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13 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

of the Party members you get, 7 of them are Witches, with similiar abilities to those in Stella Glow (and Trails magic users, since the idea i have has the Trails 7 magic elements). Terrain manipulation (for example, Earth Witch can change terrain of an area to be desert, deals effective damage with her magic on anyone standing on a desert tile, etc) would also be a big thing.

Space Magic will be all about displacement (for example, Early level Space Magic does weak damage to enemy, but can either push them back a space or pull them a space forward), Water Witch can move on water, etc. 

The Magic system in my mind was like this:

Witches can use all type of magic (they are the only ones who have access to time magic)

Humans Space and Illusion Magic

Demons Wind, Fire, Water and Earth Magic.

And different species will have access to like one-two types of magic tops (Elves and Wind, for example).

As for advantages: Space Mirage and Time have advantage over the other elements, for others it's Wind > Earth > Water > Fire > Wind

but it's all just an idea xD

I am now legit hyped for this game, because that sounds like a great magic system and you could do so much with it.
Better than anything I could come up with, for sure.

13 hours ago, Emperor_Siegfried said:

There was a reason we all had her in the party for as long as we did.



5 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

Musse would wash Rean's back.

Oh my.

5 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:




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I've done it. I've reached Ch.10 of my no-Blade summon run of Xenoblade 2. The final chapter. Ch.10 isn't very long so i should hopefully finish it today, maybe tomorow.

But man, the opening to Ch.10 is probably my favorite moment in the entire game and it's definietly a contendor for my favorite moment in all of Xeno. Though there's another moment in the same chapter that also makes a case for being my favorite moment in the entire game.

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I love how we all just put a "Teehee" somewhere in our posts. Does that make it qualify as a meme now?

48 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I've done it. I've reached Ch.10 of my no-Blade summon run of Xenoblade 2. The final chapter. Ch.10 isn't very long so i should hopefully finish it today, maybe tomorow.

Good luck!
How did you make it through the part where

Rex is alone with Jin, Mythra, Poppi, and Brighid in Chapter 8

without a healer?
Consider me impressed (because I'm legit stuck there).

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3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

How did you make it through the part where

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Rex is alone with Jin, Mythra, Poppi, and Brighid in Chapter 8

without a healer?
Consider me impressed (because I'm legit stuck there).


So, three things help.

  1. Jin is busted. His Heavenly Disrupt Art has a long charge-up rate but once he uses it (he will always use it after Skyward(?) Strike if he has it charged up), it's basically a free kill. Jin is the only playable character (albiet a temporary one) that can pull off a full Driver Combo with just two Arts.
  2. Pneuma (or "Coffee with Milk" if you refer to her outside of spoiler talk) is also busted. Don't be afraid to activate her and just let loose with a Lv.3 Special. It does wonders. 
  3. When fighting the boss at the end of the Land of Morytha, the game will outright tell you to use Pneuma to have an easier time. Your other party members rejoin for the second half of that boss fight and the Land of Morytha itself is pretty small, so you won't be without them for long.

Btw, there will be a section where you'll be crossing a narrow and some of the Guldos will climb in from the sides. Don't try to rush past them, they have Blowdown Arts that will set you back and potentially knock you off the edge. It's better to fight them in the big highway bridge right before them.

Also, i recommend looking into some Topple Resist accessories and Aux Cores soon, some of the enemies in the World Tree love inflicting Topple on you.


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8 minutes ago, Armagon said:
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So, three things help.

  1. Jin is busted. His Heavenly Disrupt Art has a long charge-up rate but once he uses it (he will always use it after Skyward(?) Strike if he has it charged up), it's basically a free kill. Jin is the only playable character (albiet a temporary one) that can pull off a full Driver Combo with just two Arts.
  2. Pneuma (or "Coffee with Milk" if you refer to her outside of spoiler talk) is also busted. Don't be afraid to activate her and just let loose with a Lv.3 Special. It does wonders. 
  3. When fighting the boss at the end of the Land of Morytha, the game will outright tell you to use Pneuma to have an easier time. Your other party members rejoin for the second half of that boss fight and the Land of Morytha itself is pretty small, so you won't be without them for long.

