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I'm trying to decide on which laguz i should focus on in my laguz only run..

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Which laguz should i focus most of my resources into i was think 1. ranulf 2.Jannaff 3. Ulki 4.Skrimir 5.voulg 6.vika . So can anyone recommend 5 other laguz for me to use. Some tricks and tips for a laguz only run would also help . The only one i can think of is resolve/savior on volug .

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Mordecai, muarim, lethe, lyre, and kurth/ena, Gareth Nasir and kyza... and i think thats all of them not including royals.

Out of those i think the ones worthy of usage are Mordecai, Muarim, Lethe, kyza and lyre, because the dragons simply come far too late to be of any use aside from giving bonuses... For laguaz, have them fight untransformed for chapters where you have to wait a certain amount of turns. Don't be afraid to use BEXP. Also, don't be cheap with olivi grass.

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Anybody but Lyre (and maybe Kyza), really. Volug is obviously a good choice. Mordecai is pretty awesome too for tanking. Hawks, yes...Ranulf is good. Lethe isnt very good sadly but she can help in Part 2.

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Hmm, really I think it would be easier to list those to actively avoid: Lyre, as many others have stated, has horribly low bases and growths that aren't strong enough to fix them. Kyza, while underrated in certain circumstances (like drafting) is pretty bad when scarce, valuable resources like energy drops, speed wings or skills like resolve, could also be avoided safely. I personally also wouldn't suggest using Lethe too much; compared to all the other laguz she'll have the most trouble keeping up, however using her for utility and until endgame or so, she'll be worth while keeping around.

As far as advice goes; remember that olivi grass on a laguz and Heron's singing for pairs (or even 4 of them) is extremely useful and can usually help get everyone into fighting shape early on. Secondly if when you get to part 4 and endgame, putting a bunch of BEXP into your Heron of choice to get them to 40 and the ability to instantly fill up the targeted laguz(s) meters is also quiet useful. Hmm, satori signs should be reserved for the characters that will have the most trouble taking out the opposition and have high skill ratings, such as the cats, ravens or maybe hawks. Lions, tigers and dragons will be just fine in the offense department. Lastly, I would be very willing to use stat boosters early on and not save them for late joiners as much, baring a few examples involving speed wings, they usually are better off on an early joiner. I hope this helps a little.

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I plan on having one of the herons spamming galdur in one chapter until he or she caps. I'm playing on normal mode so hopefully I can take the bexp hit . I guess I'll stay away from lyre and kyza but I like Lethe so she'll see some use . Can the herons fill up multiple gauges with their galdur because that would be a huge help . Which heron should I get up to level 40 ?

Edited by The_Purple_Knight
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I plan on having one off the herons spamming galdur in one chapter until he or she caps. I'm playing on normal mode so hopefully I can take the bexp hit . I guess I'll stay away from lyre and kyza but I like Lethe so she'll see some use . Can the herons fill up multiple gauges with their galdur because that would be a huge help . Which heron should I get up to level 40 ?

Always Reyson. Any transformation problem is solved by Laguz Gems/Stones/Olivi Grass.

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the team I chose on my Laguz only PT;

Beat tribe: Ranulf, Lethe, Mordecai, Muarim, Skrimir and Volug

bird tribe: Vika, Nealuchi, Janaff, Ulki.

only dragon I used was Nasir, IIRC.


5th: Janaff 10/136/79

4th: Ulki 10/141/82

3rd: Mordecai 13/231/101

2nd: Ike 18/163/120

1st: Volug 16/200/153


EDIT: should I have said I always use Ike, even in a "1 class only PT"?

don't give volug the satori sign, instead give him resolve, paragon and wrath. watch him kick everyone to death and get to level 40 in 3-12

Edited by whase
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Don't be afraid of using Kyza or Lyre, they have relatively average-good growths, and Blossom + 99BEXP can fix their low base stats. Both of them are capping speed really quick, and they're good prey for enemies due to the fact they aren't killing enemies consistently, so Halberdiers, Swordmasters, Generals and Warriors chase them, and if they double they will build their Strike rank really quick. I remember my first draft where I got Lyre to S rank by 3-8. Important, don't give them BEXP lv. ups when under leveled (below lv. 25-27) AND when A strike, that will ruin them. Start giving them BEXP lv. ups when they have S strike and have one or two stats already capped.

