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New DLC content revealed for May 24th, 2012

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Well, I'm certain we'll get Ike, Cellica, Sigurd, and either Lyn or Eliwood in some form, so it's not like they're going to replace them entirely. It's possible we might see a standalong 5-star map or something like that, where a 13th character could very well join: if so, I'd imagine it would be Camus due to his boss status in LvD1, and I'd imagine he'd join there instead of in LvD itself. It would be strange not to get a character from the Dark team in LvD, but the most likely place would be LvD1, where you actually fight the Dark team: aside from Marth and Ephraim, all DLC characters have been enemies in the map where they join.

I agree with Ike, Celica, Sigurd, and either Lyn or Eliwood. I think beyond those five is where it get's tricky, especially with LvD. Camus is a likely candidate, as he's quite notable within the fan-base unless I"m mistaken. If he does join, I think it could possibly happen on LvD2 if we assume that you get a member from the team you're currently on.

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I agree with Ike, Celica, Sigurd, and either Lyn or Eliwood. I think beyond those five is where it get's tricky, especially with LvD. Camus is a likely candidate, as he's quite notable within the fan-base unless I"m mistaken. If he does join, I think it could possibly happen on LvD2 if we assume that you get a member from the team you're currently on.

Actually, the way it's been in the past is that you get a member from the team you're fighting. Marth and Ephraim are the only exceptions so far. So if Camus was going to join in LvD, I'd expect him to join after LvD1.

Also, if we really are looking at a standalone 13th character map, and Camus is the only villain there, it makes sense that he would stand out enough to earn the distinction of joining there. Having someone like Sigurd or Cellica join there would just be strange. Also, regarding Cellica, I think it makes sense that she would join in the middle of a series, like Alm: assuming she has a special class, that would let you get the item there while getting the skill items from the final maps in each set. So I'm betting on her for the LvD2 character, since she can't be RvB2.

We haven't yet seen the entire FE2 or FE12 spotpass crew, have we?

What I'm saying is I'd love to see a map where all three of Camus, Sirius, and Zeke show up.


This lists the FE2 and FE3 teams inferred from KvK2, as well as the others from other maps. Seems they're going for one team for each of the first 10 games, plus another team for FE4's second gen and a final team for the villains for the stated total of 12. So no separate FE12 team.

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I will fight all of you this art is amazing

The eyes aren't even that different from the others and I'd even put his face in the top half. The outfit isn't perfect, especially the peacock tails, but FUCK it's colorful, has armor in the right places and reminds me of samurai, take off the coat and it is best




all of you

Edited by Rehab
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Lol flamboyant is okay. Because real life samurai wore crazier shit anyways.

BEHOLD THE HORO, a "cape" (Well, it started out as a cape) made to block arrows that eventually evolved into a status symbol of plain awesomeness.

And yes, I shit you not, that is a tombstone.


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Intelligent Systems. Serlis is the official localization. It's being used in the updated translation patch as well.

Well, let's see. If we try to fit everything together without redundancy:

Marth - Star Lord

Caeda - Pegasus Knight

Alm - Demon Fighter

Cellica - ???

Sigurd - Paladin

Dierdre - Sorcerer

Serlis - Swordmaster

Julia - Mage

Leaf - Trickster

Nanna - Troubadour

Roy - Mercenary

Lillina - Sage

Eliwood - Cavalier

Lyn - Myrmidon

Eirika - ???

Ephraim - Great Knight

Ike - Hero

Elincia - Falcon Knight

Micaiah - Dark Mage

Sothe - Thief

Assuming Cellica gets her own class, the only one who seems to have issues fitting is Eirika. The possibilities remaining are Bow Knight and Dark Knight for sword users that aren't Assassin - they're both possible as variants of her Great Lord class, but they sound really odd.

Ummmm, you kinda forgot Hector- He is easy to class anyway- A general. Erikia could be a Master Lord, like Krom, or even Something new, like Marth was. If So, Erikia can be a "Moon Lord" (I coined that for now, until we find out if she really will appear as DLC or not)

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Ummmm, you kinda forgot Hector- He is easy to class anyway- A general. Erikia could be a Master Lord, like Krom, or even Something new, like Marth was. If So, Erikia can be a "Moon Lord" (I coined that for now, until we find out if she really will appear as DLC or not)

I was going based on the list of characters in the ST maps. My initial theory was that those characters constituted the cast of the DLC characters, and Hector is not among them. My current theory is that the DLC characters, as least the main characters appearing as DLC characters, are simply a subset of those characters, cutting out ones like Caeda and Nanna but still leaving Hector as not a possibility.