Btw, there will be a section where you'll be crossing a narrow and some of the Guldos will climb in from the sides. Don't try to rush past them, they have Blowdown Arts that will set you back and potentially knock you off the edge. It's better to fight them in the big highway bridge right before them.

Also, i recommend looking into some Topple Resist accessories and Aux Cores soon, some of the enemies in the World Tree love inflicting Topple on you.


Duly noted! Many thanks as always!
"Coffee with Milk", lol.

My main worry is that there is a very strong unique enemy in a very narrow pathway that makes it hard to avoid alongside some other tough customers that can kill me in just a few strikes (attacks can just hit you anywhere once they go off, it seems). And Anchor Shot doesn't heal enough, which... is less than ideal. I'll try out what you suggested, see if that makes things better.

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8 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I am now legit hyped for this game, because that sounds like a great magic system and you could do so much with it.

sadly, as usual, it will be a concept i think up on the fly and then forget with time. Either because i can't make games or because i am lazy, or both xD

But i like to imagine stuff from time to time.

Here's a bit more of an expansion to the system:

Time: Will be around Spd and time manipulation. Low level magic gives enemy SPD debuffs. later on you can do stuff like Freezing enemies in time (making them not able to attack or be attacked. No interections basically), refresh your own units, speed buffs, Death magic and Save magic (MC exclusive, basically the save feature, where the player gets 3 Save Magic uses every Map). 

Space: As i said earlier, all about displacement. Low damage, but pushes them back or moves them forward tiles (depending on Magic rank), later on Area Magics like a Black hole that brings enemies closer together (imagine Dark Matter from Trails), Warp and Re-warps, Position switching (enemies and allies), etc. Nosferatu also will be here as it ''switches wounds around'' (lol). Very late Heal skill that basically switches Allies HP with enemy's.

Illussion: Low level gives Res debuff. Support stuff like Illusion Clone, Stealth, Magic buffs, Magic deflect etc. Later on will have Berserk and Silence Magic, Mass Area Res debuff, Mind control, etc. Basically the whacky Magic xD

Fire: Highest Mt Magic, no real gimmicks. Only gimmicks it will have is that it can burn Forest tiles and deal effective damage to them and melt ice tiles.  

Wind: Wind and Thunder spells, effective against Fliers and Cavalary respectively. Buffs include Evasion/Hit buffs, movement buffs, range buffs to Archers and a Spell that makes units fly (very high rank though). Generally long Range Magic. No Terrain manipulation.

Water: Water and Ice magic. Water is innefective against Armor units (only 1/2 damage to them. Gotta make Armors useful somehow xD), however Ice is effective against Dragons. Heal and Restore spells will usually will fall here, including a limited Revive spell (that can only be used like 3 times the whole game). So will 'cold spells' (debuffing enemy Mov and evasion), and very late freeze spells (unlike time freeze however they can be attacked, however also be cured from it). Water Magic users can walk on water as if it was normal. Summon Water Monsters. Terrain manipulation will be turning fire/Lava Tiles to normal ones, and freezing water tiles over so normal units can pass them.

Earth: Supreme Terrain manipulator. Can create Desert and Forest Tiles. Deals effective damage on enemies on Desert Tiles, while healing allies on forest tiles makes heals stronger.  Defense buffs and skills fall here, like crit negating spell, for example. Traps also fall in this magic line. Late on gets spells the deal damage map wide on Desert Tiles or heal map wide on Forest tiles. Basically if there's an annoying desert map, this magic can go 'Yeetus deletus' xD. Fliers are immune to this magic though. Earth users can move through Desert and Forests without penalty. There's also a spell that gives that trait to allies.

The Witches themselves will have something like the songs from Stella Glow.



Yeah, i am a weird person xD

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That sounds like an interesting magic system.

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

sadly, as usual, it will be a concept i think up on the fly and then forget with time. Either because i can't make games or because i am lazy, or both xD

I totally get this, haha.

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8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Here's a bit more of an expansion to the system:

Time: Will be around Spd and time manipulation. Low level magic gives enemy SPD debuffs. later on you can do stuff like Freezing enemies in time (making them not able to attack or be attacked. No interections basically), refresh your own units, speed buffs, Death magic and Save magic (MC exclusive, basically the save feature, where the player gets 3 Save Magic uses every Map). 