Try having them battle untransformed. Iirc, that helps them from getting higher Strike ranks, correct me if I'm wrong.

Volug and Nealuchi can deal untransformed with enemies. Luchi for 2-P and Volug for P3.

Mordy and Lethe are also good Blossom candidates, yet, it's not necessary.

Sign them when S strike, try to build their rank as faster as possible.

Try Resolve Wrath Paragon Provoke Kurth for 4-E-1 :awesome: ;/

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Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the generally rule of thumb as if a character has less then 300 % total growths they should use bexp?

either that, blossom or save state resets

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they're good prey for enemies due to the fact they aren't killing enemies consistently

How are you trying to turn this into a positive?

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How are you trying to turn this into a positive?

If they don't kill enemies, enemies will attack them to survive, in that way, the laguz unit builds his/her Strike rank, just as Nealuchi in 2-P, where dracos attack him untransformed as he raises his rank; the only thing is having them survive enemies even when untransformed.

For example, Lyre is target of enemies, she'll receive shitloads of enemies due to her relative frailness and terribad bases, but countering enemies is helping them to grow stronger. Think of it like taking something positive from something negative :awesome:

In the other way, where laguz units kill enemies consistently, enemies will do whatever they need to in order to avoid them and survive.

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I can't decide on when I should start bexping volug . Right now he's level 22 with 15 strength 13 skill 10 defense 10 Res and 16 speed and about 26 luck . I'm debating giving him a speed wing and bexping him up a little but I'm not sure if I should .

Edited by The_Purple_Knight
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If they don't kill enemies, enemies will attack them to survive, in that way, the laguz unit builds his/her Strike rank, just as Nealuchi in 2-P, where dracos attack him untransformed as he raises his rank; the only thing is having them survive enemies even when untransformed.

For example, Lyre is target of enemies, she'll receive shitloads of enemies due to her relative frailness and terribad bases, but countering enemies is helping them to grow stronger. Think of it like taking something positive from something negative :awesome:

In the other way, where laguz units kill enemies consistently, enemies will do whatever they need to in order to avoid them and survive.

So use Kyza and Lyre because they're terrible. ... Right.

If you only use laguz units that kill enemies consistently, the result will be killing enemies consistently.

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In the other way, where laguz units kill enemies consistently, enemies will do whatever they need to in order to avoid them and survive.

Er, dude, I hate to burst your bubble but AI units don't actively seek out ways to not get 1RKOd. They might throw themselves into juicier targets sometimes (sometimes) but with any skill in positioning you can still get a bunch of shit to die on your laguz because they won't try to avoid it.

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So use Kyza and Lyre because they're terrible. ... Right.

If you only use laguz units that kill enemies consistently, the result will be killing enemies consistently.

1) If you want to use Kyza and/or Lyre, use them. If not, then don't use them.

2) They won't kill enemies consistently when they join, but they can do it if you use the correct resources in the correct way. If you want to give them those resources or not is another issue.

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Nealuchi is gr8mazing ^^' Lethe is really good too. I've used Lyre and she can be good with a bexp dump but she's really useless along the way, I train others before her and whatever is left is handed to her ^^ or she can BEXP + Blossom and card.

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I dont always use laguz, but when I do I make sure its volug nealuchi or janaff. Ok, seriously, any of volug, mordecai, ranulf, janaff and ulki are alright. Lethe is borderline. Lyre sucks ass. Kyza is eh and muarim/vika dont exist. Nealuchi is amazing with the s strike trick but has eh availability.

Edited by General Haarace
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