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54 minutes ago, Armagon said:

i'm still waiting on a pirate-themed Fire Emblem game. We have boat maps in like almost every game but i want a full-fledged pirate-themed Fire Emblem. Who says pirates have to be the bad guys?

One Piece Emblem!

Anywaya, some Neps


source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/45119973

Edited by Shrimperor
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8 hours ago, Ingrid Brandl Galatea said:

Seems like SAO is similar to Fate series, a videogame (series) based on an anime series.  

Tbh I was only curious because it was published by Bamco, and I only can connect good game series to them. 

Actually, and I said this already, SAO is basically another take on the kind of story, IIRC, first seen in Japanese media in the .hack series. Incidentally, .hack was made by Bamco, too.

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5 hours ago, Armagon said:

This one kinda reminds me of the A.W.G.S (pronounced "eggs") from Xenosaga Episode I, specifcally the VX-10000 model


Interesting. Well, given XS referenced a heckuva lot of Gears, this could be XCX doing its own referencing.

The Skell in question is the level 60 Verus- the Verus Cain. Though in Japan, the Verus is called the Wels. Oddly, I think it is the only Skell type with a name change.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Like the Skells, A.G.W.S didn't really belong to anyone and they could be customized. They weren't signature mechs like the Gears in Xenogears. It wasn't until Episode II that signature mechs were introduced to the characters in the form of E.S mechs (Episode II let you swap around the pilots for unique Specials tho).

Episode III for signatures you mean?

I'd honestly like having some signatures, as is Skells are very customizable: 


You have:

  • 2 Sidearms for auto-attacks (and crashing the game b/c too much damage and too many hits if you use two weird glitches I'll never touch)
  • 2 Back weapons (or 1 extra large and powerful weapon equipped to the right backside slot)
  • 2 Shoulder weapons (with the option for 1 powerful weapon in the right shoulder slot)
  • 2 Arm weapons
  • 2 Spare (handheld) weapons
  • 5 Armor slots

The Back, Shoulder, Arm, and Spare weapons are your source of Skell Arts. So your Art selection is entirely dependent on weapon loadout, and there are no restrictions on what Skell can use what.

In addition, each weapon and piece of armor can have up to 3 inherent Battle Traits (same things as Augments, only fixed irremovably into a weapon/armor, found also in Ground Gear). Weapons can have up to 3 Augment slots, while armor gets 1 apiece. Enemy drops randomize the specific Traits, how many, making a grind for perfection something a few will seek to do. Starting Augment slot number is randomized, but you can spend Miranium to add them (but, weapons regardless max at three and armor at one).

Lastly, each Skell (the "Skell Frame") always has room for another 3 Augments- of a special kind equippable only by the Frame. Likewise, Weapon and Armor of both Skell and Mimeosomic kind have separate Augments- just as XC1's Gems were divided between Weapon and Armour.

So in total, you can equip up to 38 Augments on Skells, and hunt the RNG for up to 30 Battle Traits.* You can improve a Skell to the point it ends up being stronger than the legendary Xenogears itself.


But wait, there is more! Remember how there was Skell Wear in the images I showed you? To reflect in gameplay the concept of them as Skell pilot suits, in gameplay they usually have Traits that do nothing when on foot. Instead, Skell Wear has Traits that benefit your Skells, namely the Drives, which boost your Skell stats. So you'll want to equip a full set of good Skell Wear to improve your Skell performance even more, and fit more Drives via Augments in your Skell Wear.

And for Cross, Alexa, and Yelv, equip the Synchrony skill, it'll increase various Skell stats by up to 12% each.

If you like looks, you can customize your Skell's appearance. You change the colors of the armor and frame divided into four different sections, the visor, and the Skell's various lights. For each, you get the same three color gradients of hue, saturation, and brightness, with the choice of a matte or gloss finish for the entire Skell.

You can choose to rename your Skells too. But the game is mean here. It gives you space for only 10 characters. And yet, "Mastema White Reaper" is 18! How come the default names get to exceed that limit?🤨




*45 Battle Traits for non-Level 60 Skells. The Level 60 Skell Armor can only be found on the level 60 Skells by default, you'd otherwise have to give them level 50 stuff, but, the 60 Armor already has good Traits and 3 Augment slots. As a related aside, other than Superweapons (which have fixed Traits and would hence drop another 3-6 from the RNG hunt if you equipped two), level 60 Skell Weapons don't actually exist. But as 60 Skells have inherently better stats everywhere than their 30-50 counterparts, you still have reason to make them other than the armor they come with and the higher powered superweapons they can use.


