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@ALS, shut up. Stop being so smart. And I hear you're Asian. Stop being... damn, guess you can't. Well, stop being so smart. >____>

Yes I am Asian.

Dan's drive is amazing. He'd be like hacking superman if he could ASM properly.

go and teach me then

I wish I had his drive. I would have released a couple of demos of my Super Metroid hack already if I had the drive. But it is lacking (not to mention I plan on making the game long >_>).

get to work

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IOS? The same IOS who was one of the first people to do any actual FE hacking?

I don't remember him being very good at it, but he and flyingace are oldbies compared to all of you.

You must be making him jelly

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Shit, if Cam is 14 now, he joined this board when he was 10.

Dude, I didn't even know what a board was when I was 10.

Damn. I have a little brother who is 10 and is learning how to hack pokemon emerald, but that's about it. I don't think he even knows what forums are. He gets everything he knows off youtube lol.

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Cam does go pretty crazy with the hentai.

why would i need lumi to teach me i can just code something to do it for me

I REALLY hope you're joking... at least on what the Vitamin C filled thing says...

Yes, Cam... coding a robot drawing hentai. That would be a GREAT job.

Sure Cam is pretty smart... I... sort of believe you can do it...

What about that... what's her face... "Kirby" whatever member from FEU. She was 11 at one point and was answering questions in the Event Assembler thread with relative ease >_>;

And yes, that means she broke the agreement when you sign up for a forum account.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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wait, what? How did you complete SA2:B?! Do other things aside from playing a Sonic game ;_;

Well, I simply collected all 180 emblems by obtaining an A (da best) rank in every mission for every Act. Then I unlocked the Green Hill stage and got As in that, too.

I must admit I haven't played SA2:B for a long time. I don't think I'd be so good at it now.

*Didn't see this topic until it was already this big*

Well I'm 21!

Holy crap, I'm already 21...

I remember wishing your brother a happy 23rd... Now I'm 23 myself. I don't like this aging thing. Soon you'll be 23 and like "shiiiiiiiit", just like I am now.

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Well, I simply collected all 180 emblems by obtaining an A (da best) rank in every mission for every Act. Then I unlocked the Green Hill stage and got As in that, too.

I must admit I haven't played SA2:B for a long time. I don't think I'd be so good at it now.

I have no idea how to do that.

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I have no idea how to do that.

Are you being serious or sarcastic? Anyway, why don't you know how to do that? It's fairly straightforward. You just need teh skillz to do it all.

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I'm not sure I do.

I definitely don't have the patience. Even the missions that aren't timed drive me nuts. I spent forever trying to find some god damn emerald and finally had to say "fuck it, I'm using a guide" (which is completely taboo for me).

I have like 162 emblems and almost no A ranks

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19... and quite frankly i have never taken the time to try to learn how to hack. because I was busy with sports and extracurricular crap in highschool as well as a job in a cemetery. I tried using the nightmare mods but that was about it...

yes I am terrible. tbh I am more of a writer.

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Well, I simply collected all 180 emblems by obtaining an A (da best) rank in every mission for every Act. Then I unlocked the Green Hill stage and got As in that, too.

I must admit I haven't played SA2:B for a long time. I don't think I'd be so good at it now.

My sister pulled that off a little over nine years ago.

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Your typing doesn't indicate as much.

Writing is a wonderful vocation, in any case; "hacking" in your use of the word is not really all that important or exciting.

The actual meaning of hacking defines something more pragmatic that all of us do at some point...if we're remotely intelligent.

Even just putting a rubber band around a controller to make it hold the L button for you is hacking.

But yes, you are terrible.

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Your typing doesn't indicate as much.

Writing is a wonderful vocation, in any case; "hacking" in your use of the word is not really all that important or exciting.

The actual meaning of hacking defines something more pragmatic that all of us do at some point...if we're remotely intelligent.

Even just putting a rubber band around a controller to make it hold the L button for you is hacking.

But yes, you are terrible.

I define hacking as screwing around with code or getting into an online account by other than normal means. that and what I did to the tree the other day to bring it down.

Just go jump in the gulf.

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Your typing doesn't indicate as much.

Writing is a wonderful vocation, in any case; "hacking" in your use of the word is not really all that important or exciting.

The actual meaning of hacking defines something more pragmatic that all of us do at some point...if we're remotely intelligent.

Even just putting a rubber band around a controller to make it hold the L button for you is hacking.

But yes, you are terrible.

sometimes you make me hot

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