Moon Lord is not possible: not with Ephraim not having gotten Sun Lord. Marth is the only past character to have his own Lord class, and it's not DLC anyway: he also has it in his SpotPass appearances. And he's Marth; he's earned it. Any other new classes we see will be item-linked, like Demon Fighter.

It seems to me that the two assumptions we can now make are that we will not see another full set after LvD, and each DLC character appears as a boss in exactly one DLC map. So that gives us the full list as something like this, confirmed parts bolded:

ST1: Fight Cellica, get Marth

ST2: Fight Marth, get Roy

ST3: Fight Ike, get Micaiah

KvK1: Fight Sigurd, get Leaf

KvK2: Fight Alm, get Alm

KvK3: Fight Leaf, get Celice

RvB1: Fight Micaiah, get Elincia

RvB2: Fight Lyn, get Lyn

RvB3: Fight Elincia, get Ike

LvD1: Fight Camus, get Ephraim

LvD2: Fight Roy, get Cellica

LvD3: Fight Celice, get Sigurd

???: Fight Ephraim, get Camus

Edited by Othin
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Why is Rhys on the Kindergarten team? Is he their teacher??

Oh wait, I was thinking Rolf.

But that wouldn't be a bad idea - though kindergarten teachers are usually female, so Ellen or Natasha would be a better choice

Or, better yet... Lucius.

Edited by TheEnd
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Wait, Marth appears to be the boss for KvK3. So forget that theory. If we're seeing duplicates, that means we won't be seeing some characters as bosses. Not clear whether or not this means characters that appear as bosses will necessarily be DLC: I'm sure Ike, Cellica, and Sigurd will join, but I'm less sure about Camus now that we know it's not a perfect association. I'm sticking to my predictions for when each non-Camus character will join, though.

The thing about Lyn is, the characters now seem to all be joining prepromoted. She has to be a Swordmaster, though, and therefore would have to be a duplicate. But it seems strange that Swordmaster would be the only duplicate class, especially with it already being one of two duplicate promoted classes in the goddamn regular game. Gah.

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It looks like he's wearing some kind of peacock dress thing.

Yeah, he looks like a peacock. Micaiah also looks strange. >:

Strange but nice, anyway. I hope they'll do the same thing to Sigurd.

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Sigurd is a Paladin, so whatever redesign he gets, it's going to be completely different. Celice is getting this as the standard FE13 Swordmaster outfit, the class he's been in throughout his DLC appearances.

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It seems to me that the two assumptions we can now make are that we will not see another full set after LvD, and each DLC character appears as a boss in exactly one DLC map. So that gives us the full list as something like this, confirmed parts bolded:

Hm...if your guess about no guest character scenarios besides LvsD is correct, that means DLC support for the game will only last one month after next week, with spotpass characters, chapters and weapons getting released for quite some time after the ending of the DLC. Eh, I guess we'll see. I'm still not convinced that Light vs Darkness 1 being released means we'll get the other 2 quickly and see no new DLC scenarios, especially considering the complete lack of one focused on FE8 so far.

Edited by NeonZ
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Actually, the way it's been in the past is that you get a member from the team you're fighting. Marth and Ephraim are the only exceptions so far. So if Camus was going to join in LvD, I'd expect him to join after LvD1.

Oops. My mistake.

I was going based on the list of characters in the ST maps. My initial theory was that those characters constituted the cast of the DLC characters, and Hector is not among them. My current theory is that the DLC characters, as least the main characters appearing as DLC characters, are simply a subset of those characters, cutting out ones like Caeda and Nanna but still leaving Hector as not a possibility.

It seems to me that the two assumptions we can now make are that we will not see another full set after LvD, and each DLC character appears as a boss in exactly one DLC map. So that gives us the full list as something like this, confirmed parts bolded:

ST1: Fight Cellica, get Marth

ST2: Fight Marth, get Roy

ST3: Fight Ike, get Micaiah

KvK1: Fight Sigurd, get Leaf

KvK2: Fight Alm, get Alm

KvK3: Fight Leaf, get Celice

RvB1: Fight Micaiah, get Elincia

RvB2: Fight Lyn, get Lyn

RvB3: Fight Elincia, get Ike

LvD1: Fight Camus, get Ephraim

LvD2: Fight Roy, get Cellica

LvD3: Fight Celice, get Sigurd

???: Fight Ephraim, get Camus

Save when, as you noted, taking into account the fact that Marth has been a boss twice. The question is, was this just an exception or will it happen again? Considering the nature of King vs King, it seems Leaf was treated as a sub-character in Celice's army just as Alm was treated to Marth's. It's for this reason that I don't think we'll be getting a KvK series where Leaf is in charge of an army. I'm thinking the splits are more so to do with the era's of Fire Emblem. The NES/SNES against itself while the GBA/GCN era against itself.

