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Bad characters you just can't stop using


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I was gonna post this one anyway, but my phone died before I could post out, and I was to lazy to retype it all.

Anyway, Fe10 Rhys PB Cup. Fe7 Suicide Squad Leader Dart. Fe8 Trainees (all 3) and Agent Moulder (dat Con). Fe6 Lilina (reminds me of Micaiah) & Wendy (I'm hoping she becomes good)

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I use Lilina a lot because Lugh hates me as a unit, Hugh joins really late, and Clarine has low mag (though she crits a lot with Rutger support) and needs to get promoted to even use tomes, which is around C11-13 for me usually depends on when she decides to hit 10. Lilina's been pretty nice to me in the speed department usually, so I'm not complaining.

Fir is more like mediocre than outright bad, but she is totally outclassed by Rutger forever. I like having units that can hit consistently in FE6, though, and I do have a soft spot for most myrmchicks.

I kinda like using Tinny, but only if dad is Lex since Wrath/Ambush Thoron is pretty nice. It's not like I ever even attempt to play FE4 efficiently outside of that one draft I did anyway. My want for Lakche favoritism is just too strong.

Malice in FE12. Granted I haven't played the higher difficulties yet (emulator lag >|) and she isn't that all that bad in H1, but fuck that Imma use her on Lunatic if I can somehow squeeze her in. Maybe.

Think that's it.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Even though I like Mia more, I tend to use FE10 Lucia too much...despite knowing her short availability compared to the other Trueblades besides Stefan and low strength and defense growths (not using her on my current Hard Mode file of FE10 though because I know better...XD ).

Eliwood's not all that bad, but he's not all that good either...but I still use him. It's mainly a habit of mines to take good care of the Lord units, is all.

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Rebecca and Nino in FE7.

I end up using everyone in FE8. The existence of the Tower, Ruins, and Skirmishes make me want to have everyone at 20/20.

Mia, Ilyana, Mist, and Astrid in FE9.

Eddie, Laura, Fiona, Vika, Lyre, Astrid, Leanne, and Ilyana in FE10.

Norne, Chiki, and Est in Shadow Dragon.


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Mia, Ilyana, Mist, and Astrid in FE9.


And out of those you named, a grand total of.... zero of them are considered bad. At least, from what I understand.

That aside...

Astrid, Sigrun and Fiona in RD, Norne in SD, and... that's about all I can think of now.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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FE3 and 1!Maji!



Ethlin as raw offense!

Ricardo in any FE he's in!


All I can think of at this current moment, I'm not going to argue that these various characters (if applicable) make superior substitutes for their better character (i.e- Cyas vs. Sety, Julian vs. Ricardo and so on), as I would be wrong, but .I just like using them for various reasons.

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Rebecca, Tanya, Sue, Tinny... About it. I like archers and Tinny, sue me.

I disagree with you calling Sue bad. And Tanya (unless you are going AA rank or better?).

Ethlin as raw offense!

Me Too! Pursuit Ring + Light Sword is so much fun. I have her ko the guy with elite ring so I can promote her ASAP (then sell elite, obv) and then she can butcher things quite well.

I regularly use:

Wendy, Lilina, Sophia, Cecilia, Farina, Karla, Rebecca, Nino, Louise, Amelia, Est...

Why? Because they're Cute/pretty. ^_^

I suppose you mean you use Cecilia offensively? Because she's not bad as a staff-bot.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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When I start a playthrough I either try and use any and every unit in the game(Within reason.), play with my favorite characters, or restrict myself to using only the bad/mediocre characters. If I had to mention specific characters, then going by the "Favorites" playthroughs I always use:

FE5: Shanam(So bad he's good :awesome:), Marty.

FE6: Wendy, Sophia, Cecilia, Hugh(Extra points if I discount him to the worst stats possible! :Hugh:), Yuno. Are Lillina/Noah/Treck considered bad?

FE7: Nino,(xJaffar), Bartre, Karla, Renault.

FE8: Trainees.

FE9: Mist.

FE10: Mist, Lyre, Pelleas(?).

FE11: Wrys, Roshe, Est.

I'm sure I have other favorites from each game that are at least mediocre, but I'm not very sure who's bad and who's not. I would like to note that I have an odd fascination with units that don't "grow" well(Such as Jagen), which means I'm more likely to use a unit with bad stats over all than someone who'll max out everything/solo the game.

Edited by Tripple J
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With most of them, you can find some niche to make the characters you want to use seem like good characters. But, Leonardo- i can't even pretend he's alright. But he's so elf looking.

I choose my team based almost entirely on coolness, so...

Edited by deranger
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Rebecca, Tanya, Sue, Tinny... About it. I like archers and Tinny, sue me.


Welp I always go by who I like as a character so probably a whole ton of them are considered bad. Idk about Rhys but people probably find him bad. And everyone but me and few others hate Soren but I always always always use him.

But I guess I can't really say all that much about this since I haven't been playing fire emblem too much at all recently...

And I've only regularly played FE 9+10 while I've played some of FE 7 and some of FE 8. So I can't really say too much about them.

EDIT: Oh yeah and deranger reminded me of Leonardo XD

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Hmmm. . .

FE7: Wil, and maybe Rath? Dunno where he ranks in this.


FE9: Rolf. And maybe Ranulf?

FE10: Rolf, Shinon, and Leonardo. At the same time. I am insane.


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Fe8 Trainees (all 3) Fe6 Lilina

Soren, Rolf,





Nino in FE7.

Mia, Ilyana, and Astrid in FE9.

Eddie, and Ilyana in FE10.



all of these, they have all been said already.

of course, I don't actually think they are bad.

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