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Golden Sun Mafia


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always angry

Actually, I'm curious about this. Why the hell would you even claim Reviver in the first place? You're begging for the mafia to kill you, and now it's very possible you won't even get your action off in the first place, considering how you could, you know, die before reviving Prims. In addition, claiming Reviver essentially forces the Doctor onto you, leaving everyone else in the town open to dying, and if the mafia has a hitman or something, well, sucks to be you.

You could have just sat back, made yourself a small target so mafia isn't inclined to kill you (why would mafia want someone appearing slightly scummy dead?), and then revive Prims at the end of the phase. Or you could have waited for someone like an Alliance Checker or a Doctor to die, then revive them. Yes, Prims is very talkative, but he's a roleblocker who's more likely to screw with the town than with the mafia. I don't fully get the logic here.

... ##Vote Manix

Respond to that, please.

I'm going to admit, it probably wasn't my best idea to claim like that. I wanted to stay in the shadows as much as possible, but sometimes something has to happen. But hey, let's put it this way: As soon as I revive someone, I'd probably find myself dead pretty quickly because of possibly needing to counterclaim. The thing is, I'd rather have town start talking some more than just have me skulking in shadows some more, which apparently gets me lynched anyway. So really, it's kinda forced upon me.

re: Prims: The thing is, is that a roleblocker is still useful, if there's someone suspicious, they can be dealt with. And having another person talking is always useful.

Clear enough?

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... So you claimed Reviver for the sake of discussion?

Anyway, this.

As soon as I revive someone, I'd probably find myself dead pretty quickly because of possibly needing to counterclaim.

... How? I don't think mafia would claim reviver because they'd probably need to prove their role.

You can also try and talk more, or just, y'know, say that you're feeling really sick and stuff. If you hadn't claimed Reviver I wouldn't have voted you, but again, that move was really stupid.

re: Prims: The thing is, is that a roleblocker is still useful, if there's someone suspicious, they can be dealt with. And having another person talking is always useful.

Yes, but having a revived Doctor or Alliance Checker is way more useful than having a revived Roleblocker, even though the Roleblocker's really talkative and is a good scumhunter.

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... So you claimed Reviver for the sake of discussion?

Discussion and information. Maybe my wording isn't the best atm, cause I'm not quite thinking completely straight.

The more town knows, the easier town can win.

... How? I don't think mafia would claim reviver because they'd probably need to prove their role.

They could, given they could claim that they revived the person, and then how does one prove a counterclaim? The problem with NOC is that you don't know exactly who to trust, at any given time. Hell, you could just not believe me at all.

Also, refer back to Kay's post about not needing to lynch me this phase. Tell you what, I'll be perfectly fine if you voted me next phase, assuming Prims wasn't revived. Although also assuming I'm not dead by then.

You can also try and talk more, or just, y'know, say that you're feeling really sick and stuff. If you hadn't claimed Reviver I wouldn't have voted you, but again, that move was really stupid.

Yeah, definitely not the smartest idea. I'm sorry town.

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Or you could have waited for someone like an Alliance Checker or a Doctor to die, then revive them. Yes, Prims is very talkative, but he's a roleblocker who's more likely to screw with the town than with the mafia. I don't fully get the logic here.

Read his first long post, JB. I think he's saying he can basically keep one person revived at any time, and can change who it is.

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Discussion and information. Maybe my wording isn't the best atm, cause I'm not quite thinking completely straight.

The more town knows, the easier town can win.

They could, given they could claim that they revived the person, and then how does one prove a counterclaim? The problem with NOC is that you don't know exactly who to trust, at any given time. Hell, you could just not believe me at all.

Also, refer back to Kay's post about not needing to lynch me this phase. Tell you what, I'll be perfectly fine if you voted me next phase, assuming Prims wasn't revived. Although also assuming I'm not dead by then.

Yeah, definitely not the smartest idea. I'm sorry town.

Except this is info much more valuable in the hands of the mafia. Mafia's found their next target, Town's found someone else to protect. Much easier for the mafia, no?