-However, if all you're looking to do is clear the postgame as quickly as possible, then crafting a 60 Skell is less efficient than forging the Ares. I can feel that. By virtue of having only four fixed weapons with the inability to equip more, the Ares misses out on 12 Traits and 12 Augments, reducing its optimized damage output. But, the Aghasura Cannon and Agni Gatling provide enough punch to kill almost everything as is, and what they don't instantly vaporize, they can be brought up to the task of doing so in less time than it'd take to make a 60 and up its damage output to the same level or beyond.

But this is too much freedom, and it doesn't really matter to the average player. More direction and clarity would very helpful and for the majority make the experience better.

At the least, being given 2-5 Skells during the story would be much appreciated. Not necessarily the best, but workhorses and linchpins which the average player could wisely use with a few bought Skells to fill in the team to clear the story.

Also, more weapon options on the Melee side, the strong stuff is too slanted towards Ranged as is. Copy some of Weltall, Heimdall, and Stier's old moves if thou must into some new super-fists. A better super-sword and a super-javelin too, and why no giant offensive shield?


The only separators as is amongst Skells are their base stats and frame size (Light, Medium, Heavy- Heavy is outright best b/c it can wear any armor).

And, their Skell Overdrives is a difference, but of course, the game doesn't explain what they do. Nor is Skell Overdrive as developed as ordinary Overdrive, considering extending its duration is all luck. The Skell Overdrives are:


Light Armor Overdrives

  • OBORO (Urban Type) - Deal more damage (Melee and Ranged). Takes less Ranged damage. Heals and revives Skell appendages.
  • JINRAI (Formula Type) - Accuracy (Melee and Ranged), Evasion, and Critical chance increase. Lowers cooldowns.
  • HAGANE (Verus Type) - Increases Melee damage. Reflects Physical attacks. Heals and revives Skell appendages.

Medium Armor Overdrives

  • NAGI (Lailah Type) - Skell HP regeneration over time. Heals and revives Skell appendages. Takes less damage of all kinds. Immune to debuffs.
  • HIBANA (Inferno Type) - Heals and revives Skell appendages. Increased Ranged damage. Reflects Thermal damage.

Heavy Armor Overdrives

  • GEKITETU (Mastema Type) - Reduces damage taken. Increases Ranged attack. Reflect Beam damage.
  • KURENAI (Amdusias Type) - Absorbs fuel with Melee attacks. Increases damage to enemy appendages. Increases Melee attack.
  • KAMIKAZE (Used by the Police, Dozer, and Excavator Skells) - Increases Accuracy, Attack (both for Melee and Ranged in both cases), and Evasion. If Overdrive ends before the battle is won, Skell is damaged for half its current HP.

Special Overdrives

  • LEGION (Ares Type) - Increases accuracy, attack (both for Melee and Ranged in both cases), and evasion. Reduces cooldowns and regens appendages.


During all Skell Overdrives, no Arts cost fuel. Skells with Reflects embedded into their Overdrives can Reflect other Attributes with the proper Traits/Augments in their equipment.

Skell Overdrives require 3000 GP, which replaces TP, to activate. GP is earned primarily via Skell auto-attacks and Arts conditional bonuses. GP has no use other Overdrive, as there are no Tension Art equivalents. And Skells when they lose all HP are destroyed until you return to the Barracks terminal, with their occupant continuing the fight on foot, so there is no in-battle Skell revival.

No TP Arts equivalent means no Auras (but Buffs exists), thus Skell Overdrives as they are seem to be how Skells get the boosts Auras would otherwise offer.


I like having controllable mecha around, and Xeno always has to have at least one mech in the narrative. A bunch of the Skell weapons look cool, the Skell designs work for me, and the customization is nice in principle. But it could use work.

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2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Anywaya, some Neps


source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/45119973

A story where Conquest Nepgear finds herself in the main universe would be pretty interesting. Though idk if she'd be as evil as depicted here.


