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Don't you think we can be a little harsh on new users as a community at times?


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That's true :) Get involved in stuff, too! Like I help out with hacks and stuff, but almost every forum has some kinda project (or many) to help out on, like splicing contests, drafts, RPs, forum games in FFtF, etc. :P We actually accomplish a lot as a collective forum, now that I think about it XP

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(Seph has been a little mean, but that's Seph. Everyone knows that if you've been on any FE forum. xD)


although I'm so much better than I used to be. Whoaboy~

I tend to be Cam!lite when it comes to new members, most of the time :P

Try to be nice to them, and if they continue to show their lack of understanding, leave a semi-snarky comment or just ignore them. From what I see, most new members who come here to do stuff don't really end up putting any effort in their work, or they just quit it immediately, so spending too much time on them, IMO, isn't that smart.

Edited by seph1212
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People who try to purposely exploit people's weaknesses for whatever reason need to be dealt with in an appropriate manner.

I haven't been online enough as of late to witness such things, but I'd undoubtedly back up the person who is getting ripped into even if the one doing the ripping feels it is just to do so. Some things are common sense to not say, even if it is "opinion". But to flame someone based on an opinion on a character/unit/etc. and other such trivial stuff is just stupid and pointless. Learn to respect opinions, and justify your own opinion with the grace and sereneness of a true gentleman.

There's a line between getting your point across to someone in a normal, decent manner and being a complete and utter dick about it. Don't be a dick. I was a dick once or twice in the past, but we live and learn don't we.

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I'm new here too... And to be honest, due to my past, I've been afraid of rejection for as long as I can remember. Trolls flock to me because I'm sensitive and often accidentally take something too seriously. While I'll admit the people here are usually nice, I've been hit rather hard by a few people on IP chat. (Seph has been a little mean, but that's Seph. Everyone knows that if you've been on any FE forum. xD)

More or less, I just wish that, in a case like my own, where I even give warnings that I'm sensitive, people would take my feelings into consideration, instead of taking advantage of my weakness. This has happened to me in more places than just forums. I've been attacked in MMORPGs, real life, IRC chatrooms, just about anywhere, really. You'd think I'd get a little tougher from all of it, but I'm still as frail as the day I touched the internet. I'm just hoping someday I'll fit in and be accepted, and I won't have to worry about these things anymore... I try to be kind to everyone no matter where I go, but a lot of the time I get shot down when I'm not friendly. My ego is pretty much non-existent. I deem myself sub-par in every area I can think of off the top of my head most of the time, which doesn't help at all. I just can't understand why I cling to things like the internet that almost always end up bad for me, to be honest. ._.

Pretty much, I'm just an oversensitive girl who probably doesn't belong on the internet but clings to it anyway in hopes that she'll fit in someday. My true desire is for everyone to consider their actions and the results of such before they do anything, and always take each other's feelings into account, but that won't happen in a world like this anyway.

But yeah, enough with the depressed attitude, that won't get me anywhere anyway.

In short: I'm a new girl who spends a lot of time on IP chat, is super-sensitive and doesn't take trolling well, and wishes for something that will never happen. I find most members here rather nice, and I already have a fair number of friends, but there are people who target me because they know my weaknesses. My general goal is to try to fit in, without losing who I am.

I totally understand how you feel. If anything, we are the same at certain points. It took me until I was 18 (Going on my current age now) to finally get stronger after certain similar situations in real-life and on the net. I would say some more to make you feel better about your experiences, but I don't think I should stray off too far from the topic. :)

It's really though to get your footing at first. Keep at it though! >o< Once you make a few friends, it get's a lot easier.
That's true :) Get involved in stuff, too! Like I help out with hacks and stuff, but almost every forum has some kinda project (or many) to help out on, like splicing contests, drafts, RPs, forum games in FFtF, etc. :P We actually accomplish a lot as a collective forum, now that I think about it XP

Thanks, you two for the advice. I'll keep it all in mind. =)

Edited by Magnus Blade
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I usually don't slam someone unless

a) they're being really stupid, and a repeat offender at that

b) they present a morally objectionable opinion (e.g. "Gays shouldn't exist!" or "Genocide is the best thing that can happen to the African continent!").

I'm nice up until that point--I've no reason not to be--but once it arrives, I see no reason to hold back; I really think that being insulted over the internet when I was younger made me a more mature person by teaching me how to deal with certain situations.

All in all, this is the best advice I've gleaned from the forums:

Back when I was an internet moron and people hated me, you know what I did? I shut the fuck up and slowly changed by observing other people. It wasn't even a conscious change.

It really goes a long way over the internet.

