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Haze you are a terrible person, but not terrible enough to make someone Swordmaster. I am disappoint. Now where the hell did everyone else go?

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I decided to rewrite my post, since my flow's been terrible all game, and to make it easier to understand.


Opinion charts are bad, and you should feel bad, as I've learned from one of our wise moderators. ;/ Anyways, I prefer ones where people list who they think is scum / town, rather than "so and so posts a lot" or "so and so needs to exist". This is how my opinions stand at this very moment; obviously I'll have to rethink things, since all the people that I think may be townish there might be someone who's scum, and since a quarter of my thoughts come from votal analysis (which actually works), but I have nothing to work with since of that blasted no lynch.


- Strawman: Prims basically confirmed him, obvtown.

- Psych: Still shouldn't have claimed, but whatever, very townish.


- Bizz: I'm totally biased since we mostly think alike when it comes to our scum radars, and Psych/Prims think/thought you are/were town.

- Marth: More of a gut feeling/meta than anything, but Prims said you were good for not clearing, and among other reasons. You probably shouldn't sheep as much as you do, though.

- Anouleth: You look much better than Day 1, IMO; we just play mafia differently, and I guess while I don't agree with your playstyle, the downgrading flavor bit helps with towntells.

- Raymond: Solid posting. I think you're town, but it's just not confirmed, that's all.

- Rein: Psych's confirmed you, unless you're a godfather (basically anyone could be, though); post more. >:

- Eclipse: I wasn't really sure whether to stick you under Neutral or this category, if there was one in between the two, that's where you are. You also got the OC stopper thing, but that doesn't say much either way.


- Elieson: Some people are getting a noob!town read, and I do hope so, since your vote on Prims last phase was pretty concerning... Like eclipse, I wasn't sure where to put you. It'd be great if you could post more, though~!

- Slayer: I actually don't remember a lot of what you said, so I can't really say you're townish, but you don't look bad, per-se, so null read.

- Blitz: Exist more. I know you have bad Internet connection, but... >: True null read.


- Balcerzak: You were either going under Null or here, but you somehow look slightly worse than the other people (you being here is more like a gut feeling, anyways).


- Shinori*: Apparently we're scum buddies. ;/ You're actually still quite vague and hazy, but I want a Kaoz/Kay lynch over you, first. If you flip scum, I don't know about Kay/Kaoz, but it could always be bussing.

- Kay: I actually was only mildly suspicious of you before today, but my suspicions increased because of increasingly bad logic (not because Strawman, and by extension, Prims, think you're scum). If you flip town, then I don't even know what to think of this game anymore.

- Kaoz: I was suspicious of you day 1 for generally anti-town feels, and still am, for the same reasons.



I'm feeling Kaoz = Kay > Shinori for the lynch.


I'm voting for Iris instead because she had more votes on her and I don't really want to die. -_-

Um, what, Kay? I had no votes on me at all, until you voted for me... I wouldn't really count that as me having "more votes"... In fact, besides you, the person with the next more votes is Kaoz, and if you wanted to save yourself, than you would have voted for him. I wouldn't be surprised if you guys are scumbuddies. Plus, this was near the beginning of the phase, where most people aren't too concerned about saving themselves... Your logic's been pretty terrible this day phase. ):

Then there's you accusing me of not posting since apparently I'm just lying low since Strawman's out for your lynch, and I guess all I can say to that is: homework/sleep/school (since despite living in the same timezone, we post on vastly different times...). Anyways, I digress, but I wasn't really out for lynch, either (at least not until now). You've just had a bunch of bad logic, I guess.


When exactly did you claim? If it was at the beginning of the day, you wouldn't have known who would be lynched and maybe Shinori's role is good enough to keep around, and it's not like you're even getting that much heat right now.

I'm assuming you mean when I claimed to the town leader? Four hours before Prims posted here, (or some time before my first post in D1) if you can tell from him replying to me, but I'm sure there was lag time between hosts not being online or Prims not. So I would say near the beginning of D1. I'm not really sure what you're getting at for why this is important, though?

I think most of my suspicion comes from generally anti-town posts D1, but I haven't the time to reread today and whatnot.

SHINORI: You look bad, but not as bad as the former two, IMO. I actually don't have a lot to say here, except I'm not sure why we're scum buddies -- probably because you had most votes and I'm a governor, but whatever)... You just look bad, that's all.

