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26 minutes ago, Armagon said:

More RPGs should do this tbh. One could argue it makes the game easier but I'd just find it way more convinient.

If the game is balanced around it, it can still be challenging. You just have to change the design philosophy a little and make each individual battle count more, which Blue Reflection does an excellent job of, in my opinion. Now, it is on the easier side, yes (at least on Normal difficulty, no clue how it is on Hard), but I'd say that's because Gust isn't exactly known for making ball-bustingly hard games, and the fact that you can get quite powerful skills fairly early on if you're proactive about getting Fragments and making friends with your schoolmates.


32 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

The true greatest Kirby game /s


Kirby Air Ride, eh?
That game is a lot of fun! One of my personal favorites on the GameCube.

Edited by DragonFlames
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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Kirby Air Ride, eh?
That game is a lot of fun! One of my personal favorites on the GameCube.

Ditto. One of the best things in this game is hearing this music:


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1 minute ago, Shadow Mir said:

Ditto. One of the best things in this game is hearing this music:


And then wrecking everyone with Hydra to steal their upgrades and force them to have the worst vehicle. I have so many fond memories of that.

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43 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Same here. Most of them don't present a difficulty high enough to keep me engaged.

Yea, I feel similarly. I don't need a super hard game, but I need to feel like I'm being at least a bit challenged, which doesn't help Kirby games, since they usually fail to do so.
I also feel Kirby games feel very samey, which isn't a bad thing inherently, but if it's samey in something I don't normally enjoy, well, I'll usually give it a pass.

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Here's the proof why 3D platformers are a no-go for me:


This is not exactly a platformer but an action RPG, but I needed like 20 minutes to pass this area because I failed with the jumps or fell down when attacking the enemies.

32 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Beaver Bother... I hate that game so much! I cant explain how much I hate it, it's just awful.

Yes, this game tends to be brutally hard in lategame.

Also the races (beetle and rabbit) are really hard and force some racing skills from someone.

32 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I wasn't aware of this until now. Looking it up, it's "Blue Blood", with "B.B" instead of "Mim(s)" for the shorthand.

Blue Blood sounds weird, and is a lot less scientific, I like mimeosome more. But Blue Blood does

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make it more obvious that Lao is telling the truth when he says that there was a bias for determining who got on the White Whale. 


And to speak of the other stuff

No idea myself. I can't think of how it'd relate to Blue Blood/mimeosome. "Janus" is one possibility that pops into my head- the two-faced Greco-Roman god. Interpret two-faced as "duplicitous", and you have a J-Body, human on the outside and to itself, but actually a robot.


Elma is proof that one alien got aboard the White Whale, so it's possible other alien races secretly made discovered humanity and that Eleonora is the agent of them.

I do prefer Eleonora and the J-Bodies as a purely human conspiracy however. X2 is going to have to feature innumerable hordes of Ghost or something else pushing NLA to the brink. I'd appreciate instead of another alien threat, that humanity has a serious internal menace too, something more than a few isolated anti-Xeno racists, a lobster bomber, an evil assistant to Asian-American Oprah, a serial killer in a stolen mim, and the ilk. The J-Bodies group could provide that.


Could explain that ominous stare of hers into the residential district- she is imagining everyone gone and replaced by happy J-Bodies. But of course we know absolutely nothing because we have no absolute evidence of anything. 😉

I've seen people speculate Cross = J-Body, but the oddity therein comes in what Eleonora says. She said Yelv's personality was stabilized by a third party, aka, you the player who have unwittingly made a positive contribution to her schemes. She should have known if Cross was another prototype J-Body, and she doesn't act like does.

On a related note, I do think Yelv didn't pop up suddenly after the crash on Mira. Not sure if he was around for the entire two years in space, but there is this post-battle exchange:

Elma - "Yelv, have you forgotten everything I've taught you?"

Yelv - "What? NO! I—I— ...Maybe? ... Sorry, Ma'am."

A banter with Boze casts Yelv as a lazy student, so I don't think this has to mean a real Yelv boarded then died. It says to me that Yelv has spent a minimum of a couple weeks training under Elma, could be longer. This could does add circumstantial, inferred evidence that Cross could be a J-Body.

