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31 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

On the other hand, I won't have the amusement of seeing the Yuke terrorists throw TV's, sofas, and even fried chicken (seriously) when on the run from the Osean cops. Or the latter's witty comments. Gotta love the cop that brings the anti-tank rifle to work.

That sounds hilarious to watch. Also, why would a cop need to bring an anti-tank rifle to work?

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15 minutes ago, Zemuria said:

Edelgard's auto promotion is the worst, so reclass her back at once.

Eh, it doesn't exactly make her unusable, honestly. I had no issues keeping her in that class.
Then again, I haven't played Maddening (and after hearing from you and others what it's like, I NEVER will), so... what do I know, really?

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In the endgame maps of my normal mode run Edelgard had like no combat as armor knight.

In the final map the only thing she did, was taking burn damage.


Sure, it is possible to beat the game to let her be in emperor class, but I would see it as a waste of potential and would things only make harder than it should.

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4 hours ago, Caster said:

And now I might be semi-stuck on chapter 37. Because I have no clue how to deal with these 3 rows of Dragons in the middle of the map.

If you have anyone who can reasonably dodgetank them, you can send them in and watch most of the dragons breathe each other dead as they try to hit you. They won't move unless you get into the range of anyone of them, but once you do, they'll all move. You'll just have to move around the dragons.

One of those dragons has a Dragon Scale for that +40 Def/Res you've seen on the guardian dragons. How to fight that? Simple, get Runan to the sword, that is the lone thing able to pierce a Dragon Scale. It also halves Breath damage. You'll need that sword in the final battle, as you will Holmes's, infinite uses means you can swing away though for what little game remains to use them. 


4 hours ago, Caster said:

I had a hell of a time with Chapter 35. I thought it was seize at first, then I realized it was rout. I was incredibly frustrated with this chapter, as I had summoned Golems to distract him, but with them and the Gladiators he wouldn't stand still, and when I could attack him, my hit fluctuated madly on him for reasons I don't know. I did not have fun with this chapter at all, i had no idea why some turns I could hit him fine, and others I had 0 hit on him.

Chapter 35 is really weird by FE standards, it's a battle that never should have happened, and the villagers hate you despite being their native liberators. You didn't have to go for the awesome Canaan Lance, thats more a bonus, the Gladiators were there to erode it away if Julius was too strong with it.

As for the accuracy problem, it's because those Gladiators have the Mug skill- which causes all allies with 3 spaces to lose a lot of Hit and Evade. The Gladiators are technically NPC allies, so that hurts you just as it does them if you get too close.




3 hours ago, Armagon said:

And Xenoblade 1's Heart-to-Hearts are much the same way, so it's kinda gonna feel a bit of a downgrade coming from Xenoblade 2. Unless the Bionis Shoulder has party-wide Heart-to-Hearts.

True, here is hoping to X2 making things better. 

X did dabble with into party-wide Affinity Missions, since while Phog and Frye start with separate Affinity Missions for their recruitment, they both feature together in "A Great Divide" (though you can only pick one to come with your team), and "Brotherly Love" does have you bringing both with you on a mission. But this was the only case of two-character Affinity Missions not Lin & Elma (though Irina does play an unplayable role in Murderess's third).


And, an animal guide from the Heart-to-Hearts, since everybody but Nagi and Yelv require you put a dog or cat in your barracks for one HtH of their's. Just a guide as to what we know of everyone.:

Dogs 🐶:

