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13 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Chapter 6 ended on a whammy earlier. The way the boss trash-talked Rex was kinda epic, ngl.
On to the next one!

Wow, your flying through the story! Congrats on that! So, how do you still feel about the battle system? Are you still on the fence on it?

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43 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Wow, your flying through the story! Congrats on that! So, how do you still feel about the battle system? Are you still on the fence on it?

Thank you, but is 60 hours really "flying"? I actually think I could be much further than I am now.

As for your question: yeah, I'm still on the fence. I feel like I've got a grasp on how everything works, and some fights are fun, but I have long conceded that this particular style of combat is not my cup of tea. Worst part is how much HP current enemies have, which makes battles take far longer than they should. The aforementioned battle against those 3 gorilla things in Wulfric's Blade Quest was particularly annoying because of this (though damage sponge enemies and bosses have always been an annoyance for me whenever they pop up in a game).

I'd be lying if I said I don't have at least a little fun with it, however. I'd have long since stopped playing if I didn't.

Edited by DragonFlames
corrected some errors here and there
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21 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Chapter 6 ended on a whammy earlier. The way the boss trash-talked Rex was kinda epic, ngl.
On to the next one!

Heads up, the next location is a bit of an annoying downer in gameplay, the plot there is still good though. 


50 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

tfw three gorillas in Wulfric's Blade Quest

I remember his Heart-to-Heart well. I enjoyed it, it reminded me of reading Frankenstein the novel.

The giant of horror legend is actually very intelligent, prodigal and logical even, he likes reading. He befriended an old blind man, but then the old man's children came and saw Frankenstein, and were so revolted by his hideousness that they forced him to flee. Mary Shelley's "monster" is only angry because people can't get past his appearance and hate him for it, especially not Dr. Frankenstein himself, who gets a -1800/10 as a "parent". The "monster" is only a monster as a reaction to others reacting to him.


23 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

So we can expect Xenobalde 3's quest system to be at least halfway decent. Yay!

Well, the general consensus- your opinions may vary- is that XCX had well-written quests overall. It's all still fetch, fight, or both (though how much variety can you get in a JRPG? -And don't say minigames!👿), but the writing helps. XCX kinda needs the quest writing, since the main plot is short and lacking. You do get some nice world-building from it all. Plus plenty of casual clothing, and a few dozen holograms for a room in the barracks.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country does do a bit better with the quest-writing too. Even if it is somewhat annoying that you're forced to complete them all for the sake of the main story. Not being anywhere near as big a world means you don't have to roam as many places, and being a shorter game means there are fewer quests overall.


28 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:


I do dislike the Nopon, but not enough that I would blow up Earth to kill them.

Fortunately, the Nopon are natives of the planet where humanity ends up.😜

My joke logic point was planet-destroying bomb > nuclear weapon. So if you really dislike something, wouldn't you want it at the center of the strongest explosion possible? It isn't like you'd seriously want an above-ground nuclear explosion either, that fallout dust migrates somewhere populated on the wind, even it's done in the middle of a barren desert.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Agreed. Xenoblade 1 did have a collectepdia but to fill it out, you needed to sacrifice the items to register them and that could be really inconvinent for rare items. The next game should have a collectepdia but expanded upon and it's filled up as you collect (kinda like the PokeDex).

Same problem in XCX as 1, you sacrifice a copy of the collectible there too.

The Pokedex idea is excellent. Tales has a Collector's Book for every item in its games too.

Heck, just to slightly and lightly jab at Monolith using its prior works, Baten Kaitos's Gathering doesn't even require you to own every single Magnus, only to have seen every Magnus. This is because there is one lategame battle where Mizuti loses their mask, and only for that one battle. There are two Maskless Mizuti pictures, but the rules of BK's "one drop obtained per battle, minus Constellations and boss drops" means you can't grab both the Maskless Mizuti and the Mega Rare Maskless Mitzuti pictures.

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15 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Thank you, but is 60 hours really "flying"? I actually think I could be much further than I am now.

As for your question: yeah, I'm still on the fence. I feel like I've got a grasp on how everything works, and some fights are fun, but I have long conceded that this particular style of combat is not my cup of tea. Worst part is how much HP current enemies have, which makes battles take far longer than they should. The aforementioned battle against those 3 gorilla things in Wulfric's Blade Quest was particularly annoying because of this (though damage sponge enemies and bosses have always been an annoyance for me whenever they pop up in a game).

I'd be lying if I said I don't have at least a little fun with it, however. I'd have long since stopped playing if I didn't.

Well, I suppose not, but still.

Yeah, the enemies are tanky, at least in 2. 

It's good your at least having fun, though!