2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Episode III for signatures you mean?

No, Episode II. You couldn't swap pilots in Episode III but the E.S that did show up in Episode II were tied to specific characters. For example, the E.S Dinah is KOS-MOS and Shion's E.S (while an E.S can be piloted by one person, for full efficency, it needs two people. However, a pilot needs to be able to resonate with Anima to be able to even operate the thing in the first place) but in Episode II, you could change that if you wanted to. Another example is the E.S Asher. In Episode II, it's technically chaos and Cannan's E.S. And like before, you could change the pilots. In Episode III, Asher is chaos and Jr.'s E.S. 

Basically despite the pilot customization of Episode II, the E.S still count as signature skells in those games. It's kinda like the Relics in Three Houses. Amyr is Edelgard's Relic but you could give it to someone else if you wanted.

As a bit of trivia, "E.S" stands for "Ein Sof" and each E.S is named after a child of Jacob from the Book of Genesis:

  • Asher
  • Dan
  • Dinah
  • Gad
  • Issachar
  • Joseph
  • Judah
  • Levi
  • Naphtali
  • Reuben
  • Simeon
  • Zebulun
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I hit send too early

15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'd honestly like having some signatures, as is Skells are very customizable: 

Honestly same. I've heard complaints that despite the great customization, Skells end up feeling very samey to each other (appearently they don't have unique Arts) so i think having signature Skells could remedy that problem. Definitly something i'd like to see in Xenoblade X2.

On an unrelated note, when X2 does inevitably happen, I want the full title to be: Xenoblade Chronicles X: Episode II. Just keep that Episodes naming thing that Xenosaga and technically Xenogears had.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

No, Episode II. You couldn't swap pilots in Episode III but the E.S that did show up in Episode II were tied to specific characters. For example, the E.S Dinah is KOS-MOS and Shion's E.S (while an E.S can be piloted by one person, for full efficency, it needs two people. However, a pilot needs to be able to resonate with Anima to be able to even operate the thing in the first place) but in Episode II, you could change that if you wanted to. Another example is the E.S Asher. In Episode II, it's technically chaos and Cannan's E.S. And like before, you could change the pilots. In Episode III, Asher is chaos and Jr.'s E.S. 

Basically despite the pilot customization of Episode II, the E.S still count as signature skells in those games.

A good compromise it sounds like. And the tandem optional copiloting would be a good plot point for XCX2 to return to, you know what I mean.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

On an unrelated note, when X2 does inevitably happen, I want the full title to be: Xenoblade Chronicles X: Episode II. Just keep that Episodes naming thing that Xenosaga and technically Xenogears had.

X: Episode II works for me. Since the first game has so little plot you could consider it an "episode".

An alternative they could go with it XCXX- "Xenoblade Chronicles Double Cross". Just a common phrase they could play with.


1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ein Sof, huh.

So that's the Dis Astragant, I recall hearing about it. Piloted by Ingram's Alphaverse young man clone Cobray (who is clearly undergoing possession here), which doesn't seem like it'll ever get into the OGverse at the moment. Although the R-Gun Rivale I've heard referred to as a lousy pink knockoff Astragant, and it shoots from the groin instead of chest.

Ain Soph Aur doesn't look like one of SRW's best animations though. Too long, not enough flash, even if the idea of ripping apart one's very existence is cool. Gimme the Granzon and Worm Hole Attack/Black Hole Cluster instead.


And for another video game case of Ain Soph Aur:

Emile's Mystic Arte extension. Hold/press a button at the end of Devil's Hellfire to add it on. 

However, Ain Soph Aur is pretty bad. It costs 100 TP to use, double that of Devil's Hellfire by itself. Its damage is poor, it grows with the number of monsters you've tamed, but it even at its maximum it is very weak and not worth it unless you have TP to burn.

It's only available for part of the game, eventually Emile loses access to it, but Devil's Hellfire gets a raw power boost to replace it. And, there is a certain boss who you do NOT want to use Ain Soph Aur on. Said boss will counter it with Eternal Reoccurrence, smacking Emile down to 1 HP.

And if you didn't notice, the VA line and the Arte don't agree. "Darkness devours"? Ain Soph Aur is Light elemental. I think the phrase even means "something something light".



