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Mark (M) x Nn

Feel free to find and replace Nn with something else if you find it too awkward : P

C support

Mark: Huhhh...? Is that Nn kneeling over there!?

Nn: .....

Mark: What happened, Nn!?

Nn: ...Huh? M-Mark? What's the matter? Why are you so flustered...?

Mark: Nn, are you alright!? What were you kneeling down there for, just then?

Nn: Oh, ahh... You've got the wrong idea. I was simply praying is all.

Mark: P-praying... is that all it was?

Nn: Yes. I was just closing my eyes, like this... Lady Naga, Lady Naga, please hear my wish. ...And saying my prayers, like that. Lady Naga is a very important deity to us. If our prayers are sincere, they're sure to bring happiness to everybody!

Mark: I get it~ So... you're praying to Lady Naga.

Nn: Yes. Not only that, but we dragonkin can even hear Lady Naga's voice from time to time.

Mark: Is that for real?! Man, that's awesome!!

Nn: In fact, I can even hear Lady Naga's voice now.

Mark: Whoa~! What's she saying?

Nn: We-well, she's saying "little children should go to bed early", things like that...

Mark: Hahaha. I guess she's quite the motherly deity, huh? ...More to the point, what exactly were you praying to Lady Naga for?

Nn: I was praying for everybody to be blessed with happiness and for peace to swiftly return to the world...

Mark: So, did you get a response from Lady Naga?

Nn: N-no... Whenever I make this prayer, I never get an answer from Lady Naga.

Mark: Is-is that so... ...Oh! But, I bet Lady Naga would say you shouldn't rely on deities for this kind of thing, you should rely on your own power to achieve it, or something like that, right?

Nn: ...R-really? Maybe you're right. Your explanation is pretty positive, Mark.

Mark: If we think of it like that, then it feels like we're brimming with hope!

Nn: Yes, that is certainly true!

B support

Nn: Lady Naga, Lady Naga...

Mark: Oh, Nn...

Nn: .....

Mark: I see you're praying today as well...

Nn: ......... Prayer's over! ...Oh, hello Mark.

Mark: Nn, did Lady Naga give you a response?

Nn: Yes, I just about managed to hear Lady Naga's voice. She said "please bring along the offering", so it turns out I'm one being requested.

Mark: An offering... I see! So, will food work?

Nn: Not quite. Lady Naga specifically asked for a particular flower.

Mark: What kind of flower?

Nn: One that flowers once every hundred years, during a night of the full moon, called the Naga Herb. But... that's just what I heard from the rumours. I've never actually heard of anybody who's found one. They say the flower grows at places where man cannot easily reach, so it's an incredibly rare flower.

Mark: Huh... You sure know your stuff. But the Naga Herb, huh? ...First time I've heard of it!

Nn: Something only whispered of is going to be extremely difficult to find... Sigh... It seems I've been tasked with a difficult problem. But, so as to not disappoint Lady Naga, I have to try my best...

Mark: If it's not a bother, could I help you find it?

Nn: Oh, thank you. I'd gladly appreciate your help. But, I don't have any clues where to start looking at the moment, so I'll come and find you later, when you're not busy.

Mark: Sure, gotcha! Awesome, let's go and find it together~!

A support

Mark: Nn! I'm over here!

Nn: Oh, hello Mark... ...To tell the truth, I prayed to Lady Naga earlier and she said "stand here and don't move".

Mark: Eh... I see! ...Then, maybe she was suggesting that you're already close to your objective?

Nn: Huh...?

Mark: Ha!!! There it is! Nnngh!!! How does it look!?

Nn: Huh...!? This flower is...!? Could-could it be... the Naga Herb that Lady Naga mentioned!?

Mark: Yup, no doubt about it!

Nn: That's incredible, Mark!! Thank you so much! But-but... how on earth would you know to look here? From what I heard, the flower isn't easy to find. I just can't believe we'd find it growing here of all places...

Mark: Oh... Ahaha, no, it's nothing like that. It was sheer coincidence that I found it. When I saw it flowering by the roadside, I was curious so I took a closer look. I didn't honestly think I'd find it there! Maybe, there are times when the flower grows at places where you can easily find it~!

Nn: ...Is-is that true?

Mark: Yep! "Coincidence" sure is a beautiful thing, huh? Who knows, perhaps this was Lady Naga's divine providence!

Nn: Mark... for Lady Naga's sake... Thank you! Lady Naga will surely be very happy! And, I'm very happy as well!

