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Game of thrones season 2


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They should break from the novels and have Dany be hit and killed by a stray javelin.

But Dany's a female version of Leaf, as much as Robb is the GoT version of Celice or not. =P

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I love Spartacus, and I have GoT torrented, but I'm waiting to watch it until season two actually starts up. After I watch it, and if I love it, I'll probably buy the boxed set.

You should just start it now, unless you can marathon it. It's like 10 hours, and season 2 comes out in less than a month.

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You should just start it now, unless you can marathon it. It's like 10 hours, and season 2 comes out in less than a month.

I'm working double time on my Ragefest 3 submission, don't really have the time. Once I'm in Job Corps in a couple months, I'll have plenty of time since there's no internet there. /sadface

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But Dany's a female version of Leaf, as much as Robb is the GoT version of Celice or not. =P

If anything, Jon is Celice, though I can definitely agree that Ned is Sigurd.

I'm sure as hell hyped. But really, let's get through this and get to Storm of Swords, best book in the series. And everyone's rage will be hilarious.

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If anything, Jon is Celice, though I can definitely agree that Ned is Sigurd.

I'm sure as hell hyped. But really, let's get through this and get to Storm of Swords, best book in the series. And everyone's rage will be hilarious.

nah jon is ike if anything. leaf is robb. zephiel is definitely stannis

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nah jon is ike if anything. leaf is robb. zephiel is definitely stannis

Making comparisons is so fun. =)

Ned Stark: Sigurd, tragic hero.

Cathelyn: Ethlin. What's with her Neutral Good/Lawful Stupid attitude?

Robb: I see him as a mix of Celice and Roy, but most people say he's like Leaf...

Jon: Ike!

Sansa: Tinny. Noble and childish damzel in distress.

Dany: Mix of Micaiah and Elincia

Jorah Mormont: From miles away, Seth.

Tyrion: Trabant, most of the time.

Tywin: Reminds me of Manfloy, setting up the war, manipulating people and planning almost everything.

Jaime: Aless. Guy with bad publicity and a bad attitude, but he isn't that bad.

Cersei: Reminds me of Hilda, because of Sansa and because she's nasty with anyone else that isn't Jaime and her father.

Littlefinger: Alvis. I still don't know if he's a Well Intentioned Extremist, a Magnificent Bastard, Neutral Evil or all three together.

The Mountain that Rides or whatever: Jarrod.

Sandor Clegane: He does remind me of the Black Knight, alright.

Ser Barristan: Tauroneo. Yes, I'm beginning to sound silly here.

Stannis: Zephiel, definitely

Robert: Hector!

Renly: Ephraim, because he's cocky and a bit intelligent.

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i wonder which fe characters are most like roose and ramsey bolton

Roose Bolton reminds me of Reptor. =P

Now, I wonder which character I should compare with Theon Greyjoy. ... Shinnon?

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Littlefinger: Alvis. I still don't know if he's a Well Intentioned Extremist, a Magnificent Bastard, Neutral Evil or all three together.


Think happy thoughts, Ciaran, don't think about chainsaws and murder, don't try to kill anyone...

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Think happy thoughts, Ciaran, don't think about chainsaws and murder, don't try to kill anyone...


Joffrey = Narshen just made my day.

Same here, I never thought about that. =P

Just like Narshen, he's a pushover. Getting owned by Arya on the first season even while he's armed, and losing his sword afterwads? Pff.

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Welp, I just finished season 1. I'm not exactly disappointed... but it wasn't as amazing as I thought it might be, felt like the first episode had this awesome horror element going of "The white walkers are coming...!" and then uh... nothing. At least, not for another 6 or 7 episodes, which is the equivilant of bringing up the Secret Evil in movie one, then waiting until the fourth movie to be like "Oh yeah, about those terrifying abominations, they still exist...!". I know it's ten 1 hour episodes and not 4 movies of equivilant length, but I judged it as so.

To be honest, I was expecting something more along the line of "Spartacus". THAT, was a great show with awesome story progression. You're introduced to motives, given a definitive protagonist, and the story is set on its course. Here, I don't know what this show wants me to be doing. There's a king, something about taking over power, then people die, a whole fuckton of names are thrown at me, some more people die, something about revenge for crippling a boy but then the "protagonist" is killed, and then the series ends on the note of "yay dragons, and season 2 will have more undead!".

It's not that I disliked the series at all. In fact, I'm waiting for season 2 with bated breath. I liked it a lot and thought it was very enjoyable... but it wasn't doing it for me. Like all movies and shows that go for the whole "political intrigue" and "150 plot twists per episode" catch, eventually it gets too many of those twists. I stopped caring at some point about most characters and then I was like "ehh cool he died, didn't like him much anyway. what was his name again?". As of this moment, there are only three characters that I feel any sort of connection to, and I can't for the life of me even remember their names. Talk about forgettable. I like the little girl who's being taken to the Wall, I like the blond dragon princess girl, and I like the cripple boy. The three weakest characters on the show are the only ones I feel any sort of empathy for, and everyone else is just so bla'zeh.

