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5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I find it hilarious how some characters in Pokémon Conquest look almost exactly like they did in Samurai Warriors 3.

That's promoted Hanbei if you don't recognize it, his unpromoted self is pretty much the exact same as SW3. I like the outfit, it doesn't mimic the Perfect Link Pokemon too much it also sets him up for getting Raikou. That, and Raichu's expressions pair so well with Hanbei's.


5 hours ago, Armagon said:

How is Pokemon Conquest anyway? I remember wanting to get it when i was younger but i never could.

My issue with it is that it's "Baby's First SRPG", only one Move per Pokemon was a terrible idea, even if you can bring six Warlords each with one Pokemon into every battle. The kingdom-building simulation aspect of it is too simple too, and slow. There is one only battlefield per kingdom (of 16, one per Poketype at the time), and the enemy AI is very basic, more blows to the SRPG gameplay. 

The many stories after beating the main one don't really do much for showcasing the personality any of the Samurai Warriors characters, since the stories have very little story to them. They de-aged five of them into kids as well b/c Pokemon, left out certain details- like Ginchiyo and Muneshige being married, and toned down certain characters, namely Kotaro and Nobunaga, to be less loving of chaos and war. Maybe the lack of character is because Pokemon has weak/simple characters, but thats no good excuse.

I like the idea of the game, but a Pokemon Conquest 2 would have to really step it up.



I toyed with the Ardun a few times and got to 83 Rare Cores and 25 Legendary, with two Lck accessories on Zeke. I started by Justice Boosting Zeke for T-elos, since she is supposed to have a very high rate, I got her in 4 Rares.😄

It took me down to 36 Rares to get Godfrey on, even though I was aiming for Newt, both of whom I got on Morag as intended. Newt was obtained at 16 Rares and 20 Legendaries.

Zenobiaaaaaaaaa! I ran out and had to go back and grind for more Cores, after another hour of Ardun, I had 99 Rares and 25 Legendaries again. And yet STILL NOTHING! Why?! Her acquisition rate is the same 0.25 that Vale, Newt, and Dahlia have, which is higher than KOS-MOS's, why does Zenobia still elude me?

I'm going to have get grinding again later, oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. I wish I could set an autobattle feature to "perform Driver Combos, get stuff".


Speaking of Newt, not what I was expecting for the Fire Katana. She looks like a twisted Dark Morag who lusts at the chance to destroy her other half. But I'll give her personality a chance once I'm able to be carefree with Zenobia obtained.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Just came out of my math final exam. Don't know the grade yet but i'm feeling much more optimisitc with this one as it was multiple choice. Not only that, but this grade counts as both my final exam grade and my worst test grade. 

In the end, i'm still braindead when it comes to math (and physics, since that's just math 2) and i might have to retake the class (if i do, it's on campus, never take math online) but i hope i at least did decent.

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Pokémon Conquest certainly looked like it was testing the waters. Too bad it doesn't look like it's getting a follow-up any time soon.

Dammit, I want my Romance of the Three Kingdoms adaption next.

Also, on the subject of the designs, that was deliberate. Truthfully, the crossover is with the Nobunaga's Ambition games; but they decide to use Samurai Warriors for the character designs, instead.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ah yes, The Witcher. My favorite mecha anime.

The game needs any good collab it can get after the lackluster 7/10 reviews, how I wish it had done better. Though perhaps Witcher just wants to spread itself everywhere and it has low standards for collaboration. DxM did get a Eureka Seven collab too, so the game got something anime mecha.




After doing a little searching I checked to see how Gold Chips functioned and went and got 9 of them from Vampire Bride Marion, plus making two Treasure Sensors Skill RAMs for Poppi (Alpha can't use it for some reason), and I gave Adenine to Rex for her drops-boosting passive, the only Rare Blade to get it.

Reading online, I wasn't sure if all this would stack, or if it'd even work on Smash drops. The clearest thing I read was that originally, all item-drop boosters stacked, but then they patched it so only the three Blades currently in active fighting gave boosts. Then they patched it back, so that all nine Blades in one's current party contributed to item drops. So, how did things work out for me?

