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In the last SFMM game, I was Third Party (Me as in the Psych role) but I don't really get any feelings that I'm in this except maybe Rein being as ignorable towards people questioning him like I usually am.

I don't think speculating who's in the game would really help though, since Nightmare was in the last one, and that pretty much came out of left field.

I know for certain Prims is in the game though.

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First of all, my apologies that this didn't come sooner, I've been somewhat busy today and had to write this in three sessions. Also these are mostly short comments for the aforementioned reasons. I'll try to produce something more productive tomorow.

Prims, any special reason you left out your PR in your claim?

I mean yeah, I'm not CONFIRMED confirmed, but I'm very unlikely to be scum.

Picking this one out of all the posts discussing this issue. I agree with you that it's unlikely that you're mafia, however I find other anti town possibilities such as cult or mentor worth considering. That doesn't necessarily mean you couldn't be town right now, but you could get recruited eventually. If anyone has a role indicating cult, it'd probably be a good idea to make that public somehow.

Although regarding fakes, if the mafia has any idea of what they're doing, they made them N0.

See, I wouldn't mind claiming if this was N1(where we can use info from D1,and where ROLES ACTUALLY MATTER) or D2, where we could use use info gained from the past couple of phases. I don't get why we should claim right at the start, ofc catching mafia maybe easier I guess with late replied and all. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

There's almost never a reason for you to ever claim at night unless you want to paint a target on your head for the mafia.

My gut says BOTH Proto and Kay should be mafia and a claim like that is as easy as it gets for the mafia

Again picking one representative comment. Every character has about the same chances of being mafia, making any assumptions about allignment based on character is pretty much useless.

I don't really know why you are blindly believing them, but I am guessing you are part of their scum team and decided to defend them

that sounds very right except that you are forgetting the part where if there are 5 mafia members, the 2 remaining mafia members will have ALL the info and know exactly what to claim

So you're saying that three mafia defended each other at the beginning of D1? Seriously? Also, even if I got the complete setup sheet from the mods for sacrificing three members of my team, I'd think two or three times about doing so, and I'm pretty damn awesome at this game.

another thing I forgot to mention, some really smart guys in SF would rather have more info and play as town than working through the game to get a quick win

What is this even supposed to mean?

11. Elieson - Townish vibes from sheerly him being new, otherwise neutral.

Elieson is almost clear, since if he was scum they'd really be trying to help him since he's new.

How can you get townish vibes based on how long someone has played this game. I don't even know how to comment on this.

I dunno what you guys think, but whoever's finding me scummy while taking my N0 behaviour is being silly. See, when I try to contribute/get an idea in my head, I've got people looking at me, and when I try to not take N0 srsly and just joke around, I've got more eyes on me. Wat?

Maybe you should try to improve the quality of those contributions.

The more telling thing to me might be the information that flipped with the D1 phasechange.

For now, I'm tentatively embracing the likelihood of a town-leaning eclipse.

Would like to remind people of GSM where the mafia used post restrictions on their own members.

Iris: Yeah, I thought his N0 posts were scummy enough to make him lynchable.

Mind elaborating?

- Six Five no-voters. We're approaching 24 hours left, this is not okay. Everybody without a vote, post two people you think are scum and why and vote one of them. ASAP.

Rein for doing nothing besides telling people that they shouldn't lynch him. Shinori seems a bit off, but I can't quite pinpoint it at the moment. I'll look into his posts again after I wake up.

Other than that, I'm not terribly comfortable with Iris, mostly because of the Miller claim. While it's a way to play the role, I don't really want to put her on the town side solely because of it.

##Vote: Rein

Psych, why are you posting random info for no reason.

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Slayerx. Hasn't had an original opinion ever in his life, and doesn't seem to be about to start this game. May have tried in looking good by voting Blitz while many others were on Marth, but honestly, Blitz was just as viable a wagon.

##Vote Slayerx

I always thought that it was my opinions that got me killed... Of course those opinions were often accompanied by bad logic and misunderstandings but you know... Also don't worry about the way you sound. I'd expect nothing else from the person playing as life.