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Heads up, the next location is a bit of an annoying downer in gameplay, the plot there is still good though.

Can't be worse than player level 7, flying enemies level 16, roaming dudes level 80+, sidequests that lead you through their lines of sight Torigoth...

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I remember his Heart-to-Heart well. I enjoyed it, it reminded me of reading Frankenstein the novel.

The giant of horror legend is actually very intelligent, prodigal and logical even, he likes reading. He befriended an old blind man, but then the old man's children came and saw Frankenstein, and were so revolted by his hideousness that they forced him to flee. Mary Shelley's "monster" is only angry because people can't get past his appearance and hate him for it, especially not Dr. Frankenstein himself, who gets a -1800/10 as a "parent". The "monster" is only a monster as a reaction to others reacting to him.

I like that theme: the hideous monster that is actually really friendly. It's a beautiful lesson not to judge things (and people) by their appearance alone.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Well, the general consensus- your opinions may vary- is that XCX had well-written quests overall. It's all still fetch, fight, or both (though how much variety can you get in a JRPG? -And don't say minigames!👿), but the writing helps. XCX kinda needs the quest writing, since the main plot is short and lacking. You do get some nice world-building from it all. Plus plenty of casual clothing, and a few dozen holograms for a room in the barracks.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country does do a bit better with the quest-writing too. Even if it is somewhat annoying that you're forced to complete them all for the sake of the main story. Not being anywhere near as big a world means you don't have to roam as many places, and being a shorter game means there are fewer quests overall.

I have nothing against quests that don't have a story to go along with them, but in other games, those are usually a "one and done" deal, where you get the item or kill the monster and that's it. Get your reward, continue the game, gain some EXP on the way. Best done on the side when you're going to a place or are grinding, anyhow.
Xenoblade 2 has shown me that longer questlines that ask you to do many different things to fulfill it absolutely need to have a compelling story, to either develop a character or expand on the world-building. Otherwise, it just becomes a series of meaningless chores which get annoying rather quickly, because you'd rather want your reward after the first thing it asks you to do when there's practically zero interesting story content to get out of needing to do more.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

My joke logic point was planet-destroying bomb > nuclear weapon. So if you really dislike something, wouldn't you want it at the center of the strongest explosion possible? It isn't like you'd seriously want an above-ground nuclear explosion either, that fallout dust migrates somewhere populated on the wind, even it's done in the middle of a barren desert.

Can't argue with that logic, haha!

1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

It's good your at least having fun, though!

That I am!
The most fun part of the game to me right now (aside from the story) is the exploration.

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2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Meanwhile, in Xenoblade 2, it's easy to overlevel if you do quests and use the bonus EXP they give you regularly.

Well it's even easier to end up overleveled in Xenoblade 1 if you do it's quests because that game has no Bonus EXP system (yet), so all that EXP gets instantly applied.

But again, quests are really bad in Xenoblade 1.

2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

tfw three gorillas in Wulfric's Blade Quest are a harder boss fight than

Those three gorillas gave me a hard time for some reason. I don't understand why.

2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Remember how I said her silhouette reminded me of the Pokémon Zekrom? Well... if you leave the parts that are a girl out, what's left does look like a black dragon. And her element is Electric, too.
The way she is "stuck" to that dragon body brings to mind Nights of Azure 2's final boss' final form as well. Yes, yes, I know.
Awesome design, though, all things considered. Probably my favorite so far.

And fun fact: Herald was designed by the Final Fantasy 6 character designer. We already had Nomura doing Torna's designs but he isn't the only Final Fantasy artist in Xenoblade 2.

And yeah, Herald's got a dope design.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Worst part is how much HP current enemies have, which makes battles take far longer than they should.

Yeah, it seems this is more of a Xenoblade 2 specific problem. I wouldn't say it's damage sponge territory but Xenoblade 2's enemies definitely do have more HP overall than in other games. At least as far as I can remember.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Same problem in XCX as 1, you sacrifice a copy of the collectible there too.

Yeah, I wish they didn't do that. Although it seems that the rareity rates for items in X aren't as bad as the ones in 1. I don't really hear that much about how long it takes to find certain items. So sacrificing for the collectepedia isn't as bad in X, it would seem.

27 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Can't be worse than player level 7, flying enemies level 16, roaming dudes level 80+, sidequests that lead you through their lines of sight Torigoth...

 Nah, as far as enemies go, you're fine. But Ch.7 is going to ask a lot of Field Skills from you. It's all gonna be stuff you have though (remember, it's possible to beat the game with only story-obtained Blades) so don't worry about needing some obscure Field Skill that you may not have yet. 

It's just that there's a lot of mandatory Field Skill checks in Ch.7 and if gets kinda annoying.

