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Don't you think we can be a little harsh on new users as a community at times?


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I'm not very impressed with a lot of the "old" members to be honest. Considering what happened during the FESS merge I can't believe it was any better back then :P:.

Well, we're not very impressed with you, unless you're referring to, say, someone like Blacken specifically. (Who is actually really sweet.) :P: All jokes aside, I think the memberbase is much better now than it was two or three years ago. I'm not sure if the average age has gone up, or if we're doing a better job of socializing new members, or if people are just "getting it" now, but for a while, I used to feel like a glorified babysitter. We had a lot of really immature, clueless people stumbling onto the forums, and it wasn't pleasant. But now? I definitely feel like the memberbase is really intelligent and easy to talk to. Of course there are still moments of immaturity and thoughtless behavior, but as a whole, I find this crowd to be really enjoyable and quite different from the group I met when I first joined.

Edited by Popo
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Popo, I had interpretted that the complete opposite manner. "Not impressed with the old members" to mean, the outright xenophobia exhibited by Lyle et. al. was a strike against the so-called oldguard and the "glory days".

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Popo, I had interpretted that the complete opposite manner. "Not impressed with the old members" to mean, the outright xenophobia exhibited by Lyle et. al. was a strike against the so-called oldguard and the "glory days".

Oh? I really can't always tell what's what when Tangerine talks about FESS. Sorry if I read your statements wrong! Sometimes meanings get lost online. >w<

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I could easily be wrong too. I've been known to project my own opinions into what other people are saying occasionally before, it could be happening again.

If it's of any consolation, I interpreted it more or less the same way. I think if a hypothetical merger with a random other FE forum were to occur now, no one would really care.
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I'm not very impressed with a lot of the "old" members to be honest. Considering what happened during the FESS merge I can't believe it was any better back then :P:.

I hope I'm not part of that lot!

Four years ago was a really fun time for me on here. It's still all right now, but it has lost that thing it originally had... That sense of craziness and immaturity which was actually pretty awesome. I think that's what it was anyway.

I definitely agree it was fun, but I wouldn't want to go back...Just thinking of the way I acted at times makes me cringe. Like my freshman year of high school.

It's also kinda sad seeing how some other people kinda evolved along with that.


Wait, shit, this isn't on topic.

I was never really a "new" member here, but I don't think I've seen new members here be treated any worse than they might anywhere else on the internet. At least not in these recent years.

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It's well granted that I showed up here two whole damn years ago (holy shit how), but I recall the SF community as being distinctly more helpful and welcoming to me when I was new here than any other forum I'd ever been to, bar one.

So there's that, I guess.

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Not that anybody doesn't already know my opinion on the FESS merger, but yeah, it was undoubtedly one of the biggest turnaround moments for this forum, and I think really changed it for the better. People might sort of glorify the "good old days" but having been a mostly impartial observer to them they were pretty terrible. Like "evolution isn't real and fuck you for trying to discuss our niche Japanese strategy game differently than us by the way let's buy some bad art with Wii points" terrible.

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When members from FESS were asked/told to come here, it didn't really change for the worse. It was a year or so after the fact that things started to change, from what I remember, from the nicer, more welcoming, entertaining group into more specific members constantly acting how they've been acting all the time. There became less waves of conversation, and instead more and more of the same thing over and over from the same people :/

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There are some older people on here who still haven't matured. But I do agree the older members are definitely usually more mature than the younger members.

Even though I was new to the internet I wasn't nearly as hardened as I am now, but I still didn't think that much about people who are rude to the new members. Although, back when I joined SF was all new and actually had some decency left in it and hadn't gained all the rude people yet. It was definitely much nicer staying here back then than it's gotten to now. Not that everyone is like this though, there are probably very few who act like this.

I am naturally very defensive for other people though, so I could easily agree that this place is pretty harsh and I see no reason for it. But I think my opinion is quite biased because of how defensive I am for those who are being treated rudely, so idk how much my opinion could be worth. So you can just ignore my views if you wish XD

Otherwise, there are definitely people who I kinda look at and think "why so sirius serious?" and people who just couldn't take a joke at all to the face. For them I'd say lighten up, but that's not often the case.

Fire Emblem. Serious Business. I kinda agree. Some people are either just really really set in their ways or just dont like newbs that come in going "NINO FOR ALL THE THINGS!" and junk like that. I have noticed that some of the old crew have mellowed out and dont act like complete wingwongs anymore. But once in a while their old selves come out to play.

She previously left because of some pairings discussion that had much disagreement with her beloved "Ike x Elincia". She's too sensitive.