This greatly increased the Legendary Core drop rate with every Driver Combo against the Ardun! I got a Legendary + Rare about 60% of the time, maybe even higher. Not 100% for sure, but still pretty incredible. And I had spare chips that were better to swap everyone back to when the Core farming was done, not that Nia's healers were all that bothered by the Gold Chips, they have a nice enough Block Rate that I can keep 'em on.


As belated as this is, I will say that I really like the Driver Combo system of XC2/Torna.

  • XC1's system of Break-Topple-Daze isn't as good, since Daze felt like an afterthought, with Shulk's Daze Art having a long windup that make it possible for the Topple to end before it landed the Daze.
  • XCX got rid of Daze, and made the Break replacement Stagger only helpful for inflicting Topple, it isn't actually mandatory. Unless you're using a Raygun or Assault Rifle, the Topple Arts are locked to costing TP too. That might have been done to counteract the Topple Lock strategy of XC1, which was fun but could be broken if you knew how to do it. Bind for Skells was a novel idea.

But, XC2 figured out a better way to mitigate Topple Lock, just don't let Topple stack with itself. Launch lets you get more time with the enemy helpless to compensate for the brevity of Topple. Smash deals some nice damage and gives money and a chance for Chip, Core, and Aux Core drops. The Driver Combos extend your Blade Combo durations too. All in all, it's great, and I hope X2 borrows from it.


So, after 70 minutes as I simultaneously watched the NYC Christmas Tree lighting and accompanying musical performances, I just chose to call it quits early on the Ardun. How did I compare for Core drops? Well, I had 99 Rares and 25 Legendaries when I spent an hour on the Ardun before, this time I had 99 Rares and 99 Legendaries. A massive improvement.

Then I spent these in the hunt for Zenobia. I devoured about 30 Rares and 8 Legendaries from getting Gold Chips from Marion. I had went through about 20 or so more Rares to replenish my Truth Booster supply to better my chances with the Legendaries. After 33 Legendaries, Zenobia at last came!



Now all the Rare Blades are mine! Barring the NG+ ones, but I don't feel like retreading all the steps of the story right now, so I don't intend to go for them. And because...(SPOILERS!)


I'm not exactly enthralled by the Tornans, or their personality-free Blades whose designs I can barely remember if at all. Not calling the Tornans bad, though I have to wonder where Mikhail got his present personality from. He didn't have it in Torna, and what in all of the events that unfolded since the Aegis War could have changed his manners so? Was it just growing up?

So, next up is freeing Shulkykins and Fifi, maybe on Easy if I have to. And then it's tackling all the remaining Blade Quests, Heart to Hearts, and maybe some of the superbosses and other Land of Challenge challenges too.

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34 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

XC1's system of Break-Topple-Daze isn't as good, since Daze felt like an afterthought, with Shulk's Daze Art having a long windup that make it possible for the Topple to end before it landed the Daze.

Adding to this, it was rather rare to get Daze since not everyone had access to a Daze Art. Meanwhile, full Driver Combos in Blade 2+Torna were relatively easier to get, especially since everything can get hit by it (except Ophion, you can't Break Ophion at all).

37 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Now all the Rare Blades are mine!

Damn, you got them all in a shorter amount of time than i did. Nice.

37 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And then it's tackling all the remaining Blade Quests, Heart to Hearts, and maybe some of the superbosses and other Land of Challenge challenges too.

FYI some Blade Quests are kinda dumb because you could start them but take a while to finish because of some Affinity Chart requirements. Newt's Blade Quest for example is unlocked pretty early (i think it's at Lv.2 Affinity) but you can't complete it until you max out her unique Field Skill, which requires Lv.5 Affinity.

As a tip though, since you have the DLC, you can make the Love Potion or something. I forget what it's called but it's from one of the DLC Quests and it basically has the highest Trust gain out of any Pouch Item. It can help unlock Affinity levels and reach Affinity Rank S+ really quickly.

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Oh hey, a FE5 banner in Heroes just a few hours after me starting FE5. What a coincidence!?

