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How does one use consumable statboosters?


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Like, ok. Energy ring, you wear it. Angelic robe, I guess you wear it. Dracoshield...well, do you hold it? Pirates in certain games hold 2 axes.

Eat it? I dunno.

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Eat it? I dunno.

I always make reference to my units "drinking" them, regardless of how much sense that makes.

Yes, even the Boots on occasion.

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I dunno. I always assumed you absorbed their power in some way, and then chucked what was left. Eating it would definitely explain why Ilyana was so fond of BBQ Speedwings in my last PoR playthrough. Secret books I always assumed that the characters read once to learn the secret to hitting target and then they, like, self destructed or something. (Obviously characters with low skill can't read =D)

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what i really want to know, if you use a Con/build increasing item, would it change the appearance of a charcter?

i know over at Gamefaqs we use to joke about how this one guy gave his lute so many rings she had capped Con so we called her fat.

on /VG/ we even made a joke about Ameilia becomming HUGE threw the use of stat boosters and leveling up

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what i really want to know, if you use a Con/build increasing item, would it change the appearance of a charcter?

i know over at Gamefaqs we use to joke about how this one guy gave his lute so many rings she had capped Con so we called her fat.

on /VG/ we even made a joke about Ameilia becomming HUGE threw the use of stat boosters and leveling up

That guy in FE6 says don't use body rings on ladies.

So...i think so.

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I always figured that the boosters were physical biological attachments to the units bodies. Except for skill books.

Goddess icons attach to your forehead like horns?

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  • Angelic Robe: wear, presumably it's not huge and it can be worn underneath
  • Energy Drop: use on appropriate muscles
  • Spirit Dust; when scattered you can absorb its power
  • Energy Ring: wear it
  • Speedwings: wear somewhere as an accessory
  • Skill Book: read/just keep on your person
  • Goddess Icon: wear like a necklace/charm
  • Dracoshield: wear like a broach
  • Talisman: same as Goddess Icon
  • Body Ring: wear it
  • Statue Frag: no idea
  • Boots: wear
  • Arms Scroll: read (but it's fragile and disintegrates before you can learn everything

As for promotion items I always assumed a unit could draw power from one to gain a lot of experience almost instantly.

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  • Angelic Robe: wear, presumably it's not huge and it can be worn underneath
  • Energy Drop: use on appropriate muscles
  • Spirit Dust; when scattered you can absorb its power
  • Energy Ring: wear it
  • Speedwings: wear somewhere as an accessory
  • Skill Book: read/just keep on your person
  • Goddess Icon: wear like a necklace/charm
  • Dracoshield: wear like a broach
  • Talisman: same as Goddess Icon
  • Body Ring: wear it
  • Statue Frag: no idea
  • Boots: wear
  • Arms Scroll: read (but it's fragile and disintegrates before you can learn everything

As for promotion items I always assumed a unit could draw power from one to gain a lot of experience almost instantly.

This certainly makes things interesting in fe6 where you have the funds to buy some characters 2 angelic robes and/or multiple boots. How do you wear 3 pairs of boots at once while wearing two robes?

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I try not too think too hard about it, because then I get all confused and being confused makes me go crazy. :>_<: In all seriousness ... talismans and goddess icons could probably be carried or worn like a trinket. Angelic Robes and Energy Rings ... you probably wear them. Secret Book, you read. Dracoshield and Energy Drop? I dunno.

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  • Angelic Robe: wear, presumably it's not huge and it can be worn underneath
  • Energy Drop: use on appropriate muscles
  • Spirit Dust; when scattered you can absorb its power
  • Energy Ring: wear it
  • Speedwings: wear somewhere as an accessory
  • Skill Book: read/just keep on your person
  • Goddess Icon: wear like a necklace/charm
  • Dracoshield: wear like a broach
  • Talisman: same as Goddess Icon
  • Body Ring: wear it
  • Statue Frag: no idea
  • Boots: wear
  • Arms Scroll: read (but it's fragile and disintegrates before you can learn everything

As for promotion items I always assumed a unit could draw power from one to gain a lot of experience almost instantly.

This except for promotion items.

Said unit goes to armory/stables and shows the item. "Oh, you wanna get new armor and a horse? Here you go."

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