Or, if you want to cast Cross as being ultra-mega special, contradicting what Cross currently is, pretend Mira wiped out Cross's memories or created their soul to make them the basis of a Homo Novae- a new human species. But I prefer Cross as ordinary.


I'll concur it's simple, easy, and that it could use more racetracks (and unusually for a racer it has no Grand Prix). But its bones are that of a competent Kirby spinoff. Air Ride mode is a traditional racer, City Trial is very different, and Top Ride is small tracks over many laps with a plethora of items to use-  "Kirby Kart Melee" in a way.

A sequel would be much desired, but I don't think Nintendo will ever make a non-Mario Kart racer now, too much cost, not enough profit.

Sounds pretty fun.

I only know a little of the soundtrack by playing Smash, it's really good.

I assume it's pretty much non existent anymore as most other GameCube games are, so no chance to play it on my Wii.

30 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

You ask me, it doesn't make a Radiant Dawn ironman any less terrible. And then there's part 4, with its assloads of enhanced crit mooks...

Part 4 is easy, if you're familar with the maps.

Seriously the worst is done when beaten 3-13.

Edited by Falcom Knight
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Just now, DragonFlames said:

And then wrecking everyone with Hydra to steal their upgrades and force them to have the worst vehicle. I have so many fond memories of that.

Or just flying around on the Dragoon like "try and catch me, losers!" That said, sabotaging opponents is fun too.

This reminds me, one of the new tracks in Ultimate is a City Trial remix:


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13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Really cool how the game just ate my attack and pretended it didn't happen.

I've had this happen a few times, and not sure what causes it. It can be kinda annoying, though.

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The Xenoblade Experience.jpeg

40 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Blue Blood sounds weird, and is a lot less scientific, I like mimeosome more. But Blue Blood does

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46 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I do prefer Eleonora and the J-Bodies as a purely human conspiracy however.

It would provide a nice aspect to the story. Despite humanity being besieged by an alien threat, that's not enough to cause all of humanity to band together. Perhaps Eleonora is an agent from a different country that escaped aboard a different White Whale. The fact that she can communicate with them may suggest that they are also on Mira. New Tokyo, perhaps?



14 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

Here's the proof why 3D platformers are a no-go for me:


This is not exactly a platformer but an action RPG, but I needed like 20 minutes to pass this area because I failed with the jumps or fell down when attacking the enemies.

Yeah, uh, I wouldn't use platforming in an RPG as a basis for not being good at platformers.

4 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I've had this happen a few times, and not sure what causes it. It can be kinda annoying, though.

It put i-frames on everything when I hit the "Warn" button.

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I just...

@Shrimperor @Caster
I just finished watching the second Heaven's Feel movie and I just have no words. I. Have. No. Words.
I thought the first one was as good as it could get, but holy crap, Ufotable did it. They actually did it.

I kid you not, the Nepgya face that I am usually using for joke reactions was my actual, genuine reaction throughout the second hour or so of the movie. Preceded by the shocked Noire gif.
And yes, my jaw still kinda hurts.

And that fight scene. Holy GOD that fight scene... no other anime or movie I've seen even came remotely close to the utter epicness that was the


Evil Saber vs. Berserker

fight. The music, the choreography, the animation... holy f***.
It was also the first time


Berserker came across as a genuine force of nature to me, pure power incarnate, badass as Herakles should be. Ironically, it was probably also the battle in which he got curbstomped the hardest.

Regardless, any anime or movie fight scene I watch from here on out will have to compare itself to this one. And the question isn't "can Ufotable do epic scenes justice?" anymore. It's become "Can they actually top this fight?".



Shinji finally kicked the bucket in the most humiliating way possible for scum like him, which made me quite happy.

And then the ending... good lord, the ending...

Movie 3 has a LOT to live up to, let's just put it that way...

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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I kid you not, the Nepgya face that I am usually using for joke reactions was my actual, genuine reaction throughout the second hour or so of the movie. Preceded by the shocked Noire gif.

Wait until movie 3 hehe

3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

It's become "Can they actually top this fight?".

This is one of the smaller ones in HF

the last third is a R I D E.

It goes off the rails harder than anything you can imagine.

4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:


Let me tell you

i was watching that in a Cinema...

when Shinji



one went '''ENDLICH!'' And everyone cheered lmaaaaaaaao.


