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Famitsu info 28/3 - Anna, SpotPass (full scans)


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Normally, enemies will appear randomly on the world map, but there is a special item called a Scented Box that can summon enemies to a specific location chosen by you.



There's also Gangrel, but I don't have a clear image of him.

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Seeing recruitable Anna, a large assortment of classes for each character, and a good number of skills for each character just make me want this game all the more. The one thing I'm the most curious about is the Trickster class. We know from the video that it's one of the thief's promotions, but I've got to wonder if it'd be worth using over Assassin or not.

EDIT:That shop image that they have next to Ayra's image, that's highlighting the Brave Sword, correct? If it is, then I can confirm the Hit formula is Weapon Hit + (Skill*1.5) + (Luck*0.5)

Edited by Shadow Stalker X
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The RNG Goddess is trolling.


Also, I wonder if IS is going to add all characters that "disappeared without a trace" in their respective games in this one

... Nah, probably not

Edited by TheEnd
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Ack... Maybe I'm getting old. This really doesn't fit Fire Emblem. Brunya's cleavage should be as daring as it gets with Fire Emblem. I don't want the series to turn into a titty-fest.

I seriously doubt that would happen from one or two characters. Still, it is quite a bit different for the series...I think? Seems more like an exaggerated Sonia to me.

That, or I've just gotten used to designs like this. I'll wait and see what kind of character it is before I cry outrage (if I would even bother with that in the first place)

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That, or I've just gotten used to designs like this. I'll wait and see what kind of character it is before I cry outrage (if I would even bother with that in the first place)

1 character is 1 too many. I'm not really crying outrage, it's just setting off my alarm that the series might move in that direction. They've already sexualized Samus, so it's not like Nintendo is above this kind of thing.

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1 character is 1 too many. I'm not really crying outrage, it's just setting off my alarm that the series might move in that direction. They've already sexualized Samus, so it's not like Nintendo is above this kind of thing.

Didn't think you were crying outrage, that was just me. I suppose my POV is that if it fits the characters background, I don't really mind. We'll see though.

This is OT so this is all I'll say about it. As far as Samus goes, her original non-suit appearance had her wandering about in a pink leotard. She's also always been rather sexualized when outside of her suit if the bonus ending images from Super Metroid are any indication, so I don't really see much of a difference with her.

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I finally remember why that pose of Tiamo felt so familiar. It's similar to that artwork of Catria on her FE12 wallpaper.


And the same things bugging me then bugs me here too: What sort of wired pose is this supposed to be anyway? Why would anyone draw a pose like that?

Unless the character is supposed to be a drunk that is. It sort of goes with Catria's expression but not with Tiamo's.

It just looks awkward.

Edited by BrightBow
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I finally remember why that pose of Tiamo felt so familiar. It's similar to that artwork of Catria on her FE12 wallpaper.


And the same things bugging me then bugs me here too: What sort of wired pose is this supposed to be anyway? Why would anyone draw a pose like that?

Unless the character is supposed to be a drunk that is. It sort of goes with Catria's expression but not with Tiamo's.

It just looks awkward.

Really? I figured it was just her about to take a swing with her lance in an arch above her head. Didn't look odd to me at all. Interesting point of view.

Edited by Shun One
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I finally remember why that pose of Tiamo felt so familiar. It's similar to that artwork of Catria on her FE12 wallpaper.


And the same things bugging me then bugs me here too: What sort of wired pose is this supposed to be anyway? Why would anyone draw a pose like that?

Unless the character is supposed to be a drunk that is. It sort of goes with Catria's expression but not with Tiamo's.

It just looks awkward.

oh yeah right! i didn't notice that

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so does this mean that innes & arya are the first characters to be distributed in spotpass? cause from what i can tell the whole page is dedicated to them

Looks like it. With Ayra's stats, I'm not complaining. I am curious as to who else we'll see further down the line. At first, I thought the Lords of the other games were an easy pick, but now I'm not so certain.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one excited to finally be able to use/recruit Anna. I feel that I am more excited for it than I should be, but whatever. And you're right duexhero, I feel like Anna could be a cool addition for SSB4. What's a better representation of FE than someone who's been in every game? Although, that's still a long way away and honestly probably isn't likely at this point, but we'll see.

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Resire being back isn't exactly surprising, since it kind of has never "left" ever since FE2 (FE3 book 1 and FE11 aside because remakes)... but what I find intriguing is Elfire/thunder/wind. Sounds a tad redundant in a game without separate magic ranks...

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Perhaps to add more variety to the Magic selection? Wind will be accurate, but weaker, Fire will be balanced, and Thunder will most likely be powerful, but inaccurate. Look at the prices. Thunder is the most expensive, so it must have more power.

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