Mark: If you're both happy, then that's awesome! ...After everything we've done, Nn's prayers will surely be heard by Lady Naga~!

Nn: Yes! With this Naga Herb, my prayers will definitely be answered!

Mark: Yup! ...Then, I'll go on ahead, seeya!

Nn: Alright, thank you Mark!

(Mark leaves)

Nn: Mark, all those bruises on your body... I'm truly grateful...

S support

Nn: Oh, hello Mark!

Mark: Huhhh, Nn? Have you already finished praying to Lady Naga for today?

Nn: There's... no need for that anymore. My wish has already been fulfilled.

Mark: Wow, congratulations! That's seriously awesome! ...Eh, huhhh? But wasn't Nn's wish for everybody to be happy and world peace...? There's still a war going on, right?

Nn: To-to tell the truth.. I also had another wish.

Mark: Huhhh? Is that so? If you don't mind, could you tell me your other wish?

Nn: ...I hoped that my feelings could be understood by the person I loved... ...but, there's no need for that anymore. I already know that the person I love views me just as important as I view them...

Mark: Oh... it's like that? I-I'm sorry... It'd be rude for me to listen any further.

Nn: N-no! I want you to keep listening! ...I! I... love you Mark!!

Mark: Eh...!

Nn: Mark, when you tirelessly helped me to find the Naga Herb, it made me so happy. Lady Naga even said herself "you did a good job"!

Mark: A-ahahaha! I-I see...! I get it now...! Lady Naga saw through me straight away... N-no~ I feel so embarrassed now~

Nn: But I'm truly happy! Mark's feelings were carried by the Naga Herb and blossomed deep within my heart!

Mark: I see... that's awesome. Th-then, give me a chance to express myself this time! I... I love you, Nn!!

Nn: Yes...! I love you as well, Mark!

Mark: E-ehehe! I should have known this would make me way embarrassed! ...There's only one question left, does Lady Naga have anything to say about all this?

Nn: Th-that's... please wait. ........ Th-that's, what? She said "you guys are on fire"!

Mark: Ahahaha! We've got Lady Naga's blessings alright!

Nn: Yes! From now onwards, we ought to show Lady Naga how happy we live our lives together!

Awww... Now I want to try MU x Nn!

Oh god, now I am getting the idea of Naga being an announcer on NBA Jam. What. Just What.

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That reminds me, when Sumia lands Krom do you think Tiamo goes to their wedding? Think she cries? Do you think she's angry that, for all her hard work, the bumbling girl snatches her man away? Do you think that she spends the rest of the game depressed? Do you think that MU catches her crying to herself one night, and they start spending some time together? Do you think she starts to get feelings for him, and just when they're about to reach S support, he goes and marries something else?

Because for some reason, making Tiamo a loveless spinster is kind of appealing to me.

Depends if she's S-supported/near S-supporting with someone by that point or not, I guess. But the idea of making her entire life one long string of shattered dreams and romances is bizzarely attractive.

Fall in love with Krom: He falls for your colleague.

Fall in love with MU: He falls for a loli Dragon/blatantly unhinged Dark Mage.

Fall in love with any and all potential love interests: ...You can probably see where this is going.

Such delicious schadenfreude.

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Depends if she's S-supported/near S-supporting with someone by that point or not, I guess. But the idea of making her entire life one long string of shattered dreams and romances is bizzarely attractive.

Fall in love with Krom: He falls for your colleague.

Fall in love with MU: He falls for a loli Dragon/blatantly unhinged Dark Mage.

Fall in love with any and all potential love interests: ...You can probably see where this is going.

Such delicious schadenfreude.

Cruel, I would say.

The real question is if you kill her off shortly afterwards. Blessed release?

Edited by Pandorakun
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Cruel, I would say.

The real question is if you kill her off shortly afterwards. Blessed release?

No, but I intend to never use her, so that her overall contribution to the war is minimal. Then, at the end of her life when she's cold and alone, she'll look back and see how meaningless it all was for her. She'll realise that she never truly connected with anyone, and merely lived as a pawn of an uncaring society. She'll break down in tears, even as the reaper comes for her.

And then my plan will be complete.

...Or so I'd say, but I'd like Selena to come into existence at some point. Tsundere's are yet another weak spot of mine. Also, I highly doubt I could be that cruel to her, even if I'm not that fond of her from what little I've seen. There's mean, and there's turning an entire characters life into a Dark!Fic mean.

