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I want to see how last night actions went down! :O

Thanks Balcerzak~ <3

Oh, um, Blitz if you ever got my last SMS (I hope you didn't), you should disregard all of that, since apparently I missed Eclipse's claim + a bunch of other things. ;/

This game was absolutely fun to play, even if I was remarkably average in playing; would play in SFMM3. 8)

Blitz redirects Strawman to himself (which has no real effect.)

Eclipse shoots Strawman.

Iris has no action.

Blitz has no action.

Strawman, the arsonist, had Eclipse, Iris and Blitz primed to explode, and chooses to detonate.

All kills resolve at the same time unless they would result in an "everybody loses" end, so everyone but Marth dies.

Oh and Balcerzak just made it easy to explain in flavour how Strawman killed everyone before dying and he was also primed before he was lynched, so he blew up too. He didn't really have a revival power it was just convenient.

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Blitz redirects Strawman to himself (which has no real effect.)

Eclipse shoots Strawman.

Yeah I fucking knew they were going to do this. Argh.

WHAT CAN I SAY, make me town every game and when I say town I don't mean town who turns into ITP. Because otherwise I'll probably lose.

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Bizz's role PM

Dear Levity,

Why am I not surprised I died?

You are Radiant Dragon, Town Ghost.

You always make your one post-death post. Or two. Or ten. And maybe strat-talk and give other townies pointers, just to be sure. This got so out of hand that we're pretty sure JB's post restriction to yell at deadtalkers in Schoolboy Mafia was aimed directly at you, which was hilarious considering you died Night 1.

Since you don't shut up after dying anyway, you may continue to post in the thread after dying without repercussion. You're still dead, so all actions including Limited OC will fail to target you. Additionally, since you're a ghost and thus not corporeal, your vote won't count for anything since you can't actually hurt anyone. Additionally, this means you are still bound to NOC, and thus anyone who talks to you via OC will get you um... modkilled.

Post Restriction: Repeatedly dying early in games has left you pessimistic, so you should act depressing and morbid whenever possible, once you're dead, complain about it, a lot.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are removed.



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gogogo strawman kill all those scummy bastards <3

if i act smug about this on irc then do i win the Sho Award For Hiding An ITP Claim In An Early Post As A Joke Nobody Would Look Into, Then Surviving Until The Game Is Almost Over And Being A Dick About It

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Two things:

Around when Bizz was about to die, this happened:

[18:20:28] Haze: I want to add a new ability to the Ghost

[18:21:01] Ether: Isn't it a little late in the game for that? =P

[18:21:05] Haze: "Night X - USER, this is your fault!"

[18:21:19] Haze: Then we get Levity to record herself saying "Your fault! Yooooouuuuur faaaaaauuuulllllt!"

[18:21:27] Haze: Then I fuck around in audacity and turn the reverb all the way up

[18:21:38] Haze: and when whoever she picked gets that sent to them in a youtube video

[18:21:54] Ether: Does it do anything else, lol

[18:22:00] Haze: Absolutely nothing

[18:22:06] Ether: Haha

[18:22:15] Ether: Well, it's your call I suppose

[18:22:21] Haze: I'll wait for Brad

[19:25:36] Brad: this is an excellent idea

Levity agreed, recorded herself, and I set to work, this was the result:

Off the top of my head, Rein and Balcerzak were haunted.

Secondly, Slayer also lost.

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if i act smug about this on irc then do i win the Sho Award For Hiding An ITP Claim In An Early Post As A Joke Nobody Would Look Into, Then Surviving Until The Game Is Almost Over And Being A Dick About It

only if you refuse to admit that you're an asshole and ragequit after I kick you from the channel multiple times because I'm tired of listening to you

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No Prims but you do win an award for thing that most needs to go into the SF Mafia Greatest Hits:

motherfucker, i had a bah post planned ahead of time under the pretense strawman and i would die at the same time




.....), ---.(_(__) /

....// (..) ), ----"






send this 1-SHOT DAYVIG GUN to everyone you think is town about including me if you have town reads. C how many times you get this, if you get a majority of half the living players rounded down + 1 your A TRUE TOWNIE

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Haze Award for Best Unintentional Roleplaying: Prims & Strawman, for their lovers topic where Prims did all of the planning and Strawman just acted confused and did as Prims said the whole time.