Space: As i said earlier, all about displacement. Low damage, but pushes them back or moves them forward tiles (depending on Magic rank), later on Area Magics like a Black hole that brings enemies closer together (imagine Dark Matter from Trails), Warp and Re-warps, Position switching (enemies and allies), etc. Nosferatu also will be here as it ''switches wounds around'' (lol). Very late Heal skill that basically switches Allies HP with enemy's.

Illussion: Low level gives Res debuff. Support stuff like Illusion Clone, Stealth, Magic buffs, Magic deflect etc. Later on will have Berserk and Silence Magic, Mass Area Res debuff, Mind control, etc. Basically the whacky Magic xD

Fire: Highest Mt Magic, no really gimmicks. Only gimmick it will have is that it can burn Forest tiles and deal effective damage to them and melt ice tiles.  

Wind: Wind and Thunder spells, effective against Fliers and Cavalary respectively. Buffs include Evasion/Hit buffs, movement buffs, range buffs to Archers and a Spell that makes units fly (very high rank though). Generally long Range Magic. No Terrain manipulation.

Water: Water and Ice magic. Water is innefective against Armor units (only 1/2 damage to them. Gotta make Armors useful somehow xD), however Ice is effective against Dragons. Heal and Restore spells will usually will fall here, including a limited Revive spell (that can only be used like 3 times the whole game). So will 'cold spells' (debuffing enemy Mov and evasion), and very late freeze spells (unlike time freeze however they can be attacked, however also be cured from it). Water Magic users can walk on water as if it was normal. Summon Water Monsters. Terrain manipulation will be turning fire/Lava Tiles to normal ones, and freezing water tiles over so normal units can pass them.

Earth: Supreme Terrain manipulator. Can create Desert and Forest Tiles. Deals effective damage on enemies on Desert Tiles, while healing allies on forest tiles make heals stronger.  Defense buffs and skills fall here, like crit negating spell, for example. Traps also fall in this magic line. Late on gets spells the deal damage map wide on Desert Tiles or heal map wide on Forest tiles. Basically if there's an annoying desert map, this magic can go 'Yeetus deletus' xD. Fliers are immune to this magic though.

The Witches themselves will have something like the songs from Stella Glow.

Awesome! Truly!
I'd love to play a game with this!

Bold: Earth is my favorite element already.

8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

sadly, as usual, it will be a concept i think up on the fly and then forget with time. Either because i can't make games or because i am lazy, or both xD

But i like to imagine stuff from time to time.

Well, now that you've written it down, you can read it if you forget.

8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Yeah, i am a weird person xD

Aren't we all?

In all honesty, your magic system is much more creative than some I've seen in actual games, especially Fire Emblem, which never really does anything interesting with its magic. It just exists and that's it; nearly all combat spells are just variations of "do this amount of damage to that enemy".
Tellius had the right idea by giving different elements effectiveness against different unit-types, but that's about the extent of it.

My own magic system especially is laughably boring in comparison.

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7 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

My main worry is that there is a very strong unique enemy in a very narrow pathway that makes it hard to avoid alongside some other tough customers that can kill me in just a few strikes (attacks can just hit you anywhere once they go off, it seems).

Is it by any chance Malicious Dimitri? That's the only Unique Monster that I can think of that's in a narrow path in that area. If so, you don't have to go that route. There's a wider route you can take.


Just go up the collapsed highway, you can't miss it.


11 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Earth: Supreme Terrain manipulator. Can create Desert and Forest Tiles.

Creating the very thing you swore to destroy.

Real talk, this magic system would make FE desert maps not suck.

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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Is it by any chance Malicious Dimitri? That's the only Unique Monster that I can think of that's in a narrow path in that area. If so, you don't have to go that route. There's a wider route you can take.

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Just go up the collapsed highway, you can't miss it.


*desperately resists Three Houses meme*
The monster I mean (I honestly don't remember its name) appears inside a


collapsed building. It jumps down at you when you're going up the stairs. It looks kind of like a bigger version of the other dark humanoid things that appear there.

Dunno if that is Dimitri (it doesn't have an eyepatch or noodle-like hair, at the very least), but if you say there is another way, then I will seek it out!