I think the boss pattern thus far has been working like this:'

vs Team 2 Main Lord

vsTeam 1 Sub-Lord

vs Team 1 Main Lord

RvB2 and KvK3 will tell if this proves true based off who the boss is.

I wonder if Krom and Liz will make DLC appearances with them in different costumes/backgrounds? It seems like an obvious drawing-board concept.

If this happens, it would be a very cool addition, IMO.

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Regarding Marth, I notice King Marth is the one speaking in KvK3, as opposed to Prince Marth. So assuming this means King Marth is the boss, the two bosses are technically not the same character. I don't think this is really relevant, though: we're not going to see a second DLC Marth to correspond to King Marth.

This does seem to indicate that Marth would be the only character to show up twice as a boss, since he has two SpotPass identities. So if Camus is included, that would mean excluding just one DLC character from being a boss, which is just weird. Maybe it's just me, but I think it makes more sense for Camus to not be available and instead simply taking the place of a second character, for two characters excluded from being bosses instead of just one. Furthermore, rethinking it, LvD3 with fighting against the heroes and the villains in their most powerful forms really would be more fitting as a final DLC map than some standalone one. So I offer this modified prediction:

ST1: Fight Cellica, get Marth

ST2: Fight Prince Marth, get Roy

ST3: Fight Ike, get Micaiah

KvK1: Fight Sigurd, get Leaf

KvK2: Fight Alm, get Alm

KvK3: Fight King Marth, get Celice

RvB1: Fight Micaiah, get Elincia

RvB2: Fight Roy, get Lyn

RvB3: Fight Elincia, get Ike

LvD1: Fight Camus, get Ephraim

LvD2: Fight Ephraim, get Cellica

LvD3: Fight Celice, get Sigurd

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Whichever DLC map was a remake of that FE9 chapter that takes place after Ike's dad dies, here's some high-quality footage compared to the shaky camera stuff that's been out.


Also, here's part one of that video in case you have no idea how to do anything on nico. I'm still watching it but I like how many braves this guy is using.

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Regarding Marth, I notice King Marth is the one speaking in KvK3, as opposed to Prince Marth. So assuming this means King Marth is the boss, the two bosses are technically not the same character. I don't think this is really relevant, though: we're not going to see a second DLC Marth to correspond to King Marth.

This does seem to indicate that Marth would be the only character to show up twice as a boss, since he has two SpotPass identities. So if Camus is included, that would mean excluding just one DLC character from being a boss, which is just weird. Maybe it's just me, but I think it makes more sense for Camus to not be available and instead simply taking the place of a second character, for two characters excluded from being bosses instead of just one. Furthermore, rethinking it, LvD3 with fighting against the heroes and the villains in their most powerful forms really would be more fitting as a final DLC map than some standalone one. So I offer this modified prediction:

ST1: Fight Cellica, get Marth

ST2: Fight Prince Marth, get Roy

ST3: Fight Ike, get Micaiah

KvK1: Fight Sigurd, get Leaf

KvK2: Fight Alm, get Alm

KvK3: Fight King Marth, get Celice

RvB1: Fight Micaiah, get Elincia

RvB2: Fight Roy, get Lyn

RvB3: Fight Elincia, get Ike

LvD1: Fight Camus, get Ephraim

LvD2: Fight Ephraim, get Cellica

LvD3: Fight Celice, get Sigurd

Wait, I think the difference of the Marth's is relevant if we consider them the main characters of FE1/11 and FE3/12 respectively. I believe it would make Marth less of a special case, wouldn't it?

That line up seems most likely to happen.


Whichever DLC map was a remake of that FE9 chapter that takes place after Ike's dad dies, here's some high-quality footage compared to the shaky camera stuff that's been out.

Thanks for the link.

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Wait, I think the difference of the Marth's is relevant if we consider them the main characters of FE1/11 and FE3/12 respectively. I believe it would make Marth less of a special case, wouldn't it?

