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Uncaring Night

Defeatist Elitist

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Rine is impressed by the term 'monsters' being mixed with 'a lot of hysterical citizens running inside an Inn to save themselves', but he didn't want to ask more questions. He wasn't a hero himself, and such an ammount of people running meant that it was something big (in his opinion).

He ran towards his room, closed the door and proceeded to pick his stuff again before leaving permanently from the room.

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The zombies surge forward, three of them swinging their rotting arms at Sternblade from their position at the entryway. One of them swings wide, but the other two manage to connect with Sternblade, one of them winding him for a moment.

The flow of people up the stairs continues, however their are far fewer people remaining downstairs, and the way should clear up soon.

OOC: Sternblade takes 10 damage as two of the attacks hit him (one does 7, the other does 3). There are three Zombies in front of Sternblade, and a bunch more behind them. It looks like the stairs will be clear in a round or two.

Edited by Defeatist Elitist
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There's too many of them, though Matthis, we'll need to slow them down for now.

Rushing forward, Matthis proceeded to attempt to close the doors, forcing the zombies out with his strength while calling to anyone nearby, "You there warriors! Help me close these doors now! And some of you shut the windos!"

Action: Matthis attempts to close the door.

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Matthis manages to force the doors closed, and hold them in place. However, it is all he can do to hold them there, and even with the bolt drawn, the door seems like it could burst open at any moment.

OOC: Rothene wanted me to roll for him, and he got 18+2 = 20 on his Strength check. You guys can act out of initiative order for now, as you're not really in combat anymore.

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Stella looked outside at the crowd of zombies gathering, looking for an opening. She decided to cast a True Strike on herself so she could unleash an attack so powerful, it would be sure to blast the assailants into oblivion.

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Tamara walks briskly towards Sternblade, necklace still weakly glowing. "I'd not have you wounded, sir. You fought valiantly." She presses her hands against Sternblade's glistening, oiled chest, and his wounds begin to knit themselves closed.

(Tamara casts Cure Light Wounds for 9, losing Detect Evil.)

OOC: I'm assuming I don't have enough time to cast Protection from Evil, as well? If I do, I'll cast that on Sternblade as well.

Edited by Furetchen
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OOC: Basically, as long as you've got people holding the door it seems like it will hold for at least a little bit. You guys just aren't sure how long it will last if you leave it totally alone.

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Dwayne shoulders his backpack, hefts his weapons into position and finally slips back into that other damn boot. "Now if I only had some traps packed, this might be good for something other than running away with," Dwayne mutters as he fashions some silk rope around his grappling hook. "Now, whether to fight here or find better ground?" Dwayne begins, as he looks to his room's window. "If there's any to find."

"Sir innkeeper! Frequent patrons, able-bodied persons, anybody with a clue to what's going on! Can I have a word?" Still not sure who's listening, Dwayne goes to the hallway and tries to make himself heard. "Is there any passage to the roof from here? If not, I can fashion a rope to the top. Tell me, even if it's a poor escape route, will the people who can't fight at least be somewhat safer up there?"

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Sternblade gives a smile to Tamara.

"You have my thanks. Your magical powers are quite profound, it would seem," he said, "but it also would seem the enemies are innumerable. It would be wise to escape from this inn...any way out, aside from the front door?"

OOC: Guess I should've made that an OOC question. Any windows or anything we can use to escape?

Edited by Nightmare
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"That will be our escape route," Sternblade said, "the lot of you, go up to the second floor! I'll help our friend here hold the door while you all get away!"

Sternblade then rushes over and helps hold the door.

OOC: Do I need a strength check for this? And will it help at all?

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"Oh! Well. Fantastic!" Cautiously elated, Dwayne runs to the end of the second floor, finding a ladder up to a latch door. "If this pans out perfectly, maybe the civilians can all roof-hop to safety, make it a happy ending to circulate the rumor mill! Or maybe I'll wake up if I hit my head hard enough." Still wary of just how safe the passage really is, Dwayne's sword hand drifts to his kukri's handle as he climbs with the other. Dwayne lifts the latch, anxious to check the roof and gain a better vantage point.

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Upon hearing this, Stella stopped for a second. If we can get up the stairs... I think we'd have a much easier time bombarding the zombies from above. She bolted for the stairs, but looked back at everyone still on the base floor. Her eyes fell upon the small, elven cleric and hulking, human barbarian at the door. Then, they fluttered to the innkeeper at his bar.

"Why..." Ugh, nobody will hear me if I speak THAT softly... "Why don't we head for the second floor? Wouldn't we be fighting a far easier battle that way?"

Stella was surprised at how loud her voice was.

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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Tamara takes another look back at the two heroes. "Don't throw away your lives!" she says anxiously, before backing away to the stairs.

Edited by Furetchen
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Ariadne was mosty massaging her still-throbbing head as she walked past the others and picked her hand axe off from the once-again-dead corpse of the zombie.

"The second floor then, huh?" She muttered, as she made her way to the stairs.

OOC: Might be busy as hell this week. Can't promise too much activity.

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Dwayne opens the hatch to the roof cautiously, and, seeing nothing, pulls himself, followed steadily by the civilians.


Kopfjager: No worries, I'll just have Ariadne tag along and do reasonable but not life threatening shit.

Sternblade doesn't need to make a Strength check to hold the door since it's already closed.

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Dwayne briefly cracks a smile, as he pulls himself to the top and moves aside of the ladder to let the rest up. He quickly turns his attention to the skyline, to estimate how big the roof is, and whether there are any ways down, or an obvious path to pretty much anywhere else. It felt so long since he'd first stumbled into the inn in a stupor of exhaustion, he'd almost forgotten what the outskirts of Perovac looked like. He wondered if it would be too much to hope for to spot where it is the zombies are coming from.

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Matthis called out to anyone on the second floor who could hear him, "Hey! Once the civilians are safe let us know! We can't stand here forever!" The armour's starting to feel really heavy...

Turning to Sternblade, Matthis decided to spare some breath to introduce himself "No...noble warrior...urrrrf..I saw you fought those things bravely. My name is Matthis, paladin of Fharlanghn, and you are?"

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Seeing the stream of civilians climbing the ladder, Damios catches hold of the roof and half hauls, half walks himself onto the roof.

Looking around, Dwayne can't see much in the darkness, though he can still make out the occasional torch along the criss-crossing roads. The creatures he can see appear to be wandering almost randomly, though more and more are gathering around the inn, and he can make out several other clusters. Straining his eyes toward the nearby gate to the countryside, it appears to be open.

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Stella flashed one last glance down at Sternblade and Matthis. "Everyone else is waiting for you on the roof!"

Stella ran toward the ladder and merged into the crowd. Soon, she reached the front of the line and rose to the roof. She looked around at the outskirts of Perovac; she had lived here her entire life, and yet she saw so little of the city.

It's... weird... to look at a city from atop a building like this... Perovac really is so much larger than I imagined...

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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Rine decides to climb up after packing, as he didn't want to stay on the second floor if they have the idea to get rid of the ladder so that no one else (and the zombies) climbs. Even if everyone is trying to climb up, he tried it anyway.

OOC: I don't know if I need to apply a test to that.

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