... I don't get this right now.

You'll be dead in all likelihood ;/


Read his first long post, JB. I think he's saying he can basically keep one person revived at any time, and can change who it is.

Then he has even less reason to claim in the first place! If I were mafia (I am aware this is a shitty argument, but this isn't the normal way it's used) I wouldn't have placed Manix high up on my 'to-kill' list after C1 - Hell, I'd have him near the very bottom. As such, as long as he can avoid getting lynched, he can keep one person revived until he dies, and by then he'd probably have done his job admirably.

I'm really not sure if that was a really dumb move or if you're actually mafia, but I'd think that as mafia, you wouldn't risk doing something so silly, so ##Unvote for now.

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I'm heading to class at this very moment and will be back in approximately two hours. I've been reading everything here while doing some homework, and a thought occurred to me. I like being vague, so there you go.

And I think Manix is town, if that means anything

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Damn you people posting cool stuff right after I go off for the night. ;/

Anyway, is suiciding really a good idea after revival? Wouldn't the target just die again? Or did I read something wrong?

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Damn you people posting cool stuff right after I go off for the night. ;/

Anyway, is suiciding really a good idea after revival? Wouldn't the target just die again? Or did I read something wrong?

I also read it as him keeping them revived means he has to be alive for them to continue staying revived. So I'm also wondering about this question.

However, I would also like to go ahead and say Manix is looking town to me now with his explanations and the dialogue between himself and Aurora. And in any case, his role seems easy enough to test/prove if he doesn't die.

Eh, I hate that you guys pretty much resolved all the new interesting stuff before I could get in here. I still wasn't quite happy with Rapier's response to what I said earlier, and I'm curious to see what he and others of us less active people have to say about whats going on this cycle.

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Just woke up from a nap, I think I'm getting sick, this paper is making me cry because apparently I'm prone to crying over Chilean musicians that were brutally murdered in the 70s and this class is emotionally raping me help ;-;

Bleh, fuck me. Forget what I said earlier (about who I was going to vote for, since I can't completely remember anyhow).

##Vote: Paperblade Yeah, I've kinda been wanting to do this for a while, but I was getting mixed reads on Paper before in the first place, and I thought perhaps my scum reads on Kay and Iris were stronger than that. But since Kay is suddenly starting to look town to me (a certain thing she said, which was the thought that occurred to me) and Iris is apparently busy with life (which means pushing her/voting for her would be pointless at the moment), this leaves Paperblade. Eclipse I still cannot read either, and I honestly don't know what to do about that.

But anyway, since a little bit ago, Paper's behavior has been bothering me, and he's reading as either scum pretending to be paranoid or third-party being genuinely paranoid, in which case voting him might not be the best idea, but I guess it's the best thing I've got right now.

More impressions still coming soon.

To kindly answer the questions:

1) First off what do you think of marth's votes before cycle one end? Do you think there is any relevance behind them? Do you think the people he started voting for are most likely town?

Marth voting Shinori was opportunistic and a little overkill, plus it was out of place. I think that Shinori is town, still, and my opinion/reads on him haven't changed much.

Rapier I still cannot read, so I don't know about him. I still think he may be third-party or something (Eclipse could be too, but nyeh).

I'm town, so I have nothing to say about his last vote. (:

It was hypocritical, at least.

2) To go along with question 1 Who do you think is the most town at the moment? Also why do you think they are the most town?

Shinori-- As I previously mentioned, this has not changed much.

BBM-- Again, not much has changed. He's acting genuinely newbish and some of the attacks on him regarding his newbness have not been as justified to me, really.

Lesser town reads include:

Kay-- Her latest posts have struck me as townish, but the read is still shaky. It's becoming more solid though, I thinl.

Manix-- This is why I didn't want to place a vote on Manix before. Overzealous town reads to me, much like how I softclaimed incredibly early in the game.

Ether-- I might be horribly wrong on this read, but bleh. The curse thing makes me believe he's likely to be town, but judging by the lack of curses today, it was either a Djinn ability or a limited (mafia?) ability or something. I might not be paying super-close attention to this one. Needs to be more active, but hey, it's Ether I suppose, haha.