But now you truely know what a scumbag shithead shinji is.

5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Movie 3 has a LOT to live up to, let's just put it that way...

Mid part (first half of Movie 2) is the weakst part of HF, i will say it like that.

If they adapt Movie 3 right...

oh boy.


how did you like this ed btw?

or the Golden Dinner?

Or Sakura in general?

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Wait until movie 3 hehe

Good lord...

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

This is one of the smaller ones in HF

Wow... for a small one, they sure put everything in there to make it as epic as possible.
I swear that was just Ufotable trying to show off again. And it worked wonderfully.

3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Let me tell you

i was watching that in a Cinema...

when Shinji

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one went '''ENDLICH!'' And everyone cheered lmaaaaaaaao.


But now you truely know what a scumbag shithead shinji is.

Even more than I already thought.
And that "ENDLICH!" is so damn relatable. I probably would have yelled it too, if I wasn't downright paralyzed by everything that happened before that.

5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Mid part (first half of Movie 2) is the weakst part of HF, i will say it like that.

I actually loved that part, too.
The scenes with Illya were really sweet, for instance. And the scene where

Shirou and Sakura confess to each other

managed to be both heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time.

6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

how did you like this ed btw?

or the Golden Dinner?

Or Sakura in general?

Oh yeah, I completely forgot. The ending theme was awesome. I just barely registered it at first, because of... well, everything. XD

If by Golden Dinner you mean the scene where

Sakura gets taken over by what is apparently the will of the Holy Grail and starts to eat people while she herself is in some sort of strange fever dream with plush bunnies, a castle and plenty of candy

, then... holy f***, I did not see that one coming. And it threw me for a loop, too, especially

when Gilgamesh Gate of Babylon'd her and she lived.

Though I did chuckle slightly when

Gilgamesh's leg got ripped off and all he was worried about was that he was almost made to kneel before someone else. XD

As for Sakura herself... hoo boy. Poor girl. It's almost like

the universe itself hates her at this point.

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

Wow... for a small one, they sure put everything in there to make it as epic as possible.

Well, they made it more epic than it originally was xD

I wonder how they will do the truely epic stuff.

Oh man oh man oh man

just remembering the upcommig stuff

Or that one super bad ass bad ending

mouth watering.

3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Wow... for a small one, they sure put everything in there to make it as epic as possible.

not exactly


I meant Her eating Gilgamesh.

Yummy golden Dinner xD

3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

And it threw me for a loop, too, especially

Here. Got surprised alot it seems 😄

4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

the universe itself hates her at this point.



Now you see why she is trying to protect Shirou from everything

And why she is losing it all

He is the light of her life.


Ah, i remember, i promised i will give you some bad ends, right?

Until you respond to to this post i will go collect some^^

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28 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

shocked Noire gif


My reaction after methodically playing through chapter 7 of FE6 for a little over an hour, getting every item, fighting off reinforcements, and buying new items, only for me to make a stupid mistake at the end and get Roy skewered by the boss when Debias only had 9 HP left.

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My previous post looks very weird to someone who doesn't (want) to read the spoilers...

But don't feel tempted to click them, unknown viewer! Because you will get spoiled on quite a few details concerning the movie that is being discussed. Should you have any desire of watching it, I strongly advise against clicking the spoiler tags. Okay? Okay. Have a nice day!

5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Well, they made it more epic than it originally was xD

I wonder how they will do the truely epic stuff.

Oh man oh man oh man

just remembering the upcommig stuff

Or that one super bad ass bad ending

mouth watering.

I am certainly hyped for Movie 3, that's for sure.

5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

not exactly

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I meant Her eating Gilgamesh.

Yummy golden Dinner xD

Ah, that. I had a feeling if it wasn't the one I said, it'd be this. XD
My reaction to that is

I am very surprised by how little he mattered. He said two sentences, got a funny moment, then got offed. When you called Heaven's Feel a blood bath... you were not kidding.

6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Here. Got surprised alot it seems 😄

Part of the reason I had permanent Nepgya face was that.

6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Now you see why she is trying to protect Shirou from everything

And why she is losing it all

The last time I felt this sorry for a character was Nepgear in Re;Birth 2.

8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

He is the light of her life.

And they really hammered this point home without ever actually spelling it out.