Ah, well. Guess someone's going to have to take one for the team and marry her. Can Ronku do it? He seems to have a wide range of girls to support with, ironically enough. I mean, not as many as MU, but no-one can match MU in that regard.

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Did you seriously just say you intended to mutilate your new favourite 2D waifu? Is there... any part of that that isn't completely fucked?

You disgust me.

Edited by Tangerine
Edited out quoted post.
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Man this has to be one of the grossest communities out there. No more posts like the one above, or more warns are getting handed out. Nobody cares what your fetishes are or what you're "going to do" to your "favorite" characters.

Like seriously, you have mental issues Striped.

edit: Obviously that was not to Furetchen, he posted before me :P.

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Man this has to be one of the grossest communities out there.

Such naivety.

No more posts like the one above, or more warns are getting handed out. Nobody cares what your fetishes are or what you're "going to do" to your "favorite" characters.

Like seriously, you have mental issues Striped.

Well, I'd assume he was joking. It'd be a tad weird if he was entirely serious, I agree.

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He'd practically outed himself as a pedophile in his first post. I don't think he was joking at all. And it certainly wouldn't be a tad weird. That was legit one of the worst posts I've ever seen.

I wonder what inspires people to publicly show themselves to be creeps.

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He'd practically outed himself as a pedophile in his first post. I don't think he was joking at all. And it certainly wouldn't be a tad weird. That was legit one of the worst posts I've ever seen.

I wonder what inspires people to publicly show themselves to be creeps.

The italizisation was meant to represent that it would be an understatement. Schadenfreude and seeming to take an actual sexual pleasure in the suffering of someone you say you care for are two very different things. One's natural, if a little twisted, (As things like You've Been Framed and Jackass show) and one's a horrible perversion.

Anyway, moving on.

Any progress on that bundle of S Supports that was dropped a while back? While it's not quite the same as getting the whole bundle, I'm really quite interested in seeing a little more of some peoples personalities.

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Speaking of, is there any known script or recording or whatever of anything featuring Degel? She's one of the only characters I've seen jack all of.

I know nobody likes the the weird space marine armor, but that's no reason to ostracize the poor girl. ;_;

[spoiler=Off topic]I apologize if I made anyone uncomfortable, I honestly didn't expect to be taken seriously and I guess a reality check was warranted, but still...

Nobody cares what your fetishes are or what you're "going to do" to your "favorite" characters.


Like seriously, you have mental issues Striped.

He'd practically outed himself as a pedophile in his first post.


That was legit one of the worst posts I've ever seen.

I wonder what inspires people to publicly show themselves to be creeps.

This was a very inappropriate response, even if I was being serious. You shouldn't have to resort to name-calling just because someone rubs you the wrong way.

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Regarding MU's daugther: She'll be named Markette for the localization.

Mark my words guys.

Regarding Nono, I think they might change both her name of her daughter's.

And finally, there's something that I've heard about Degelle: Is it true she's a manhater ? Granted, that's something I got from GameFAQs, but a confirmation, or the possibility to out that as a lie, would be nice.

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Missed a whole page. Whoops?

Any progress on that bundle of S Supports that was dropped a while back? While it's not quite the same as getting the whole bundle, I'm really quite interested in seeing a little more of some peoples personalities.

This is probably just me, but I feel a bit weird jumping into the S supports straight away. While they're a slightly sudden jump from the A supports, the S supports I've seen do build up on the stuff from the C-B-A supports, which is why I usually stick to doing the whole set.

Plus it's like reading the ending before the rest of the story.

Each to their own though!

Edited by VincentASM
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Missed a whole page. Whoops?

This is probably just me, but I feel a bit weird jumping into the S supports straight away. While they're a slightly sudden jump from the A supports, the S supports I've seen do build up on the stuff from the C-B-A supports, which is why I usually stick to doing the whole set.

Plus it's like reading the ending before the rest of the story.

Each to their own though!

Well, that's true. And given that what I want to see is more of a characters personality, skipping the bit where most of actual the development of the relationship happens might be counterproductive.

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Teeheehee. (note the extra hee)

You guys are flippin' hilarious. Especially Furet. X3

Just wondering. Which supports have been posted online in Chinese/Japanese anyway? Kind of curious because I wanna know what I can be impatiently waiting for. :3

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About female!Mark- Marketta is an actual name, it's the Finnish form of Margaret.

I am finnish, and I have never EVER heard a person who's name marketta. Its probablY A really old name, its not used anymore. Or someone made it up

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