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Touhou Mafia


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Oh for fuck's sake

We're supposed to just expect the mafia to lay down and die? Is that what you believe? Why should anyone have to explain this again? Town should always lynch.

Uh no, I just wanted to avoid a stupid mis-lynch. Though we can get a lucky shot and discover more about what the hell the Mafia has in their arsenal.

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Know what's stupider than a mis-lynch? Doing nothing all game and letting the mafia win.

Town doesn't always have to lynch... This is mostly seen in cases where its a few people game only though.

This is definitely not one of those games, and in all the games I've played I only remember like one that was remotely close to being like that - and it pretty much said in the rules how you should play that game (it was a 4 cop, one neutral, 1 mafia game with the 4 different kinds of cops (always wrong, always right, always suspicious and always trusting)).

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Hooray for a random vote on me WITH NO EXPLANATION. Hello, this is OC! You can talk to people outside the thread.

That may be why you have a vote on you anyway, and you're the only one of 3 people it happened to that has complained.

That said you are eclipse and as your white knight I am compelled to bitch at Shinori.

Never did like the kid


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##Vote: Strawman the DucksawDucky



Alright, the internet connection is more reliable now. I wanted to place a vote just in case I couldn't get back on while the internet was being reconnected. We switched to a different internet plan, and SHOULD have better. Now that I'm done, I can get some more done.

Sprry for picking on you Strawman.

I'm incredibly offended! /sarcasm

So Slayer is hooker(or was that a joke? I'm a bit confused), JB had his ability stopped, whatever it may be, and people have just been throwing out random votes.

Someone please explain me again why we must lynch someone when we have no clues, like now. I still insist that we'd do much better if we did a no lynch and then gave our opinions about the Night 1 death.

I used to think this too, and TBH I think it still makes sense. But its still a fact that lynch is our only reliable weapon against the mafia and if we don't use it we are just letting them pick us off. plus it generates absolutely no info for the next day, or next night even.

I wish I had more to go off of though. OC games, ugh.

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Someone please explain me again why we must lynch someone when we have no clues, like now. I still insist that we'd do much better if we did a no lynch and then gave our opinions about the Night 1 death.

Uh no, I just wanted to avoid a stupid mis-lynch. Though we can get a lucky shot and discover more about what the hell the Mafia has in their arsenal.

no point in keeping you alive


until you start being a better townie and decide to lynch someone after talking to him/her(or by reading his/her post and thinking he/she is scummy)

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To the cop:

- If you have a guilty, now's the time to say something about it.

- If the person you investigated is clear, tell them via PM. . .unless you think you hit the godfather or something.

- If you were blocked, bleh.

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no point in keeping you alive


until you start being a better townie and decide to lynch someone after talking to him/her(or by reading his/her post and thinking he/she is scummy)

Sorry, I am no psych (because he is another person].

And I never said something about No Lynching for the entire game.

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Blitz voted Rapier, Raymond.

I know, but Rapier subbed out and got replaced by Haze, so any votes on him would logically also be kept since they're now treated as the same player for the purposes of this game.

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Snargleblagh. I hate slow Day Phases, especially when I am gone 2/3 of it. Swiping some coffeeshop wifi while stopped on the road home. Day phase ends at barely after 5 AM for me, so this is likely the only post I can make until the next phase, so let me make this count. (I need a phone or something with a browser...)

Alright, Blitz, I don't see your logic in voting Domu, even if he is subbed out now. While yes, he IS being detrimental for no reason, he is trying to preserve the town.

Kevin, even though you aren't here, I want to see some logic about that Kay vote. It had almost NO meaning.

Shinori, why did you vote Eclipse so soon? And what made you change your mind.

These are the only suspicions I have, besides of course why Kaoz voted Haze on the beginning of the Day Phase when he hadn't been subbed in.

I would ask some of these in IRC or something, but I am on limited time here.

I say ##Vote: Diavolo

Because my initial thought was to see how Creeper Reacted. So I will now turn to someone else who hasn't said much at all in the thread.

See you Night 2.

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Snargleblagh. I hate slow Day Phases, especially when I am gone 2/3 of it. Swiping some coffeeshop wifi while stopped on the road home. Day phase ends at barely after 5 AM for me, so this is likely the only post I can make until the next phase, so let me make this count. (I need a phone or something with a browser...)

Alright, Blitz, I don't see your logic in voting Domu, even if he is subbed out now. While yes, he IS being detrimental for no reason, he is trying to preserve the town.

Kevin, even though you aren't here, I want to see some logic about that Kay vote. It had almost NO meaning.

Shinori, why did you vote Eclipse so soon? And what made you change your mind.

These are the only suspicions I have, besides of course why Kaoz voted Haze on the beginning of the Day Phase when he hadn't been subbed in.

I would ask some of these in IRC or something, but I am on limited time here.

I say ##Vote: Diavolo

Because my initial thought was to see how Creeper Reacted. So I will now turn to someone else who hasn't said much at all in the thread.

See you Night 2.

I'm here, but I haven't really gathered anything worth posting in the thread yet. I've been talking to people on IRC, though.

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besides of course why Kaoz voted Haze on the beginning of the Day Phase when he hadn't been subbed in.

because kaoz always votes haze at the earliest possible opportunity

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These are the only suspicions I have, besides of course why Kaoz voted Haze on the beginning of the Day Phase when he hadn't been subbed in.

I didn't think this was a difficult concept, it's obviously a joke.


Will be back in a few hours.

Don't ninja me Rein...

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