  • Alexa- Proposes using the robot dog A.I. (since none of the dogs and cats in NLA are real) in Skells. She says she studied behavioral sciences before she got on the White Whale too and became a Skell fanatic, she doesn't say it, but it's possible that behavioral science involved some dog studying.
  • Boze- Proposes NLA build East Asian dog statues to defend NLA from evil, doesn't understand the statues were of lions. Or that the statues don't shoot laser from their mouths.
  • Doug- Likes dogs and pets in general b/c they remind him of the old life on Earth, doesn't have the time, money, or patience for one.
  • Frye- Had a foxhound until it died when he was 10. Loved the dog and going hunting with it. Proposes that robot military dogs be made by NLA, but then regrets the idea because he'd hate to see the dogs get destroyed by indigens, even if they aren't real. Phog was too afraid to go near the dog.
  • Gwin- Was envious of a pampered Yorkshire Terrier that lived in his neighborhood because its family was always there for it, while his parents were usually gone. Later got a dog to be less lonely himself.
  • H.B- Dogs remind him that of the peaceful and relaxing future he dutifully wishes to bring to NLA. And he's more grateful for meeting your dog than you.
  • Hope- Dogs like her, thinks they're a step towards recreating life as it was on Earth. Would love to see the return of all animals from Earth.
  • Irina- Wants dogs and pets in general to like her, but none ever have liked her, choose the right answer and she can finally get a chance to pet one.
  • Lao- Had a dog that died when he was young, loved it, but taught him of the inevitability of death and powerlessness, which seeing dogs continues to evoke in him.
  • Lin- Loves dogs, dogs love her. Unsure if she loves other animals too.
  • Mia- Seems to prefer to getting a dog if she could get a robo pet. However, that is highly unlikely, due to the requirements being 1000 missions completed and owing a house just get an interview for the possibility of a pet, plus a price-tag higher than a car. Thats the latest technology for you. Cross is a special case pet owner.
  • Murderess- Wants a pet that matches her personality and can keep up with her, thus she thinks she is more of a dog person, doesn't care about pedigree or breeding.


Cats 😺:

  • Celica- Likes cats. Had cats that were only slightly different from Earth ones on her home planet (Qlu). Very bizarre given the sheer intergalactic distance between her planet and Earth, an oddity like that of her and humans being not too different despite the distances.
  • Elma- Had a Siamese on Earth. Would stroke its chin on her days off as it sat on her lap while she was reading. Cats have a capricious nature, like humanity, her own cat included who scratch everything up, and Elma loved it for that nature.
  • L- Wants to eat a cat. But upon explanation by Cross wants one as a pet to explore the diversity of humanity thats its strength.
  • Mia- Likes playing with yarn like a cat, so they have stuff in common, but she doesn't want one, too predictable. Used to be called "Mia-yoooow!" by some mechanics, annoying her.
  • Murderess- Likes animals in general, but not a cat person.
  • Phog- Despises cats, they always want to claw at his face. Tries to start anew with the robo cats on Mira, but is unsure if they'll ever get along. Frye hates cats too.


So there are only two sincere cat lovers, Elma and Celica, compared to five with dog preferences: Frye, Gwin, Lao, Mia, and Murderess.


3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Nice! Gotta say, i find it very wholesome when we get group shots of a game's cast like this.

True! Even if it's all the official art just juxtaposed together, I appreciate it. Celica and Rock are unexpected, but it's a lovely holdover from the time when they were going to be more important.

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2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Maybe because i only do Story/Paralogue battles i don't see it (And maybe that is also the reason i am finding the game quite challenging compared to others? I don't do any auxillary/quest battles or whatever they are called)

Auxiliary battles draw from a limited pool of maps, some but not all appearing the main story, though most of the paralogues tend to be set on those handfuls of maps auxiliaries can use. There is also the problem all paths sharing the exact same maps until Chapter 11 at least, and Black Eagles the side you didn't pick is nearly identical in maps to Golden Deer from what I've read.

Also, auxiliary battles do level you a lot. Going into Chapter 14 Blue Lions, most of my units are about level 30 and things are a breeze. The only reason I had to reset this fight is because I got too carelessly aggressive and it Ashe got killed, which I could Pulse to undo, were it not for the boss suddenly moving and suiciding into Seteth, thereby winning the fight and preventing me from rewinding to bring Ashe back.

I ain't letting my hubby stay dead, I'm replaying this map.😡

But, the only reason I do an aux battle every weekend, is because I don't want to touch monastery exploration and activities, so I compensate for any loss of benefits from that with EXP.

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13 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Fend off the first wave, and usually thats it, the rest is yours to pick apart as you want to, they won't budge an inch barring reinforcements if you don't move into their range. 