I'm actually conflicted on whether to stay on Kaoz or switch to Kay, since I have no preference to who gets lynched today, but I'll leave it on Kaoz for now, and switch to Kay if necessary.



I get why people don't believe me / my claim, and I suppose if I was

@People who think I said I used my lynch stop already: Learn to read. Thank you.

@People who think I used my lynch stop, but claimed not to: You are better than the people above. And I understand where you guys are coming from, since if I was in y'all shoes, I might not believe myself, either. All you guys have is my word that I didn't stop yesterday's lynch (and well, if you guys lynch me, you'll find out that I still in fact have my power, but that's a waste of a day, at least at this point in the game).

well, if iris can cancel a lynch on herself then we could lynch her for a potential 'clear' but that just means another day of no info really

I can, in fact, lynch cancel when the lynch is on myself. I confirmed it with Paperblade yesterday (I assumed I could, since SFMM1 and role PM didn't imply otherwise). But I agree that I would be a pretty bad lynch target, since aside from learning that I can cancel a lynch (which would make me kind of clear, since mafia getting more than one lynch cancel is kind of OP / bad setup). Plus, there are far better targets for today, and we'd be wasting a day.


Wow, rereading this post, I think I sound slightly defensive, but when you're sick, and have to make up 4 quizzes, you're generally in a bad mood. And our voteless scum should vote, but most of them are inactives, or townish people with no opinions. :/

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Like lots of investigation roles, maybe?


Slayer - Has done absolutely nothing remotely memorable except post some jokes and town leader nonsense.

I'd like to argue that, at least on Day 2 i have been far more active in discussing the game. It may not make 100% sense or might be straight up but its still something. I stopped my joke posts (aside from the :P smiley at psych) after day 1. I have been pretty seriously discussing it and what you have seen in Day 2.

It would definitely make her seem pretty town, as there's no way the mafia gets two lynch cancels.

Stopping the lynch never is really useful for the town unless the user is 100% certain of the lynchee's innocence, which usually only occurs when the user is the lynchee.

So, pure logic says her stopping a lynch on herself would indicate her likely towniness.

Alright i understand your points. However that just assuming that both town and mafia have lynch cancels, or that it was indeed a lynch cancel and not something else. Not only that but the assuming that it was indeed a lynch cancel that occurred and we were to lynch iris today with her saving herself is not going to help us much due to the many possibilities that could have happened yesterday. I'm not saying it wasn't a lynch cancel, but we can't just assume that it was by 100% and then say somebody else is clear because it'd be ridiculous for maf to have two lynch cancels. Perhaps we should hold out on iris until more is clear about what happened on day 1.

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I think there's a way to make sure you didn't use that lynch stop, and it doesn't involve a lynch. It also means painting a gigantic target on my own head. . .but eh, better me than someone who Actually Matters.

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i'm reading through raymond's posts, and he's reminding me exactly of a player at DM who I don't like and it's a little disconcerting )):

I kind of wish mafia would stop targeting Raymond on the first night of the game/stop killing Prims N1 because the pattern is predictable and stupid. And after reading through the minimafia I'm a little concerned about Elieson now.

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I'm reading through everyone's posts, one by one, and I'm coming to the same general conclusions that are being produced. Shinori and Iris are both pretty suspect, Shinori mostly for poor defenses (as which have already been stated), Iris for what I believe to be shady and convenient claims

Iris: You could very well be lying about using your one lynch-stop, which is precisely why you and Shinori are being associated as scumbuddies.

Shinori: You're bouncing all over the place, which means either you are absolutely awful at defending yourself, or you really have no idea what's going on.

Regarding Inactives: I probably shouldn't be the one talking, but I'm finished up with one one game and have more time to dedicate to rereading this one endlessly looking for clues.

Bal/Blitz: Obviously, Life gets in the way. Bal didn't post too much of a meaty post, but he did make a point about Slayer getting better at this, and Rein too. Blitz isn't around much at all either. I'd like to see him talk more, but I'm not gonna be the guy that just looks around and points at everyone who's inactive and says "Talk dammit!"

Other Potential Scum:

I don't follow the Kaoz and Kay wagon enough to feel comfortable voting for either of them. If someone could explain to me in a bit simpler way what exactly they did, I can probably be swayed to vote for one of them.