1 hour ago, Armagon said:

On an unrelated note, when X2 does inevitably happen,

Just as a question, but how is X2 going to work in certain ways? X has:

  • A true open world (or at least closer to one than XC1/2's open-ish-but-certainly-linear worlds).
  • A relaxed narrative with long periods in-between events.
  • Plentiful side quests and a world at relative peace.
  • Customizable player avatar with an optional online component.

Does X2 want to go massively dramatic narratively? If it does, it has to gut the peace, intensify the story pacing, curtail the openness, downplay Cross even further, and reroute the online to function in these more constrained circumstances.

I want a dramatic plot, and I'm inclined to think that once the Ghost show up again, they'll be utterly relentless and make everyone in NLA wish the Ganglion were still around instead. How are the Gnosis whom you've compared the Ghost to in terms of being felt as a threat in the Xenosaga story?

Because the Ganglion are down to stranglers after Luxaar's defeat, the Ghost or a proxy of theirs, or something totally new must step in fairly early in the plot. Elma needs to have somebody to shoot, to oppose, to struggle against. A story needs some form of villain, and X1 leaves with its focus villain crushed.

And how can I just roam Mira when the world is under so siege by the Ghost? Make the world apocalyptic and recolor Mira three shades of purple, black, and grey with a sky perpetually dark? There goes the beauty of Mira. And how does one make a world already 95% savage apocalyptic? An apocalyptic world tends to imply lots of ruin, but there is hardly anything to destroy on Mira.

Must X2 betray X1's spirit to complete the epic of the White Whale as it deserves to be?

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42 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

So that's the Dis Astragant, I recall hearing about it. Piloted by Ingram's Alphaverse young man clone Cobray (who is clearly undergoing possession here), which doesn't seem like it'll ever get into the OGverse at the moment. Although the R-Gun Rivale I've heard referred to as a lousy pink knockoff Astragant, and it shoots from the groin instead of chest.

Well, by the lore, it never will. Kinda. The curious thing about Dis Astranagant is that only one ever exists. Across the whole multiverse. That's why OG!Ingram only had the R-Gun Rivale; because another Astranagant/DisAstranagant is outright impossible, supposedly. Of course, that doesn't stop the one from world hopping from Alphaverse to OGverse; but I think something's already been resolve regarding that. Maybe. I think Cobrey cameos in the anime adaptation of OG2. Alpha!Cobrey, that is. Because he too is meant to be unique even across the multiverse, I think. Admitedly, I don't know all the details.

42 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Emile's Mystic Arte extension. Hold/press a button at the end of Devil's Hellfire to add it on. 

However, Ain Soph Aur is pretty bad. It costs 100 TP to use, double that of Devil's Hellfire by itself. Its damage is poor, it grows with the number of monsters you've tamed, but it even at its maximum it is very weak and not worth it unless you have TP to burn.

It's only available for part of the game, eventually Emile loses access to it, but Devil's Hellfire gets a raw power boost to replace it. And, there is a certain boss who you do NOT want to use Ain Soph Aur on. Said boss will counter it with Eternal Reoccurrence, smacking Emile down to 1 HP.

And if you didn't notice, the VA line and the Arte don't agree. "Darkness devours"? Ain Soph Aur is Light elemental. I think the phrase even means "something something light".

It's been a while since I played DotNW, so I can't really comment on their Ain Soph Aur gameplay wise.

Ain Soph Aur can mean "light without light". Could be darklight. Or maybe bieng Light elemental wasn't quite fully intended. The arte is Dark elemental in Tales of the Rays, so clearly someone rethought about it.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And the tandem optional copiloting would be a good plot point for XCX2 to return to, you know what I mean

Yeah, that would be pretty nice. It'd provide benefits and perhaps these benefits can even increase with higher Affinity.

One thing i forgot to mention about E.S though is that in Episode II, each one will always be piloted by two people. You can never have an E.S piloted by one person. In Episode III, the E.S Reuben is the sole exception (at least among the playable characters) as only Jin Uzuki pilots. Speaking of, Jin Uzuki is literally just Xenosaga Citan, right down to his appearance. And the Reuben resembles Citan's Fenrir, all of that was definitly intentional.