Alot of Maps have side objectives that are usually turn limited though. Some will even fail you the Map if you aren't fast enough.

Also, 'non-aggression' is a problem with pretty much every FE like you said. And i feel like in FE16 i am getting zerg rushed quite some times xD

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But, the only reason I do an aux battle every weekend, is because I don't want to touch monastery exploration and activities, so I compensate for any loss of benefits from that with EXP.

Monastery doesn't give as much benefits as stat level ups and being 5-10 lvl higher than you should. Like at time Skip i am lvl20-25 (mostly lower 20s) while in youtube videos and people i talk with i see they are 25-30. I do think that people who complain about the game being too easy should try to play without aux battles, because that's how i feel the game is balanced around. You only get Professor Exp & Support in the monastery really. And if you want, you can get it done in 10 Minutes by doing the quests (they get done really fast) and eating with Students to increase motivation. The benefits can't be compared really.


8 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I haven't played Maddening (and after hearing from you and others what it's like, I NEVER will)

Same here. Ambush reinforcements are just a BIG NO NO. Maybe without Ambush reinforcements i would've tried it, but i don't want to deal with this bullshit mechanic.

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15 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

My major problem with 3H map design, besides 1-11 being the same regardless of route, is the nonaggression of the enemies. Fend off the first wave, and usually thats it, the rest is yours to pick apart as you want to, they won't budge an inch barring reinforcements if you don't move into their range. 

To be fair, I consider that more of a series-wide issue. And I honestly consider what happens in Awakening Paralogue 23, where this doesn't apply and instead everything rushes you, to be no better. Which is why I consider chapter 5 to be a huge pain in the ass - one false move, and pretty much everything rushes you down due to cascading aggro. Possibly including the boss.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But, the only reason I do an aux battle every weekend, is because I don't want to touch monastery exploration and activities, so I compensate for any loss of benefits from that with EXP.

The main reason I mostly explore is to keep my students motivated. And in chapter 9's case, to pick someone to be a dancer.

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I finished Crimson Flower two days ago, after my last college final. It was fun and I appreciated the different perspective from the other routes.


I've been looking forward to siding with Edelgard since she turned out to be the Flame Emperor, and I was satisfied with it because fighting against every other faction made it feel like a real war. Ignatz, Annette, and Cyril were the characters spared, as were Claude, Flayn, and Seteth (Mercedes, Shamir, and Alois were spared by virtue of being recruited, and Raphael didn't show up at all).

Maybe this is because I played Verdant Wind and Azure Moon first, but I didn't mind it being shorter than the other routes. I prefer it being short to the developers adding filler chapters, at least.

Also here are the endings I got for the three routes:

Verdant Wind: Byleth/Marianne, Claude/Leonie, Lorenz/Lysithea, Ignatz/Raphael (Hilda stayed single)

Azure Moon: Byleth/Dimitri, Ashe/Ingrid, Annette/Mercedes (Dedue, Felix, and Sylvain stayed single)

Crimson Flower: Byleth/Edelgard, Hubert/Bernadetta, Ferdinand/Dorothea, Caspar/Linhardt, Mercedes/Jeritza (Petra stayed single)

Overall I'm glad I played the routes in the order I did (Verdant Wind, Azure Moon, Crimson Flower), because I got the big lore out of the way first and playing Crimson Flower last gave me access to Jeritza. I'll get to Silver Snow eventually but I'm taking a break for now.

Also, I want to say that enemy Pegasus Knights are terrible and I hope I never have to see one again (though I probably will). Really, who thought it would be a good idea to give them enough strength to one round most of my units and give them enough defense to not be one shot in return?

But while I'm waiting for Christmas, I got Doom 2016 because it was half off on the eShop. It's quite fun, and I wonder if Dimitri would like killing every last one of the demons...

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3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Same here. Ambush reinforcements are just a BIG NO NO. Maybe without Ambush reinforcements i would've tried it, but i don't want to deal with this bullshit mechanic.

