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Elieson reads as very, very paranoid. I think he's probably newbtown. Again, Paperblade confirmed to me that Strawman is town, so from my PoV the "be careful who you trust" rule doesn't apply to the masonry. This probably doesn't mean anything to you, but still, throwing that out there. In any case, I'm obviously not getting lynched today, so who else would you be willing to vote, particularly of the potential targets? Time's running out.

For now, I'll


while I Re-read and formulate some opinions. Ray and Kay and StSS were based on me not being able to trust you, and unless I'm the only person in the entire game who's correct about assuming that you're pulling off the most devious early game risk that I think could possibly be done, I'm really overreacting about this.

Give me a bit to reread. I'll come up with something new.

Also seriously "here are my opinions on every player in the game" posts are useless to everyone, just talk about the players who you have notable opinions on (this typically consists of the current likely lynch targets and the people you think are scum). If you're going to make a listpost then at least do town a favor and order it from towniest player to scummiest player or something, then it's at least concrete information. This goes for everyone, not just new players.

Understood here. I see several others have given this whole list a try, and it doesn't seem to bring anything new to the table. It's more like a "Hey, I'm here, and paying attention, see!" sorta post. And i see how it's effectively useless. I'll submit real material.

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The thing about Kay is that, even if her few posts are pretty pro-town, she's mostly stayed off of the radar because of that, and it makes me uncomfortable. Iris and Elieson are town imo, and my biggest town reads (I mean besides Prims/Strawman)

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And I don't think Prims is town just because he's our designated town leader for now

There are things I have been noticing

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Prims, do you think it would be a terrible move if I asked some questions about role names?

I missed this! Sorry.

I don't necessarily think so. Most role names seem to not have anything to do with actual roles. Still, be careful.

Also, is your lack of OC access a permanent thing or the effect of a role?

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In that case

Eclipse is Prims

Bizz is from Pacman

Rein is part of the town


That doesn't necessarily mean the others are confirmed town though, I only got Rein's alignment.

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Sorry i haven't been online today, I feel like I'm falling behind in this thread because everyone just seems to better at conversing and posting more than me. >.< I don't wanna sub out though. Bleh. I'm being told to post more that isn't thoughts and summaries and i understand that. Sorry for being bad at conversing. Derp.

Before i forget ##Unvote (Anoutleth) Let's get that out of the way. I'm gonna read and post again soon, gimme a few minutes. Been busy part of the day kept popping in to try and stay up to date for the most part. So sec. gimme 10 minutes.

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tell me if I missed something

Shinori (3): Bizz, Iris, Prims

Anouleth (2): Iris, Kay

Blitz (2): Raymond, Marth

Kaoz (2): Rein, Raymond

Psych (2): Anouleth, Slayer

Rein (1): Kaoz

eclipse (1): Blitz

Slayer (1): Balcerzak

Not voting (3): eclipse, Kaoz, StSS

Edited by Paperblade
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I've been reading the thread, and all I can say is, I'm totally confused. I'd want to vote Shinori now, but he's getting another post in, so I'll wait for that.

Also I'd like it if Slayer would mention his character as well. Or you can pm me that if you want it to be confidential. I'm just feel iffy about your Post Restriction.

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First of all, ##Unvote: Proto/Kaoz because inactivity is not an issue anymore.

I can only assume Kaoz's vote is for my general lack of opinion and inactivity, which is understandable because I really haven't posted much (iris and jaybee aren't only people with high school okay jegus). General lack of opinion is something I can change, however.

I feel like some people being paranoid about Prims is/was kind of stupid, not that my opinion is really going to carry much weight when it comes to that as it's already been said a whole lot by now. I think the way he claimed and everything was in a fairly town-like manner, and I sent my claim fairly early. I guess I can sort of understand paranoia and everything being an issue, but Blitz's point was fairly worthless with regards to the whole recent alignment meta bullshit. Elieson seems more concerned newtown and not too willing to trust, which is fairly understandable because IIRC this is his first game, and it's kind of a weird environment for a first game and stuff. Psych's recent post and sort of role-implications and stuff make me feel significantly more trusting of him than earlier, as well. I still cannot really read eclipse for my life, though her posts seem kind of helpful fmpov, so I guess brownie points for that??

For not-so-hot vibes, Slayer seems kind of awkward? Not really like concrete, just sort of feels, and pretty slight, but I dunno, it sort of puts me off a bit. Again, Blitz's point about 'kay and broto are totes scum as chars' seems really worthless and kind of bullshit. Anouleth is taking a sort of odd stance on things, though I feel that's potentially more pr-y than anything else. Kay sort of seems like she's getting a random free pass, though she might just seem a lot more inactive to me because 4am (this is not insinuating I have help significantly more than her, I have not, but I still want to hear from her).

I think that's all I really have to say right now? Kind of tired, have essays to do (we all love those), and hh postgame too though that's less important. For now, I guess I'll ##vote: slayer because not having a vote kind of sucks and I don't really have any super strong opinions, so just going with my gut.

Paperbrad, why is shinori voting for shinori...

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