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[FE10] Rate the Unit According to Draft Performance


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Sorry. Skipped yesterday because I couldnt update. Lets do 2 of them. Average for Brom soon.

Day 28: Heather and Day 29: Lucia

Heather: lolworthy combat in Part 2. Able to steal stuff like the Energy Drop in 3-5 or the Dracoshield in 2-E but those cost turns and generally not worth it in drafts. I guess BEXP, Adept, forges and vantage can help her actually kill stuff in Part 3...but she practically NEEDS forges in order to have any semblance of good combat. So shes pricey. Not to mention that the Adept could be in better hands...

she gets cool points for having the hots for Nephenee :3.

I give lesbo Heather a 6/10.

Lucia: very good combat in 2-2. Shes usually not free and easy to protect in order to not take a penalty with the free unit provided. She rejoins in 4-2 severely underleveled. Thankfully, shes pretty salvageable with BEXP and a few resources. She can pull her weight in 4-2 and 4-5. Trueblade is also a really good class in endgame. She does have availability issues but she has a few clutch maps in her favor unlike Stefan.

I give Lucia a 5.5/10 because she cant be worse than Brom.

Brom's average is 4.9 btw.

Edited by PKL
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Good avoid, her bio is tricky and unstable. Her combat is :facepalm: , as PKThunder said, she'll be needing plenty of resources (Adept + Vantage + shitload of steel forges) that could be given to other unit for better performance. Although, she may prove, somehow, useful in thicket maps like 3-3 and 4-2, she can even 2 turn it with a couple of shoves and a vigor. When 3rd tier, she's pretty good, maybe even better than Sothe's 3rd tier, but she costs $$$$$$...her affinity is good, still...



Of course best unit in 2-2, but drafting her may cost a turn (Mordy can Smite her :mellow: ...oops). She can be BEXP'd in 3-E to take advantage of the Mercs' and CRKs' BEXP. Promotes and :awesome: , but her growths are lulzy yet.


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That mordy smite is heavily reliant on having brom and nealuchi also drafted. So yeah. It needs at least S strike luchi + wrath nephenee (free) and possibly another filler in order to work.

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Utility, and 1-2 range.

Too bad Knife forges are expensive, and have 20 uses.

Needs adept for good combat.

No, she's not a lesbo, Soul loves her

therefore, how can she be a lesbian



Great p2

Filler p4

Nice Endgame class.

Earth aff.

Wierd growths, but high res is good in tower.

Has several chapters where she's decent, but her availibility kills a lot of her potential.

Also, ZiharkXLucia for EarthXEarth in tower.


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Heather 4.5/10

She can steal some neat little items, and is good for 3-3 and finds things with relative ease. Thats where good things end. Her combat is crap and oveerly reliant on a trolish skill that activates the second time she attacks :/ Adept may solve this or make it worse, activating bane when she could have 3hko...

Lucia 3/10

Eh, her only good chapter is 2-2. Non-existant for ~3/4 of the game, and she comes underleveld in part 4. No thanks, next. Maybe as a last round unit, when you figure a way to make her save you a turn or something.

Edited by SlayerX
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You do know axes are the best weapon... Best 1-2 range too (for most of the game, not late game).

Yea, but he is Brom. Better units that use axes get better ratings.

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I assume you havent used Neph in drafts...or got some really bad Personal Experience lol.

ok yeah this was probably posted before i told you i did draft her before


She can get to 17-18 str easily by 2-2. I mean, 2 levels by 2-1 and other 2 by 2-2 is enough plus the bunch of BEXP you're feeding her of P2. Only 2-3 grants you over 10000P

Unless you're BEXP/Reset-abusing, she can't. Her Skill/Spd/Res/HP growths will be too busy.

Day 28: Heather and Day 29: Lucia

Heather: ...but she practically NEEDS forges in order to have any semblance of good combat. Adept could be in better hands...

Mia and Nephenee need forges before they promote as well. Well, at least Nephenee can wait until she caps, or gets close to capping her Str.

Adept can be used on better units. Really? Well, only if you have Mia on your team. But Ike? Why would he want it? He would turn a 1RKO to...a 1RKO? Want to 1RKO's Generals? Get a Brave sword.


Luchi Luchi? :awesome:

I give Miss Murder a 7. I might be a little biased, but I have been capable of making her my main GM on my first FE10 draft.

Luchiino gets a 5. She saves a 2-2 penalty.

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Heather: 5/10

Never drafted her, but knife forges are pretty expensive and her combat isn't that good either way. Also, bane never activates on what would be a fatal hit, so I don't imagine that would be a drawback for her.

Lucia: 4/10

She does save a penalty, but it's not necessary to take the penalty in the first place.

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Yea, but he is Brom. Better units that use axes get better ratings.

The way it was written, it seemed that you mean that because he has axes, he gets a 5/10 on weapon catergory...

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Lucia's average is 4.9. Heather's average is 5.6.

Day 30: Mordecai

Smite goodness in Part 2. Resolve makes him a murder machine. Never dies. Decent availability. His problems are the same as all laguz plus spd problems if you dont transfer resolve and then again, with his bulkiness he might not even get to resolve easily in the first place...

I give him a 5.5/10

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7. I didn't touch Mordecai in a draft yet, but it's not hard to get his Spd up with Blossom and a Speedwings to make him a killing machine without Resolve. Mordecai is a freaking beast. Just look at 'dat Def/HP.

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Good P2 unit, has innate smite which helps clearing some chapters a bit faster. I haven't done a serious analisis if Mordy's Smite saves some turns, but I think it should help, cause having a smitebot is quite good :^_^: . High hp, str and def, he's a tank, he gets no dmg or low (mages/sages) in P2. Gauge and no 1-2 range (lolcards/they come handy to Lethe) :S. His caps for endgame are somehow good against generals and all that stuff, but not so good against auras, yet, he has good mt.


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Mordecai is possibly one of the best laguz to draft. His gauge decreases slowly, compared to cats/crows. His speed problems are easily fixed with resolve. His strength is just ridiculous, and he will never die to physical attacks. He is great at shoving, for times where he is not killing stuff. Good for the desert... Lack of 2 range kills him though. Eventhough his gauge is one of the good ones, he still has to olivi every turn meaning he can't kill 2 rangers in his PP... :(

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It's actually best if Resolve stayed with the DB. They actually need it.

They don't need it, they like it a lot. They can still go through part 3 without resolve and still end with good enough results (unless you have someone like meg/aran/laura... wow... actually i suppose it depends on the situation of the player...). I agree though, DB should keep resolve.

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Micaiah is very much interested in it. Even Sothe could give some more use to it to help him survive on his own account and take down Ike.

Edward, Nolan, Zihark, Laura and Jill need it for durability and to kill Ike. Emphasis on Ike because all of them have a hard time dodging a hit from him or even surviving it. Beast laguz are no easy work, either.

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Mordecai's average is 6.75.

Day 31: Lethe

Doubles everything in 2-2 but misses a lot of ORKOs. Has Part 2 BEXP if needed. A transformed Lethe helps a lot in 3-1 strangely, if she is BEXP'd in Part 2. She also has the same availability as Mordy. She has a really terrible con to her and that is her cat gauge. Seriously, cat gauge is ridiculous. It ensures that cats will never have that much exposure on EP. Severely limting their usefulness. That in itself is a -3 to me. Then, the lack of 2 range just putting salt on the wound, -1. Blossom helps her a lot like every laguz in Part 3.

I give her a 5/10.

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