That being said, Iris's role, assuming it hasn't been used yet, is extremely useful to keep around for later. Based on the outcome of D1 and Iris' role, Shinori and Iris seem all too likely to be potential scumbuddies at this point, IMO. Depending on how Shinori flips, it allows us to determine if Iris is scum or not. If Shinori flips scum, then Iris is scum, and vice versa. And Shinori isn't really coming across to me as Town, atm. Shinori also hasn't done jack shit in making me want to trust him. I want to believe Iris simply because of her role, because that Lynch-cancel would be really helpful to keep around, just like I said about Anouleth's role (even though he's poisoned), but I feel like the only way to prove her innocence is by lynching Shinori. We've all had our suspicions about him from the beginning, and mine hasn't changed, so


##Vote Shinori

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Regardless of what's going on, let's not bother with Iris today. I agree that testing her ability may be a good idea at some point, but not today, and especially not while this ability downgrader is around.

@eclipse: If it involves claiming your role, don't. I don't think it's worth it at this point.

Also, assuming that Prims' information was correct, I'm calling it now: scum-team of Slayer, Kay, Kaoz, Balcerzak and possibly Shinori. y/y?

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I'm calling 'y' on Raymond's theory

also iris would be a really easy mislynch so if she turns up town at a later point in the game I'd pay attention to the people going for her lynch

Cough kaoz

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@eclipse: If it involves claiming your role, don't. I don't think it's worth it at this point.

It would probably require me to claim even more than I already have, and I think I might have said a bit more 'bout myself than I should've.

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Kay (6): StSS, Shinori, Bizz, Slayer, Marth, eclipse

Shinori (4): Balcerzak, Kaoz, Kay, Elieson

Kaoz (2): Raymond, Iris

Iris (1): Psych

Not Voting (3): Blitz, Anouleth, Rein

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Also, assuming that Prims' information was correct, I'm calling it now: scum-team of Slayer, Kay, Kaoz, Balcerzak and possibly Shinori. y/y?

What info from prims states i'm scum? Or hints at it? Or is this just your feelings?

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@clipsey: Well, I haven't figured out your breadcrumbs yet (although to be fair, I haven't even tried to in the first place), so I think you shouldn't claim just yet. I have something else in mind, so only do it if you feel you really need to.

@Slayer: Those are my own deductions (if you can call it that). I only took Prims' information about who supposedly is town into account.

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Haze you are a terrible person, but not terrible enough to make someone Swordmaster. I am disappoint. Now where the hell did everyone else go?

If I made someone Swordmaster there would be gigantic walls of texts in eloquent prose with rants about how the person in question is right and all of the top universities would agree with him, and no one wants to read through all that.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go back to spinning in my chair.

Edited by Haze
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sorry guys, but I am never around on Fridays, I should be around for a while today, let me just catch up tp what is going on now

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Kay's logic looks downright terrible and I have no idea on why a mafia member would do that actually (I mean look that scummy intentionally)

anyways, the reason I don't want to lynch her is because she is a cop and I ended up being her target N0, and she did produce my role and sent me an SMS about it, she didn't have alignment for myself on it and judging by what Straw said and her late response on sending me the SMS, and gut feeling, I would say she is a role cop along with the role username and she most likely told Prims and Strawman on what my role was along with her own which made Prims say I won't be a good lynch target.

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1. Why are you outing her role?

2. Role cops can be mafia. I had one in the last game I hosted.

3. Paper's a big believer in giving the mafia some sort of info role.

4. Vote, please. Don't really care where you toss your chips in, but it's better than the nothing you have now.

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1) because Straw pretty much did anyways

2) I know that, but we have 4 probable other roles to after

3) didn't know that

4) I know, I am thinking (I would like to place my vote on you though, so I am trying to think someone better)

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no, because of the stuff you did on N0/D1 (it seemed like what you normally do when you are scum, I can't really explain this gut feeling actually, but I will lay look for someone else because at least you seem helpful for the time being, and I could always be wrong)

anyways, I think Iris's claim is a little fishy because the way she termed it seemed like someone told her exactly what to say about her role (as in related to what SFMM1)

it gut says it was termed by someone who actually played SFMM1, unless I am wrong and Iris actually played SFMM1, I would say a mafia buddy of hers told her what to say

##vote: Iris

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