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Kamen Rider Ryuuki Mafia - Game Over


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  • 2 weeks later...

Can I just say that I really really want to stop being mafia freaking all the time! lol. I was actually kinda mad when I got that mafia pm. But eh, I had more fun as mafia this time than usual.

This was my thought after literally getting mafia about 5 games in a row or something.

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  • 1 month later...

Could you two kindly keep your mouth shut if you don't have anything meaningful to say and stop spamming this thing even more than you already did. I wouldn't mind seeing a postgame of this someday, and you're not exactly helping.

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uh I'll update the OP like I should have

now do me a favour, guys

count the pages

and tell me if it's even reasonable to ask for postgame here

maybe if Proto helped, but I feel even less motivated to do this bullshit than I do most things

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To be honest, I don't mind if we have a postgame or not. I was just answering 13th and remembering him that this game has a lot of pages and it's almost impossible to do a postgame. Sorry if it was a spam of some sort.

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count the pages

and tell me if it's even reasonable to ask for postgame here

Yes. While I don't expect you to carefully reread everything, you can at least get some general thoughts about the game and the setup done, or you could go through eclipse's summaries and when something seems important, reread that part specifically.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This. The least you could do would be to show how the night actions went down.

no seriously, did naglfar ditch this for mafiascum newbie games or something

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  • 1 month later...

I only played one newbie game...


It's not a very good one but I don't care.


As the first game I've ever hosted, this was experimental by definition. I assigned roles that would fit the characters I chose, paying relatively little heed to balance (even though Proto did provide plenty of help with that, in a custom-made game with all these power roles, is balance beyond a certain point even practically achievable?). My primary goal was an enjoyable game with plenty of possibilities, and as far as I can see, I succeeded in that respect. Due to my inexperience and semi-random decisions, I'll spare you any bullshit about why I went with anything in particular. Either I thought it'd be interesting, or Proto thought it'd help balance the game.


Haha, I can just copypaste this. Mostly.




You are Kamen Rider Ryuuki.

Lucky you, you got the titular character, whatever that's worth to you. Your colour scheme is a striking red and fire features prominently in a lot of your techniques. Your motif is a dragon, which stands out amongst the insect motifs Kamen Riders, especially eponymous ones, are known for.

You only want to stop the fighting, but the most you can do is protect your allies. Each night, you may reply to this Role PM with Night X – Use Guard Vent on USER. You will use your shields to negate all kills targeting USER during that night. In short, you're the Town Doctor.

You are town-aligned. You win if all anti-town players are dead.


Dear Cap'n Flint,


You are Kamen Rider Knight.

You are the secondary Rider of the source material and the first to make an appearance. Your abilities are unique, owing to the arsenal of unorthodox Advent Cards at your disposal. Your motif is a medieval knight, and when your contract monster Darkwing morphs into a cape, you totally look like Meta Knight.

You can do more than just fight. Each day, you can sneakily multiply yourself with your Trick Vent. Your daily lynch vote counts for two votes. In short, you're the Town Mayor.

You are town-aligned. You win if all anti-town players are dead.


Dear eclipse,


You are Kamen Rider Zolda.

You are the fourth Rider to appear over the course of the series, and were present for longer than most. You're difficult to attack with your Magna Visor serving as a gun along with the rest of your artillery, after all. Your name is taken from the Russian word for "soldier", which is reflected in your appearance.

Just shooting everyone up may not be a good idea, though, so you chose to be more subtle with your abilities. Each night, you may reply to this Role PM with Night X - Use Scope Vent on USER. By closely inspecting USER, you will discover their alignment by morning. In short, you're the Town Cop.

You are town-aligned. You win if all anti-town players are dead.


Dear Iris,


You are Kamen Rider Raia.

You are one of the few non-antihero protagonists of the series and debuted relatively early on. Your default weapon is Evil Whip, though you have the ability to copy the weapon of other Riders. Your motif is a ray.

You don't want to fight, but you can put your more supernatural abilities to good use. Each night, you may reply to this Role PM with Night X - Use Sight Vent on USER. If you die that night, your psychic abilities will be triggered, revealing USER's role publicly at the start of the following Day Phase. In short, you're the Town Oracle.

You are town-aligned. You win if all anti-town players are dead.


Dear Nightmare,


You are Kamen Rider Gai.

