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7 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I wonder how the writers for Trails and Fire Emblem even come up with naming their fictional places after real life ones. I don't want to say it's a lack of creativity (mainly because I'd be throwing stones in a glass house, and I speak from experience when I say this: coming up with place names is hard, even harder than it is naming your characters), but it is a little tough for me to figure out the reason.

Names like Gallia sound very mideval to me, and it took me a while to connect the dots. I am kinda mentally slow, though. Phoenicis was also a real place.

(Because Gallia is what Gaul was called before it was France.)

My hometown's name is "Bear" In the language of the indigenous peoples who live here.

Edited by Benice
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8 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

For example, those from Switzerland when they see Elibe's Bern... which was changed to Biran in the German localization.

I read this as "Brian" and had to do a double take. 

8 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I wonder how the writers for Trails and Fire Emblem even come up with naming their fictional places after real life ones. I don't want to say it's a lack of creativity (mainly because I'd be throwing stones in a glass house, and I speak from experience when I say this: coming up with place names is hard, even harder than it is naming your characters), but it is a little tough for me to figure out the reason.

This is just based on my personal experience but i feel it's because unless you live there (or in the same country as) or are just really familiar with the world, you probably won't realize it was named after a real world place. Like, i didn't even realize Crossbell Mainz was named after a German town/city of the same name. 

There's also the possibilty that names like these just sound "exotic" from Japan's point of view so they end up using them. That's also the same reason why a lot of mythological names get used.

8 hours ago, Shrimperor said:
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Joachim Günter


Speaking of, how did you feel about him? I've gone on record saying he's the worst villain in all of Trails so i'm curious if you agree or not.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

More new attire for Shulk? Bringing in a dive suit is a good casual choice, and it's quite different from XCX's rendition, the gloves, flippers, open jacket, the snorkel from its regular swimwear- very positively distinctive. The second is very Mechonis, the headpiece adds a touch of flair. And if Shulk has these, then so should everybody else, that'll be good to see.

I'm very pleased with the (likely) additon of new Mechonis gear because the ones we currently have just make the characters look like Transformers. Oh btw, the image isn't showing up. Might wanna fix that.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The new Monado design though...


While the new Monado itself isn't a spoiler (since it was blatently shown in the trailer), i do like the little arc presented here. Shulk spent his whole life researching the Monado and now he finally built one himself. I do wonder though, since it is an epilouge, will Shulk keep all his Monado Arts, including Eater and Armor? Or will this new Monado have a brand new set of Arts? I personally hope it's the latter, give me new stuff to work with.

Having stuff like Buster and Enchant doesn't make that much sense because i can't imagine the Mechon being a threat by the time of Future Connected. Though Telethia are still around so Purge would likely be kept.



New goal: finish my no-Blade summon run of Xenoblade 2 before XenoblaDE comes out.

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8 hours ago, Shrimperor said:
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Joachim Günter


Wow. That's like... one of the least threatening names they could have chosen. XD

7 hours ago, Reisalin Stout said:

Oops, I forgot to answer this question.

It's okay, don't worry about it!

7 hours ago, Reisalin Stout said:

Anyways feeding Puni in Ryza is too adorable.

Idk if it's the case in other Atelier games.

To my knowledge, you can't feed Punis in other Atelier games.
Though in Lulua, there is a story segment that shows them to be sentient and very eloquent, which is absolutely hilarious.

1 hour ago, Benice said:

(Because Gallia is what Gaul was called before it was France.)

Right, I completely forgot about this somehow!

22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I read this as "Brian" and had to do a double take.

Now that place will forever be "Brian" to me. And FE6 and 7 just got 150% more hilarious.

25 minutes ago, Armagon said:

New goal: finish my no-Blade summon run of Xenoblade 2 before XenoblaDE comes out.

That sounds like it's going to be a tough one. Good luck!

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I want a Puni plush!

Best multiple ones in all existing colours.

They're tooooooo adorable!


Unlike the Slime in Dragon Quest it has more purpose than being a bland enemy in the entire franchise.


Anyways ten hours Ryza and Zero are enough for today.


Finished chapter 1 in Zero and in Ryza I reached the tower.

I have no idea how far I am.

Since the battle music changed, maybe it's not tooooooo long anymore.

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4 minutes ago, Reisalin Stout said:

Unlike the Slime in Dragon Quest it has more purpose than being a bland enemy in the entire franchise.

That clearly shows you don't know what you're saying...

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9 minutes ago, Reisalin Stout said:

So slimes can be kept as pet too?

Well, then I haven't played VI and IX long enough apparently...

Pets, party members, full-fledged sapient beings...

The protagonist...