Anyways first two maps are done. Tanya level strength and speed twice in her first two, while Leif got a no statter already. Especially Leif needs the stats for chapter 4 and 4x. I already start to worry. 

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10 hours ago, Armagon said:

Adding to this, it was rather rare to get Daze since not everyone had access to a Daze Art. Meanwhile, full Driver Combos in Blade 2+Torna were relatively easier to get, especially since everything can get hit by it (except Ophion, you can't Break Ophion at all).

Doesn't really help that some enemies are immune to Break and Topple, which pretty much renders Daze pointless (only Dunban's Thunder can Daze such enemies, and it has an extremely awkward positioning requirement, because it only hits enemies behind him).

Edited by Shadow Mir
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2 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

Doesn't really help that some enemies are immune to Break and Topple, which pretty much renders Daze pointless (only Dunban's Thunder can Daze such enemies, and it has an extremely awkward positioning requirement, because it only hits enemies behind him).

And then you have to take into account that some enemies Spike effects activate upon Topple or Daze, effectively punishing you for getting an advantage. I even meme'd about it


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12 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Portcullis guy? I remember the liberty the old fan translation took with his dialogue...

Is that the "You fell into my trap! In America!" guy that became somewhat of a meme?
Methinks the person who wrote that line watched a bit too much Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged.


Currently on my third Blue Lions playthrough and Annette is ridiculously blessed. Again.DOI0u0m.jpg

Remember, THIS was Lysithea on the same level one (cancelled) playthrough before:

Holy crap.

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17 minutes ago, Zemuria said:

The quotes of these two cannot be more accurate. 

Anyways this Annette is busted. 

Mine was faster than Lys too in my BE run, but seeing more magic on her feels like against the laws. 

RNG is weird. Though I kind of doubt it's only that, because in all my playthroughs, Annette always had very good level ups.

Speaking of, the growths on my units this playthrough have been all kinds of weird:
My fastest unit by far is Ashe with 21 Speed as an Archer, Dedue has 10 Speed as an Armor Knight, on the other hand, Felix is Speed screwed to hell and back (14 at level 16, his class is Mercenary and he doesn't double stuff), Ingrid is as busted as Annette is (finally!), Sylvain has higher Magic than Strength as a Cavalier (Dark Knight Sylvain incoming), Mercedes is tanky as hell (12 Defense as a Priest. 12), while Dimitri is only one point of Defense above Annette, but he one-shots everything. Byleth is as you would expect, but this is probably the first time I've seen Byleth have every stat above 10 before reaching level 20.

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14 hours ago, Armagon said:

As a tip though, since you have the DLC, you can make the Love Potion or something. I forget what it's called but it's from one of the DLC Quests and it basically has the highest Trust gain out of any Pouch Item. It can help unlock Affinity levels and reach Affinity Rank S+ really quickly.

Thank you for reminding me of this. Just one Love Source is worth 3000 Trust, which if you have three Rare Blades to use it on, means 9000 Trust total. Insanely good, even with the foraging for ingredients. Not to mention I had ten of them on hand I hadn't used that was part of the DLC pack.

Thank goodness they invented these, because grind Trust would've otherwise been a total bother.

I also like a little minor carryover, since if you forget, Love Sources were in XC1 for Affinity building between characters. Albeit you had to trade an item that only superbosses gave.


Managed to beat Dino Drama on Normal first try, rather precarious at points because I was slow killing the reinforcements, and I had a time when Nia and Zeke fell in short order, but it's done and the XC1 duo is freed.


Looking at Zenobia's Affinity Chart, an Alrestian hit list, fun. Still better than music lessons, and maybe dumplings if one is using some outside assistance. I remember you said Zenobia was good against UMs, but I was not expecting this.

I took a look at Ophion because I was curious. I gotta say Ophion looks cool, but it is underutilized. X2 Skell-centric superboss please.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Is that the "You fell into my trap! In America!" guy that became somewhat of a meme?
Methinks the person who wrote that line watched a bit too much Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged.

Pretty much.

I think there was one or two more references; but can't remember if so.