I know her from another forum. Shes not just overly sensitive. She just doesnt know how to properly deal with people. Not to mention, so defensive that she literally loses her shit when people disagree with her. Constantly getting into scuffles (and sometimes outright shitstorms) with other members. Im not surprised that this forum wasnt gonna have any of that. This is one of those times that having a bunch of seemingly xenophobic and jerky members ends up being a boon. ;):

Four years ago was a really fun time for me on here. It's still all right now, but it has lost that thing it originally had... That sense of craziness and immaturity which was actually pretty awesome. I think that's what it was anyway.

I think its cuz everyone (from that era) is older now. Including you. You lot were pretty fun and ridiculous back then. I enjoyed reading all that silliness. Im not super active in FFtF much these days, but i have noticed that when people try to post really goofy shit, its just...not as fun as it was. So yeah maybe part of that spirit has gone but i think its due to you guys getting older and junk like that.

As for the topic at hand, yeah sometimes people are super harsh to newblets (and even not-so-newblets). Spriting board comes to mind. :P: I know people are just trying to help in that board, but it can be seen as rather discouraging for new spriters. In the FE boards, most of the arguments are pretty intelligent for the most part.

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I hope I'm not part of that lot!

I recall you beginning to xenophobe shit up yourself, despite being a moderator.

Also, Datia, on old SF being less sensitive; It was smaller, and it by some random chance got a memberbase composed mostly of douche bags, is the simplest way to put it. And even if you say it was less sensitive, there's the FESS merge to look at, as has been previously mentioned. A lot of members were so sensitive that they couldn't stand the idea of another page or two in the introductions forum! Oh, woe! Really, the only old members left are the ones whose entire personality couldn't be defined as "just a douche bag".

edit: old as in early to mid 2008 members

Edited by R-1 X Valhawk
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I recall you beginning to xenophobe shit up yourself, despite being a moderator.

Maybe a bit, but I don't think it was as bad as some people looking from the outside make it out to be. I was merely skeptical, as were some others; we liked what we had and a sudden influx of new members all from the same place made it look like SF might become FESS 2, which we didn't want, and I think it's reasonable that we were worried about that. People like Lyle who plainly rejected everything that was happening were in the wrong, but we weren't all like that. I was open to new members, I just wanted SF to stay SF.

Of course, since I took the side of the old SFers, despite the fact that I wasn't doing everything the way they thought I was, I was seen as one of the bad guys.

And yes, it did piss me off, and if I'm still seen that way for it, it still pisses me off.

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Popo, I had interpretted that the complete opposite manner. "Not impressed with the old members" to mean, the outright xenophobia exhibited by Lyle et. al. was a strike against the so-called oldguard and the "glory days".

Oh? I really can't always tell what's what when Tangerine talks about FESS. Sorry if I read your statements wrong! Sometimes meanings get lost online. >w<

Bal is right :P:. I think the combined SF is much better than the old forums ever were once everything had stabilized. But of course, I also think the new SF is better than FESS ever was. I wasn't a member of FESS, but there is no downside to two communities successfully coming together. Both came out better for it.

Not quite sure how you could ever interpret me as disliking FESS or its members, Glenn and Mumu were mods under me. I could've easily rejected Glenn, and I asked Mumu multiple times to join before he actually did :P:! Plus like half of the people I talk to regularly are from FESS. It'd make no sense!

I hope I'm not part of that lot!

If you were I doubt things would be the way they are now :O! I mean I have to be at least a little impressed don't I?!

Edited by Tangerine
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If you hate cuss words I don't think I should explain something like that in detail.

What about if its Intimidating Behaviour or Harassment?

Edited by King Marth 64
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But of course, I also think the new SF is better than FESS ever was.

FESS2 was here, SF is a loser. Vincent agreed, don't bother him about it.

(Of course, there were conjunctural factors involved - like the fact people still were discovering things, as there was no decent English database site around, etc. So the Fire Emblem discussions were less stale... and less business-like.)

By the way, it's said newbie intolerance was one of the main factors that led to FESS' downfall. After all, a community is sure to stagnate without them.

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SF under her iron fist, of course. No Fire Emblem forum has ever been ruled by a fruit before, so I suppose she does have a point there.

Wait, how can a fruit have an iron fist? I need a better metaphor here

Edited by TheEnd
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SF under her iron fist, of course. No Fire Emblem forum has ever been ruled by a fruit before, so I suppose she does have a point there.

I only need to go to a few more vg/anime conventions dressed as a mage girl with Vincent before he'll let me re-name it TangerineForest.

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SF under her iron fist, of course. No Fire Emblem forum has ever been ruled by a fruit before, so I suppose she does have a point there.

I thought Joshua or Vincet/Aveyn Knight owned this site? blink.gif

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