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Cruel reality or a great dream?

Cain Magnus


32 members have voted

  1. 1. Which would you choose?

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So, there's a gaming forum I visit a lot and within it's own serious discussion area was a very interesting topic on whether or not you would like to escape a depressing (Or chaotic) life with a fantasy world of your own. The topic was inspired by the ending of a game called "Enslaved". I've never played the game myself, but apparently from what I've read in the topic, it's about a world where machines (Mechs) are out to eradicate the human race (Which is nearly successful). Those who've played the game, I'll allow them to share to true details of the game and perhaps I can edit this post for corrections...but I doubt it's needed. As long as my point comes across in this post.

The ending of Enslaved showed humanity being placed into machines, living great dreams that feel completely real in a post apocalyptic world that was hell. So the point of this topic is to share your view and your own personal decision on either a similar situation or maybe just life in general. Some times, people can't handle a very depressing life, so that can kind of give themselves an excuse to choose fantasy over reality as well. Anything that has relevance that can allow the decision to occur.

So, which would you prefer? Living in your own little world that seems real, safe and secure or a horrible reality to survive through and see it to the very end?

I'll post my own answer a bit later.

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The implication is that you're happy in these "dreams" and not in the reality, right? In that case, I choose the dream. All anyone really wants is what, in the end, makes them happy. The only reason to choose otherwise is because you don't believe you would be happy in the dream. Or to make people on the internet think something of you when you know you will never actually be in that situation. Anyways, as long as the dream really is better than reality, yeah I'd choose that.

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I"d have to choose reality on this one. I think that if I knew I was choosing the dream, I would be too aware that I'm taking the easy way out and wouldn't enjoy it. The guilt of it all would make me live in regret. In the end, we're all just searching for inner peace and happiness, and I couldn't be at peace with myself or happy for not taking reality head on. Just my opinion.

Plus I kinda think of Orson from FE8 when I think of the dream . I wouldn't want to end up like him lol.

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"Would"? Why "would"? I can dream right now. "Would" would imply improbability and not being able to do it in the present, and yet, I can dream of a better outcome. Same goes with reality. It's not "would" because we live reality.

I don't think anyone would like to live a fake outcome. I know I wouldn't, because it would all be fake in the end.

Edited by Soul
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fantasy hands down.

I really enjoy feeling happy. lol. Unless there's some way to change the reality so it's not as miserable, it makes no sense to me why anyone would choose depressing apocalyptic hell over happiness.

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hm... I don't know, i think the fantasy only if there is no way for me to know that its fake. Otherwise the reality seems better if only because i don't think i can stand living a lie.

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Reality. There is nothing to be gained in an artificial happy life. I would rather work for myself and my own feelings in a real situation than have everything handed to be on a silver platter in some kind of fantasy world.

Didn't everyone already have this discussion back in 1999?

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Fantasy. The incongruence of others or their beliefs beyond the realm of respectability makes the existing of actuality much unhappier. And because of the overwhelming numbers of others, the easiest and most beneficial choice is to regress into fantasy. Though, one need not be separated from actuality in order to experience fantasy, as one can easily lead a fantasized life within the realms of actuality.

just don't be hardcore larping about it

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You would love drugs, then.

I enjoy being happy -> I like drugs?

Reality. There is nothing to be gained in an artificial happy life. I would rather work for myself and my own feelings in a real situation than have everything handed to be on a silver platter in some kind of fantasy world.

Didn't everyone already have this discussion back in 1999?

When did they say everything would be handed to you? I think the idea is that you would be in what is your ideal vision of life.

I think this is assuming we don't end up in a situation like The Matrix :P:

Also, I feel like a lot of people would at first choose reality, but if it is really as bad as I'm imagining people would either die or decide to abandon it because it sucked so much.

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When did they say everything would be handed to you? I think the idea is that you would be in what is your ideal vision of life.

Isn't that the same thing? If I'm living in some fantasy ideal world that exists solely for the purpose of making me happy, I didn't actually do anything to earn that aside from making the choice to live in the fantasy instead of the reality. It's already been predetermined, no failure, no penalty.

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The only reason I'd take reality is if I thought I had a passable chance of changing things for the better for others. That said, I'd probably mill about trying to decide for about a month, whichever way I wound up going.

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lol Matrix

Ha ha ha... wow. This topic. Oh man, it really hits home.

I'm one of the people here that can probably say "I kinda went through this." Lucid dreaming was my drug for about 6 years.

I think I experienced how it is to be as happy as you can be in those dreams. But at the same time... even if it's just for a moment before you go back to your bliss... the feeling is there.

You know it's all an illusion. It's that knowledge that kills it. You might indulge in it for a long time, completely ignoring it in the back of your mind, but you will eventually realize it.

Even if you're not aware that it's an illusion... being too happy... it doesn't feel right. There are always bumps in the roads in reality. I think... it's built into us to expect those bumps in the road. And anything else would feel... unnatural... at least eventually.

Honestly? I'd choose reality. It's... kinda the choice I'm making right now. Not like the way you put it because "post-apocalyptic" setting... but still.