If i sound like scum, could you guys point to posts that bother you, and specify which parts so i atleast have a chance to defend myself? Also, that psych vote was because i was pressured to vote, and since blitz is supposedly a most likely town, i figured i go with a person that is scummy in my views. It so happens, that that person was psych who was also in Prims list.

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Anouleth (3): Iris, Shinori, Kay

Blitz (3): Raymond, Marth, Bizz

Kaoz (2): Rein, StSS

Rein (2): Psych, Kaoz

Psych (2): Anouleth, Slayer

eclipse (1): Blitz

Shinori (1): Prims

Prims (1): Elieson

Slayer (1): Balcerzak

Not voting: eclipse, Kaoz

For reference deadline is in 25 hours

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People I Would Not Lynch

- Marth's still not lynchable

- Rein is probably town sry

- Blitz is also probably town sry, he's just being really thick-headed. Can't really get into this since this is more from :roles: than me reading his posts, unfortunately.

There i didn't make stuff up. I'm assuming his role is something good for town.

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Oh, I haven't re-read that far yet, fuck me

##Unvote: Blitz

##Vote: Shinori

hey levity you should practice what you preach pls

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Re-reading takes so long. uggggh.

Trying to get better opinions on everyone because I have no clue what the heck's going on.


Though I am much happier with Kaoz's contribution than his previous self for now I suppose.

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I love school. ): And oh my goodness Strawman, I know. ):

@Elieson: Yes, a Miller is someone who shows up guilty upon an investigation, and is the opposite of a Godfather. I see you're trying your hardest to post relevant things, but um, here's this, since I guess your Google-fu isn't as good as mine; you can find basically a ton of roles and their descriptions among other useful things like terminology there. There are other sites that have good tutorials, but eh, too lazy to link 'em all. And it's RP?, not PR (PR is for post restriction, RP for Role PM...?). Your thoughts seem kind of . . . um, useless, kind of like Shinori, only that he's been playing longer? Since we don't need to know that you think so and so is a postaholic, and I'll let Prims adress the rest, I suppose. Wow this part turned out longer than I expected.

As I see no more reason (at the moment) to vote Anouleth,

##Vote: Shinori

I would be all right with this lynch, but I could be definitely be convinced of other things. Maybe; he's been pretty vague and hazy. Let's see what Shinori says.

OMG, IRIS IS VOTING THE SAME PEOPLE AS BIZZ, SCUMBUDDIES!!!!1111 I just noticed that we were, haha. I'm not really sheeping though, I did put reasoning in there.

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Elieson is kind of just saying things that are kind of there

Also voting Prims makes you look really bad except it also kind of proves that you're probably just noobtown and I understand why you don't trust him

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Also voting Prims makes you look really bad except it also kind of proves that you're probably just noobtown and I understand why you don't trust him

I'm not exactly sure how my skepticism makes my vote on Prims look bad, or any worse than no vote at all.

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I'm a bit lost right now, so I'll list my thoughts about every player so far.

Flint: Is being himself. Refuses to claim to Prims. Voted for him to get him to claim, but if Prims has information indicating Flint is town, I'll unvote him.

Shinori: Hasn't done very much except discussing Iris' miller claim more than needed, as well as listing his observations. Null read. Post more.

Bizz: Has spouted a whole lot of pretty bad logic and generally acted pretty anti-town so far. However, Prims doesn't want to lynch her and there's someone else who considers her mostly clear (no, I'll not elaborate on this), so not lynching it is. Will be keeping an eye on her, though.

Anouleth: Most terrible townie of all time, but by now it's pretty damn obvious what role he has, if he's telling the truth, so not voting for him.

Rein: ...Rein is playing? Start contributing.

eclipse: Got OC-silenced, for lack of a better expression. I didn't take much note of her contributions until now, but after reading her posts in isolation, I'm leaning slightly town on her. She's been helpful.

Slayer: I'm having an incredibly hard time getting a read on him this game. Has posted a lot, but most of those posts were completely empty content-wise. Feeling uncomfortable about him simply because I can't get a read.