Other E.S have been shown to be piloted by one person so the rule of "there must be two" is more of a gameplay thing. Lore-wise two pilots=more efficency but skill is an important factor as well (that's why Jin is such a badass when piloting the Reuben).

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

How are the Gnosis whom you've compared the Ghost to in terms of being felt as a threat in the Xenosaga story?

The Gnosis are extremely deadly. In fact, i'd argue that they are the deadliest enemies in Xeno. The Gnosis are pretty mindless. They can be controlled but for the most part, they are mindless creatures. At the very least, the Ghosts beat them in this category, since they seem to originate from an actual civlization. What makes the Gnosis extremley deadly (even more deadly than the Telethia, which can literally read your mind) is the fact that they phase in and out of material space. Remember the Real and Imaginary Number Domains i've talked about when refering to Xenosaga terminolgy? The Gnosis phases in and out of the two Domains. When they are in the Imaginary Number Domain, they cannot be touched at all. But they can touch you. And if a Gnosis grabs hold of you, uh, goodbye. You either turn into salt or become a Gnosis yourself. When compared to other deadly species in Xeno, those at least are tangible and can be hit (effectiveness may vary). Not with the Gnosis. Another deadly aspect of Gnosis is that they can fuse with machinery and take control of it, effectively turning human weapons against them. It is common for entire fleets to be wiped out by large-scale Gnosis attacks and the largest of Gnosis invasions can wipe out an entire planet's worth of life. 

So how is a threat like this combated? The Hilbert Effect. The Hilbert Effect forcibly pulls Gnosis into the Real Number Domain. KOS-MOS and T-elos both have one built into them but there are other sources of the Hilbert Effect. With the Hilbert Effect, anyone can take down Gnosis. Of course, the bigger it is, the harder it is to combat. There is one recorded case of a Gnosis being the size of a planet but at that size, it can't really do anything to you (yeah, it's an area in Episode I). On a related note, the first time Gnosis show up in Episode I, it's basically a stealth mission until you get to KOS-MOS. Until then, Shion can't do anything against Gnosis if she gets into combat with one. In fact, you might as well just reload a save because Episode I is one of those games where you can't flee without an item.

All that said, despite how dangerous the Gnosis are, they aren't the villains. They are more of a force of nature.


2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Just as a question, but how is X2 going to work in certain ways?

So we know that Takahashi wants to keep the distinction between the numbered series and X. Numbered is for a more story-driven expierence while X puts the story in the back seat and focuses on basically everything else. Because of that, i'd imagine X2 will still fall in line with what made Xenoblade X what it is. Maybe it will have a stronger narritave (hopefully) but at the end of the day, i think the story will still take a back seat. Becuase if X2 is gonna make the story a much bigger focus, then at that point it's just Xenoblade 3.

Edited by Armagon
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16 hours ago, Armagon said:

Ok jokes aside, i'm still waiting on a pirate-themed Fire Emblem game. We have boat maps in like almost every game but i want a full-fledged pirate-themed Fire Emblem. Who says pirates have to be the bad guys?

I wouldn't mind seeing that, myself. I mean, there are already some notably noble pirates in the franchise (Fargus, Dart, Geese), so I don't see why this wouldn't work...
Wait. I DO see why this wouldn't go over well with a majority of the fandom.
Remember SoV's boat maps and people's reaction to those? Yeah...

15 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Anywaya, some Neps


source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/45119973

Nepgya went rogue, along with Nepgeardam.
I don't think there's anything that can save us now...

2 minutes ago, Ingrid Brandl Galatea said:

Someone closed the Lys-thread for unknown reason. I am really miffed about it right now. At least this thread also praises her, so I can post it:


Not going to lie, I can't bring myself to S-support anyone on the Golden Deer besides her.
Same with Annette on the Blue Lions route.

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In all honesty her best supports are Edelgard and Linhardt plot wise, regardless she is my favorite character personality and gameplay wise in the game. I know her ending with male Byleth, but I do not consider it as my personal favorite for her and myself. 

Edit: Hanneman support is good too from what I expect, but I have not used him yet, so I do not know their supports. 

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Being able to recruit the students from the other houses kinda defeats the purpose of picking a house in the first place to me. Which is precisely why I've never done it and thus never saw any of the cross-house supports, so I can't speak to their quality.

