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Borons the voice of reason...lol.

I'm the voice of reason? O_o Surely we're all doomed if that's the case ...

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Boron, this is probobly true.

13ths gonna kill us somehow, in our civilian identities

You're the most sensible out of us.

Imps a little scatterbrained.

Doku/13th/Darros are reckless

Banzai is Banzai.

I'm a hopeless case.

And, obviously, we need banners for this. :B):

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The day started off normally, as all days tend to do. It was three in the morning in the city of Serenes Forest, and Shin - for some strange reason - was still awake. He was glaring at his laptop, muttering "curse you"s under his breath, the room slightly aglow from the light of the monitor. He reached for the cup of tea that was sitting on the table and sipped it, as he continued to try to beat his record for chapter two on FE4. Then, a pop-up window came onto the screen. One look at the contents of the popup made Shin spit out his tea, slam the laptop shut, and sound the Folgore Rangers alarm.

About fifteen minutes later, the rest of the team had assembled at Imp's house, in her basement where the Folgore Rangers base had been established. They were all rather grumpy and sleep-deprived. Eliedon, being a giant floating head with a monocle, did not sleep and was very much awake. He looked bemused as he watched the scene that played out in front of him: a clearly worked-up Shin, waving his arms around and yelling, his fellow Rangers half-asleep and barely following him.

"Folgore Rangers! We have an emergency!" Shin exclaimed. "I have stumbled across an evil plan, and it is up to us to - hey, wait a minute!" He cut himself off abruptly. "Where's Folgore Yellow?" he demanded.

"Uh?" Darros yawned, rubbing his eyes. "Who?"

"Still asleep, I guess?" Imp shrugged, narrowing her eyes a bit irritably. "I suppose she didn't hear the alarm."

"No, no! That will never do!" Shin yelled, stomping his feet. "We need the whole team together to stop this threat!"

"Folgore Red," came the stern voice of Eliedon, "perhaps you should enlighten your fellow rangers on the situation at hand?"

"Yes ... what could possibly be so important that you would have to assemble the team at three in the morning?" Banzai grumbled, pushing a snoozing Harpoon off his arm.

Shin struck a dramatic pose and declared, "It's Horita! He's planning on taking over Serenes Forest, using the power of Sharlow!"

The other Folgores merely stared at him, too tired to comprehend what he was babbling on about. Seconds passed before it dawned upon them -- their muttered "Oh"s more halfhearted than anything and none looking particularly more awake.

"You are certain of this, Folgore Red?" Eliedon demanded.

"Sure I'm sure!" He took out his laptop and flipped it open, pointing to the popup that had appeared on the screen and alerted him. "Just look at that!"

Darros, Harpoon, Imp, and Banzai leaned closer to Shin's laptop for a closer look. The popup window was, in fact, a portion of Camdar's diary. Its length would have spanned less than a page in a word document, but the contents were extremely incriminating: it detailed Horita's plans to unleash the power of Sharlow and his berserk staff on the denizens of Serenes Forest -- the how, when, and where.

"That's horrible!" Imp exclaimed, no longer tired, as she skimmed through the entry. "We have to stop them!"

"It is quite convenient that you somehow managed to get ahold of this information," Banzai stated. "I would call it a deux ex machina if it did not work out so nicely in our favor."

"Camdar keeps a diary?" Harpoon wondered out loud.

"Ah, guys?" Darros looked up from the monitor. "It says here that Horita's going to unleash Sharlow's powers in exactly ten minutes from now at the Drafting Den. Doesn't it take us about that long to get there from the base?"

"You have no time to waste," Eliedon spoke up. "Folgores, you must get there immediately."

"Right!" Shin agreed. "Imp, you go to Boron's place and meet up with us at the Drafting Den. Darros, Banzai, and Harpoon -- you three follow me!"

"Got it!" Imp and Harpoon yelled.

"Understood." Banzai nodded.

"I'm right behind you!" Darros replied.

"Refa-5," Eliedon began, his voice echoing throughout Imp's basement, "the Folgore Rangers will never reach the Drafting Den on foot. I want you to give them a hand."

