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2 minutes ago, WeAreNewcastle1053 said:

I'm spending waaaaay too much time on Breath of the Wild...

At least I'm still looking after my Nintendoges.

Is it a Toy Poodle, like the one that appears in Ultimate? Or a Labrador retriever, which appears in Brawl? Or the Frenchie, which appears in Smash 4?

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I'm really getting stat-checked by a mandatory boss in Atelier Ayesha


Everyone who said Atelier Ayesha is the best Atelier starting point was on some weed lmao.

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I used King Crimson and skipped ahead to the final day in Atelier Ayesha (this game let's you put Ayesha in a fucking coma, you can literally rest for an entire year) and saw the bad ending.

This was not a bad ending. Bruh. You win regardless of what you do.


The only bad thing to come out of this ending is that you don't get to keep playing for the remainder of the time after you find Ayesha's sister. Which honestly isn't that big a deal.

Am I done with the game? Nah, not yet. I'm still gonna try to beat that boss. I want the normal ending at least (I saved before skipping ahead so I could come back to fighting the boss right after). But the entire plot now honestly feels like one big waste of time. Which is a shame since I like the cast here quite a bit.

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Actually nah, i think i'm just gonna say fuck it and move onto Escha & Logy. For all intents and purposes, Atelier Ayesha isn't a bad game (i still actually enjoyed it, something i can't say about Atelier Totori) but i don't feel like grinding to beat a boss in a game where grinding is objectively bad. I'll write a more detailed review later. Gonna look up the endings in the meantime.

Game rankings: Lulua > Ryza > Rorona > Meruru > Ayesha >>>>>>> Totori

Anyone who says this game is the Atelier starting point is smoking the strongest of weed.

@DragonFlames knowing you, i'd probably recommend just starting with Escha & Logy whenever you decide to jump into Dusk (maybe watch a playthrough of Ayesha beforehand). I said before that Ayesha's structure was more of it's own thing but as i played more, i realized that it's structure is similar to that of Totori and Meruru, just way more vauge. And knowing how those games stressed you out, i get the feeling you'll end up feeling the same about Ayesha. With Escha & Logy essentially being Rorona 2, you'll probably enjoy that one a lot more.

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"Train me!"
"Train me!"
"Fine. But I'm not doing this for you. And I am NOT concerned about your safety, b-baka..."
- a certain conversation between two characters in Dragon Star Varnir in a nutshell

48 minutes ago, Armagon said:

@DragonFlames knowing you, i'd probably recommend just starting with Escha & Logy whenever you decide to jump into Dusk (maybe watch a playthrough of Ayesha beforehand). I said before that Ayesha's structure was more of it's own thing but as i played more, i realized that it's structure is similar to that of Totori and Meruru, just way more vauge. And knowing how those games stressed you out, i get the feeling you'll end up feeling the same about Ayesha. With Escha & Logy essentially being Rorona 2, you'll probably enjoy that one a lot more.

I stopped stressing out over Meruru the moment I remembered the 100,000 peeps thing wasn't mandatory and I could just aim for one of the other endings, actually. Totori, however...
Still, reading what you said about Ayesha makes me have second thoughts about playing it.

Speaking of Escha & Logy, guess who makes an appearance in Atelier Sophie:

Whether or not this is the same character or just someone with the same name is something I am not aware of, however. This Logy is a blacksmith, so I doubt it's the same guy, but it would be interesting if it was, don't you think?

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A franchise with yearly releases from a small company sounds like it's bound to run into bumps in quality. Of course, skimming an LP of the very first game in a long franchise could always make you more appreciative of the later titles. For something like this franchise, which sounds very menu-heavy and wanting of good QoL, I can envision the origin of it all as being sheer clunk.



With Bloodstained done, I'm back to Luigi's Mansion, floor 8 was less fun than I was wanting. I usually think I'm good at LoZ-tier puzzle solving, but once in a while I hit a small roadblock I can't figure out on my own and it really annoys me. I didn't realize you could vacuum items with you through the TVs, and no hints you could do that made me quit the game in frustration to look up what I was supposed to do. The Polterkitty hunt too was annoying with the timing to flash it before it could hurt me. And the earlier royal ghost battle took me quite some time to figure out what to do as the boss kept attacking me. Still enjoying the game though.