Also for the next area put Tora in the main party. Hell, control him for better results. You will see why.

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Interesting. I find it very interesting that you, as well as my puppet, are able to manipulate the worlds which I come from, for the purpose of having fun. This ability is being referred to as a "video game".

It seems that the likes of you are also responsible for many of the Conquest timelines. I've seen the Corrins in my world being controlled by puppeteers as well as their armies, even though they are normally only controlled in the heat of battle, and only to make tactical decisions. Some puppeteers are quite skilled, wiping out the opposition with mere strategical advantage, while others struggle against the same enemies and their puppets, powerful as they are, are completely wiped out. But never had I thought these puppeteers were people from a relatively peaceful world, controlling our decisions as a way to simply pass the time.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

And fun fact: Herald was designed by the Final Fantasy 6 character designer. We already had Nomura doing Torna's designs but he isn't the only Final Fantasy artist in Xenoblade 2.

I wonder why Soraya Saga designed Gorg. The Antitype of All Xeno chose only a Rare of no story importance. You've said everyone could make whatever designs/personalities they wanted (barring the Story Blades I would think, and even then, maybe some are compromises between Takahashi and the artist), as long as the weapon and element were followed. I'd like some explanations why the artists invented the characters they did.


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Yeah, it seems this is more of a Xenoblade 2 specific problem. I wouldn't say it's damage sponge territory but Xenoblade 2's enemies definitely do have more HP overall than in other games. At least as far as I can remember.

XCX enemies felt beefy to me, but that was only because I didn't get a good grasp on things for a very long time, so I think.

Overdrive mastery very much sped things up, everything not a Tyrant meant for foot combat probably died in 2-3 Starlight Dusters from my no-major-Potential-stacking postgame setup. At MAX, level 5 on the art, and waiting for tertiary cooldown, thats 21.6 seconds per Starlight Duster. Or 43 seconds to 1 minute per enemy. I dunno if that'd be considered fast though.

Offensive Stance + Blossom Dance I'd think able to 1 shot everything on foot even without Potential stack. It'd take 10.8 seconds per enemy once at MAX Overdrive.

Of course, this requires amassing 3000 TP or more to Overdrive first, not a very fast thing until you get Essence Exchange from Yelv's 2nd of 3 Affinity Missions. And then you have to get the Counter up.


Oh, and from what I remember reading of XC1, the only HP bloat I recall people mentioning was UMs vs. common enemies. On GFAQs a kalpa ago (yes, I know the site's reputation), someone remarked that a standard level 30 UM has more HP than a level 80 enemy who has no name to bear. I tested the criticism afterwards and thought it was accurate.




Weirdly, Act 5 Soma Bringer is easier than Act 4, maybe using a Water Atk-boosting weapon over in lava land is better than using it in the snowy land. That sounds like a "duh!", but the game didn't make it apparent to me how important elemental Atk may be.

Next up is in the Act is Ring Tower, where it appears the shady Master Laban and evil Adonis, seemingly destined to become the vessel of an evil goddess along with his allies who are the "children" of said goddess, will clash.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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19 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

The time has come when birdies wake me up at 5 AM.

I love that time of year. Ptobably gonna be a few more weeks, at least, for me. Unfortunately, I have a cat who can meow louder than I've heard any dogs bark.

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I like that the chapter has it's own world map music and battle theme.

Didn't went far, just from Laissez Fayre to Aubout du Monde. I'd say, in many places on the Internet I've seen Meena and Maya referred as twins; and while they do look alike, other sources say nothing of the sort. They even have different given ages (18 and 21), which would make them being twins impossible. Interesting tidbit, nonetheless.

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7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I wonder why Soraya Saga designed Gorg. The Antitype of All Xeno chose only a Rare of no story importance. You've said everyone could make whatever designs/personalities they wanted (barring the Story Blades I would think, and even then, maybe Jin is a compromise between Takahashi and Nomura), as long as the weapon and element were followed. I'd like some explanations why the artists invented the characters they did.

Saga works as freelance so they probably just hired her to design Gorg. Now as to why she made Gorg the way he is, i don't know. But it would be nice if there were some artist notes from each of the Rare Blades' designers.


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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Saga works as freelance so they probably just hired her to design Gorg. Now as to why she made Gorg the way he is, i don't know. But it would be nice if there were some artist notes from each of the Rare Blades' designers.

Well Saga has a Twitter account devoted entirely to Steel Ball Run, so I'm pretty sure she's a JoJo fan. The Xenoblade 2 artbook has concept notes for every character, but I can't read Japanese so I can't tell you what they say.

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42 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Of course, this requires amassing 3000 TP or more to Overdrive first, not a very fast thing until you get Essence Exchange from Yelv's 2nd of 3 Affinity Missions. And then you have to get the Counter up.

