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So, that judging thing


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SHarpoon/Creeper/Insane/Joker: When I first met you in the FE10 is awesome draft, you kind of bugged me. I don't know why. But then I was in like a thousand other FE/Pokemon drafts with you and you turned out to be a good friend. You're like in every other draft ever and tend to ramble on about things, but ultimately you mean well. You're also one of my FE10 pals~ The drafts forum would feel slightly empty without you. Kudos.


I know I ramble on, but thats the way I am.

If I said I'm quiet mouthed IRL, would ANYONE here believe me?

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I know I ramble on, but thats the way I am.

If I said I'm quiet mouthed IRL, would ANYONE here believe me?

I'm kind of mean IRL but not so much online, so yeah, I believe you.

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Darros: I think you're a pretty friendly guy, and also prompted me to get back to and hopefully finish FE4. IRL? I'm gonna guess that you are either the teacher's pet or the prankster that everyone is friends with. Maybe both, but the teacher never catches you because of your ninja skills.

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Horace: dude, you're like the supreme overlord of drafts. You've probably heard that a million times, but I'm saying it again.

I think the word that best describes my impression of you would be honorable. You get those crazy turncounts, but you either provide a video or detailed logs+stats. When you had an unfair advantage or anything of the sort, you handicapped yourself to level yourself with the other competitors. That's honor right there. befitting of a true general

And also you were really nice in the SFDTT PM chat thing.

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PKL: I consider you to be one of my good friends here~ You're like, one of my drafting pals because I'm in a ton of drafts with you. And on a side note, you've been in and beaten me in every FE10 draft I've been in, except for the first.

As a person, you seem very focused in whatever you do and is very competitive. Your theme song would probably be Born to be a Winner, since you like winning and win a lot and derp. You're probably really busy since you come here on a phone often and is also a completionist since you're like,


Also, you give off the impression of a professional gamer. Are you?

Oh and I'll get to that Tellius draft ASAP.

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Raven: You made me spit out my soda in the "do people have sex in the dark" thread. That was hilarious. +1

I don't know anything else about you so I just stalked your posts for a few minutes and from that I gathered that you are intelligent and logical. From further stalking, you are also pretty athletic. I think you'd look like a male version of Jill, ponytail included :U

(mercenary) Raven: We haven't got to talk that much, but you're a pretty badass dude. We had a pretty nice discussion about Tales of Graces and all that. And we also agree on Symphonia/(kind of)Graces' plot > Abyss/Vesperia's plot. I will check out Legendia some day, if I can find it! In the meantime, I'm stuck with playthrough videos. >__>

Edited by CR-S01
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Soul: The very first thing that comes to mind is "a witty and quirky guy". You're definitely bold and aren't afraid to try new things, even if it might be awkward :awesome: If I had to choose a shape to describe your personality, it would be a great cubicuboctahedron. Why? Because it's not a shape and I just picked this random thing off of Google. You're welcome. But seriously, you have an interesting sense of humor. Also, I get the feeling that you are a sadomasochist, buuuut that's just me.





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Boron: Honestly, I thought you were a guy at first. But then Elieson posted in the claim a character thread and then Crash said that he had to get her permission first. So, yeah.

You're Korean too and is also not very good at writing/reading it. XD I can definitely relate to that, especially since my own parents tell me how much I suck at it. Even the Korean people that I know that say they suck at it are better than me .__.

Your username reminds me of this whole thing in our Chemistry class where we were insulting each other using the periodic table. :awesome: "Hi, I'm indium, want some curium?", "Kiss my astatine", "Go to helium", etc.

You seem like an intelligent woman and if I knew you in real life, I would probably look up to you. Most women I know that are your age don't play video games and hang out on an internet forum ;)

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Boron: Honestly, I thought you were a guy at first. But then Elieson posted in the claim a character thread and then Crash said that he had to get her permission first. So, yeah.

You're Korean too and is also not very good at writing/reading it. XD I can definitely relate to that, especially since my own parents tell me how much I suck at it. Even the Korean people that I know that say they suck at it are better than me .__.

Your username reminds me of this whole thing in our Chemistry class where we were insulting each other using the periodic table. :awesome: "Hi, I'm indium, want some curium?", "Kiss my astatine", "Go to helium", etc.

You seem like an intelligent woman and if I knew you in real life, I would probably look up to you. Most women I know that are your age don't play video games and hang out on an internet forum ;)

:XD: I get that a lot from people I talk to online. I don't think I'll ever know why, but apparently I make people think I'm a guy unless I say otherwise. But anyway, yep, knowing another Korean is always cool. For some reason, I don't have a lot of Korean friends. I'm not doing it on purpose ... ._. Even though I'm not a chemistry major, I still do enjoy the subject for some bizarre reason. And I still remember some of the old chemistry jokes we used to make in high school. What can I say about the gaming and forums part? I suppose I'm not ready to completely grow up. biggrin.gif

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Rein: I've seen you around here and there, but I haven't formed much of an opinion of you. However, I feel that you are a reliable and prompt person because you updated that XD draft like exactly after someone posts, and most people tend to wait like forever to do that. Is that weird? I don't know.

I am infinitely better at doing things that are not strictly necessary for me to do at the moment than things that have a due date.

I don't think many people do that with drafts, though.

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I'm kind of mean IRL but not so much online, so yeah, I believe you.

Funny thing is.

All of the prolific fe10 drafters have chatted with at least one other, you haven't chatted with.....

Anyone here.......

and yes, I keep getting the same thing over and over from SF pals.

Bugged/annoyed at first, then turned out to be a bro.

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Ether: You like Mia, who's my favorite swordsmaster in every FE game ever. For that, you get extra respect. I think you're a pretty classy dude. I picture you with light blue dyed hair and green eyes, and carries a dagger under a fancy top hat because though you don't actually want to get attacked, you secretly kind of do because it'd give you a chance to show off your skills.

The Fanfic Hunter: I really have no idea who you are, but I'd love to get to know you better. Okay, so I stalked you a bit. You seem to like the same games/type of games that I do, which is awesome. I'm also curious about why you like the Onion Knight, since I've never really liked him that much :P

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Ether: You like Mia, who's my favorite swordsmaster in every FE game ever. For that, you get extra respect. I think you're a pretty classy dude. I picture you with light blue dyed hair and green eyes, and carries a dagger under a fancy top hat because though you don't actually want to get attacked, you secretly kind of do because it'd give you a chance to show off your skills.



Please bear my children. No seriously I love you right now.

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I like the him in the NES version because I think he saved the world at the age of seven.

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