3) Now the opposite of that, Who do you think is most likely to be scum? And why do you think that? Any specific reasoning?

Paperblade-- Aaakjdlakjs ):


Iris-- When she was posting, her posts seemed a little wishy-washy--her reads on some of the players seemed about the same as everyone else thought of them, and they were for the most part unmemorable, but hopefully she can post here more in the future after her offline things clear up.

Eclipse-- Again, I'm not suuuuure, and this is only a maybe

In other news, I can't decide whether or not Strawman is coasting mafia or coasting town being mainly helpful/modestly active by recent activity.

4) Do you think the kidnapper is more town or scum?

IMO, I wouldn't be surprised if it were a Djinn ability, which means it could be on any side. I guess that's odd though in the case of a third-party somehow attaining kidnapper abilities, THOUGH I DO ADMIT IT WOULD BE A NICE SURPRISE LOL

For now, I'll say that I feel it may mostly be scum.

5) What do you think the chances of a third party being in play are? Say a survivor or cult?

I think there might be one. Cult is unlikely, though. My guess is either the typical Survivor or something with an alternative sort of win condition, perhaps.

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When I said that I couldn't see there being a harmless third-party, I wasn't saying this out of hard proof I had. I said it because the only third-party character I could see existing would be the Wise One, and he doesn't strike me as harmless, considering he creates the Doom Dragon and all.

Also, guys, it's possible that Manix is a mafia reviver using this to prevent us from lynching him, since a couple people were talking last cycle about voting for Manix this one. If he is a mafia reviver, he can revive Marth today, and then we can't even lynch Manix next cycle, because Marth would probably protect him with his Refresh Ball thing. So we'd have to lynch Marth again next cycle, and then Manix the one after that. Of course, this is only reminding people of what might happen if Manix is a mafia reviver. I still think Paperblade seems scummier.

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Also, guys, it's possible that Manix is a mafia reviver using this to prevent us from lynching him, since a couple people were talking last cycle about voting for Manix this one. If he is a mafia reviver, he can revive Marth today, and then we can't even lynch Manix next cycle, because Marth would probably protect him with his Refresh Ball thing. So we'd have to lynch Marth again next cycle, and then Manix the one after that. Of course, this is only reminding people of what might happen if Manix is a mafia reviver. I still think Paperblade seems scummier.

Need to address this: That's assuming he didn't use Refresh Ball already, as well.

Now here's the thing: I can only revive at the end of phase. So, say I (hypothetically, for the example) revive Marth. He should protect me, it's the most logical pattern, but then he gets lynched. I then can't revive him again until C4 (end of phase C3) so by then, you could lynch me easily.

But on that note, that's not exactly the most efficient use of my power, is it? And why would I claim reviver if I was mafia? It still puts a really big target on me anyway. By claiming reviver, I set myself up for an easy fall, no matter my alignment. And mafia shouldn't be outing themselves so quickly. To be two mafia down in two days is just not good for them. Fact is, I don't know how many people are mafia, but still, two down is a huge disadvantage.

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He couldn't have used his Refresh Ball already. He probably used his Djinn C0 on Prims to roleblock him. And even if he didn't, using the Refresh Ball that phase woulda been kinda dumb. And he got lynched C1.

Even if he gets lynched next cycle again, it's a phase that town gives up for lynching a new mafia person. It basically gives the Mafia an extra phase to kill someone. And while we're focusing on you and Marth, we're probably not looking for someone else either. Of course, this is just conjecture.

If the mafia tried to kill someone at night, but the Doctor protected them, would the Doctor or the person who got saved know? Because if they didn't receive the information that they were protected from being killed, Prims might still have been killed by a SK or something.

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Because of this, and the fact that nobody likes sending in their actions, the Cycle has been extended by 24 hours.

Edited by Luster Purge
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Out goes one bro, in comes one asshole.

Sorry guys. :(

In other news, let me get completely caught up, and I'll post some thoughts.

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