Marth: Refused to claim at first, but luckily listened to reason. Getting a paranoid townie read.

Psych: Refuses to claim and is acting like an idiot. However, he's been softclaiming a role that I'm not gonna risk lynching.

Kay: Has made a few big posts with mostly agreeable content. Getting faint town vibes.

Elieson: Hasn't done a lot of notable things. Seems like paranoid town or really daft mafia (voting for the town leader D1 lol) to me.

Strawman: Mason Pair

Iris: Claimed miller, but I had to specifically look for her posts to notice she was actually playing after that (might be me, lol). Not finding anything spectacularly disagreeable about her at the moment, but needs to contribute more.

Raymond: Hi

Proto/Kaoz: Not liking Proto for not existing. Not liking Kaoz for posting a whole lot of emptiness (if simply for mostly echoing what's already been said). Leaning anti-town.

Prims: Mason Pair

Balcerzak: Has made big posts with a number of contributions. Getting a town read, but I always get town reads from Bal no matter what, so that's fairly useless.

This means that I'll be doing the following:


##Vote: Kaoz

As I said, I'm not comfortable lynching Psych, and imo Kaoz is by far the scummiest player right now.

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Psych, if you knew what Levity's role was, why the fuck would you think she might be Third Party?

The way I found out made it seem like it was very third party.

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I don't think I've been acting anti-town. I was a little weird a few days ago because stupid things.

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As a general rule though, roles like hers are basically only beneficial as town PRs, assuming she's telling the truth. I'm probably getting her killed because of this but it needs to be addressed.

So yeah, I'm curious what's going on with Psych but I don't have his full claim so I can't figure out shit. I suspect one of the claimed investigative roles is scum for set-up speculation reasons.

Elieson reads as very, very paranoid. I think he's probably newbtown. Again, Paperblade confirmed to me that Strawman is town, so from my PoV the "be careful who you trust" rule doesn't apply to the masonry. This probably doesn't mean anything to you, but still, throwing that out there. In any case, I'm obviously not getting lynched today, so who else would you be willing to vote, particularly of the potential targets? Time's running out. Also seriously "here are my opinions on every player in the game" posts are useless to everyone, just talk about the players who you have notable opinions on (this typically consists of the current likely lynch targets and the people you think are scum). If you're going to make a listpost then at least do town a favor and order it from towniest player to scummiest player or something, then it's at least concrete information. This goes for everyone, not just new players.

Bal #495: Overjustification can be a thing if scum doesn't want to look like they're sheeping. My questioning is less "why did you bring those points up" and more "why do you think those points made sense based on his post"? Unless you meant to just admit they didn't, can't tell due to RP.

Kaoz #502: Left out my PR because it would've made my buddy's identity obvious and I wanted to see if I could get away with not outing him. Here:

Post Restriction: Strawman is clearly town and beyond all reproach, so you may not cast a vote on him, and should support him wherever possible. Anyone who speaks out against him must be in the wrong so you should lash out and accuse anyone who attempts to paint him in a negative light.

I elaborated on Proto's N1 in my #371.

I'm finding myself agreeing with Raymond that you said a lot without actually adding much. Kaoz, you spent most of your post harping on Blitz's logic, what's your opinion on him? As far as I'm concerned both he and Rein are likely town so eugh.

Iris #510: Any thoughts aside from Shinori vote? That's... pretty slim. I don't know if you're just busy or something else.

Also Kaoz implying the existance of a cult is totally a scumtell. <_<

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I honestly just feel like the circumstances of Iris's claim make her more likely to be town. Elieson is probably town.

(s--seriously raymond quit being mean, and prims omg you're going to doom the entire game )': )

I agree with this:

Also Kaoz implying the existance of a cult is totally a scumtell. <_<

because putting heat on third-parties as a general rule is a scumtell, in my opinion. It creates the illusion that you're helping out by hunting scum when you're not exactly hunting mafia. And we don't know if there's a cult or not, and it's best not to worry about it until we have genuine proof that there is a cult.

Also, Psych, I really have no idea what you're doing and the SMS you sent me was kind of confusing as is.

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