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Dat Nick

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Bet none of you remember who the hell I am. Check username history. You might recognize it. Ugh, formatting here is terrible. The hell do you mean I can't shift down? This looks weird as hell already. Anyway, just deal with this ugliness. I can't figure out how to line break here. So, my MSN got hacked. I'm BBTager2@gmail.com now. But that's not why I'm posting this. Most of you prolly know already and hell, nobody wants to talk to me anyway, and fuck it, I don't blame them. I was a real dickhead here due to my complete obsession with debating a fucking video game. Sorry. Short, sweet, to the point. That's what I came here to say. Can you swear here? Been so goddamn long I can't remember. I mean, screw it, I've already said enough cusses. But, yeah. Being a dickhead on the internet, raging at people in debating, done with that bullshit now. Pretty sure none of you give a shit after the way I've treated some of you, but this is what I'm doing with my time now: What I'm HELPING to do, anyway. Here. Something I've been working on with a buddy of mine.But,yeah. If for whatever reason anybody here actually wants to talk to me, I already told you my MSN, and my AIM got hacked too. It's bbblader001 now. Or... shit, I actually don't know my new AIM, if it's bblader001 or bbblader001. It's one of those. Try both. So, uh, yeah. That's all I came here to say, raelly. Have fun with FE13 and shit. I'm probably gonna sit it out, cuz I ain't getting a 3DS for a while.

EDIT: Hah. Sorry Jackal. I can't believe I left that in my signature after all this time.

EDIT 2: Hahaha wow this looks so half-assed. I wouldn't blame any of you if I think I just want publicity for that thing I just posted. I mean, I deserve that, I get it. But, I mean, what the hell. I've been a dick. I'm sorry for it. That's just the simplest way I can possibly put it. Hell, it's the only way I CAN put it.

Edited by Tommy Wiseau
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But I did man. I love it when people are assholes over video games.

The only two things in life that make it worth livin

Are tier lists tuned good and firm feelin women

I don't need my name in the tier list lights

I got my turns and I got you with me tonight

EDIT: Also, I was confused because Life went as BBlader at one point, probably intending to confuse me/us.

Edited by Jet Black Gunner
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EDIT: Also, I was confused because Life went as BBlader at one point, probably intending to confuse me/us.

Lol what the fuck? XD And Sirius, I probably won't be staying. Just wanted to clear the air.
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None of the debate people, the people I hurt the most replied in this.

Jackal told me nobody really cares anymore and that debating as a whole has died.

It took me way too long to realize what a cuntbag I've been. Sigh.

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None of the debate people, the people I hurt the most replied in this.

Jackal told me nobody really cares anymore and that debating as a whole has died.

It took me way too long to realize what a cuntbag I've been. Sigh.

<Mekkah> i'm glad he's seen the wrong of his ways


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I opened this up solely because I thought this was you (I remember you well enough, but only vaguely remembered the name). Nice to see you again. Whatever you did I must not have been there to see.

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Already said this over MSN, but I didn't think you were even that bad. Lots of people got heated for various reasons, and they still do. It's just the way we are. Plus, ever since I've participated in discussions over on MAL and a few other anime sites, I've come to realize that this place and people like you are actually quite civilized compared to some corners of the internet.

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Bleh it's taking me forever to try and make this post. I'm distracted by music, pokemon in another chat window, and Jackal talking about Skyrim. :P

But yeah, I talked with Fox. It's reliving to know people I treated the worst are willing to let go of it. So... yeah. That was really all I wanted to do here, just leave this old life behind once and for all. Probably won't be staying. May. May not. Iono. Just really wanted to hear that, more than anything.

Oh, forgot to leave my Skype. jportsman1. On there the most.

And I thought you didn't like me, Mori.

Edited by Tommy Wiseau
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I certainly didn't like your attitude before, but if you are serious then I don't see why we can't put it behind us :P:.

Also respond to my comment, because nobody else here has watched that movie except for me and Joe that I know of :(. We actually watched it together, it was pretty awesome.

Edited by Tangerine
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