A Religious Victory in Civ 6 with Harald Hardrada is done, fun. And now I'm hankering for a second Culture win, I was debating either France or Brazil for the win, but I'm leaning France now, even if Pedro II's biography made him seem like a real nice guy.

I keep window-shopping the DLC for Civ 6 in the eShop, it sounds great. Nubia, Khmer (Thailand) & Indonesia, and another 16 playable empires (+Eleanor of Aquitaine for France or England, and Chandragupta for India) from Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm. In addition, plenty of new mechanics get added to the game, including natural disasters and Diplomatic Victories, some base game leaders got buffed too- Qin Shi Huang seems soooooo weak in the base game and Gathering Storm fixes him by buffing the Great Wall improvement.

BUT, there is one little problem, the DLC is $49.99 USD. And that doesn't get me Nubia, Khmer, or Indonesia. They're another $14.00. $63.00 sans tax is an entire new game! I bought the base game on sale for half of that. Still, the premise of having 41 different civilizations to play as sounds awesome, and I can't bat the allure of that out of my head.

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14 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Speaking of Escha & Logy, guess who makes an appearance in Atelier Sophie:

Whether or not this is the same character or just someone with the same name is something I am not aware of, however. This Logy is a blacksmith, so I doubt it's the same guy, but it would be interesting if it was, don't you think?

I checked the Wiki and.....no, that's acutally him. He shows up in Atelier Firis too. What the fuuuuuuuuck? I thought each Atelier subseries was it's own self-contained universe. 

I mean, the Atelier Wiki is kinda ass at times but it does not make a distinction between Dusk Logy and Mysterious Logy.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I checked the Wiki and.....no, that's acutally him. He shows up in Atelier Firis too. What the fuuuuuuuuck? I thought each Atelier subseries was it's own self-contained universe. 

I mean, the Atelier Wiki is kinda ass at times but it does not make a distinction between Dusk Logy and Mysterious Logy.

I read up a bit on Dusk's Logy and apparently he's more of a blacksmith there, too. One character in Sophie even remarks how Logy has to have some skill with alchemy in order to produce weapons of a certain type. I guess this means they really are the same character.

Funny thing is, he's not the only one that defies this:

That's actually her, ghost and everything. Though Sophie keeps the part about her actually being a ghost secret for a long time, whereas in the Arland games, it's just straight up revealed to you.

There is also a Cory in Atelier Sophie (whom I thought was the same as Arland's Cory, mentioned in Lulua, until I played Rorona), but her actual name is Corneria and she looks nothing like Arland's Cory, either.

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4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Funny thing is, he's not the only one that defies this:

That's actually her, ghost and everything. Though Sophie keeps the part about her actually being a ghost secret for a long time, whereas in the Arland games, it's just straight up revealed to you.

Well see, Pamela is kinda the Anna of the Atelier series. Looking at the Wiki, her first appearance was in Atelier Judie, the fourth game in the series. She shows up for the next two games, skips the seventh Atelier game, then shows up in every game again. And then she just takes a break as she doesn't show up in Dusk at all. She shows up again for the Mysterious era and Lulua. 

And then the Wiki was out of date but turns out Pamela also shows up in a sidequest in Ryza. Well, her name is spelled "Pamila" but she introduces herself as Pamela and while it's never stated she's a ghost, it's implied since she says that she "floats from place to place" and even Ryza makes note how it's kinda odd she said that.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Well see, Pamela is kinda the Anna of the Atelier series. Looking at the Wiki, her first appearance was in Atelier Judie, the fourth game in the series. She shows up for the next two games, skips the seventh Atelier game, then shows up in every game again. And then she just takes a break as she doesn't show up in Dusk at all. She shows up again for the Mysterious era and Lulua.

