashi probably and it's the most mysterious part of the series.

Xenosaga was also supposed to be six Episodes. Episode I didn't meet exceptions though so the project was shortened to 5 Episodes. Namco also removed Takahashi from Episode II's development and this was a bad idea. Episode II is considered to be the worst in the series because of how abysmal it's gameplay was (Takahashi had to come in and fix things with a combined Episode I and II remake for the DS, which never left Japan). After Episode II's failure, Episode III was marked as the final one. It was pretty good all things considered.

Takahashi has abandoned the whole Episodes thing (though he might be on to something with the X series of Xenoblade games) but a lot of his ideas from previous games have shown up in Xenoblade. Most notably, Torna ~ The Golden Country is a reimagining of what would've been Xenogears Episode 4. Though because Nintendo actually lets Monolith do their own thing instead of fucking them over like Square and Namco did, if Takahashi wants to have another go at this whole Episodes thing, he can. Especially since the series is now financially stable.

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12 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Speaking of FFVII's remake... eh, depending how things go... might stick to the original, thanks. Then again, other than the change from ATB RPG to... more of an ARPG? Don't have much complains.

Oh yeah, FF7R. I think it looks great in most aspects but with Nomura at the helm, i'm really concerned when it comes to the writing. Nomura just has this edgy emo version of Cloud that never was in the original game and i'm afraid he might go that route. Nomura in general isn't a good writer at all, as evidenced by the mess that is Kingdom Hearts.

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Oh, don't remind me of how KHIII went down.

Man, it's really going to be something seeing VII with everyone's more recent characterizations. Or most of everyone, at least.

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