I never got to use my slideshow video of every instance of the town saying "Strawman is obvtown/clear" or variants thereof played to stupid music during the final intermission to foreshadow Strawdomination. You all suck, but especially Eclipse.

I thought about mentioning how I was unintentionally following my PR way more in our PM than int he thread. For some reason it was like whenever I posted in our PM I had no clue what I was talking about :/ Kept getting players wrong and roles wrong and whatever else lol.

Also, that sounds like a wonderful video. post post post!

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No Prims but you do win an award for thing that most needs to go into the SF Mafia Greatest Hits:

sounds like it's time for me to put sf's profile comment system to good use nm it's too long ;_;

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i actually kinda thought at first that prims was town and strawman was a mason inflitrator thing, be it mafia or third-party, but I was almost sure there was no third-party until after bal died /:

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Top Tier:

SDS, Mafia Bum - scumgov is basically the most op shit ever with good prediction. global block was a free night for killing and rolecopping, and was likely to trigger the existance of a ITP if the lovers claimed

Kay, Independent Serial Killer - huge town credit from being a lover, bulletproof to counter scumkill, kills actually work NORMALLY unlike proto's. would've probably won the game had it happened

Blitz, Town Wizard - see: Psych's N3 results

Haze, Town Fakeclaimer - fullcop is amazing, watcher is an very powerful role even with one shot, safeguard is pretty good with proper communication,

High Tier:

Rein, Town Bedsmith - it's... a doc! who can save himself once!

Life Admiral, Mafia Asshole - permanent role debuffs are pretty powerful if the debuffer lives a while

Kay, Town White Knight - excellent town leading utility, see d1. drops down a tier for becoming itp but still easily outs a lot of scum just by taking the lead

Proto, Town Waifu - see town!Kay

Balcerzak, Mafia Flake - obvious so yeah

Mid Tier:

Paperblade, Town Mayor - rolecop's a solid scum role, but not an excellent one since it's just info rather than openly inhibitting the town

Levity, Town Lover - can clear people with only one mafia left, could create unwinnable situations

Tangerine, Town Fruit - scum didn't have many roles that a tracker could catch, honestly. still a good investigative role

Prims, Town Prims - nightvig is an excellent role, but lack of control and only being usable mid-lategame drops it down a tier or two

Radiant Dragon, Town Ghost - power level based entirely on the scumhunting abilities of the player who rolled it

Low Tier:

Snike, Town Lightningrod - SMSes in this game weren't too hot on their own due to character limit, so this was pretty situational unless the fullcop cleared him

Ether, Town Fanboy - a dayvig that ends the day is pretty much dumb unless you're about to get lynched. hunter is okay but iirc Haze Modding only activates that on lynch, so still not that great of a role

Proto, Independent Troll - :frustration:

Iris, Mafia Kimberlies - basically fodder after the tracker died, and the tracker could've just been debuffed

Bottom Tier:

Rein, Town Miller Governor - lol

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my first SMS to Prims was me warning him about strawman and then he mentioned that SMSes go to the both of them, so that didn't really work out /:

that "you defend proto /no matter what/" flavor raised some red flags to me

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Strawman and I were both ITP after one of us died. There wasn't really a Mason Infiltrator.




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Oh and before Kay and Proto kill me brutally murder me, I'm going to go hide behind 3000 skeletons.

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Also Haze, one more reminder to take me off the sub list. :P

After I decided to jump off the sub list, I looked at the game through Bizz's eyes (even though she was dead). Fair to say, I was quite confused at most of it anyway. :/

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