These movies may just have been the best movies I have ever seen in my life...

4 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:


My reaction after methodically playing through chapter 7 of FE6 for a little over an hour, getting every item, fighting off reinforcements, and buying new items, only for me to make a stupid mistake at the end and get Roy skewered by the boss when Debias only had 9 HP left.

You really do like that gif, don't you? ^^

Yeah, that is a reason why I didn't enjoy FE6 at all. One tiny mistake and it's all over. And it's easy to make these mistakes, because these chapters are so damn tedious, they just wear you down mentally.

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Bad End 26 - If Shirou doesn't bond with Illya enough https://lparchive.org/Fatestay-night/Update 386/ aka what should've actually happened xD

Bad End 30 - If Shirou let Rin do what she wanted to do at the Church https://lparchive.org/Fatestay-night/Update 310/ 

Bad End 35 - Bringing it down at the end of the Movie https://lparchive.org/Fatestay-night/Update 349/

The movie mixed Bad Ends 30 and 35 together in the form of a monologue for Shirou. Was really really well done. The Movies do Shirou much more justice than the UBW Anime ever did.

I hope you know now why he is like one of my fav. protags ever xD

actually, it wasn't until what movie 3 will adapt that cemented that.

5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

And they really hammered this point home without ever actually spelling it out.

I'm really glad you're warming up to Sakura^^

She has a big hate train going on for her. From Victim blaming (like calling her unironically used goods Yikes) to worm jokes to anything you can imgaine.

truely hated by the universe.


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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

Yeah, that is a reason why I didn't enjoy FE6 at all. One tiny mistake and it's all over. And it's easy to make these mistakes, because these chapters are so damn tedious, they just wear you down mentally.

I'm only on Ch. 7 and the amount of times I've missed are almost equal to the amount of times I've actually hit an enemy, axe user or not. It's more than a bit frustrating when the hit rates always feel like a lie.

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3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Bad End 26 - If Shirou doesn't bond with Illya enough https://lparchive.org/Fatestay-night/Update 386/ aka what should've actually happened xD

Bad End 30 - If Shirou let Rin do what she wanted to do at the Church https://lparchive.org/Fatestay-night/Update 310/ 

Bad End 35 - Bringing it down at the end of the Movie https://lparchive.org/Fatestay-night/Update 349/

Oh my...
Lesson learned: always bond with the homunculoli. Always.

Bad end 30 is exactly what Archer wanted to prevent, I bet.
Pretty dope for a bad end, though.

And Bad End 35 is what I was thinking would have happened had he really gone through with it. I was honestly waiting for

Rider to show up. Glad she didn't, though. Would have ruined the moment and his resolve.

3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I hope you know now why he is like one of my fav. protags ever xD

Most definitely.
Though I always liked the guy, despite the memes he spawned.

6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I'm really glad you're warming up to Sakura^^

She has a big hate train going on for her. From Victim blaming (like calling her unironically used goods Yikes) to worm jokes to anything you can imgaine.

truely hated by the universe.

I never was part of that hate train. All I thought about her character is that she was kind of inconsequential to the whole thing, because she was never really the focus in the other adaptations. She was always this character I would have liked to know more about, like her history and such. Well... now I know.

Bolded: It's stuff like this that makes me lose what little hope in humanity I have left.

8 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I'm only on Ch. 7 and the amount of times I've missed are almost equal to the amount of times I've actually hit an enemy, axe user or not. It's more than a bit frustrating when the hit rates always feel like a lie.

Absolutely true.

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18 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Yeah, that is a reason why I didn't enjoy FE6 at all. One tiny mistake and it's all over. And it's easy to make these mistakes, because these chapters are so damn tedious, they just wear you down mentally.

My problem with FE6 isn't that, as i love Conquest which punishes you much more harshily than FE6 every does.

It's the fucking shitty Rng with having fucking 50 hit while having weapon traingle advantage wtf.

add to that some of the shittiest maps to be known to the series and the worst ambush spawns ever

and you get one of the worst games ever created.

1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

Pretty dope for a bad end, though.


Mind of Steel ending is a fan favourite.

There's another one which is also a fan fav.

it's so rad, it doesn't even get to be a Bad ending. you just get an ''End'' when you get it.

Spoilers for Movie 3 though, so...

