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Ladies and Gentlemen, Grab a seat and some Popcorn! Elieson Hosts SFs First: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Draftlocke Challenge



19 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will win!

    • Horace
    • Shin
    • Refa
    • Elieson
    • THE GAME
    • Someone Else
  2. 2. Should I change the reclass ruling to:

    • Players may reclass clan members to anything and back, after acquiring that race's Totema
    • Players may reclass clan members to anything and back, after acquiring the first Totema
    • Other: Please Specifiy in a post
    • Keep it the way it is

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Alright folks, this challenge is for 4 players. Please allow me to go over the rules before you begin.

Pre-Gameplay Rules and Explainations

1- To premise the game, you lead a clan to complete the many missions in this game. You are a Human, and your other clan members may be 1 of 5 races. Starting off, your clan incluces you (Human), Montblanc (Moogle), and 4 others, one of each (Viera, Bangaa, Human, Moogle, Nu Mou). Your team may only consist of 1 of each of the 5 races (and yourself, so 2 Humans)

2- Each clan member may adopt a specific class. For this challenge, your member must remain that class for the entire game. You will notice that some classes specialize in specific skills, and can select the use of their primary skill (i.e. White Magic, Steal, etc) and their alternative skill, default as "Item". When reclassed, your character could be allowed to use that new classes primary skill, and another primary skill, assuming they have learned skills of another class.

3- Summons in this game are referred to as "Totema", and one for each race is available to earn via story mode. Upon unlocking a Totema for each race, you will be allowed to reclass a member. This member is allowed to use a primary skill of another class, or they may choose to keep "Item" as their alternative skill.

3.a- You are allowed to reclass only to one other class. You are not allowed to bounce to other classes. I.e., you may reclass your main (Marche) from "Soldier" to "Fighter". He is not allowed to be reclassed to "Archer", but in the future, may be reclassed back and forth from "Soldier" to "Fighter".

General Gameplay

1- At many times, after completing a mission for your clan, a random character may ask to join your clan. You can only recruit a member the mission right after you place a new location at the map. Any other member that asks to enter the clan must be dismissed.

1.a- For the first mission, you can have 3 members in order not to be murdered, being them the MC, Montblanc and one of the default members (RNG'd from the starting 4)

1.b- Abusing the "___ Wanted" missions is fair (because they only appear when you have 5 or less members, and the game can be a pain before you assemble a 6-pack)

2- Once a member dies, it must be dismissed from the clan right after the battle

2.a- A member may be revived up until the end of the battle. If a unit is revived (by any means), they are not considered dead, and need not be dismissed from the clan.

2.b- As a mercy rule, up until before "Thesis Hunt" mission, Each character is excempt from clan dismissal. This is needed due to a)running with 3/4 members in clan and b)being unable to grind. After said mission, Clan Battles become avaliable, solving "b)" problem.

2.c- If a character dies in a Jagd location (a location where faint=death is enforced by the game exactly at the end of battle), you can revive it with a Phoenix Down/Life spell to preserve equipment, then dismiss him from clan right after.

2.d- If your main (Marche) dies, you have to RNG two members and dismiss them (because it can't be dead). If Montblanc dies outside a Jagd, I must engage inside a Jagd as soon as possible, kill him and leave the battle, so it can be really "dead" and out of the clan

3- Running from a battle is acceptable if you know you can't win.

3.a You may not run from the "Lutia Mop-up" Mission, as I know of a trick to achieve unlimited Angel Rings (which bestow 1 Auto-Revive) on whoever has it equipped. You may attempt the mission, you just have to complete it, not run. If you fail it, you must drop any items you acquired from the battle before continuing.

4- Your team consists of 2 Humans, a Moogle, a Viera, a Bangaa, and a Nu Mou. You are allowed to select one class for each, and must post their name and class here. When you unlock a race's specific Totema, you may reclass them from their starting class to another, as noted in Rule 3 above.

5- You may shop and buy whatever it is that you want. You may also play other missions battle other clans for experience, if you would like.

5.a- If you send a character on a "" mission, and they come back having failed, that unit is considered dead, and must be dismissed from your clan.

6- Any mission that features only your main character may be replayed, even if defeated. You will not suffer penalties or lose units from your clan if your main dies when he is by himself, and cannot revive himself


Let's go over what you can do when you start the game, you inexperienced schmucks!

Proceed through the tutorial mode A.k.a. Snowball fight. Then complete the first mandatory battle. Create your clan (name it whatever you want), and get your clan members. NOW!