Your introduction came a fair way into the series, though it wasn't late. You attack with your huge gauntlet, Metal Horn, while being protected by heavy armour. Your motif is a rhinoceros, so this is unsurprising.

As if you needed anything more to overpower your enemies, you have a trick to put you at a distinct advantage. Each night, you may reply to this Role PM with Night X - Use Confine Vent on USER. USER's action will be voided. In short, you're the Town Roleblocker.

You are town-aligned. You win if all anti-town players are dead.


Dear Levantamos/Snike,


You are Kamen Rider Tiger.

You were late to the party, but I guess that'd be "fashionably late"? That axe (unpictured, sadly) makes a statement, and basically sums up your fighting style, smashing everything... or possibly freezing things before smashing them, but that's for another time. Your motif is a white tiger (tigers are rad).

Let's be a hero. Each night, you may reply to this Role PM with Night X - Use Strike Vent on USER. You'll use your Dest Claws, and USER will die. If you use this ability on consecutive nights, you will appear as mafia to investigative roles for the rest of the game. In short, you're the Town Vigilante.

You are town-aligned. You win if all anti-town players are dead.


Dear Diavolo,


You are Kamen Rider Imperer.

Of the Riders to be introduced over the course of the TV series, you were the last. You fight alongside a significant number of Contract Monsters and use a strange twin drill weapon, Gazelle Stab. It's ambiguous with most things associated with you directly referencing gazelles, but your name suggests that your motif is actually an impala.

With Gigazelle and its plethora of underlings on your side, you have eyes everywhere. Each night, you may reply to this Role PM with Night X - Use Advent on USER. Your monster army will keep tabs on USER wherever they go, and you'll know where they've been by morning. In short, you're the Town Tracker.

You are town-aligned. You win if all anti-town players are dead.


Dear Dave Strider,


You are Kamen Rider Verde.

You are unique in that your only appearance was in the 13 Riders TV special. During your limited screen time, you fought using more tricks than anyone else, immobilising enemies with your yo-yo weapon Bio-Winder and even copying the appearance of your enemies. Your motif is a chameleon.

With a chameleon motif, naturally you have stealth abilities. Each night, you may reply to this Role PM with Night X - Use Clear Vent on USER. You will blend in with your environment and you'll be able to stalk USER; you'll see everyone who visits them that night. In short, you're the Town Watcher.

You are town-aligned. You win if all anti-town players are dead.


Dear 13thshadow,


You are Kamen Rider Femme.

You are the first official female Kamen Rider, but like all official female Kamen Riders, you made no appearance outside of movies (actually, you appeared briefly in the 13 Riders TV special, but it's hardly worth mentioning). It's kind of a sore spot with me. For combat, you can choose between your Blanc Visor that doubles as a rapier or the double-bladed Wing Slasher. Your motif is a swan.

You're rather good at getting people to do what you want. Once each day, at any time, you may reply to this Role PM with Day X - Use Mind Vent on USER1 - "##Vote: USER2". USER1's lynch vote will become USER2 as soon as a host sees your PM, regardless of whether or not they have submitted a vote that day, and it cannot be changed. In short, you're the Town Persuader.

You are town-aligned. You win if all anti-town players are dead.


Dear Strawman the DucksawDucky,


You are Kamen Rider Scissors.

You are the third Rider to appear, and your status as an antagonist was used to show the Japanese public that the Riders this time around aren't all the heroes they're used to. You use a lot of brute force, but not much else of note. Your motif is a crab.

In this game, visiting you is a bad idea. Anyone who does will be killed by your Crush Vent, but remember that their action will not be voided. In short, you're the Mafia Paranoid Gun Owner.

You are mafia-aligned. You win if you achieve parity with all non-mafia players.


Dear Shinori/Kaoz,


You are Kamen Rider Ouja.

You are easily the most consistent villain of the series, constantly attacking everyone. You fight with multiple weapons, though most commonly your Veno Saber, a spiral-bladed sword, and you go crazy with it. Your motif is a cobra.

If it's there, may as well use it. Each night, you may reply to this Role PM with Night X - Use Steal Vent on USER. If USER targets a member of the mafia with their night action, their action is voided. It resolves as your own action, targeting its original user. In short, you're the Mafia Copier.

You are mafia-aligned. You win if you achieve parity with all non-mafia players.


Dear Kay,


You are Kamen Rider Abyss.