I thought as much. She makes for a good "mascot" in a series like this, honestly. That she's a genuinely funny and cool character helps a lot, of course.
Ghost girl >>>>> Money fetish

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

And then the Wiki was out of date but turns out Pamela also shows up in a sidequest in Ryza. Well, her name is spelled "Pamila" but she introduces herself as Pamela and while it's never stated she's a ghost, it's implied since she says that she "floats from place to place" and even Ryza makes note how it's kinda odd she said that.

I must have missed that quest, because I don't remember seeing a Pamila show up anywhere. Interesting.

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RIP Kobe Bryant... the world lost one of the greatest sportsmen in the passed 20 years.

(and this comes by someone who hardly is interested in sports)

10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The combo attacks are called Sessions.

Special Performances are the command skills that consume SP. For instance, Itsuki and Chrom have Empty Wave, obtained simply by making one new Carnage for him. They're usually quite good, hence their limited usability.

All Special Performances cost 1 or 2 SP, and the max you can possess at any time is 3. Your current SP is shown in the upper right corner in blue, with a bar beneath it that fill as you use more skills and for each hit of a Session. Unbuyable items called Claptracks can be used to replenish 1 SP, if you need it for a boss or something.


I did take down a group of Savages on my current Lunatic run in Chapter 1, but for the first two chapters, I wouldn't advise it unless you quickly save beforehand. Savages scale with your current level, and I think they get replaced for stronger ones every 10 levels at either '0 or '9, so to make things slightly more manageable, wait until ~'8 before fighting them if you want.

Savages become much easier with certain Special Performances later. Kiria's Pastel Power and Eleonora's Mass Destruction (with a Skl-boosting accessory to up her chances of fatal damage) are the best ones for Savages.

If you don't want to fight a Savage, the game will always let one of your characters act before any of the Savages do. Enemies once in while drop Smoke Machines, which are later buyable, these are 100% certain to escape consumables, carry some in case you bump into a Savage and use one on your mercy turn.

The mercy turn can randomly go to anyone, but if you want to fight a Savage encounter and are relying on a certain Special Performance to win, keep that character in the Sub-Cast, not the active trio. That way, on the 2/3rds chance someone not Itsuki is chosen, you can swap them in, which doesn't waste an action.

Savages always reward you with Detritus, which you can later trade for permanent stat-boosting Incenses. Trading 100 Detritus will lead you to then have to fight a little battle which will let you Radiant Unity Locktouch for Itsuki, making Treasure Keys no longer needed for certain chests and giving an increase to enemy drop rates. The pay-to-win grinding DLC for the Wii U version is already in TMS Encore for free (check this "Hall of Aspirations" I think), and is an easier way to accrue Detritus than Savages.


Only the Command Skill that triggers the Session must hit a weakness, nothing else must. However, if a Session Skill is Nulled, Absorbed, or Repelled, or on the very rare chance of a miss, the Session will terminate there. The game will never trigger a Session that is terminated prematurely due to Nu/Ab/Rp unless it is the only way to continue it from the prior hit.

Never teach anyone the Passive called Pierce though, they didn't fix the glitch around it. It's supposed to make physical attacks ignore Resistance and deal normal damage, but in Sessions the game wrongly thinks it works against Nu/Ab/Rp too, which it doesn't, resulting in Sessions getting terminated early. Penetrate, a stronger version of Pierce which is an endgame Passive for Touma, works totally fine and won't ruin Sessions though.


14 hours ago, Armagon said:
In the grand scheme of things though, it's not that big a deal. It's weird when you think about it but it's pretty easy to just roll with it.

Are you talking about the Sessions (idk if it's called something different in other versions)? Cause that's what a Session is. 

The way a Session triggers is that a character has to hit an enemy's weakness and then if the other party members have a Session Skill that target that weakness, it'll activate. I think. @Interdimensional Observer can probably anwser it better than i can.

Thanks for the explanations!

I meant special perfomance then.

I noticed later that Itsuki had one.

