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22.3 Famitsu Update

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Well if Flavia's the one of the rulers of Feria like Vincent said, I'd imagine she'd be older unless the order of ascension is not by age but rather by ability.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Well if Flavia's the one of the rulers of Feria like Vincent said, I'd imagine she'd be older unless the order of ascension is not by age but rather by ability.

I forgot about that! So Vake is possibly a prince? o_O

Edited by Cammy
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Thank God, I hope they really mean last when they say it.

Oh, don't be silly. Of course there'll be some plot twist where we find some lost tribe of Taguels, or we stumble upon a Taguel burial ground and have to fight hordes of undead Taguels, or Marth is secretly a Taguel and that's why he has a mask.

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I always felt FESS needed something like the Change Proof available after endgame.

Also, fuck yeah Generals have a useful skill for once

That's true. It was a bit weird to have a continuing post game where your class choices were set in stone, when it would have been interesting if you could do stuff like be able to switch between certain class set-ups, like having all 6 possible Great Knights and the 5 possible Sages without having to restart the game to do it.

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Hell yes generals.


How about a line of generals all using defense cry on each other? As long as there's no magic user it's invincible. :P Except they seem to be mixing weapons and magic all over the place, so that's probably a no go.

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love the branched class system. . . not a big fan of the reclass system

I agree. I don't mind the branch system since it gives us some variety while keeping the characters true to their classes, but the reclass system is... blah. I'm really worried about support conversations now...

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This is interesting, very interesting. I'm sure the Change Proofs will be available in unlimited quantities during the postgame, and I hope it's the case. It'd be more interesting than maxing stats through stat boosters, certainly.

For the main game, I'm guessing they'll be limited well enough, especially early in the game; more will probably show up later, and by that point drastic changes won't be so easy. Secret Shops will likely be like those in FE11/12 and offer the Change Proofs, but in limited quantities. It'll probably be possible to get more Change Proofs when desired from merchant characters and the like by doing side stuff with the world map, but for a straightforward playthrough, it should all be managed well enough that I won't feel any qualms about using them, which is good because the level-reset will come in handy even if nothing else will. The level-reset is also more reason for the game to not simply hand them out.

This probably explains Sol's stats when promoting: he used a Change Proof but stayed as a Cavalier, just resetting his level, so when he leveled up more, his stats got far beyond what they normally would be for an unpromoted character. Chances are, characters with fixed classes will have the same option to use it that way.

This expanded class changing system also seems to confirm that my theory about growths continuing to change with differing classes is correct, which is a great bonus for the class system even when left with just the basic branching classes. Speaking of branching classes, I wonder how this will fit together with them. Branched promotions will result in a very large pool of classes, so it raises questions about how the groups will be set up. Perhaps the class sets will include things like the Cavalier/Knight family, the Pegasus Knight family, and maybe a couple of other things: the sets start out small, but will grow after promotion when more options are available. (Cavalier/Knight/Pegasus Knight --> Paladin/Great Knight/General/Falcon Knight/Black Pegasus). Or perhaps it will be more irregular, resulting in characters maybe getting a different set of options if they promote or if they switch to a different class before promoting. All very interesting.

How about a line of generals all using defense cry on each other? As long as there's no magic user it's invincible. :P Except they seem to be mixing weapons and magic all over the place, so that's probably a no go.

Only if the bonuses stack.

I like the presence of Defense Cry; it indicates that they're going for a more varied FE9-style of masteries that can actually give different classes different results, except they seem to be actually making those masteries actually good and relevant.

Edited by Othin
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Presumably, the game has Generals with more of an opportunity to use them than Kurthnaga, and perhaps containing maps that aren't so straightforward.

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Something I just noticed, the Taguel shift to animal form by using Beast Stones. Could they be the missing link between the Laguz and the Dragonstone-wielding Manaketes?

Also, assuming I haven't misinterpreted the text, it seems you can un-promoted promoted units if you use a Change Seal when below Level 10. No clue why you'd want to do that, but whatever : P

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Something I just noticed, the Taguel shift to animal form by using Beast Stones. Could they be the missing link between the Laguz and the Dragonstone-wielding Manaketes?

Also, assuming I haven't misinterpreted the text, it seems you can un-promoted promoted units if you use a Change Seal when below Level 10. No clue why you'd want to do that, but whatever : P

I can think of a few reason. Pre-promote with awesome growths? Demote him and let him level up some more.

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Something I just noticed, the Taguel shift to animal form by using Beast Stones. Could they be the missing link between the Laguz and the Dragonstone-wielding Manaketes?

Also, assuming I haven't misinterpreted the text, it seems you can un-promoted promoted units if you use a Change Seal when below Level 10. No clue why you'd want to do that, but whatever : P

>Interpreting semi-readable text

Aren't you bold today, Vincent

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Something I just noticed, the Taguel shift to animal form by using Beast Stones. Could they be the missing link between the Laguz and the Dragonstone-wielding Manaketes?

Also, assuming I haven't misinterpreted the text, it seems you can un-promoted promoted units if you use a Change Seal when below Level 10. No clue why you'd want to do that, but whatever : P

Faster EXP I'd imagine. Like you could turn Frederick into a Cavalier before he reaches level 10 as a Great Knight and then his next 19 levels will probably be alot faster than the last ten as a Great Knight.

Though there is the matter of base stats leading to a large stat drop, it gives an interesting trade off between high base stats with slower levels, or lower base stats for a while with quicker growth(though without falling into Nino Territory).

Edited by arvilino
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>Interpreting semi-readable text

Aren't you bold today, Vincent

I think it's safe to fill in the gaps by cross-referencing multiple blogs/sites.

Some places don't even fact check. Oh wait--

Edited by VincentASM
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That actually makes sense, if promoting one way would put the character into a set of classes that might not include what they'd wind up with if they promoted the other way or switched to a different class before promoting. Although it all depends on how far the characters will be able to change; if it's limited enough, that probably won't be the case anyway, and it'll be more like what I described earlier.

This also seems to confirm the level reset, although there wasn't much question of it before.

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I agree. I don't mind the branch system since it gives us some variety while keeping the characters true to their classes, but the reclass system is... blah. I'm really worried about support conversations now...

So the fact that a cavalier could maybe become a knight now means that characters can't have personalities? Most FE characters' personalities are not even remotely tied to their classes, and those that are certainly would not suffer from being a slightly different class. Yet, somehow, in every instance of reclass existing, people freak out because there is just no way that someone can be able to change from cavalier to armor knight and also have a personality.

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So the fact that a cavalier could maybe become a knight now means that characters can't have personalities? Most FE characters' personalities are not even remotely tied to their classes, and those that are certainly would not suffer from being a slightly different class. Yet, somehow, in every instance of reclass existing, people freak out because there is just no way that someone can be able to change from cavalier to armor knight and also have a personality.

it's not really a character thing, really. But the fact that; at least from what I've experienced, certain characters you got in FE11 and 12 were meant to be another class, or functioned better as one. . . but YOU had to do that.

Also, FE classes are more like board pieces, and less like highly customizable units. In games like FFT, it makes sense to reclass for the perks of each class. FE on the other hand never really had a way to let a mage become a fighter, yet still use magic. In other words, while it's interesting to see a Pegasus knight become a knight, it just doesn't really make you feel like you transitioned anything but stats. So instead of it feeling like the classes really matter, it's all just stats with some class unique abilities that don't stack or blend.

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