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Is Wendy or Amelia Better?


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I think Amelia is the worst of the two, because she's so bad she's negative utility. You actually have to recruit her (avoiding her suicidal tendencies, anything that looks at her kills her) on both routes, and she's not even worth it (Ewan recruits himself on one route, and isn't a pain on the other). Wendy at least joins on her own.

Amelia is not that hard to recruit Franz just stand 1 space out of here ranged and talk to her next turn, get someone unequipped to attack her, or a million other solution (she only has 4 move, and doesn't move in Erika mode unless your in her range granted in Ephriam mode she moves but franz/ephriam can easily have her in his range)

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You misunderstand me, as usual. But I don't blame you. Just a little.

I don't like cuteness in humans, after all. They remind me of kids. I hate kids.

Cuteness is reserved for bunnies.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I don't think Amelia is that bad. Yeah, she's pretty bad, but one of the worst two units in the series? I'd call Ardan, Wendy, Sophia, and Lyre worse than her in a heartbeat. There might be more.

So Amelia is better.

Hey, the one item Ardan gets is worth more than all of the named characters combined, lol.

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If we aren't counting breaking walls or items, then Amelia>Wendy, but not by a longshot.

See, Amelia at least has access to the Tower of Level Grinding to get out of her starting rut and has a parabolic leveling rate. This is in comparison to Wendy who is stuck fighting axe users that easily ORKO her, and can sometimes proc enough atk with a steel axe to outright OHKO her, on top of her poor damage and almost unusable hit. Also, Amelia can use cavalier to function as a rescuebot or a second rate attacker, which is a lot better than what Wendy can look forward to(another fucking armor)

The key difference is that Amelia can become something that has SOME value in efficiency, whereas Wendy can't do jack shit outside of being another dime-of-a-dozen crappy armor. And if you wanted to use an armor in FE6, Bors or Barf were way more usable, even if only barely.

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Amelia is, no contest, better than Wendy. She's in an easier game that allows exp grinding. And in any environment that doesn't allow for grinding or abuse, they're equally pointless anyway. So Amelia at least can do something. Trying to "train up" anybody in FE6 is a pain and an ordeal in Hard. Hell, you need Old Marcus's help to train the good characters. Wendy dies to archers.

The other characters mentioned? Eh, I don't think they're even remotely the worst:

  • Ardan's durable and his combat is actually okay. He may be one of the worst units practically speaking, but it's not so much because he sucks himself as because he can't get to any fights where he'd be useful. That's a map design issue, not his fault. Plus he can be a dad and pass on Ambush and a good STR growth, so there's that at least.
  • Sophia is retardedly underleveled, but at least in theory once trained she could be better than Wendy. It's basically equally impossible though. Still, Sophia finds a promo item and Wendy breaks a wall, so Sophia wins there.
  • Lyre is nowhere near the worst unit in the series. Bad in Radiant Dawn? Sure. Her bases are not great. But she can be fixed, at least, if you wanted to use her. Basically you slap any stat booster on Lyre and it counts double when she's transformed. A single Energy Drop is +4 STR to her. Imagine how many walls Wendy could kill with +4 STR!

So yeah, Wendy is the worst. Amelia's just worthless in the context of a game that makes it pointless to bother with her, but at least you can try. Wendy is simply unusable in the context of her situation or anywhere else.

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Hey, the one item Ardan gets is worth more than all of the named characters combined, lol.

It's too bad it doesn't help his cause at all. (Now if it were a Leg Ring...)

Amelia and Wendy are both growth units whose designers doesn't realise that growth units are meant to be superior to high base units at higher levels. Both are prime bench material.

Performance-wise, Amelia beats Wendy for two important reasons:

Tower of Valni exists

FE8 is a joke

If Amelia existed in FE6 though, she'd be worse. Incidentally, I don't get all this love for Cavalier!Amelia. Outside of drafts, she has to compete with SIX superior rescue-bots, a seventh joins soon after. And this is in LTC. In "ordinary" play, the only point of a rescue-bot is to retrieve squishies who have been left in range of an enemy. Is there really a niche for that?

Edited by Baldrick
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I guess finding a use in drafts and being a rescuebot > no use ever. When Amelia goes cavalier, she's at least marginally usable as a 7th string rescuebot and can maybe get in a kill. It's something Wendy can't ever claim to doing. Say somebody wants to train Amelia because they like her or something, but doesn't want to use valni or only uses the valni until 10/1 standard of drafts. After going cav, most of her shittiness is still there, but hey, 8 move, more flexible positioning go! While 4 move until real promotion is just painful, considering how damn big FE6's maps are, too.

I mean nobody said Amelia's phenominal due to cav, but she does have a slight more chance of seeing some action than wendy ever will outside of her join point (and honestly she gets killed by everything there on hm. no action ever).

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Wendy has 4 move

Crap bases

Comes right before an axe fest.

Gets 1-2RKOed by an archer.

Costs a highly competed knight crest, and every other user is better.


Her supporters are either mediocre

(Barth, Bors, Lilina)

Or just merely average

(OJ, Ashtol)

Amelia has 4 move,

Bad bases

Average growths

Tower training

Cavalier option

Paladins are rapeface.

Being a 10/10/1 Paladin by ch 16-17- is nice.

She has a fast Franz support, which matches move

Its fe8.

Amelia gets higher move and has tower acces.

She's better.

Wendy has crap hit on sword users while using a slim lance.

Sophia at least gets to hit resistance and can heal at 10/1

Wolt has chip

Dorothy has chip

Douglas has tanking in sacae

Bors/Barth tank in sacae and isles at 10/1, with axes and wtf con.

Garret has axes, peakwalk, crit, high str, and a good HP cushion.

Marcus and Zealot are good for the hard early parts, and get disposed of at the chapter you get Miledy.

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Amelia has...

Average growths

  Name    HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  
Wendy    85   40   40   40   45   30   10  
Amelia    60   35   40   40   50   30   15 

Not even close. Though I guess you could justify that she has more levels to work with them. I'd definitely say wendy's are better

Edited by deranger
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  Name    HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  
Wendy    85   40   40   40   45   30   10  
Amelia    60   35   40   40   50   30   15 

Not even close. Though I guess you could justify that she has more levels to work with them. I'd definitely say wendy's are better

Ehh, the difference is pretty insignificant, tbh.

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Amelia is better only because she can provide utility with her horse after you baby her a little. If you baby Wendy a little, you'll just have to baby her some more and then some more again.

That seems to be what most are saying, and given what I've seen of the characters, I'd probably agree.

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give Amelia some time, with killing a few enemies in her starting chapter, she'll be level 10 before you know it. than it's either cavalier or super trainee, making her truly usable in the next chapter. with a little patience she's easy enough to train. plus, double promotion means double promotion stat bonuses!

as for wendy, her stats barely allow her to hit or damage in this game. if she were in FE8 she might've been at least usable.

Amelia is better in hard mode than Wendy is in normal mode.

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Generally, higher growths are kinda overrated, an extra 10 percent only results in 2 extra points over 20 levels, or just one over 10. 5% is even more laughable, one point over twenty levels. Plus, bases are much more consistent and immediately satisfying, just look at Pent, HM Percival and the Laguz Royals (just three of the many examples)!

And of course, Amelia has access to a class that doesn't move at the rate of molasses and can actually hit and eventually double things, so...

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