2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Bolded: It's stuff like this that makes me lose what little hope in humanity I have left

They blame the poor girl for everything bad 😕

Some also hate her because Shirou finally decided to not be a hero because of her, but to priotize close people.

Ya know, him being finally the closest thing to a human, and they hate her for that 😕

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7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

My problem with FE6 isn't that, as i love Conquest which punishes you much more harshily than FE6 every does.

And my problem with Conquest is exactly that, on top of what I mentioned about FE6.
On top of the garbage plot.
On top of completely pointless, annoying map gimmicks in the lategame.
On top of skills that only enemies can have that kill every last ounce of fun (Staff Savant, Inevitable End)
On top of the 90% manure characters.
On top of everything else in Fates not being much better.

And then you get the game which I call

7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

one of the worst games ever created.


7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

They blame the poor girl for everything bad 😕

Some also hate her because Shirou finally decided to not be a hero because of her, but to priotize close people.

Ya know, him being finally the closest thing to a human, and they hate her for that 😕

F*** those people. Seriously. F*** 'em.

Edited by DragonFlames
Posted too early by accident.
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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

And my problem with Conquest is exactly that

but that was exactly the point of conquest though. A game for machoists like me to enjoy xD

I get it though, it's not for everybody.

But gameplay wise Conquest is what i think every FE should be xD

Except for Ninjas, fuck em haha.


Also, i think you know now why i called Nep 2 Conquest ending Nep of steel, eh? xD

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Sakura is overhated to an absurd degree.
It's to the point I just avoid most discussion of her, since it hurts to see people be so toxic about this character which means a lot to me.

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12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

but that was exactly the point of conquest though. A game for machoists like me to enjoy xD

I get it though, it's not for everybody.

And I can get that you like it.
A civil exchange of points and agreeing to disagreeing without being at each other's throats (I hope) on the internet? BLASPHEMY! XD
I would probably enjoy it slightly more if the story and characters weren't what they are. Though this goes for Fates as a whole, not just Conquest.

12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

But gameplay wise Conquest is what i think every FE should be xD

My perfect FE difficulty would probably be Radiant Dawn European Normal (which is Japanese Hard afaik). That was a lot of fun and not too rough, while also not being too easy.
Gameplay-wise, I loved Three Houses the most (obviously), but when it comes to "standard" FE (I'd put Three Houses in the more sandbox-y do whatever the eff you want FEs, alongside Awakening and (kind of) Echoes), I think the Tellius games are pretty up there when it comes to perfect FE gameplay. For me, at the very least.

12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Except for Ninjas, fuck em haha.

Ninja Hell flashbacks... Ninja Forest flashbacks... Ninja Forest flashbacks again, except this time somehow worse, because gReEn UnItS.

12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Also, i think you know now why i called Nep 2 Conquest ending Nep of steel, eh? xD

That, I do!

6 minutes ago, Caster said:

Sakura is overhated to an absurd degree.

My question is... why, though?
I mean, sure, people can dislike her all they want, but to that level of hate? Did I miss something somewhere?

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All this Fate talk is making me look up old posts of mine

i found this Master piece xD


Maybe i should create something like this of users here xD

5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

would probably enjoy it slightly more if the story and characters weren't what they are. Though this goes for Fates as a whole, not just Conquest

The less i say about Story & Character of Fates the better xD

As some might know, my fav. Characters in fates are The Awakening Trio, Elise and Felicia xD

5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

My perfect FE difficulty would probably be Radiant Dawn European Normal (which is Japanese Hard afaik). That was a lot of fun and not too rough, while also not being too easy.
Gameplay-wise, I loved Three Houses the most (obviously), but when it comes to "standard" FE, I think the Tellius games are pretty up there when it comes to perfect FE gameplay.

Radiand Dawn European normal is definetly up there in my favs. as well. 

But RD is also my 2nd fav. FE game after 3H, and before 3H i considered it 2nd best gameplay wise after Conquest xD.

5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I mean, sure, people can dislike her all they want, but to that level of hate? Did I miss something somewhere?

Victim blaming (as in, blaming her for what people did to her), ''making Shirou betray his ideals'', killing innocents (completely forgetting she got corrupted by the grail)

and the biggest of em all is a movie 3 spoiler, so i won't mention that.

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