Do Punis have their own games?

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Finished Act 5 of Soma Bringer and saw the starting plot exposition of Act 6. Me recording its details:

  • Master Laban Lemuel found Adonis at Benes Cocoon, and b/c he was still weak from being newly awoken, Laban was able to steal his Apocrypha, the keys to using the Ring Tower.
    • Laban "died" at Benes Cocoon from an explosion and was left paralyzed from the waist down. He seems to have prior to the incident been a Soma researcher whose desire to know what Soma's purpose was and propose better regulation of it made him seem crazy to other Secundady elite. That may have been what brought him to the Cocoon.
    • Although the Apocrypha kept him alive, Laban was corrupted to some extent, hence him giving Ordital an Apocrypha which they used for a massive mobile weapon fortress.
    • Laban's goal became gathering all the Apocrypha to activate Ring Tower and strengthen the barrier protecting the planet from the evil "god" Aletheia. Visitors are pure Soma creatures who pass through the barrier, because it has weakened over millennia the number of Visitors has increased recently.
    • However, Laban also wanted to be a god to some extent, perhaps because his inner avarice was magnified by the Apocrypha. He intended to regulate Soma and allow some Visitors to descend to the planet. Visitors could serve as a common threat to unify humanity and keep it from destroying itself, but too many Visitors would destroy humanity the same.
  • When Laban absorbs the Apocrypha Idea had obtained, which gave him all the Apocrypha, it was too much for him, an ordinary human, to bear and he became a monster who had to be destroyed.


  • Cremona is the ancient civilization that created the Apocrypha, the Ring Tower, and all the ruins found on the planet. It was wiped out by the Visitors long ago.
  • Viola is the AI of the computer at the core of the floating city of Cremona. It monitors the world long after the destruction of its creators.
  • According to Viola:
    • "Aletheia" is no evil god, but instead the collective term for what the Visitors are.
    • Aletheia are beings from another world who long ago came to Barnea. 
    • Aletheia lack physical bodies, they are purely metaphysical beings.
    • When Aletheia came to Barnea, they came in peace, and shared knowledge that allowed humanity to create the advanced technology of old.
    • Humans turned on Aletheia however, extracting their essence- Soma.
    • Drained of their Soma, all that remained of Aletheia were their consciousnesses, which drifted into the atmosphere.
    • Congealing into a collective consciousness, they sought vengeance on humanity and Aletheia began possessing physical beings to attack humans- the Visitors.
    • Humans fought Aletheia, won, and created the Ring Tower to keep all but the occasional Visitor from appearing on Barnea.


  • Adonis at Ring Tower reversed the barrier, severely weakening it and allowing many fragments of Aletheia to rain without stop onto Barnea.
  • At the Soma Palace, created in reverence of Aletheia (during the ancient wars I guess) Adonis intends to blast a hole in the threadbare barrier. That hole will let the rest of Aletheia through and inform the fragments to gather there and unite into a single being of unparalleled power.
    • The Soma Palace too is where all Soma in Barnea is controlled in some way.
  • The Umbras formerly called the "children of Aletheia", I would now think are Visitors possessing human bodies. Much earlier, it was said Visitors can't possess humans, but it appears they can, but only their corpses.


Overall, not bad, even if narrative isn't this game's strong point.

It's sounding to me with all this dump Act 6 will be the final Act. For a DS action RPG, that was intended to be co-op and has one and probably another bonus dungeon, that sounds long enough. I can't see anything more than 7 Acts.


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Oh btw, the image isn't showing up. Might wanna fix that.

Strange, it is for me.

And Monado talk:


I agree on getting rid of Buster and Enchant, or at the very least scrapping their current effects for brand new ones. Perhaps the Future Connected will feature new kinds of enemies and Monado-Master Shulk tools some new symbols into the "Monado Custom".


I think I'd get rid of Monado Speed too. The major evasion boost against physical attacks for one ally for 12.5 seconds at best is not worth the 75% of the Talent Art Gauge cost. You need Reyn, Dunban, or MechaFi to keep the enemy's attention, and it does nothing against AoE either.

Monado Cyclone has been infinitely more useful for the Monado Man than Monado Boy. AoE and damage isn't good enough (300-408%), and outside of a Chain Attack or Topple Lock strat, I'm not sure if Monado Cyclone has a fast enough animation to chain into Shulk's Break and then his Daze. It drains all the TAG too, and it came extremely late to boot.

Monado Shield, why do we need it to exist? Shulk and Shield Drones I (but only on Fiora herself?- I've never used it) are only things that offer any enemy Talent Art protection. Great for shattering visions, but I'd rather shatter this Art and come up with ways that any team you assemble can mitigate enemy TAs.


