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But it appears we're all claiming to Prims?

Think for yourself and decide for yourself whether it's a good idea. Don't do it because others are doing it, do it because you think it's the right thing to do.

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Think for yourself and decide for yourself whether it's a good idea. Don't do it because others are doing it, do it because you think it's the right thing to do.

Yes, but if everyone is doing it and I still don't think it's a good idea, that's seen as scummy when I could be something like the doctor or cop. So I could be lynched for not thinking is a good idea.

I'm not saying it's a bad idea but I want other's opinions on the subject.

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##Vote: Anouleth because I've seen you in the thread and you've contributed nothing ): Bal, too.

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##Vote: Anouleth because I've seen you in the thread and you've contributed nothing ): Bal, too.

Sorry about that, darling, but I don't really have any information to go on. Plus, I hate my PR. I know I don't have to follow it, but I feel guilty about not doing so especially since I got the impression that Bal and co. would be disappoint.

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I still question your vote on me, Prims.

Dissatisfaction with your N0 (disagree that it necessarily has to be from newbtown who can't read levity, newbscum who thinks levity is unreadable and has a tailor could do the same thing) + Why are you not claiming aside from being a fucking hipster?

If people think that claiming to me is a bad idea then I want an explanation why, because again, it's doubtful that Mafia has good fakes right now.

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Dissatisfaction with your N0 (disagree that it necessarily has to be from newbtown who can't read levity, newbscum who thinks levity is unreadable and has a tailor could do the same thing) + Why are you not claiming aside from being a fucking hipster?

If people think that claiming to me is a bad idea then I want an explanation why, because again, it's doubtful that Mafia has good fakes right now.

I see no reason to claim, and see no reason to waste a message on just telling someone what role you have. Perhaps if I had more info worthwhile to discuss, I would have a reason to pm you. But right now, no, I don't.

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Oh hey we have 2 people acting as Life. Fucking great, as if one wasn't enough >_>

Look you sad sack of shit. If there were two of me in this game, that would just make things so much harder for the mafia. You should be glad to be so blessed, if that were actually the case. Somehow though, I get the impression someone is just imitating (sincerest form of flattery, so I don't mind).

This might be going a bit too meta, but because he's not going the full asshole it's possible he's a Mafia Life, as Life always seems a bit more forceful when there's OC Town as he loves to be the Town Leader.

For some reason, when I thought that, I suddenly got the idea Raymond could also be Life, but on the Town side, so maybe two people have Life as a character, Bal and Raymond. Only one is town and one is mafia, so it's possible they're Lovers.

I can confirm I'm not a Lover, but that's all I'm saying in public. Also, why the fuck are you running off your mouth without thinking? Everything I do is for the good of the town, whether or not you like it. I can take a look at my role, say "this is not conducive to being a town leader" and have to deal with it. That was certainly the situation N0, and what do you know, there was actually somebody with a brain that had a role much more suited to getting the organizational ball rolling. Do you think this upsets me? No. I don't have to be in the spotlight every single time. I only do it when fuckalls leave the town hanging and I'm forced to.

Which, coincidentally is so damn close to "every single time", now that I think about it that it scares me. But let's move on. Prims has been sent my claim, because that is the right fucking thing for me to do. If Prims thinks I'd make a reasonable 3rd or 4th string Town Leader, that's in his jurisdiction, but obviously his mason pal is #2, and I'm not gonna lead a coup unless one or both of them start fucking things up to high heaven. So just chill.

Productive things like CLAIMING TO ME 8)

Balcerzak likes this post.

I'm kind of worried that people are going to sit around now and assume Prims will decide everything there is to decide.

For the love of everything, people take note. DO NOT DO THIS. It is not pro-town to sit on your ass in OC. Even in limited OC we need to be active and try to gather what information we can. Character limit and message limit is going to make it hard, so I'll have to brainstorm a lot more. I do not doubt that something can and should be done, however, and I will not stop until I have a good idea. For now, even if all you can manage is the basic NOC modus operandi (ugggg...) that's better than nothing.

Think for yourself and decide for yourself whether it's a good idea. Don't do it because others are doing it, do it because you think it's the right thing to do.