That line up seems most likely to happen.

It makes him less of a special case in terms of his double appearance, but not in King Marth's lack of a DLC counterpart. So yeah, that's what I'm saying.

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ST1: Fight Cellica, get Marth

ST2: Fight Marth, get Roy

ST3: Fight Ike, get Micaiah

KvK1: Fight Sigurd, get Leaf

KvK2: Fight Alm, get Alm

KvK3: Fight Leaf, get Celice

RvB1: Fight Micaiah, get Elincia

RvB2: Fight Lyn, get Lyn

RvB3: Fight Elincia, get Ike

LvD1: Fight Camus, get Ephraim

LvD2: Fight Roy, get Cellica

LvD3: Fight Celice, get Sigurd

???: Fight Ephraim, get Camus

There's something wrong with this, and I'll tell you exactly what it is: Lack of Hector. Why Lyn over Hector? Any ideas?

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Lyn and Eliwood have both appeared in the Spirit Talisman DLC as enemies (and Eliwood appeared in the recent Light vs Dark DLC as an ally). Hector hasn't appeared in any DLC, nor has he been confirmed for spotpass.

I mostly agree with Othin's list. As cool as it would be to get 20 DLCs, it doesn't really seem reasonable. I'm kind of expecting Eliwood instead of Lyn, but the two are mostly equal in my eyes.

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Oh, well that makes sense, then.

I guess I'd ask what exactly Lyn's class would be, but I think the appearance of Sol Katti in the game's data practically confirms her to be a Swordmaster, especially the description of "Myrmidons and Swordmasters only." In retrospect, I suppose it does make sense, given her animations and growth rates for her Lord and Blade Lord classes in Blazing Sword. But that's just my opinion on the matter.

I suppose the same could be said for Ike potentially being set to appear as DLC, seeing that Ragnell also appears within the game's data. But that's going off on a whim here.

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Yeah, Sol Katti and Ragnell showing up in ST3 was pretty big. Julia also used Holy Tome Naga in that map, but that was an FE4 weapon and therefore likely planned anyway. Sol Katti and Ragnell seem to be special cases. It may be worth observing that those two seem to replace their character weapon: Eliwood has Eliwood's Steelsword, Hector has Hector's Rageaxe, and Micaiah has Micaiah's Divineflame, but Lyn and Ike just use their own weapons brought in from their game.

I've been rethinking Lyn's class. I'm now quite confident in the 12-character list, but that means Swordmaster would be the only repeat. Lyn has to be a Swordmaster, but at the same time she has to not be a Swordmaster. Eliwood would be just as redundant as a Paladin, and it's one of the two: I'm really betting on Lyn at this point. But either way, there's the duplicate issue.

Now, let's look at the release schedule. We'll probably see RvB2 as the only update next week. That's kind of strange, isn't it? The only times they've had just a single release in the past were to introduce ST and RvB. Furthermore, every past week has introduced a set or concluded a set. They can't keep that up forever by just adding more sets, of course, but that one update seems kind of strange. After all, they could have swapped it with Celice' DLC to pair it with apparently more important weapon DLC, while leaving KvK3 as the standalone. This indicates we might see something special in RvB2, and a new class is very much special.

I don't think Lyn will introduce the female DLC class as just some Swordmaster clone. The female class still seems like it must belong to Cellica when she joins, almost certainly in LvD2. So I think Lyn's class will be available to all classes. I'm guessing the class will continue the three-weapon pattern with swords, bows, and staffs. Lyn has never used staffs, but Alm had never used axes or magic, either. The class, of course, should also get counted as a Myrmidon/Swordmaster for the sake of accessing Amatsu and Sol Katti, which could make it seen as even more powerful than the already excessive Demon Fighter class, but I don't think it'd be too big of a deal, especially if they tone down the skills a bit.

Whatever is the case, we should find out on Thursday.


And suddenly it occurs to me that the characters being chosen for DLC bosses are each of the 12 SpotPass team leaders, each getting one turn in the spotlight. They just tend to be associated with being DLC characters; it doesn't actually matter whether or not the characters are DLC or not. So this should confirm 12 DLC characters.

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Long shot but she could be an assassin (swords and bows, avoids duplicates) but with a skill similar to Micaiah's that allows her to use the myrm/SM swords in any sword wielding class. But to be honest I don't think those class restricted swords (which there are only about 2 of?) have enough importance to warrant a skill, unlike dark magic.

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