EDIT: Also, I know Linhardt is pretty well liked by the fandom at large, but I find him to be kind of... creepy. I dunno, there's something about him that makes me squeamish. 

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9 minutes ago, Ingrid Brandl Galatea said:

Linhardt became better the higher level the support rank was. My very first impression was not great either, especially when he trapped Lys. But his A support is really cute and shows his handsome side. 

I can't comment on this, because I haven't seen the support myself. But what I've seen of the guy in other supports was enough for me, honestly.
I certainly won't recruit him into the Golden Deer or Blue Lions just to see if he gets any better in supports with other people.

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Just now, Ingrid Brandl Galatea said:

I mean Lys can warp, but seriously someone needs to warp her to one shot bosses.

If rewarp just existed in this game, oh man, then...

Rewarp would be amazing in this game, I agree. Send your Wyverns up front, Rewarp and BOOM. Dead boss. Awesome.

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9 hours ago, Armagon said:

The Gnosis phases in and out of the two Domains. When they are in the Imaginary Number Domain, they cannot be touched at all. But they can touch you. And if a Gnosis grabs hold of you, uh, goodbye. You either turn into salt or become a Gnosis yourself.

I assume they can't remain in the Imaginary Number Domain all the time, dimensional instability? If they could, they could quietly kill everyone.

This Gnosis information is very interesting by the way, thank you for it!


9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Another deadly aspect of Gnosis is that they can fuse with machinery and take control of it, effectively turning human weapons against them.

It doesn't sound like this at all binds them to the Real Number Domain. Unlike a certain Rahu from the GameCube Custom Robo game- an immaterial being threatening humanity who only became material and thus beatable once it ended up trapped inside a child's toy robot.


9 hours ago, Armagon said:

There is one recorded case of a Gnosis being the size of a planet but at that size, it can't really do anything to you (yeah, it's an area in Episode I).

If Monolith had two separate development teams during its Namco-owned days, I can see there was a just little bit of talking between them. 


9 hours ago, Armagon said:

The Gnosis are pretty mindless. They can be controlled but for the most part, they are mindless creatures. At the very least, the Ghosts beat them in this category, since they seem to originate from an actual civlization.

The Ghost also seem more readily beatable, the Ganglion were crushing a slew of their units during the game's opening attack over Earth. I assume they weren't using anything special to achieve all the purple explosions. Although it's most definitely is the case that the Ghost were holding back, the Earth exodus had to be part of their plans.

Why did they come then? Maybe the Ganglion would have spared the Earth and just eradicated humanity if they hadn't? That could actually be the presumed opposite of what the Ghost want. Humanity must exist, but it must be brought into the right conditions on the right place for the ultimate goal, and that requires getting them off the Earth. This operates more in-line with the idea Mira serves as the laboratory of the Ghost, but it could still work if Mira was actually protecting humanity from the Ghost.


9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Because of that, i'd imagine X2 will still fall in line with what made Xenoblade X what it is. Maybe it will have a stronger narritave (hopefully) but at the end of the day, i think the story will still take a back seat. Becuase if X2 is gonna make the story a much bigger focus, then at that point it's just Xenoblade 3.

I'll be able to accept maintaining the difference. I just want justice done for X, how it is done, as long as it is done well, that is all I'll seek. Either way, it'll be a day-one buy all non-cosmetic/grind DLC included. I'll even spring for a short-term Nintendo Online subscription if I have to (perhaps we could fight together?).

Although I haven't played it myself, I think the great cacafuego of Final Fantasy XV is "road-trip open world" for the first part of the game. But then for the second part, the narrative intensifies and everything becomes one great linear rush. However, one can visit an inn in the linear portion to time travel/"live in flashback" to return to the openess of the first part. As questionable as FFXV is, maybe there is a fleck of gold here?





2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Wait. I DO see why this wouldn't go over well with a majority of the fandom.
Remember SoV's boat maps and people's reaction to those? Yeah...

We have had better boat fights though. FE7, FE8 (kinda), FE9, FE14.

And how about MAGIC boats? We're not fighting on planks of wood, magic turns Captain Ranforst's S.S. Amazonia into a full-blown jungle!

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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