Nobody has any sort of stable personality, it's literally chaos. I don't expect the characters to be one dimensional, but the characters have literally zero stability. For example, the bald eunuch is unsure of whether he's a good guy, or maybe he wants to be a bad guy, or maybe he's a backstabber, or maybe he's a man of loyalty and honor... who knows? At least the little girl loves her dad, she's saddened by his death, she matures and gets stronger by killing one boy and then threatening another... her actions make sense, they are explained properly. She has a backstory, a reason for why she acts the way she does. Same for the dragon girl, she betrays her brother because he's always been a self-righteous loathing prick to her, and she falls in love with a seemingly violent man who in actuality loves her far more than her brother ever would. She too, goes from weak to strong, and the reasons for that change are explained clearly.

And then we go back to the eunuch. He changes allegiances for... no real reason. Hell, he even says there's no reason. And that's fine, some characters may have no real reason for why they do what they do. But then you take the guy who runs whorehouses yet aims for the throne (You know, old "What'shisname") and he too doesn't have the most clearly explained reasons, but he does have some reasons. Like, he loves mom character (Ol' What'shername) and so he's happy to see King's Hand guy get killed because that clears a path for himself. There are many characters though who have seemingly no real motives for their actions, and that is why I am hoping season two brings in a little kerpow and kablam to the mix, showing more backstories and explaining why the characters exist and what their motives are.

This post was about six times longer than I originally intended. Whoops.

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Welp, I just finished season 1. I'm not exactly disappointed... but it wasn't as amazing as I thought it might be, felt like the first episode had this awesome horror element going of "The white walkers are coming...!" and then uh... nothing. At least, not for another 6 or 7 episodes, which is the equivilant of bringing up the Secret Evil in movie one, then waiting until the fourth movie to be like "Oh yeah, about those terrifying abominations, they still exist...!". I know it's ten 1 hour episodes and not 4 movies of equivilant length, but I judged it as so.

To be honest, I was expecting something more along the line of "Spartacus". THAT, was a great show with awesome story progression. You're introduced to motives, given a definitive protagonist, and the story is set on its course. Here, I don't know what this show wants me to be doing. There's a king, something about taking over power, then people die, a whole fuckton of names are thrown at me, some more people die, something about revenge for crippling a boy but then the "protagonist" is killed, and then the series ends on the note of "yay dragons, and season 2 will have more undead!".

It's not that I disliked the series at all. In fact, I'm waiting for season 2 with bated breath. I liked it a lot and thought it was very enjoyable... but it wasn't doing it for me. Like all movies and shows that go for the whole "political intrigue" and "150 plot twists per episode" catch, eventually it gets too many of those twists. I stopped caring at some point about most characters and then I was like "ehh cool he died, didn't like him much anyway. what was his name again?". As of this moment, there are only three characters that I feel any sort of connection to, and I can't for the life of me even remember their names. Talk about forgettable. I like the little girl who's being taken to the Wall, I like the blond dragon princess girl, and I like the cripple boy. The three weakest characters on the show are the only ones I feel any sort of empathy for, and everyone else is just so bla'zeh.

Nobody has any sort of stable personality, it's literally chaos. I don't expect the characters to be one dimensional, but the characters have literally zero stability. For example, the bald eunuch is unsure of whether he's a good guy, or maybe he wants to be a bad guy, or maybe he's a backstabber, or maybe he's a man of loyalty and honor... who knows? At least the little girl loves her dad, she's saddened by his death, she matures and gets stronger by killing one boy and then threatening another... her actions make sense, they are explained properly. She has a backstory, a reason for why she acts the way she does. Same for the dragon girl, she betrays her brother because he's always been a self-righteous loathing prick to her, and she falls in love with a seemingly violent man who in actuality loves her far more than her brother ever would. She too, goes from weak to strong, and the reasons for that change are explained clearly.

And then we go back to the eunuch. He changes allegiances for... no real reason. Hell, he even says there's no reason. And that's fine, some characters may have no real reason for why they do what they do. But then you take the guy who runs whorehouses yet aims for the throne (You know, old "What'shisname") and he too doesn't have the most clearly explained reasons, but he does have some reasons. Like, he loves mom character (Ol' What'shername) and so he's happy to see King's Hand guy get killed because that clears a path for himself. There are many characters though who have seemingly no real motives for their actions, and that is why I am hoping season two brings in a little kerpow and kablam to the mix, showing more backstories and explaining why the characters exist and what their motives are.

This post was about six times longer than I originally intended. Whoops.

the eunuch (varys) does what he thinks would be best for the realm (the kingdom) because he thinks somebody has to do it.

guy who runs whorehouses (little finger) well hes just a selfish prick who wants the iron throne for himself

read the books. u would get a way better understanding of the characters and the story as a whole.

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This show has way too much pointless nudity and sexual themes for me. I can't really take it seriously.

I don't mind in the slightest when a show has nudity/sex scenes in it, but unlike Spartacus, this show isn't exactly tasteful about it. In Spartacus, it makes sense because the gladiators fight constantly for their lives and the only fun they can have is, err, fucking around, so to speak. Not only that but the women in spartacus are actually hot.

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