You may choose these classes for your clan members based on Race:




White Mage

Black Mage




White Mage


Nu Mou:

White Mage

Black Mage



Black Mage




White Monk


Reclassable options in this game (after unlocking the respective Totema) include:


Paladin / Fighter (Through Soldier)

Ninja (Through Thief)

Hunter (Through Archer)


Red Mage (Through Fencer)

Sniper (Through Archer)

Nu Mou:

Morpher (Through Beastmaster)

Time Mage (Through Black Mage)


Mog Knight / Gunner (Through Animist)

Juggler / Gadgeteer (Through Thief)

Time Mage (Through Black Mage)


Bishop / Templar (Through White Monk)

Dragoon / Defender / Gladiator (Through Warrior)

Banned Classes include***:



Blue Mage







Nu Mou:






***If someone attempts to join your clan, and they are one of the banned classes, you may recruit them. If you choose to use them, you must dismiss your other clan member of the same race (I.e. if Assassin Viera "Kim" joins your clan, and you would like to use Kim, you must dismiss your White Mage Viera "Panties" or w/e the names are).

Now, you're probably thinking "Hey Eli, I haven't even played this game, and it seems like there's a ton of ways to lose my units! This is so unfair!" Well, I have a solution. Should you choose to continue playing after a death or running out of units, you may give yourself a "Continue Counter". Think of this as a method of keeping track of continues. Each Continue Counter that you earn equates to losing 2 units. Also, if you are down to 2 or less members, you may battle other clans/perform missions until you recruit a full team of 1 of each race (2 humans, and 1 of everything else).

"What if I beat the game? How do I know if I beat everyone else?" Well, to tally your score, keep track of your units that died, and your Continue Counters. The winner is the person who completes the games with the least amount of deaths! Combine your total dead units (Each worth 1) and Continue Counters (Each worth 2) for your total score. Winner has the lowest score.


In the Red Corner! Weighing in at 175 lbs, General, "the Asian Gary Oak", Horace

In the Blue Corner! Still trying to find a good parking spot, Shin "Folcore Leader Red" Shin

In the Yellow Corner! Recently finding his way home after being lost in translation, Refa "Number" Five

And in the Green Corner! Well, actually, no one yet ME, Elieson

Boys, I wanna see a good clean fight. Feel free to log your progress as you stumble through the game! Do whatever you like, within the rules, and most of all, I wanna see Passion! Heart! DESIRE TO SURVIVE!!!

Edited by Elieson
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Now unfortunately I do not have this game anymore, but despite how weird and easy this game is, I have a strange yearning to play it again. I do not have the chance, but watching what comes out of this topic will do me some good.

Questions though. Why the banned classes, and most specifically why Illusionist and Elementalist? In fact...

-Why is Blue Mage banned? Unless I'm misunderstanding and this isn't like an efficient run, getting it to learn the good things is a gigantic pain in the ass.

-I really have to restate Elementalist. It's basically just a crappier Ninja.

-Both banning the Summoner AND Assassin kinda castrates or rather spays the Viera race.

-I notice actually that a lot of bannings involve classes that basically have ways to instant-kill. Why is this a problem? Is it because we know they're a great combo with Gunner's Concentrate Stopshot? I would think if any class needed to be banned, banning Gunner would solve all these problems since then there is actually a risk involved with using something like Last Breath.

-With Alchemist, Illusionist AND Sage banned, Nu Mou pretty much suck, probably even worse than Viera with their banned classes.

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Bans involve classes that have to learn skills from multiple classes.

All the banned classes require you to learn skills as say, White Mage and Fencer, etc. All the allowed promotion classes are allowed because they involve learning skills from one base (i.e. Soldier only, Black mage only).

It's really only a ban based on that principle.


Editted OP

If someone attempts to join your clan, and they are one of the banned classes, you may recruit them. If you choose to use them, you must dismiss your other clan member of the same race (I.e. if Assassin Viera "Kim" joins your clan, and you would like to use Kim, you must dismiss your White Mage Viera "Panties" or w/e the names are)

Edited by Elieson
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i weigh quite a bit more than 175 :P

also forwarning all, I have never played this game before

also who voted for me to live lol

Edited by General Horace
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Ahhhhh......I didn't wanna join.

Horace and Refa insisted >.<

Gah, looks like I'm representing the Green Corner then

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I kinda want to play this game again after reading this...but I don't remember much about it so I'd rather not get into this draft. Have fun tho guys!

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I share the faith the game will win. Locking your team to one of each race + marche is fine to avoid scenarios like all-assassin teams, but then restricting their classes is just nonsense and makes this challenge IMO game sided.

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Really? Even ignoring that the game's really easy to break open, even with the restrictions, there doesn't seem to be any "game over" condition. So the game's only chance is that all four participating ragequit.