That and the usual insane stat inflation that plagues higher Fire Emblem difficulties makes me not want to touch it.


On the exploration thing: I still love to explore the monastery, even five full playthroughs in. It's just fun and relaxing walking around there.

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18 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Also, I want to say that enemy Pegasus Knights are terrible and I hope I never have to see one again (though I probably will). Really, who thought it would be a good idea to give them enough strength to one round most of my units and give them enough defense to not be one shot in return?


Anyway, it makes me think that Pegasus Knights may have been intended to be an advanced class at one point, considering they have Lancefaire, and -faire abilities are on most every advanced class.

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13 minutes ago, Zemuria said:

Ambush spawn is the worst thing in Fire Emblem. It is OK, if it has a plot reason like chapter 9 in FE9.


Also work for this year is over, finally!

I raise you being forced to field a blatantly underleveled unit. Like in 4-4 in Radiant Dawn, for example. That said, I think that ambush reinforcements are also bad. Though Three Houses at least makes them easier to stomach because you can go back a few turns.

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5 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Monastery doesn't give as much benefits as stat level ups and being 5-10 lvl higher than you should. Like at time Skip i am lvl20-25 (mostly lower 20s) while in youtube videos and people i talk with i see they are 25-30. I do think that people who complain about the game being too easy should try to play without aux battles, because that's how i feel the game is balanced around. You only get Professor Exp & Support in the monastery really. And if you want, you can get it done in 10 Minutes by doing the quests (they get done really fast) and eating with Students to increase motivation. The benefits can't be compared really.

And admittedly, there was a lot of class EXP gained as a result, allowing three of my units to get Death Blow, one on a gauntlet user, and two Wyvern Riders. The player phase damage increase from that + WR Str minimum + Axefaire turned Ashe from a party balloon into a ORKOing machine.


Although me ignoring the monastery and seminars I'm getting the impression is why by Byleth has nonexistent weapon ranks outside of Sword, Gauntlets, and Authority. I only pass it by because I'm not into life sim stuff like Persona.



Decided to try out a very different SRPG of old that I've been wanting to experience over the years.:


The game is giving good tutorials three-five fights in, but it's also challenging. I came a just hair short of losing the second part of the third battle, I was on my last card. Though the third phase was cake. Nice artstyle and decent VA work is pleasant too.

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12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

(since none of the dogs and cats in NLA are real)

Truly a tragedy

12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Celica- Likes cats. Had cats that were only slightly different from Earth ones on her home planet (Qlu). Very bizarre given the sheer intergalactic distance between her planet and Earth, an oddity like that of her and humans being not too different despite the distances.

So i actually have a theory about that. I believe that there's only so many ways an organism can evolve, regardless of the planet. If we were to encounter life on another planet, i feel that it'd be very similar to the stuff we can find here on Earth.



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Oh, Yggdra Union. I remember that game.


Pft, man, I had among the most crazy dream segments last night. All that Ace Combat playing gave me a related one... and I was fighting was I could best describe as "Manta Ray Bombers". They were named CAB, no idea what it stood for; and not only they could move like a manta ray, though in the air of course, they pretty much were immune to missiles and machine gun fire from below. Then, they had fold-able wings, like some aircraft models do; and they could do that to shield themselves from above. Trying to attack them from the same Z-plane... well, they loved to tilt themselves so either the underside or the folded-wings upper side were the ones being hit. They were big and slow enough to pull that off without stalling the engines.

Crazy dream... but it was still something fun, I'd reckon. They were the targets of said dream mission. Dream ended when I was gunning down the last one.

Honestly, they wouldn't really look out of place in a real Ace Combat game... series has pulled crazier stuff... I'm looking at you knight-jousting Morgan.

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47 minutes ago, Zemuria said:

Honestly I do not mind the reinforcements in 4-4. 

You technically just need three units to block them all. 

The meteor sage is the only issue, but Soren (+ adept or dancer) can take it out with siege tomes too. 

It's still stupid as fuck, considering the units in question have been MIA for, you know, THE WHOLE GODDAMN GAME...

