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"Can" reply a certain way =/= "should" reply a certain way. If you want to make an idiot of yourself, then by all means.

There is no "should" here. It's FFtF ffs. If you don't realize that people can respond however they want, then maybe you should stop trying here.

If you wanted Serious Discussion, you passed it. Go back about 3 streets, turn left, then take the second right. Maybe you'll find it then. Or, maybe not.

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You'd think with how long LPs have been going on, Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft would've said something if they disliked it. A few of them said they appreciated it. Oh but it's not legal because they never said it was legal!

So yeah your argument is pretty much "It's bad because it's not explicitly legal!" :B

And I'm not taking anyone's intellectual property without permission, otherwise someone would have stopped me~

One more time. This is a discussion for how things should be, not how they are (because right now, the law is in an inexplicable grey area where no one's entirely sure). So let's make a laundry list of some facts:

-People ought to have a right to their own intellectual property

-Some companies don't mind people making LPs and the like

-Some companies do mind people making LPs and the like

Seems to me like the best approach is 1) correctly identify LPs as illegal IP use by default, and then 2) allow companies to speak up if they think otherwise. I'm sure that in many cases, that will end up being a good business decision; but it's a decision that must first be explicitly made so that IP owners who disagree aren't thrown under the bus.

Jaffar7 mad.

So mad bro. Literally fuming, even

Edited by God Brady
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One more time. This is a discussion for how things should be, not how they are (because right now, the law is in an inexplicable grey area where no one's entirely sure). So let's make a laundry list of some facts:

-People ought to have a right to their own intellectual property

-Some companies don't mind people making LPs and the like

-Some companies do mind people making LPs and the like

Seems to me like the best approach is 1) correctly identify LPs as illegal IP use by default, and then 2) allow companies to speak up if they think otherwise. I'm sure that in many cases, that will end up being a good business decision; but it's a decision that must first be explicitly made so that IP owners who disagree aren't thrown under the bus.

So mad bro. Literally fuming, even

Video game videos CAN be taken down right now, and they have been

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One more time. This is a discussion for how things should be, not how they are (because right now, the law is in an inexplicable grey area where no one's entirely sure). So let's make a laundry list of some facts:

-People ought to have a right to their own intellectual property

-Some companies don't mind people making LPs and the like

-Some companies do mind people making LPs and the like

Seems to me like the best approach is 1) correctly identify LPs as illegal IP use by default, and then 2) allow companies to speak up if they think otherwise. I'm sure that in many cases, that will end up being a good business decision; but it's a decision that must first be explicitly made so that IP owners who disagree aren't thrown under the bus.

But who says it's wrong? You? Why is it wrong? Because it's not legal? Why does that make it something terrible that should be changed?

because it's wrong and un-american

my word.

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