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Training Mafia - OC - Signups (Closed, except for subs)


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[spoiler=General rules]

0. Check the Mafia HQ for basic Mafia rules.

1. This game is OC (Outside Contact). You may converse with any player in the game outside of the game thread. Please include me in all conversations, and send me any IRC logs.

2. Vote and unvote using the ##Vote: User format and ##Unvote: User. Please specify who you're unvoting, although I won't be very strict about this.

3. If a majority vote is reached, the Day Phase will end immediately. If the time is up, the player with the most votes will be lynched.

4. In the event of a tie, the phase will be extended for a short time. The phase ends immediately after the first vote or unvote to break the tie.

5. If a person is modkilled during the day phase, all votes up to that point are completely null and void. The person modkilled is lynched that day, and the phase immediately changes to night. If it appears to me that you intentionally got yourself modkilled, you will still be modkilled, and your win condition will change to survival.

6. If something causes the phase to end, but I am not around to update, anything that happens afterward will not count. Whatever happens will be the same as if the day ended on time.

7. You may not discuss the game with any living players in any way if you are dead. One info-and-advice-free post in the game thread is allowed.

8. The Night Phase ends after all actions are sent in, or as soon as the deadline is reached if not all actions are sent in. If you have a night action but would prefer not to use it, reply to your role PM with "Night X - Idling".

9. No editing posts whatsoever. If your grammar or spelling is incomprehensible, you can doublepost to correct it. I'm going to be fairly lenient with this, especially later on, since it's easy to edit a post quickly without thinking, but if any significant information is changed, you may well be looking at a modkill

10. Don't directly quote anything a moderator tells you about the game, or that you're claiming they told you. Paraphrasing is fine. Yes, this means no quoting role PMs. At all. Don't quote your entire role PM, don't forward it, don't repeat it verbatim, and don't do any of these things with a fake role PM, either.

11. If a role PM and the rules contradict each other, the role PM takes precedence.

12. Play to win the game. Not playing at your most competitive is fine; trolling or gamethrowing isn't. I realize this is very subjective, and while I'm pretty sure no one will break it without meaning to, any questions are fine.

13. Don't screenshot anything related to the game in any way, unless it's to prove to me that someone is cheating.

Rules are subject to change if necessary

[spoiler=Training Mafia specific information]

This game will be have a partially revealed setup. At the start of the game, a pool of possible roles will be revealed. There won't be any roles other than those. This isn't going to be an effective way to narrow down roles, and I won't explain the specifics, like how many kills a Vigilante has. The purpose of it is basically just to avoid a bunch of paranoid nonsense about Insane Cops, or something along those lines.

Each player in this game will be labeled as either Novice or Veteran. Every playerslot/role will be shared by two players, one from each category. The skill levels required are somewhat variable based on who signs up, so I can't say for sure which group you'll be in right away. Targeting is based on pairs of players, not individuals, so targeting one player in a pair will have the same result as targeting the other, even for a role that is based on posts or something else that is specific to one player.

I encourage people to use PMs for OC as much as possible, so that both players on a team have time to talk about things with each other. That said, IRC or other forms of communication are still allowed. Note that posting logs is particularly important, since otherwise you might tell someone one thing, while your teammate was lying to them about the same thing, for example.

Veteran players may only post once per day phase, and may not initiate outside contact with more than two playerslots per day/night cycle. If someone else contacts you about something first, that's fair game - you don't have to inform them that you've filled your quota already, and it's fine to talk to them. Just don't specifically start talking about this game with any more people. This isn't meant to be unfun or obnoxiously restrictive, it's to make sure the novices get a chance to try things on their own, and still have to pull their own weight. I may change this somewhat if enough people object before the start of the game, although it probably won't be removed entirely. (Please try to keep your objections polite and reasonable, okay?)

Definitely might add something I hadn't thought of/remembered here, but this is it for now.

Player list:


1. CrashGordon94

2. Rapier (Lorddomu)

3. Camtech

4. Iris

5. Prims



1. Manix

2. Psych

3. Shinori

4. Daigoji Excellen

5. StrawSloththeSawSlothStraw (Ducky)

6. Luster Purge (Proto)

7. Fear the Pika



1. Diavolo (Core)

2. eclipse

3. WeaponsofMassConstruction

4. Aurora (JB)

5. Paperblade


Since player count is indefinite, signups will be open for at least one week. When signing up, I'd like it if you posted/PMed me with your timezone and when you're usually online, as well as PMing me if there's anyone you really can't stand and don't want to share a playerslot with. This is just so I can assign teams in an optimal way. If you really want to be on a team with So-and-so, I'll try to make it work, but no guarantees. In addition, please specify whether you're signing up as either a novice or a veteran, or if you would prefer/only be comfortable with one category.

Also, the game might not start immediately after signups end, since I have to put together teams and there might be more players than I've planned for. I'd appreciate your patience in this case. (No, I don't mean Itemafia style waits, just a day or two.)

Edited by Centurion
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Hmmm, I've been wanting to try a Mafia game, so may I sign up as a Novice? I'm slightly worried I won't "get" what's going on so would it okay if there's a "substitute" for me or my Veteran takes over should I completely balls it up?

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Hmmm, I've been wanting to try a Mafia game, so may I sign up as a Novice? I'm slightly worried I won't "get" what's going on so would it okay if there's a "substitute" for me or my Veteran takes over should I completely balls it up?

Yeah, sure, you can always have someone take your place.

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Actually, give me novice, fuck it. joshy too because iri said so

I'm in EST, and I tend to not have much free time, unfortunately. I'll oftentimes be on, but without enough time to read through everything in detail.

But I'll be damned if I don't get involved in something.

Edited by Camtech
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Also I'll go ahead and say I have no problem being with anyone. So put me with whoever.

Also as for my experience, uh...i've played a decent amount of games but I'm really not that good so...unspecified to novice? I'm definitely not veteran lol.

Oh right, and EST for me. I am still pretty busy with school but maybe I'll try to be more effective with my free time if I have this game as motivation!

Edited by Strawman the DucksawDucky
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As a novice, obviously.

I'm on weekends mostly & occasionally Monday nights. . . on weekdays, it depends on the homework load, but I'll try my best. Um, I'm in EST. So I'll be able to catch most people, unless they live on the other side of the world, haha. :P


Actually, give me novice, fuck it.

I'm in EST, and I tend to not have much free time, unfortunately. I'll oftentimes be on, but without enough time to read through everything in detail.

But I'll be damned if I don't get involved in something.

Well, this is totally different from our conversation. :P

Cam, you forgot to specify that you wanted to work with Joshy, so you guys can be the shota alliance.

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