50 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Decided to try out a very different SRPG of old that I've been wanting to experience over the years.:


The game is giving good tutorials three-five fights in, but it's also challenging. I came a just hair short of losing the second part of the third battle, I was on my last card. Though the third phase was cake. Nice artstyle and decent VA work is pleasant too.

Don't forget to train the main character, no matter how hard the game might make it (and it does try to make it hard to train her, considering the second chapter primarily has lance enemies, at least for the first part of it). And beware him... all I'll tell you about him for the moment is that he's totes broken and uses a weapon that has no weaknesses and is effective against swords, lances and axes. By the way, you know that getting drops from enemies (at least non-Medallion drops) requires you to defeat an enemy (by which I specifically mean drop their Morale to 0) with a character whose LUK is equal to or greater than theirs, do you not? Because I don't think the game tells you this. Nor do I think it tells you that items can be found on the maps themselves.

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2 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Don't forget to train the main character, no matter how hard the game might make it (and it does try to make it hard to train her, considering the second chapter primarily has lance enemies, at least for the first part of it). And beware him... all I'll tell you about him for the moment is that he's totes broken and uses a weapon that has no weaknesses and is effective against swords, lances and axes. By the way, you know that getting drops from enemies (at least non-Medallion drops) requires you to defeat an enemy (by which I specifically mean drop their Morale to 0) with a character whose LUK is equal to or greater than theirs, do you not?

Thank you for the advice! I know nothing of stats so I'll keep the Luck thing in mind. As I will training Yggdra, who is definitely the weakest of the three characters I have so far.



47 minutes ago, Armagon said:

So i actually have a theory about that. I believe that there's only so many ways an organism can evolve, regardless of the planet. If we were to encounter life on another planet, i feel that it'd be very similar to the stuff we can find here on Earth.

Thats possible, I was only citing what Celica said on the matter. Maybe it's irrelevant for the XCXverse, maybe Celica is foreshadowing some great alien race thats responsible for this "coincidence" (Samaarians?).


47 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Truly a tragedy

Well there are plans to SPOILERS...


use the protoplasmic fluid from the Lifehold Core to recreate all species from Earth using their stored genomic information.

IRL, thats playing God some would say and ethically questionable. But when Earth has gone kaboom and everything with it, bringing stuff back doesn't sound so wrong I guess. 

And, the pets look pretty realistic:


That is the table in the barracks where everyone gathers during story chapters to discuss the mission at hand. And unless Elma is at an HtH location, her usual place is here leaning forward over the table. But the cat doesn't care, and maybe Elma allows it.


You do have three picks each for your one dog or cat in the barracks. Labrador, Dalmatian, Beagle for the dog; Silver Tabby, Abyssinian, Calico for the cat. You can swap between any of them as you want. You have to unlock them all, one notable normal mission for the first ones to explain and introduce the pets, and then some minor ones for the rest, like this one.:


A dog, in northeast Cauldros, as far as practically possible from NLA, atop a floating mining frigate, even in Brimstone Rain weather. How?

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

A dog, in northeast Cauldros, as far as practically possible from NLA, atop a floating mining frigate, even in Brimstone Rain weather. How?

Mimeosome dogs and cats? Then the dog just... found a way.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Thank you for the advice! I know nothing of stats so I'll keep the Luck thing in mind. As I will training Yggdra, who is definitely the weakest of the three characters I have so far.

Are you using a guide? Because there is a lot of stuff you'll miss without one.

EDIT: You can also steal enemies' items from them with Steal once card skills become usable. However, only Milanor can use Steal, and his TEC must be greater than or equal to the opponent's GEN for it to work.

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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Although me ignoring the monastery and seminars I'm getting the impression is why by Byleth has nonexistent weapon ranks outside of Sword, Gauntlets, and Authority. I only pass it by because I'm not into life sim stuff like Persona.

I suppose that's fine. Anyway, I left out my other reason for exploring - that being to recruit units from the other houses (and even the faculty and knights), considering that like I said earlier, some of the students in each house... aren't exactly good. The Golden Deer house has it especially bad in that regard.

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