"I hear you, I hear you" Refa-5 answered.

"Folgore Rangers ... let's go!" Shin exclaimed.

Edited by Folgore Yellow
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This is a public service announcement brought to you by the Folgore Rangers!

Remember to do your part to SF by voting Sharlow in the Jugdral Badge Vote.

Vote Now if you support the Folgore Rangers!

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This is a public service announcement brought to you by the Folgore Rangers!

Remember to do your part to SF by voting CORPLE in the Jugdral Badge Vote.

Vote Now if you support the Folgore Rangers!

Darros has the right idea!

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Behold, my glorious sig!

Be careful what I wish for when I'm the only girl worth looking at in this thread?

but you dont have Brunnya's tits

Edited by Machis the Renegade Knight
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Here's a special episode!

Mighty Cursin' Folgore Rangers –Camdar strikes again

It was an average day in the City of Serenes Forest. The sun was shining and the residents were angry, it seemed like an ordinary day.

Timp and Darros were doing things anyteenagers would do... not that, you filthy baboon! The first thingthat should have come to mind was raising money for charity! That'swhat all protagonists do in their spare time. They were outside theschool, getting ready for the event.

"Wow, Timp, I can't believe youconvinced Doku, Banzai and Harpoon all to do this. I'd thought they'dbe, y'know, against having objects broken over their heads." Darros chuffed, thankfully he had the sense not to agree to it.

"It's easy, Doku said I'd be tooyoung to do it... I don't know why he's still in High School, Banzai claimed he was an English Major and would be fine with it." Timp giggled back.

It made sense to Darros, other than whythey agreed. In fact, it didn't make sense at all. Harpoon was probably stupid to join because the other two had.

"Curse you, public transport!"

Timp and Darros turned, only to seetheir self-proclaimed leader Doku, along with Banzai and Harpoon getting off of a bus. It was almost time, and a crowd had gathered. Doku stepped forward, faking toughnessand trying to establish himself as leader even further.

"OK, let's do this, it's cursin'-..."he began, only to have Darros cover his mouth, now wasn't the time to morph. Doku, Banzai and Harpoon all sat down in sadistic looking chairs. Before they could start, some comically comical theme music began to play, Crash and Marth had entered.

"Hey, dweeblings! How about we smashstuff over your heads, you know, just to make sure you're not cheating." Crash boasted, his identity as Crashman or Crashgordonnot obvious in the slightest.

"Yeah, cheating!" Marth added. He wasn't known for his witty remarks. Crash proceeded to take a brickand prepared to hit Banzai with it.

"Do your worst, I'm an English Major." he replied cooly.


However, in the Buttlair, Horita was scheming. He/she was toying with her Jungdral chess set.

"Oh my, little Folgore Rangers. You may have beaten the Fat Shota Sigurd bot, but I have far more evil ready in store for you." He/she laughed, knocking over the Corple piece with his/her Leaf.

"Camdar! You are to take another monster! Do not fail me this time!" He/she bellowed.

Camdar nodded unwillingly, he had far more important things to be doing, like coding a way to make himself taller.

"Do not worry, I have something especially evil in store... hahahaha!"


The performance was well under way, and the team had taken a lot of punishment from Crash and Marth, still they were holding out – even after evil such as the entire works of Shakespeare, a sledgehammer and a whoopee cushion. Crash and Marth were beginning to lose their patience, for some reason their plan hadn't done what they'd wanted it to.

Suddenly, with a flash of lightning and a cloud of foul smelling smoke, Camdar appeared, surrounded by faceless minions.

"Hahaha! I've come here to harass teenagers! Is it a crime! Hahaha!" he laughed. "Attack, my minions!"

His faceless minions then proceeded to attack each other. In the chaos, everybody except the Folgore Rangersran off screaming – despite being perfectly safe. Camdar was not impressed.

"Bah, I'll just set the Sety monster on you! Hahahaha! Watch as he warps you all over the place!"

Followed by another bad entrance, a strange creature appeared. A brown-haired winged beast stood before them.