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Is that the "You fell into my trap! In America!" guy that became somewhat of a meme?

Yes and he's also the guy behind this gem as well


53 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I also like a little minor carryover, since if you forget, Love Sources were in XC1 for Affinity building between characters. Albeit you had to trade an item that only superbosses gave.

I actually didn't know Love Sources were a thing in Xenoblade 1. Probably because i never did trading. I'd be ok with DE getting rid of trading and replacing it with something much better tbh.

55 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Looking at Zenobia's Affinity Chart, an Alrestian hit list, fun. Still better than music lessons, and maybe dumplings if one is using some outside assistance. I remember you said Zenobia was good against UMs, but I was not expecting this.

Yeah and without the tombstone markers on the map, finding the UMs you've already killed might take a bit. I do wish requirements like these were fulfilled in advance. But it's worth it in the end as one of Zenobia's passives does extra damage against UMs, so she's a good Superboss killer.

57 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I took a look at Ophion because I was curious. I gotta say Ophion looks cool, but it is underutilized. X2 Skell-centric superboss please.

A tip for Ophion if you decide to fight him, make sure to start the battle against one of the walls. Because the battle takes place right next to a cliff, it's easy for an animation to make you fall. So start the battle against one of the walls and then while the AI focuses there, you can move to a more open space to get a clearer view.

Unfortunately, Ophion takes like a minute to get in range so if you lose against it, you'd have to wait a minute before challenging it again unlike other UMs where you can just walk up and fight and die.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I actually didn't know Love Sources were a thing in Xenoblade 1. Probably because i never did trading. I'd be ok with DE getting rid of trading and replacing it with something much better tbh.

They're in Colony 6 to be precise, I think a lady researcher NPC there is making them, some other person comments on the smell. There is an "Other" page in the Collectipedia I think where the Love Source belongs. Trade the researcher lady of a Glyph to get it, but only the kind that Lvl 100+ UMs drop, so the Love Source is not very useful, even though it is on paper universally good for boosting Affinity via gifting.

And I'd be totally okay with shelving trading too, or just slashing the number of NPC traders to a select few. Not helping is the roaming nature of XC1 NPCs, as realistic as it was, which was a headache we can agree.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Unfortunately, Ophion takes like a minute to get in range so if you lose against it, you'd have to wait a minute before challenging it again unlike other UMs where you can just walk up and fight and die.

Shame we can't have something like this be possible:

I think thats as far away as Ophion is. I'm not talking about the ease of slaying here.

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6 hours ago, Armagon said:

And then you have to take into account that some enemies Spike effects activate upon Topple or Daze, effectively punishing you for getting an advantage. I even meme'd about it


That too. Doesn't help that a lot of topple spikes do heavy damage. Looking at this, it seems that a lot of enemies with topple spikes have them do somewhere near, if not over 1000 damage (some even do 2000+ damage!).

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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Trade the researcher lady of a Glyph to get it, but only the kind that Lvl 100+ UMs drop, so the Love Source is not very useful, even though it is on paper universally good for boosting Affinity via gifting.

And it really should be given how slow Affinity builds in Xenoblade 1. More often than not, i'd find Heart-to-Hearts only for the game to be like "nope, you need this level of Affinity". I'm so glad Xenoblade 2 got rid of Affinity requirements for Heart-to-Hearts. Hopefully XenoblaDE follows suit.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Shame we can't have something like this be possible:

Activating Overdrive in Xenoblade X be like


Jokes aside though, i think Ophion is a bit farther than Xern tho. Also taking into account that Xern is much, much bigger than Ophion and the Cross in the video was using long-range weapons.

1 hour ago, Shadow Mir said:

Looking at this, it seems that a lot of enemies with topple spikes have them do somewhere near, if not over 1000 damage (some even do 2000+ damage!).

And if they aren't doing damage, they are dealing negative status effects. Spike damage in Xenoblade 1 was pretty bad because you never knew which enemy had it and what kind it was. Elemental Awakening from Torna is probably the only other thing that comes as close to being as bad because of how random it was.

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