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I don't really have an opinion on how treatment should be given, but I do know one things--seeing the derogative members come out against new members only makes it easier to see which people aren't worth knowing.


Except in my case, it's people who make stupid posts. A lot of them aren't new members.

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It's too much with to be a jerk, I say.

Woah, that rhymes.

But in all seriousness, its easy to fit in here. If you are new, just don't proclaim things without knowing any better. Take criticism as it comes, and just know that you have nothing to gain by being hurt by a few dozen people if an online community.

I just be myself, meaning, I try not to be pushy, and just try to be a little smart before jumping into anything that I want to take seriously.

I mean, I can't get more qualified in something if I think I know everything, amirite?

But srsly, there is no one here that had offended me. Partly because I'm 24 (in 5 days!!) with 2 kids, so getting hot and bothered takes more energy than its worth. I just offer my 2cents and enjoy my time here. Its a privalege to have a place like this to socialize, so I'm gonna enjoy it when I can.

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I don't really think we're that harsh, but some people here are just dumb and do stupid shit sometimes. Honestly, it was a billion times worst in the past because the unnaccepting people were also completely unreasonable and in the majority, but that didn't stop us.

Edited by Defeatist Elitist
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lol I think there are plenty of people who are unnecessarily dickish to others on the forums, newbies or not. I don't think it's a mark of a good community if "lurk and learn" is something that one must adhere to, because sometimes its hard to integrate after lurking especially if you actually really want to make friends on this forum.

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Generally, I treat new members as any ordinary member and I try to be friendly and lenient towards all members.

You're freaking VincentASM. You have mastered the art.

I honestly don't think you ANYONE can ragequit because of you... unless they invoked your possibly god-like hidden wrath that I've never seen.

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You're freaking VincentASM. You have mastered the art.

I honestly don't think you ANYONE can ragequit because of you... unless they invoked your possibly god-like hidden wrath that I've never seen.

I did once, centuries ago. It was certainly a thing.

I am such a bad little boy.

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The claim is that it's some pedophile in their 20s pretending to be a 14 year old girl. So far there's been no proof against this claim and the user has already decided to leave on their own so there's not much point in discussing this here.

Sorry! >o< I had no idea that they left for reasons unrelated to this thread. XP

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Lawl this was from yesterday, I think :P

Cam would have done the same thing for anyone else, and he was reasonable at first.

It's just to emphasize my point from earlier; if you don't know what you're talking about, you'll get pwnt. Incidentally, I find Cam's intolerance hilarious :P

wait what why did I get mentioned

Oh yeah I'm usually the harsh dude UHHHH

I guess the quote Jubby had is all I have to say for myself. I don't deny that my patience is shorter than it should be, but is it really that much to ask that people try to put some thought into their posts?

"YOu have to earn my respect, don't expect me to just hand it to you for no reason"

I tend to be Cam!lite when it comes to new members, most of the time :P

hey hey hey it was you who influenced me to become who I am now a few years back


oh lawd kishoa

I'd post MSN logs but this isn't the place.

Edited by Camtech
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The claim is that it's some pedophile in their 20s pretending to be a 14 year old girl. So far there's been no proof against this claim and the user has already decided to leave on their own so there's not much point in discussing this here.

That sounds... uhhh...

Could I perhaps make a private ticket to discuss this or would that be a breach of privacy? It's just a real shock to me, Kish seemed really nice and with the hack and things it seems like rather a lot of effort to put into a ruse.

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Shouldn't this be standard though? I mean, for example, I lurked SA for a couple YEARS before joining. That shouldn't be expected, especially not for a much smaller forum like SF, but still, if they're so dumb they can't lurk even a little bit before joining then who cares if they're scared away.

I am too much of a loudmouth to have bothered with lurking here (or anywhere).

Edited by Jet Black Gunner
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SF could be more welcoming, myself included, but it could be


much worse.

Forget ye not the summer(s?) of our discontent.

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SF could be more welcoming, myself included, but it could be


much worse.

Forget ye not the summer(s?) of our discontent.

Now is the winter of our discontent.

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That sounds... uhhh...

Could I perhaps make a private ticket to discuss this or would that be a breach of privacy? It's just a real shock to me, Kish seemed really nice and with the hack and things it seems like rather a lot of effort to put into a ruse.


crash look at me here for a moment

he seemed nice

because he tried to act like an oversensitive little girl

he was acting nice

he was lying

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The more you act like a DA the more you get flamed. Forums are the epitome of this anyways.

A strong example would be to look at Gamefaqs, whenever I see a guy making a really ignorant comment I go "oh boy, here we go again" and I make bets the guy just came from Youtube or something.

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