Arts TP gain XX is great for this, as getting 200? TP per art goes by really quickly. And it's easy to acquire so its efficient too.

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I am absolutely surprised of the Dungeons and music in Ryza.

The underworld is simply beautiful overall and gives me Xenoblade feelings.

Also this game proved me wrong: it's by far less bright than I expected.

Ryza is not the typical Atelier games in many ways.

It sets standards perhaps none of the other Atelier games will ever meet.

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Well, played some more of Chapter 4. Made it through Gupta Gupha and now I'm at Havre Léon. The place certainly throws much French around, though for once it's an enforcement, not the local accent. Anyway, I've put a stop for now.

Kinda of a funny observation, at least to me. When looking at the sisters, with Meena being a fortune teller and Maya a dancer, you'd think it gives you an idea of how they would operate in battle, no? Except, Meena is a Priest while Maya a Mage, so it actually ends up being the opposite; so while both have spells, the former is the more physically oriented while the latter leans more on the magic. Just another random tidbit...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I hate doing homeoffice.

Not only that I have to use my own (gaming) laptop because employee didn't offer enough laptops, but also because I have no access to most programs I have at work.

I am checking e-mails and watching some episodes of The Snurfs right now.

Probably some people would envy me, but seriously I rather would do something more productive in my office.

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12 hours ago, Armagon said:

Those three gorillas gave me a hard time for some reason. I don't understand why.

A.O.E. fart attack that almost one-shots your entire party even at levels 53+. At least that's what gave me the most trouble alongside their massive HP pools.
Playing as Nia saved my life in that fight because I could decide when to use Dromarch's healing abilities. I also noticed that her Blade Combos with Kora and Nim heal the entire party, as well, which was great.

12 hours ago, Armagon said:

And fun fact: Herald was designed by the Final Fantasy 6 character designer. We already had Nomura doing Torna's designs but he isn't the only Final Fantasy artist in Xenoblade 2.

And yeah, Herald's got a dope design.

I read that Nomura did the Torna characters. That would explain why Jin looks the way he does. Not to rag on the guy, because he's proving himself to be a pretty cool character, but he wouldn't look out of place in a Final Fantasy game.

12 hours ago, Armagon said:

Nah, as far as enemies go, you're fine. But Ch.7 is going to ask a lot of Field Skills from you. It's all gonna be stuff you have though (remember, it's possible to beat the game with only story-obtained Blades) so don't worry about needing some obscure Field Skill that you may not have yet. 

It's just that there's a lot of mandatory Field Skill checks in Ch.7 and if gets kinda annoying.

Ah, that. Luckily, I have quite a few Field Skills covered with the party I'm currently using, so hopefully this should go smoothly. Obtaining so many Rare Blades was certainly a stroke of good luck.
The implementation of these Field Skills certainly could have used some major overhaul, though. Along with the sidequests, the OP enemies in low-level areas, the Nopon, and Rex being a little boring in comparison to everyone else in the cast (along with his alleged romance with Pyra not doing much for me due to a lack of chemistry between them, in my opinion, at the very least), the Field Skills are one of my only gripes with the game.

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37 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Rex being a little boring in comparison to everyone else in the cast (along with his alleged romance with Pyra not doing much for me due to a lack of chemistry between them, in my opinion, at the very least), the Field Skills are one of my only gripes with the game.

I can't stress how much I agree with this statement. Sure, they have some cute moments, but it's missing that special feeling.

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Just now, lightcosmo said:

I can't stress how much I agree with this statement. Sure, they have some cute moments, but it's missing that special feeling.

Yup. Those cute moments they had so far fell flat for me, honestly.
Not gonna lie, for the longest time, I thought Nia was going to be the main love interest due to how well her and Rex play off of each other, which is why I jokingly referred to her as Rex' cat girl waifu in the beginning.

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6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Yup. Those cute moments they had so far fell flat for me, honestly.
Not gonna lie, for the longest time, I thought Nia was going to be the main love interest due to how well her and Rex play off of each other, which is why I jokingly referred to her as Rex' cat girl waifu in the beginning.

Like, the one scene with them I actually really liked was the one by the fire. They had a lot of other nice moments, too.

Nia is a very well done character, in my opinion.

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9 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Nia is a very well done character, in my opinion.

That she is. Everyone else, too!
Which is why Rex' overall blandness sticks out like a sore thumb.

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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

That she is. Everyone else, too!
Which is why Rex' overall blandness sticks out like a sore thumb.

I can see your point about Rex, I suppose I don't mind him that much. What about him makes him bland to you? Out of curiosity, of course.

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