Edited by Baldrick
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Eclipse, if you'd like to join, I have no problem with it. I'll add you to the OP and poll, just confirm for me please~

And, after having my friend get pelted in the forehead with rocks, and struggling to read a book, I'm off to Imagination Land where there's walking stuffed animals, lizards with speech impediments, obligatory hot bunny girls, and big armoured bird-riders that throw around red and yellow cards as if they were referees at a soccer game.

Oh what? You want to know my name, weird talking stuffed animal thing? Why, I'm Sgt. Fart. Denizon of Success and Bringer of Victory! You have experienced nothing until you have served under me!

Me: Oh, you're in a clan. Coolbeans, what's it called?

Montblanc: Well, we haven't named it yet, since it's small.

Me: NO NAME? Fuck that. I'll name it. I prefer to name my clan...clan....clan...

Montblanc: Perfect, it's a kupo name. Clan Clanclan!

Me: What? No I didn't mean...

Montblanc: No, it's perfect! You don't need to change a thing!

Whatever. I have a clan now. And can begin saving the world. Here, I placed the prison off on the island of doom (It's the fucking Rock!). Now, it's off to my menu to get my team, and find out who is in my clan.


Oh lord, Homer Simpson is on my team. I just won the game. Crap, why did I put my achievement as learning to Steal? That's Homer's job! Well, it's set. I reclassed Homer to Thief, everyone else stays as their default class. If I happen to run across a better Bangaa candidate, I might just accept them and boot out Oigen. He has such a silly name.

Alright, since I reclassed Homer, I need to go buy him a weapon that's appropriate for his class. Also, I need to give Sgt. Fart the ability to use Items


Horace, Refa, Shin, this is my tip to you. If you reclass someone immediately, make sure to buy them appropriate weaponry before setting off on your first mission, and don't forget to set everyone to use Items! Your main will not be default able to use items, so MAKE SURE!

OK, On to the first mission that isn't really a tutorial!

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Due to several complaints, and only me really being serious about the no reclass rule, I'd like to run a Poll within the poll.

Go ahead and vote for it. I'll give it a day or 2 before official tally.

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why do people who play and like final fantasy tactics advance want to play this challenge

because when you do i no longer have a chance of mantaining a respectable 2nd place

and not being 2nd place would be the wooooooorst

edit also i'm kinda iffy on the escort mission thingy, because it's really out of the player's hands and noone likes to lose a character because of bad luck

...although i've never failed one of those before

Edited by Refa
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why do people who play and like final fantasy tactics advance want to play this challenge

because when you do i no longer have a chance of mantaining a respectable 2nd place

and not being 2nd place would be the wooooooorst

edit also i'm kinda iffy on the escort mission thingy, because it's really out of the player's hands and noone likes to lose a character because of bad luck

...although i've never failed one of those before

It's really not that much out of a players' hands.

When you put your cursor over a member, if they jump for joy, there's a 95% success rate. If they're walking in place, it's a 60% success rate. If they're on their knees, it's a 30% success rate. You can easily predict a success or failure.

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It's really not that much out of a players' hands.

When you put your cursor over a member, if they jump for joy, there's a 95% success rate. If they're walking in place, it's a 60% success rate. If they're on their knees, it's a 30% success rate. You can easily predict a success or failure.

What if you get screwed over on a 95% chance though? I mean if there's no 100% success rate it still seems pretty luck based, just saying.

I don't really know how valuable these missions are to the game, but this rule doesn't really make me want to do any of them. :p

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What if you get screwed over on a 95% chance though? I mean if there's no 100% success rate it still seems pretty luck based, just saying.

I don't really know how valuable these missions are to the game, but this rule doesn't really make me want to do any of them. :p

Well, there's really only 25 or so missions that are critical for completing the game. There's about 275 that aren't. Most of those are just for getting additional money/goodies. And of those, it's like....45 of them are Dispatch missions (the ones you're talking about).

I think the success formula is something like:

(Unit Level - Mission Level) x 100 + Equipment Bonuses (+1% for equipped item) or something similar to that. I think in my 2000+ hours of gameplay, I've failed only a single dispatch mission, and that was with someone who had nothing equipped.

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Ha! I shall be victorious! It doesn't matter that I haven't even heard of this game before!

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I voted for someone else, because I'm going to do this for fun.

I've only played the game once though, and I'm not sure I ever finished it completely, so I'll probably fail just as hard.

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I voted for someone else, because I'm going to do this for fun.

I've only played the game once though, and I'm not sure I ever finished it completely, so I'll probably fail just as hard.

Log it!!!

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A question. A lot of the times, one class promotes into two possible choices. For example, both Paladin and Fighter reclass from Soldier. Are we allowed to switch between the two or not?

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