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lol Matrix

Ha ha ha... wow. This topic. Oh man, it really hits home.

I'm one of the people here that can probably say "I kinda went through this." Lucid dreaming was my drug for about 6 years.

I think I experienced how it is to be as happy as you can be in those dreams. But at the same time... even if it's just for a moment before you go back to your bliss... the feeling is there.

You reminded me of this lucid dream I had a couple months ago. It was a compilation of everything I currently want in life (won't get into details so I don't bore the world). I had no idea I was dreaming; it all felt so real, and it was all so perfect. I just remember feeling happier than I had felt in a very long time. When I woke up though, I realized it was all a dream and started crying because I had returned to my very shitty reality. For days I just wanted to fall asleep and return to that dream world I was in, but I couldn't do it. Then I realized that it doesn't exist, and the only way for it to ever truly exist is for me to stay patient and create that world in reality. So that's what I've decided to do :D.

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I don't particularly have a different answer, so I'll just quote most of what I said in the topic at the other forum:

While living in a fantasy world would be hundred times more satisfying than a cruel reality, I prefer experiencing things in my own physical form. I don't like just giving in and running away from my problems so easily. It's true that some things are impossible to achieve and running isn't exactly cowardice if there are no other options. But I'm the type of person who would die trying to find my own peace instead of one that can go both ways. Because there is that possibility where you will eventually realize that your dream is just a part of your imagination and if I were in a fantasy world, I wouldn't feel comfortable knowing I'm in a dream and would just be too irritated to stay in it any longer without knowing what's going on around me in the real world.

I've pretty much lived my own life in accordance to a small bit of inspiration of life. Things happen for a reason and you have to do everything in your power to figure out how to survive through whatever your struggle is. This applies to anything in general that would force someone to choose a fantasy over reality. Choosing the fantasy simply implies you tried your best, but lost the will to continue finding your true peace...which nothing is wrong with that because no one's perfect and human beings always strive for some sort of peace in their lives. No one enjoys chaos. But those who keep their determination and strong will find their true happiness.

But say your true peace is found in your fantasy...but if you were to 'wake up', where is it now?

In my own view, happiness brought to you or others by your own efforts is better than having one handed to you. It makes whatever you've striven for feel so much better. Whether it be a situation like Enslaved or just an extremely depressing life, there's always some kind of light at the end of the tunnel...unless it truly is the absolute end. But we as human beings do not have the knowledge or power to know whether or not it is really the end or not. So I'd choose to continue on until either my time comes or actually achieve my goal.

I know that was rather long, nor do I believe what all I've said above is the right thing to do...but people have different reasons for achieving their peace. Not everyone cares about how they gain it. So I'm just simply one of the bunch that feel their true peace and happiness should be earnestly pursued to the point of endless persistence.

That's about it. Fantasy world is nice, but I'd take reality any day.

Edited by Magnus Blade
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Then I realized that it doesn't exist, and the only way for it to ever truly exist is for me to stay patient and create that world in reality. So that's what I've decided to do :D.

Ha ha. *Brofist*

Same conclusion I came up with... took me 6 years though.

I hate it when I remember every day and minute I lived in 3 months... and realize it all took place in 7 hours.

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"Would"? Why "would"? I can dream right now. "Would" would imply improbability and not being able to do it in the present, and yet, I can dream of a better outcome. Same goes with reality. It's not "would" because we live reality.

Seriously, I've been trying to parse this for like a minute and I have no idea what you're even talking about.

I don't think anyone would like to live a fake outcome. I know I wouldn't, because it would all be fake in the end.

How? The topic is discussing a suitably advanced simulation that is a perfect recreation of reality, just in your idealized version of it. There would be no real difference between the two of them, other than what you desire.

What was it that Cypher said? "I disagree Trinity. I think...that the Matrix can be more real than this world."


Living in an eternal fantasy -> drugs

That's just weak.

As opposed to denying a pleasure because it's "not real". Implying you have any ultimately concrete sense of what is truly real anyways. It's noble to want to know what is real, and true. But It's pointless to revel in it like you're an ultimately better being. You're not.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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Ha ha. *Brofist*

Same conclusion I came up with... took me 6 years though.

I think the decision we've come up with will make our lives much happier in the end :D

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I don't understand why anyone would choose reality.

It's simple: No one wants to live a lie.

And yes, you would most likely be aware it's a dream. Every one knows you can't be perfectly happy without obsticles.

I mean, how else would it be a "great dream"?

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It's simple: No one wants to live a lie.

"How? The topic is discussing a suitably advanced simulation that is a perfect recreation of reality, just in your idealized version of it. There would be no real difference between the two of them, other than what you desire."

And yes, you would most likely be aware it's a dream. Every one knows you can't be perfectly happy without obsticles.

I mean, how else would it be a "great dream"?

Easy fix. You don't make your dream a paradise. I haven't. I realize obstacles are important, and indeed I have them in my dreams. And if my fantasy were to become my "reality," I wouldn't know if I would eventually overcome all obstacles. Essentially, it's living out the life I want. I'd love to live the exact life I want to live...and given the choice, why would I not choose to do so?

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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