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What's it with people bragging about how late they go to sleep and how early they wake up?


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I'm someone who absolutely has to sleep 8+ hours over night or else I start to get headaches throughout the rest of the day =[

I go to sleep whenever. The range is from 11pm-4am.

I wake up whenever I need to, and if I don't need to then I often sleep 8-12+ hours. 11+ hours used to be rare but I've recently picked up that habit sadly =[ Probably cause I spend all of my time trying desperately to sleep for 8+ hours with early classes and fail. D=

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I always try to sleep before 11:00 p.m. and I always try to get enough sleep so that I'll wake up refreshed the next day, but not if that means sleeping 'till 11 a.m. or 12 because then I feel like a huge chunk of my day got wasted getting more sleep than I needed.

Unfortunately, things don't always go as planned and I break the rules I set for myself. Nevertheless, I still try to keep up a healthy sleep-cycle, though.

By the way, if you guys are having trouble sleeping, instead of changing the time that you sleep, change the time that you have your last meal because your body will not want to sleep if it has recently eaten. You should also use the restroom before you go to bed, too. After all, you don't want all that nasty waste sitting in your body for like 8 hours. @___@

Edited by Esme
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I honestly don't understand why people insist on making a big deal out of this sort of thing... I mean, anyone with a schedule is going to be bound to getting up at that time. So regardless of when they go to bed, they need to be up. I often find myself going to sleep anywhere between 23:00 and 3:00, depending on when my girlfriend does, and on weekdays, I get up at around 8:00. Its not because I'm special, its because I have work in the morning, and I don't let that get in the way of enjoying my evening. I think this is true of many working adults as well as high schoolers and college students.

So um... why make a big deal out of it? Its just life. It'd be cool if you were using the sleep for 30 minutes 8 times a day thing so you never have to go to bed, via tricking your body into thinking its rested.

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i think people like me don't take it too seriously overall, i don't really make a big deal about it i just say it in hopes that someone will laugh (and/or learn from it)

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I get up in the morning at 10 o'clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed.

Drink a cup of sulfuric acid for breakfast.

Work 29 hours a day at the mill and have to pay the mill owner for permission to come to work.

And when I got home, my parents would kill me and dance about on my grave singing "hallelujah!"

Now let's see how many people believe me.

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I used to go to sleep at 2:30 AM and wake up around 10 AM. Unfortunately, *someone* ruined my sleep pattern, and I now go to sleep at 4 AM and wake up at noontime. Either way, this is not something to brag about.

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Strangely, even if I took a nap in the middle of the day, I still get headaches if I don't sleep 8+ hours at night XD And so that's why I try avoid taking naps in the day since it causes big problems on what time I want to sleep at night =3 I'm not always successful with that though on the nights where I end up taking especially low amounts of sleep at night. =[

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Maybe the former because everyone used to have bedtimes, which everyone can agree are terrible things, and now that they're gone they feel freedom to stay up as late as they want. Iunno. I go to bed when I want to. As for the latter, people do that? Never seen in happen.

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I go to bed at 10 or 11 and wake up around 7 every day.



Yeah so this is like super duper early for me to get up =3

But I just get up this early on mondays when I'm still at home XD My dad usually takes be back to university on monday mornings~ I'm actually feeling like I'm getting used to this or something

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Awake by 7am, what the fuck integ.

By 7am I've had like 3 hours sleep, and I normally wake up at about 10/11am, longer if I don't have my grandparents waking me up.

I think I'm well below the suggested 8 hours sleep a day thing, on average. Some nights I don't even sleep at all, and then I'm dead all day.

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