"Word, I am the Hawk monster!" it proclaimed.

Camdar began hitting his face on a nearby wall.

"No! I... made... sure... that...I... picked... Sety..." he raged. "No matter, go fight them!"

Doku got up from his chair, his face still bleeding from the Porcupine he was pummeled by.

"It's Cursin' Time!" he announced, starting the ludicrous transformation sequence.






Where was Boron, Folgore Yellow? They couldn't morph without her.

Thankfully, she came running from offscreen.

"Sorry guys, I overslept!" she said sleepily, still in her pyjamas.



13th, the mysterious Folgore White, watched from behind a bush, he wasn't ready to reveal himself yet.


In the Folgore Lair, otherwise known as Timp's attic, since she didn't have a basement, Eliedon sat in his tube waiting for Refa 5 to feed him goldfish food.

"Refa 5, do you think the rangers will cope?" he asked, whilst trying to eat those tasty flakes.

"Yaranaika! I think they'll be fine, Eliedon!" he answered. In all fairness, he didn't really mind if they died, he would still have a job.

The fight had been going on for a while now, Hawk seemed reasonably competent, but horribly under-equipped. Up in the Buttlair, Horita decided it would be a good time to make his/her creature giant, despite having an advantage at regular size. He/she send down a bolt of lightning making Hawk grow.

"Grow, my pretty!" He/she laughed.

Camdar was pretty annoyed, why couldn't he get made bigger?



The Hawk monster began to grow, and then it grew some more. Being giant, it meant that the rangers would have to use their Folgorezords. For the uneducated members of the audience, zords are giant fighting robots, not unlike the mecha... however, they're far cooler because they explode and fuse together.

The various Folgorezords emerged from various locations, destroying the city as they approached the bad guy. A petrol station, a library, even orphanages and hospitals weren't safe! The rangers leapt several hundred feet into the air, to land in the seats of their zords. Banzai hadn't been quite as lucky, he mistimed his jump, and ended up smashing through his own windscreen.

"Banzai, are you alright?" asked Boron, since the others probably wouldn't be bothered if he had been injured.

"Of course I'm fine, I'm an English Major." he replied coolly, removing a shard of glass from his abdomen. His literary prowess had got him through many predicaments.

They were all seated, thus initiating the combination sequence. Hawk stood there watching, he was patient. Camdar was not however, and couldn't grasp why Hawk was waiting for them when he could destroy them now. He found a tree and began punching it.

"Stupid... why... not... kill... them... ahh!!!"

The tree had given way and fallen on top of him, thus was Camdar's luck. The fight began, Hawk was swift, and was able to dodge every shot from the Kanchome cannon.

"Curse you, Harpoon! Why can't you actually hit him! You didn't seem to have trouble blowing up that old people's home!" Doku shouted, Harpoon normally got away with all sorts of stupid shots, why wasn't he doing it today?

"It's not my fault! Banzai and I were calibrating it earlier, maybe we made a mistake." Harpoon replied, he really wasn't sure what was going on.

"I don't make mistakes, I'm an English Major." Banzai cut in. "You didn't ask me to calibrate it, you asked me to castigate it. They mean two very different things."

Things were not looking good, the Folgore Zord was running low on power. Refa 5 had not put it on charge, in favour of recharging himself. Would this be the end of the Folgore Rangers? What's that? Stopping hoping the answer is yes! Suddenly inspiration struck Timp. The reason they had been missing Hawk was because they were aiming for him.

"Don't worry guys, I've got this!" she shouted, firing the heart beams blindly. Unfortunately, most of the shots had gone off into the sky. The Folgorezord had powered down, doom was approaching.

"Yes!" screamed Horita. He/she had been waiting for this day. Nothing could ruin it.

Hawk did nothing though. He sensed the end.

"This is the limit of my power? How sad!" he said as he was crushed by a satellite. Horita was not happy, surely Camdar would pay for it.

The rangers rejoiced until they realised something...

"How are we going to get down?" asked Boron.


Edited by Parco Folgore
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