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Thinking of trying FE5.


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I like ONE of Wrath or Ambush on Olwen, though if you don't want her Wrath fits well on anybody with good enemy phase exposure. I've got some leverage out of it on Asvel and Felgus. Ambush fits REALLY well with someone who has low durability but hits like a truck.

All sounds fair, Wrath on Asvel/Fergus sounds mildly iffy since they have good crit as it is apparently but otherwise it all sounds legit.

Elite goes on anyone you like, I had it on Calion just because I can.

This I'm not sure about though. :/:

Honestly, if you're not going for turns, it doesn't really matter. Machua was the recipient of ALL MY favoritism (okay Mareeta too, Machua can only have so many scrolls on her at a time and Elite was useless on her anyway since she promoted damn quickly) on my first run, and she was MVP, tanked everything, killed everything, and never died. It's when you go into efficiency/ranked/etc when "effectiveness" really matters. Just pile it all on your favorite character. Seriously.

I would disagree, being effective doesn't go out the window just because you're playing casually.

Also I wouldn't even bother recruiting Xavier the first time around unless you're a perfectionist. It's too much effort for nothing really valueable.

I've heard that too, I probably won't bother.

Would you like a turn-by-turn walkthrough while we're at it?

Oh look, a strawman argument! :dry:

Wrath and Ambush on Amalda.

:facepalm: The last thing I need is trolling, buddy!

And don't put ambush on Othin or any other character with wrath. That's a total waste of wrath.

I had heard.

I would not recommend putting charge on anyone. Charge activates even if the character is attacked from long range and has no means of countering. For example, if a character with charge is attacked by a ballista or long range magic and charge activates, the ballista or long range magic will attack a second time. It basically causes characters to get doubled by things that have no place doubling anyone. Whatever benefits you might reap from charge aren't worth it in my opinion.

Charge also activates if you attack something that has no means of countering. It can be great; you just have to be careful.

It can really ruin characters that aren't able to use it well, though, like Xavier.

I had heard of this too, I guess that's why people put it on Marty: He's apparently bulky enough to tank the extra hits.

I'll definitely have to be careful.

Try Marty+Brave Axe.


10/1Marty is quite good.

He becomes another Dagda.

Without Charge.

A skill ring is also a nice investment.

I'm not too sure about Marty either way really, there doesn't seem to be much consensus on him so I'm rather doubtful. Those sound like legit ways to fix him though

I put Elite on Eda myself, it really helped her as a latecomer to catch up to par, but that involves holding onto it for way longer after you get it than is probably for the best.

Yeah, sounds like a bit long to me, but it does sound like an okay use for it.

I put Wrath on Karin, if I remember right. It allows her to kick ass and take names after dismount dropping into a pile of enemies, so she can work on her sword rank.

For whatever reason I read the bolded bit as "Wrath of Khan"...

On a more serious note that does sound pretty cool, I might just do that! Except maybe the dismounting bit, I'm not keen on deploying most mounted people indoors.

Ambush went on Olwen for me.

Yeah, that seems like standard procedure.

I really hope the RNG fucks all the stats over making you have to toss your careful planning out the window and use actual strategy. That'd make my day. You shouldn't be playing this game, you should go watch an LP.

You know what would make my day? If you fucked off back under your bridge and took your "planning sucks" shit with you! Seriously, sod off, you have nothing helpful to say and I'm sick of hearing this crap OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN because you're too much of a tool to realise I have a different idea of fun than you do.

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Where's chapter 1?

Crash, you've probably got as much as you can from planning by now - although there a few things you would have missed out on if you went in blind. Even in a single playthrough, you get a feel for things.

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On a more serious note that does sound pretty cool, I might just do that! Except maybe the dismounting bit, I'm not keen on deploying most mounted people indoors.

The dismounting bit isn't about being indoors (though boosting her sword rank also helps if you use her there). The dismounting is about flying up to a group of enemies, dismounting Karin off her peg onto a tree, and watching her obliterate all the enemies that come up against her while not even getting scratched. And if you can eventually get her up to B swords then she can wield those magic swords with her rocking magic stat.

I like that strategy against multiple ballistas, too. Fly her nearby, dismount and kill them with magic swords.

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Crash, most people here are trying to help you. How about you stop making demands and treating us like enemies?

But that's exactly what Crash does. He asks for help, people give suggestions, he has a bias against a character people select and then he treats people like enemies. He's basically doing the exact same thing in a topic identical to this one but with FE6 as the game.

You think people would learn not to deal with him but no.

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Crash is planning the game in advance so much that I'm willing to bet he's going to overlook some of the most obvious, yet important, things.

I overlooked the fact that you can steal equipped weapons because I was good at this game. I also missed a bunch of other obvious shit from places like the SF Calculations page like how Magic WT works.

Edited by Integrity
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lol you have no idea what a strawman is

Oh look

Crash wants advice.

He likes to plan out things.

He has this irrational hatred of Prissy/Mounted Healers

He complains.

You don't know him very well do you

@ Crash.

Just play throough it, look up unit growths/bases, and

Use this site for chests and stuff


Oh, and early promotions help, and try to remember the scroll boosts for each scroll

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Where's chapter 1?

Crash, you've probably got as much as you can from planning by now - although there a few things you would have missed out on if you went in blind. Even in a single playthrough, you get a feel for things.

I get that feeling too, but I feel like I'm missing something crucial (more details below in response to Jave).

Crash, most people here are trying to help you. How about you stop making demands and treating us like enemies?