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Creating the very thing you swore to destroy.

You could use it to slow down dangerous enemies, like Paladins.
Seriously, magic like that would add so many strategic layers to the game, it's unreal.

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57 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I love how we all just put a "Teehee" somewhere in our posts. Does that make it qualify as a meme now?

petition to add a 'Teehee' tag to the Thread.

24 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

That sounds like an interesting magic system.


19 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

In all honesty, your magic system is much more creative than some I've seen in actual games

Thanks haha. But honestly, it's not really that creative, it's just me combining systems from different games (mainly Trails and Stella Glow) and trying to Fire Emblem'ify them xD. Terrain manipulation idea comes from a 1 chapter fangame called 'The Siege of Lemond' i once played that had a 'Geomancer' Class that could do stuff with Forest tiles, and i then expanded on it. Pics of the Geomancer class. So the idea isn't totally mine.

That fangame had alot of cool gimmicks over all and if more SRPG studio games had stuff like that i would play them much more.

19 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

especially Fire Emblem, which never really does anything interesting with its magic. It just exists and that's it; nearly all combat spells are just variations of "do this amount of damage to that enemy".

Yup. It's one of my main problem with Fire emblem. 3H made is a bit better, but there's much more that can be done there. Alot of people seem to be averse to the idea of making stuff more complex in FE though. Skills are a bit divisive in the community themselves.

14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Creating the very thing you swore to destroy.

Well, you can use it for example to slow down enemy Cavalary. Or as a setup for your map wide attack, etc.

14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Real talk, this magic system would make FE desert maps not suck.


But yeah, making you able to manipulate terrain or somehow overcome the desert stuff (like with making your units fly, for example), would make desert Maps more fun imo.  

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Something i forgot to add and edited to my post


Earth users can move through Desert and Forests without penalty. There's also a spell that gives that trait to allies for a few turns.


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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

petition to add a 'Teehee' tag to the Thread.

I second this!

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Thanks haha. But honestly, it's not really that creative, it's just me combining systems from different games (mainly Trails and Stella Glow) and trying to Fire Emblem'ify them xD.

The way I see it, one doesn't necessarily need to pull something entirely new out of their butt in order to be creative.
I think the mere idea of combining these things is in and of itself a creative thing and process.

That sounded more high-nosed than I intended it to be, but I think you know what I mean.

5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Yup. It's one of my main problem with Fire emblem.

Same. It's kinda why I want Fire Emblem to go even more into high fantasy territory with at least one game, if only to explore the potential of magic a little more.

1 minute ago, Wraith said:

Oh... my aching head...what'd you kids do to my whiskey? 

I thought ghosts couldn't get drunk?

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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I think the mere idea of combining these things is in and of itself a creative thing and process.

hehe thanks.

2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

That sounded more high-nosed than I intended it to be, but I think you know what I mean.


umu umu! Don't worry xD

2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I think the mere idea of combining these things is in and of itself a creative thing and process.

Yup. FE can do so much more without being overly complex even. And if Magic is too strong, some limits can be added, like limited uses per map, Cast times for High level magic (want to cast that super op spell? gotta cost a few turns), nerfing user after use, etc.

So much can be done with FE, so so much.

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So with Cloud back in the party, I have decided to pursue the fine art of Chocobo breeding. Catching them was the hard part; winning races was easy because the female annihilated the competition in every race she participated in, even if the male lost both of his races. I guess we know who's in charge in this relationship...

Regardless, they have produced a fine blue Chocobo, which can be used to get Quadra Magic. I might try to go for Junon's Huge Materia before I try to get a green Chocobo as a change of pace.

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11 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

hehe thanks.

No problem. I'm just being honest!

11 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Yup. FE can do so much more without being overly complex even. And if Magic is too strong, some limits can be added, like limited uses per map, Cast times for High level magic (want to cast that super op spell? gotta cost a few turns), nerfing user after use, etc.

So much can be done with FE, so so much.

Echoes and Three Houses had a good idea on how to limit Mages a bit without making them too weak, I think (except the low movement part, of course), so their approach would mix well with Magic like that. I also don't think we'd need to nerf Mages too much, because when you can do stuff like changing terrain, you deserve to be slightly OP.

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