I don't trust half of the people playing this game to think for themselves and neither should you. Especially not on the issue of when to claim (aka as soon as pair of claimed Masons becomes public knowledge). When Prims gets all his information, he'll be a better thinker than even me. Obviously he shouldn't be the only one doing the thinking, as I just finished outlining above, but when he does lay out his thoughts, I expect everybody to give them the due weight they deserve. If Prims, or any town-leader tells you to do an action and you don't understand the reasons, you fucking ask, you don't ignore and do whatever the fuck your heart desires. Marth, I'm looking at you specifically here. While in the pure NOC setting going against the "accepted and discussed" plan of night actions was potentially pro-town, here it most certainly will not be. Keep this in mind.

What this also seems to means, at least to me and at least for D1, is that you should probably keep your fucking SMS in reserve (the one you have that you haven't used to claim, I mean). Obviously Masons only have 4 outgoing SMS they can use, so their ability to coordinate and give NA orders to people will be limited, much less the ability to explain them, but there might be some way to talk about things out in the open without it truly being in the open. E.g. in your SMS that you give to question the order, you could perhaps give them a pair of code words or something that they can say in broad daylight. This will require that people use their brains, which while I don't have faith will actually happen, maybe if I hammer home this point hard enough it will actually sink in.

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Also, yes, I know I ought to place a vote, but I've got to fucking re-read for that. My first pass of the recent developments took me awhile to get in order, and properly RPed, so, fuck me, but you'll have to wait a bit longer.

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See, I wouldn't mind claiming if this was N1(where we can use info from D1,and where ROLES ACTUALLY MATTER) or D2, where we could use use info gained from the past couple of phases. I don't get why we should claim right at the start, ofc catching mafia maybe easier I guess with late replied and all. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

That said, Prims/Strawman, do you have a pm left you can send me? That kinda decides whether I send you guys a pm or not.

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My gut says BOTH Proto and Kay should be mafia and a claim like that is as easy as it gets for the mafia

since the mafia can talk outside the game thread anyways

if they are indeed mafia like my I feel atm, they can easily block the cop if the have a hooker and never get inspected

that being said, I am not claiming to them

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My gut says BOTH Proto and Kay should be mafia and a claim like that is as easy as it gets for the mafia

since the mafia can talk outside the game thread anyways

if they are indeed mafia like my I feel atm, they can easily block the cop if the have a hooker and never get inspected

that being said, I am not claiming to them


Replace Proto and Kay with Prims and Strawman. :| I think you read it wrong?

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See that thing in D1? Your SMS will have to wait. Kindly requesting steps taken so this shit doesn't happen again. You guys claiming buddies should know what I mean. Speaking of, my role PM doesn't dispute this, either.

I'd have to reread for a solid reason why I shouldn't claim. I don't think outing your buddy was a good idea, Prims. You don't give scum targets like that.

##Vote: Blitz

You want to wait until one of the claimed masons is dead or something?

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Replace Proto and Kay with Prims and Strawman. :| I think you read it wrong?

you didn't get me, I meant their characters as in what they claimed their role characters to be, if you notice, most games so far had both Kay and Proto as mafia and seeing my character I would say the people are based on what they have been in recent games

I don't really know why you are blindly believing them, but I am guessing you are part of their scum team and decided to defend them


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. . .and Blitz's logic took a nosedive towards WTFland. Congratulations for figuring out most of the scum team, except you left out the part that says I'm town.

I'll need to reread Prims/Strawman posts in more depth tomorrow, but I don't have a reason to not believe them. If I see a lynch being used to threaten someone to claim, I'm not gonna be happy.

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. . .and Blitz's logic took a nosedive towards WTFland. Congratulations for figuring out most of the scum team, except you left out the part that says I'm town.

I'll need to reread Prims/Strawman posts in more depth tomorrow, but I don't have a reason to not believe them. If I see a lynch being used to threaten someone to claim, I'm not gonna be happy.

I never felt you were town in N0 though and I am still considering you to be scum

well, aren't you the one who forces people to claim most by using the lynch system?

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Normally, I play NOC, which means that there's no way to privately verify whether someone's claimed or not. I obviously can't claim ATM, and I'd rather not do it in public.

What, offended by me telling you that you sucked at RP? Perhaps that's my PR, and you need to recalibrate your scum meter?

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I've checked the first page of the mafia section, checked the player lists and postgames in all the games so far.

I've not seen a game where Proto and Kay are both mafia. So what are you on about?

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