After beating the second boss, I came back to the dungeon on took out the Savages.

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Maddening be like: Let's have 38 AS Falco Knights at chapter 14
my 36 AS Leonie with Darting Blow: It's free real estate

Man, i am now more thankful than ever i have Leonie and my flying Archer squad

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Phew... so tired.
Took this week to play through Fate/hollow ataraxia

Was fun read
Cried at the end, been a while since I cried at an ending.

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Ok so turns out the boss that's stat-checking me right now in Atelier Ayesha is like, the second to last boss of the main story. There's another boss after this which supposedly gets trivialized by someone who joins you after this one.

Aight, gonna give it a go then. I still have more than a year remaining on the time-limit.

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Alright i tried. You know what, let's just pretend i beat Atelier Ayesha. I'm like two cutscenes away from completing the main story anyway.

Actually wait, there's something else i haven't tried. Gonna give it a few more goes before i do that.

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Decided to start my France Cultural Victory plan on an Inland Sea map, thinking it'd have plenty of Rivers to make Chateaus along. I started next to a real nice river, but then it dawned on me there were fewer than I though. I was playing on King difficulty, the first "hard" mode, just to see if I'd like the challenge the lower settings lacked.

East of me I discover Peter the Great is one of my opponents. Going for a Cultural Victory, I thought I'd have no problems keeping him happy. But, his random agenda was Devout, and I was not generating Faith since I wasn't playing for Religion. Still, he praised me for Science and Culture, so I could keep him in check. He then built a city that forced my Settler to take a far longer route around it to get to this river I wanted, annoyed, I traded Open Borders with him. Later, he criticized me for not having enough Science and Culture, not good, but I'll spring back!

I later noticed Horsemen and Crossbowmen gathering near a city of mine. From my time with Montezuma on my first Culture run, I could tell this suggested war was approaching, 110 turns in to this play, Peter declared war. Possessing next to nothing in military forces, I gave up. 

My first attempt at a harder difficulty play, and I lose miserably. Peter the Great with Devout as your next door neighbor on the higher difficulties is probably one of the absolute worse combinations you can encounter when you start. The 8-30% Culture/Science/Faith boosts, extra Settlers, and 20-80% Production, make it nearly impossible to get ahead of the AI. My only option was probably to destroy him, but I couldn't going for Culture.

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So i got the boss to like 30% HP and then it just decided to kaboom and wipe out my entire party. I'm done lmao. For real this time. I still liked the game but i've already looked up the normal and true endings. Escha and Logy time is coming up soon.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

So i got the boss to like 30% HP and then it just decided to kaboom and wipe out my entire party.

So ein--OH MY GOD!!

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Oh shit, there's an Atelier Escha & Logy anime? Guess i'll check it out after i beat the game, to see how it compares. 

@Interdimensional Observer i'm noticing an odd difficulty spike in the second dungeon of TMS. The armor knights and the thing that uses Flux are taking down my characters pretty quickly (Touma got hit by Flux and he just died on the spot). Any countermeasures? FYI, i'm playing on Hard.

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21 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I must have missed that quest, because I don't remember seeing a Pamila show up anywhere. Interesting.

I didn't either. Tbh, i've got a lot of quests unfinished in Atelier Ryza. Maybe i'll go back to them one day.

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On 1/27/2020 at 9:30 AM, Shadow Mir said:

Is it a Toy Poodle, like the one that appears in Ultimate? Or a Labrador retriever, which appears in Brawl? Or the Frenchie, which appears in Smash 4?

On my DS Lite (Nintendogs - Labrador and Friends):
Shiro: White Shiba Inu
Kaze: Schaunzer

On my 3DS (Nintendogs + Cats - Golden Retriever and Friends):
Takumi: White Shiba Inu
Kiragi: Grey tabby Standard Cat
Ryoma: Reddish-Brown Siberian Husky

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1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Ah yes, I FINALLY beat the stupid E.S. Dan! I hate this fight much, In case that wasn't obvious.


Think you're gonna go for beating Omega Id?

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