I realise that, I'm trying my best to sound accepting when they are being genuinely helpful, trying to sound polite and say something like "thank you" (but not enough to sound like I have a verbal tick) and trying to explain when something sounds good but it might not be my cup of tea. But there were a few people (a small minority) that were being genuinely unhelpful, like Klok and his irrational hatred of planning.

The dismounting bit isn't about being indoors (though boosting her sword rank also helps if you use her there). The dismounting is about flying up to a group of enemies, dismounting Karin off her peg onto a tree, and watching her obliterate all the enemies that come up against her while not even getting scratched. And if you can eventually get her up to B swords then she can wield those magic swords with her rocking magic stat.

Ah, I get it. It sounds really cool actually, thanks!

I like that strategy against multiple ballistas, too. Fly her nearby, dismount and kill them with magic swords.

This sounds neat too, can I just ask how it works? Is it picking them off one by one or can she counter them somehow?

Crash is planning the game in advance so much that I'm willing to bet he's going to overlook some of the most obvious, yet important, things.

That's what I'm scared of, it's why I'm prolonging this thread...

@ Crash.

Just play throough it, look up unit growths/bases, and

Use this site for chests and stuff


Thank you very much for the site, but as for the first bit, I'd much prefer to go with some of the specific things mentioned.

Oh, and early promotions help, and try to remember the scroll boosts for each scroll

I certainly will.

Edited by CrashGordon94
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This sounds neat too, can I just ask how it works? Is it picking them off one by one or can she counter them somehow?

I wish she could counter them. Sadly it's one by one, but the advantage of using Karin (or indeed any flier with B swords) is that you can quickly get them to their target despite water or trees or anything, and pick them off.

Also, ballistas have this annoying habit of being in groups, so if you don't dismount your flier may die. Further, fliers can't use lances on foot and even with 9 range they need a 1-2 range weapon to outdistance a 10 range ballista. Which means, B rank swords for magic swords. On top of that, ballistas have this annoying habit of being on mountains and getting +5 def, so using magic weapons with Karin is a good way of still ORKOing them.

Oh, and in the case of an 8 range flier, like Karin before promotion, it takes two turns to kill a ballista. One to get 3 steps away and dismount, one to take the next steps and kill it.

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Regarding the transferring of items to Manster--is it possible to get those items again if you don't bring them? I know Evayle doesn't have the Flame Sword when she next appears, but if, say, I forget to transfer the Hero Axe, will Halvan still have it when he next appears?

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Regarding the transferring of items to Manster--is it possible to get those items again if you don't bring them? I know Evayle doesn't have the Flame Sword when she next appears, but if, say, I forget to transfer the Hero Axe, will Halvan still have it when he next appears?

Pretty much everyone but Leaf, Rivis and Eyvel keep their items as it is.

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Pretty much everyone but Leaf, Rivis and Eyvel keep their items as it is.

Ah, I see. Still, the hero axe would be pretty useful for Dashin. I restarted my game (wanted to switch roms), but when I played chapters 4 and 4x, it seemed like my weapons were wearing out awfully quickly.

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Chapter 4, 4x, and 5 are my favorite in the game because of how the game cleverly constrains you. You lose everyone who was decent at combat and the replacements you get are sub par either thanks to poor stats, weapon limitations, and/or they're forced to dismount. Because of this, Machua, dismounted Felgus and Brighton, and Dalshein actually seem good. Soldier reinforcements manage to be a reasonable threat. You're later given the tools to break the game's brittle spine over your knee, but in these early segments you're forced to operate under circumstances that are only difficult because your hands are tied behind your back, and I love it.

If you were still allowed Othin and Halvan there would be zero challenge, and even access to Marty and Tanya (and Saphy!) would make things much easier, but that wouldn't be any fun.

EDIT: I imagine they're referencing the gaiden chapter he returns in, where he's forced to solo a lot of enemies. In fact it's a good idea to leave him with some healing items too.

Edited by Duff Ostrich
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The only reason he really needs the Hero Axe stands on the throne at the end with his 46 HP/22 Def/14 AS. Iron is more than fine for everything else and I found it somewhat easy to raise his archery skills in there considering the good number of Hunters and Hand Axe Bandits attacking through the walls in the northern portion of the map.

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Hero Axe dagda helps there, but bring Lifis too, and some antidote and Othin+Pugi/any worthwhile 1-2 ranger and Asvel.

Saphy with Psychic helps keep Dagda going too!.

Tanya can chip and double/double crit. But her damage is kinda crappy.

BTW Crash, its a FOW chapter, have fun with narrow passages, permanent poison, and this is where you learn to love dagda

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  • 2 weeks later...

The only reason he really needs the Hero Axe stands on the throne at the end with his 46 HP/22 Def/14 AS. Iron is more than fine for everything else and I found it somewhat easy to raise his archery skills in there considering the good number of Hunters and Hand Axe Bandits attacking through the walls in the northern portion of the map.

Oh, ouch!

Could any other good Axe (like a Steel Axe or something) substitute for the Brave Axe in that scenario?

Hero Axe dagda helps there, but bring Lifis too, and some antidote and Othin+Pugi/any worthwhile 1-2 ranger and Asvel.

Saphy with Psychic helps keep Dagda going too!.

Right, noted. This is Chapter 8 right?

EDIT: I imagine they're referencing the gaiden chapter he returns in, where he's forced to solo a lot of enemies. In fact it's a good idea to leave him with some healing items too.

Or is it 8x? (and noted)

BTW Crash, its a FOW chapter, have fun with narrow passages, permanent poison, and this is where you learn to love dagda

I won't, I really won't... If anything it'll make me hate Dagda even more because without him this stupic chapter couldn't exist!

Tanya can chip and double/double crit. But her damage is kinda crappy.

Fair 'nuff.

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