You are the only Ryuuki-continuity Rider to make no appearance in the original work, and you only showed up as an alternate universe Rider seven years later, designed for the 2009 series Kamen Rider Decade. You were the Big Bad of Ryuuki's world, your two Contract Monsters giving you a significant advantage in combat. Your motif is a shark.

Your affinity for water makes cleaning up messes easy. At night, you may reply to this Role PM with Night X - Use Torrent Vent on USER. If USER dies that night, only the mafia will get to see the dead player's Role PM, and you will be unable to use this ability again. In short, you're the Mafia Janitor.

You are mafia-aligned. You win if you achieve parity with all non-mafia players.


Dear Princess K,


You are Kamen Rider Odin.

Introduced midway through the series, you are the representative of the primary antagonist. In addition to having power leaps and bounds beyond that of any other Rider, you are capable of teleporting short distances, and even manipulating time with one of your disproportionately potent Advent Cards. Your motif is a phoenix.

These idiots have no chance. Each even-numbered night, you may reply to this Role PM with Night X - Use Final Vent on USER. Your Eternal Chaos attack will kill USER. There is no defence against it. Well, a doctor or something, I guess. Let's not be overpowered here. You can't die at night either. In short, you're the Independent Serial Killer.

You are self-aligned. You win if all other players are dead.


Dear Rapier,


You are Kamen Rider Ryuuga.

You are the primary antagonist of the movie, not appearing anywhere else. You're not technically one of the ensemble of Riders, rather you're sort of an evil clone of Ryuuki. Functionally, you mirror Ryuuki perfectly, though you're black and your base form is slightly stronger. Your motif is a dragon.

Your goal is to replace Ryuuki. You don't care about anything else, so you will be protecting yourself with your Guard Vent at all times and one attempt to kill you at night will fail. A second will be successful. In short, you're the Independent Bulletproof.

You are self-aligned. You win if you survive and Kamen Rider Ryuuki does not.


Dear Strawman the DucksawDucky, Shinori/Kaoz and Kay,

You are the mafia. If one of you is Nightmare, I apologise. Each odd-numbered night, any of you may reply to this Role PM with Night X - Send MEMBER to kill USER. MEMBER kills USER. It's incredible.

You know that there is no martyr. You also know that Kamen Rider Alternative and Kamen Rider Alternative Zero are not in the game.

That's all you should need. Good luck!

How Shit Went Down

If you ask me, there was a fair bit of interesting stuff that happened during the game. Mostly you people being retarded. You all disgust me.


[spoiler=Cycle 1]

13th persuades Rein onto Nightmare

Bizz/Snike idles

Core tracks Kay

Eclipse investigates Iris

Iris scries Rapier

JB protects Bizz/Snike

Nightmare blocks Sho

Rein watches Eclipse

Kay shoots Bizz/Snike

Kay janitors Bizz/Snike

Shinori/Kaoz rolesteals JB

Blitz was lynched. 13 players remain.

[spoiler=Cycle 2]

13th persuades Rapier onto 13th

Bizz/Snike shoots Core

Core tracks Iris

Eclipse investigates Shinori/Kaoz

Iris scries Shinori/Kaoz

JB protects Nightmare

Nightmare blocks Kay

Rein watches Shinori/Kaoz

Kay idles

Shinori/Kaoz rolesteals Nightmare

Sho idles

Rapier was lynched. Core was killed. 11 players remain.

[spoiler=Cycle 3]

13th persuades Shinori/Kaoz onto Rein

Bizz/Snike idles

Eclipse investigates Sho

Iris scries Kay

JB protects Eclipse

Nightmare blocks Bizz/Snike

Rein watches Eclipse

Kay shoots Iris

Kay janitors Iris

Shinori/Kaoz was lynched. Iris was killed. 9 players remain.

[spoiler=Cycle 4]

Bizz/Snike shoots 13th

Eclipse investigates Rein

JB protects Eclipse

Nightmare blocks Strawman

Rein watches JB

Sho shoots Bizz/Snike

Kay was lynched. 13th, Bizz/Snike and Nightmare were killed. 5 players remain.

[spoiler=Cycle 5]

Eclipse investigates Strawman

Rein watches JB

JB protects Eclipse

Strawman shoots JB

Sho was lynched. JB was killed. 3 players remain.

[spoiler=Cycle 6]

Strawman was lynched. Eclipse and Rein survived. Town victory.

Individual shit once I've written it. On that right now, 2/14 done. Let me know if there's anything else I should write about.

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