So, what I've entirely spared are:

  • Monado Eater, because the Bleed makes it great damage, outdoing Buster on organic life. If I understood the math right:
    • Buster is 700% damage (presumably using a standard Auto-Attack as the 100% baseline) when maxed. It deals double this, 1400%, on Mechon.
    • Eater is 303% on the initial hit. 
      • The double that amount of damage, 606%, is done a second time over the 20 seconds of Bleed, 10 ticks of 20%.
      • With a maxed Bleed Plus gem, the Bleed damage is additively doubled. So it becomes 1212% + the 303% base hit, so 1515% total.
      • Compared to Reyn's Magnum Charge + Sword Drive, it's substantially less (4.2 * 6.03 = 25326%), but still the best damage Shulk has methinks.
  • Monado Purge, because enemy Auras/Spikes are mean.
  • And Monado Armour, which could stand to be nerfed- 75% Physical and Ether reduction for 15 seconds on everyone, with a mere 25% more TAG consumption, blows Monado Speed out of the universe like life before The Experiment. Weaken it to like 40 or 50% when maxed and then maybe it's balanced. And maybe we buff Monado Speed to partywide.


Lastly, since you mentioned Monado Buster, I present:


Galactic Cataclysm! 

Shame it's totally outdone by Starlight Duster for damage.

Note, the aura around the character is from a combination of Overdrive and the Astral Horizon Aura-Art, not the GC art itself.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Speaking of, how did you feel about him? I've gone on record saying he's the worst villain in all of Trails so i'm curious if you agree or not.


The same way i feel about every antagonist not FC's antagonist: meh.

Only FC's main antagonist was the truely good one (as in well done) in the series. 

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5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

That sounds like it's going to be a tough one. Good luck!

It's been suprisignly not as challenging as i had expected. Though granted, i'm still in Ch.3. I just beat Ahkos for the first time with a two-round Chain Attack. 

I think it helps that this is my third time going through the game so all my knowledge makes up for me being in a permament state of disadvantge.

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And Monado talk:

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I actually would like to see a buff to Monado Speed because the fact that it only affects one person instead of the entire party like the cutscene that introduced it implied, it makes it the only Monado Art that i genuianly don't ever use. Even Monado Cyclone, i have a use for, as it's really good for Chain Attacks in my opinion. It'll be made even better if Chain Attacks aren't randomly extended, which given the return of Tension as evident by the return of character portraits, there's a good chance that Chain Attack extensions will go back to being randomized, which worries me.

On the subject of Monado talk, some major spoilers


So the latest trailer basically confirmed that Alvis is indeed Ontos as evident by his new red(?) Aegis Core Crystal that has replaced the key on his necklace (I guess you could say it's a key he's lost). What i'm wondering is, will the True Monado also have an Aegis Core Crystal to line it up with Malos and Pneuma's Monados (Pneuma's sword is basically a Monado, even if it's never stated. I mean, we see her use Speed and Buster)?



2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Only FC's main antagonist was the truely good one (as in well done) in the series. 

Ao's villains are pretty close in quality. You might like them.

Edited by Armagon
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23 hours ago, Armagon said:

@Interdimensional Observer so over the past few days, i've gotten back into TMS. I've done every sidestory except Yashiro's final one. I also got to the Gharnef boss fight and

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When Hatanaka showed up in front of everyone, it was basically this


Also the Gharnef fight sucks, i hate it, i'm gonna go grind.

I like the gif in the spoiler.

Also, what was so bad about Gharnef?

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1 minute ago, Robert Stewart said:
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I assume there will be a talk with Randy later.


That's a pretty weak "no". This is how you do it:


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22 minutes ago, Robert Stewart said:
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I assume there will be a talk with Randy later.


Wait what? I don't remember this.

28 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Also, what was so bad about Gharnef?

Self destructing AoE orbs and Gharnef can inflict a major passive EP drain. Also AoE. It's annoying.

12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

later on


Boys getting busted

I like how Tio is mildly interested.

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8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Wait what? I don't remember this.


It's on the Intermission day, if you visit Rixia's apartment Downtown.

Shame on you for playing Kiseki and not checking every possible NPC dialogue at every point.


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1 hour ago, Armagon said:



There he is.

Btw fun fact, Juju was not there in the original fight. This is an extra level of detail that was added in DE.

I like how clear everything is, like damage dealt, enemy level, name, looks amazing!

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8 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I like how clear everything is, like damage dealt, enemy level, name, looks amazing!

Yeah, it's really smooth and a lot easier to read. The UI in the original Xenoblade is kinda cluttered. Same for X though X does let you remove some parts for a clearer view.

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