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I'm gonna jump in shortly. I'm just tabling SF Mafia Info Dump.and I Can't Believe It's Not SFMM II, to learn this shit.

Could someone better explain "modkill" and "hammer" please?

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Could someone better explain "modkill" and "hammer" please?

A modkill is when someone is removed from the game by the host for breaking the rules. This also causes them to lose, regardless of their win condition.

Hammering is the act of placing the last vote necessary to get someone lynched.

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You guys posted a lot. :O And opening flavor. <3

Er, Marth telling the cop to scan Bizz is kind of weird, IMO. Probably just a noob thing, but whatever, lolmeta. Like clipse said, cop should scan whomever they want. (But me!):

I was going to say this earlier (ideally, yesterday), but I (1) had to debate with myself what I wanted to do and (2) was told to read SF Mafia, which frankly, I've spent more time there, then here. Then I fell asleep ( ;/ ) , and then school, but the cop should NOT inspect me, because I will show up as mafia. Yes, I'm claiming Miller; I've never played as one before, obviously, but I figured it'd be best if cop didn't waste an investigation on me, and also, seeing what happened to Kevin influenced this. Just saying.

By the way, I'll be on all tonight night to talk since I'm so cool not going anywhere on my Friday night I'm studying for SATs. And goodness, my PR is annoying, but people who don't follow their PRs are scrubs, apparently. ):

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oh my god, people need to stop whining about their PRs and just use them. ))):

As for Marth, I don't think what he did in itself is really all that odd. He's new and didn't realize there could be any hidden implications behind what he said, so I don't believe we should be digging into it so hard. Not yet, anyway; it's too early to tell.

Iris's claim sounds, for now, legitimate.

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Wasn't sure if you were seriously objecting to what he and I were saying or not. Town Leader is boring but it hardly invalidates scumhunting and typical NOC play when each person's messages are severely limited anyway.

Typical NOC play? You mean, pure luck and randomness, with no actual skill involved? Screw that noise. However, you seem to be coming around to the benefits of a game with organization, planning, and uniting to out-think the opponent, so I think I'll let this slide and give you the benefit of the doubt. I just hope the rest of the chucklefucks here catch on.

Anyway, I gave the brief preliminary scanthrough of the N0, to see if anything important, e.g. organization, is taking place. So far there have been no announcer claims, with requests to be cop-scanned. If we have a town-announcer and you failed at life, I will string you up and dress you down for shit play. If we do end up with an announcer, I'm going to assume you to be scum, even if you are as perfectly pro-town as Kelsey was.

As far as the debate on stockpiling OC vs using it right away... That may actually be a sticky wicket. Consider that anyone who ends up night-killed without using their OC opportunities basically wasted them, and that we can never get those back, I'm inclined to take the the approach of save one in reserve for emergencies, but otherwise go all out. The point of the game is to make some noise, shake things up. While we can't all be as brilliant as me, and I doubt anyone will be able to convince the mafia godfather to betray his faction (fucking glorious and A-plus that was, were you all taking notes?), I for aim to take some high risks for high rewards.

That aside, my little brother's graduating today, so I'll be disappearing for that, and the after-party celebration. I will probably also have a hangover tomorrow morning. But hey, it will be worth it.

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I actually thought Balcerzak was a slightly more sophisticated version of Obviam at first, but since I don't know Life at all, Bal's probably him.

Bizz. Actually, I'd like to know the answer to Raymond's question, too.

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I actually thought Balcerzak was a slightly more sophisticated version of Obviam at first, but since I don't know Life at all, Bal's probably him.

Oh, right, I forgot about him.

Scratch the "100% guaranteed", then.

Not that it really matters

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I'm a bit more interested in how people pull Tailor out of a hat and assume there is one. I can remember the amount of games that have had Tailor as a role here on one hand. Hell, one finger, since I can only remember SFMM1 having one. It's not that common around here, but I suppose since Haze hosted both there is some precedent.

Plus it's likely we'd have a regular cop as opposed to a role cop. I'm just getting that vibe.

Or not. I could be all wrong and likely am. I just have a vibe. Sorry.

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I'm a bit more interested in how people pull Tailor out of a hat and assume there is one.

Do you have any valid reason to assume there isn't one?

Plus it's likely we'd have a regular cop as opposed to a role cop. I'm just getting that vibe.

Or not. I could be all wrong and likely am. I just have a vibe. Sorry.

You can't just make random statements and then expect to invalidate them right after by adding something along the vibes of "but it's just a vibe, don't mind me". Either contribute or don't; what you were doing looks more like "hey guys, I'm trying to appear active but don't actually want to say anything that someone could get back to later".

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I'm a bit more interested in how people pull Tailor out of a hat and assume there is one. I can remember the amount of games that have had Tailor as a role here on one hand. Hell, one finger, since I can only remember SFMM1 having one. It's not that common around here, but I suppose since Haze hosted both there is some precedent.

Yeager, and I think Genesect? Not sure, but IIRC someone was one in that game and I don't feel like checking.
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Bleh.... ~80 posts since i was gone. Anything important or are we still in Night 0 Party mode? I read a few of them but... :unsure:

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Do you have any valid reason to assume there isn't one?

You can't just make random statements and then expect to invalidate them right after by adding something along the vibes of "but it's just a vibe, don't mind me". Either contribute or don't; what you were doing looks more like "hey guys, I'm trying to appear active but don't actually want to say anything that someone could get back to later".

Did you only read the first sentence of my post or something?

Oh sorry, whoops. I'm so dumb. Well, whatever. I hope everything's for the best.

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Bleh.... ~80 posts since i was gone. Anything important or are we still in Night 0 Party mode? I read a few of them but... :unsure:

N0 is already part of the game. Go party somewhere else, you irresponsible fool. >:(

@Papermate: I read your entire post.

I did not see any valid reason to assume that there is no tailor in this game.

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Also, people should seriously come up with better responses than "did you not read my post". If I respond to it, you can assume that I read it in its entirety, and that it still need clarification or otherwise did not offer the answer I was looking for.

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N0 is already part of the game. Go party somewhere else, you irresponsible fool. >:(

Irresponsible my ass, you pompous fool

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Hi. I'm heading home, I just moved out of my phone, my phone is being an asshole

anyway, I tend to take claims as what they are until evidence proves otherwise, or my levity vibes tell me other things. I'll answer more in-depth later.

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@Slayer: Want to pick a fight? :3

anyway, I tend to take claims as what they are until evidence proves otherwise, or my levity vibes tell me other things.

It's fine to take them into account.

Explicitely titling them as "legitimate" despite having no evidence, on the other hand, is silly.

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@Slayer: Want to pick a fight? :3

Take off your shirt and fight me bro :readyforfight:

Also, i see you were semi (maybe more than semi) serious about reading for night 0...

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Take off your shirt and fight me bro :readyforfight:

Are you a pervert? D:

Also, i see you were semi (maybe more than semi) serious about reading for night 0...

Of course I wasn't kidding. I wish people would finally start taking N0 seriously. Not having night results to work with doesn't mean that you can't prepare for D1 in order to maximize the town's efficiency.

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