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Overall, Raymond played well, although I'm not sure what was up with him being such an asshole during Day 1.

I didn't actually mean to be an asshole, I just tried a more aggressive playstyle than usual in order to get the other townies to actually move instead of going all "wait, why should I do that". I apologize if I actually offended anyone.

Haze - You know I don't think I've ever been called a troll as much as Raymond called me one this game. Amongst other things like sadistic, bastard mod, etc. He is very funny man.

I did genuinely feel trolled by the miller governor copy from SFMM1 and the mass roleblock combined with the lynch stop, but consider that most of that was based on what roles I believed the mafia to have at that point. Mostly I went all "it'd be trollish if XYZ was actually the case" numerous times, which, again, I didn't mean to offend you with, and I'm sorry if I did.

The game was designed such that if the lovers died instantly it would be against the town, and the later they died the better things would be since it means less people dying/primed (all the way up to if they never died the game would be balanced against the mafia)

Consider, for a moment, how things would have gone had Kaoz been lynched Day 1

Obviously things are more in a faction's favor if the other faction's most powerful roles are killed before they get a chance to do much.

Still, it was Prims. Like, the person who always dies N1. And due to the Mass Roleblock, we didn't even have a way to stop the kill from happening.

Then consider what would have happened had the town actually lost its power roles (like Psych, wtf why did he live so long) early on in addition to that.

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If Kaoz had been lynched I doubt the mafia would have tried it.

Also I don't consider player skill when balancing games since that has a tendency to fall apart due to subs or inactivity due to outside circumstances.

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Whatever, what's done is done. You do not seem to agree with my view, and that's okay.

I feel the game would've been okay balance-wise had the lovers not turned into wolves upon death (putting the ratio at 12/5, or even 11/5 for regular "we die together"-lovers) or had the mafia had one less member (like the ninja, for example. He didn't have any notable impact on the game ability-wise; his presence just meant that the town had to waste one more day to get rid of him. 10/4/1 would've been fine - and even in the event of neither of the lovers dying, considering how powerful this mafia was, even 11/4 would've been fine imo).

Edited by Shade of Shadow
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The more I think about it, the more I feel that the problem was the lovers.

Regular "let's die together" lovers should be treated as a doublevoter with the added ability to clear themselves in public (in other words, a single person), in my opinion, because for all intents and purposes, they are. Thus, the ratio would've been 11/4. 11/4 is okay when the mafia has strong roles to compensate and/or the town doesn't have a lot of powerful roles (both of which was the case in this setup).

Psycho lovers, on the other hand, imo are inherently unbalanced, because a single death causes a massive shift in the game's balance. An otherwise balanced 11/5 setup suddenly goes to 10/5/1, which is unfavourable for the town even if it has very strong roles and the mafia doesn't.

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Haze, I'm a dude.

Fyi :/

And thanks for the compliments. Everyone told me I was noobtown...i figured "eh, if they think it, ok", but I wasnt trying to be nooby, it just happened since it was my first game from start to finish (i subbed in sfmm2 on D2, where eclipse declared me towndoc while I was pondering what to claim).

Edited by Elieson
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Quite literally threw themselves to the wolves. Lucked out, I personally don't believe they should have won because the first thing they did was claim to the wolves, and that's not even starting on that disgrace that was the day 1 lynch.

I don't know about the D1 lynch other than we picked out 2 good mafia suspects and tried to get them lynched, but I disagree with you on us just lucking out. Yes we needed to luck out in the end and hope to fucking god eclipse would shoot strawman. But the only reason we ended up in that position was because SLAYER happened, wasting our lynch (which was by far the most powerful weapon the town had) by getting himself modkilled. If that fucking moron would have kept his cool we would have had much more time to figure out who the independent was (and probably theorize that it was strawman because masons in this game without a catch is impossible) and to lynch him.

In short, it's all Slayer's fault.

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yeah, slayer was essentially independent mvp, only it's more like town lvp because after that modkill he's not allowed look good

Edited by Prims
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also, re: activist vigilante

activist vigilante was a fakeclaim I made as SK where I was a 1-shot nightvig who gained an extra shot every time there was a no lynch. i got dayvigged after shooting two scum because it was totally ridiculous. the "have to target every night" modifier is something different, mafiascum calls it compulsive

later i used it in a set-up and had it start with 0 shots but gain a shot after kill-free night phases as well.

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Me flipping out over my role name changes was because my role PM was getting too big. ;/

And now, stuff from my role PM:

Fun times~!

Night 0 - I speculate that Blitz is Bizz

It's Night 1, but okay


Night 1 - I speculate that Blitz is Bizz

it's spelled pendant

Try as you like, you're not getting a place directly above my heart.

Clever girl.

So I was wrong about Shinori's role, and why wasn't my son in the game?

This should be my last one.

Send SMS to Psych

eclipse here. Can you inspect Kaoz, Shinori, and Elieson? If you get JB as a role name, that's most likely Shinori. By hitting the three scummiest players, you're bound to get something good. If you have a SMS, tell Blitz to target you. You must survive long enough to give your report. I am out of SMS messages, or I'd tell Blitz myself.

When in doubt, metagame.

Send SMS to Blitz:
What do you think would happen to Proto if Kay were to mysteriously disappear? Mind targeting Strawman? I despise being hooked.

And my final action:

Night 6 - Investigating Strawman

Honestly, it doesn't matter who I shoot. If Blitz draws the hook, then Strawman's holding up postgame. If not, then I'm hooked, and we'll both know who it is.

Turns out me being greedy won it for the town. Yay, I guess?

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my flavor was pretty much all amazing

You settle into a pillow fortress you have set up under your trusty bedsheets, which you keep on you at all times, even in movie theatres.

You feel safe and content as you drift off to sleep.

While you stand around debating the finer points of pillow fortress building with a piece of paper, you receive a message.

Hey Dr.Rein,I'm Marth theJoaT.My powers are scan,safeg,watch,powerboost. I scanned you last night,and boy was I lucky. Any thoughts or opinions at the moment? Claiming to Prims a good idea?

As you steel yourself for the night ahead, distant music catches your ears, you follow it to it's source in the screening theatre, making sure to bring your trusty sheets and fort-making kit along, however, you find yourself unable to resist the urge to dance to the hypnotic beat.

You spend all night dancing furiously inside a hastily contructed pillowfort.

Things haven't been going so well lately, I mean, people are killing eachother out there. Not one to shy away from a challenge however, you decide that you're going to build the best damn pillow fort ever tonight, and you're going to do it for Psych.

You quickly set to work measuring Psych's height, weight, arm length, breast si- wait no, nevermind we don't need that for the ideal pillow fort.

An hour or so of labouring later, your work is complete, and Psych can safely continue his business from within the safety of his pillow fort.

Oh man, this is going to be great, you spent all day working on a new blueprint for a Mk. II Superfort, there's no way anyone's going to get into this baby, and you know just who to build it for.

Hurrying over to Marth's room, you swiftly and efficiently build the pillowfort, and true to your schematics, it's a true masterwork of bedsheet engineering.

Feeling satisfied, you start making your way back to your hiding spot, however, on the way back, you decide to check out the candy counter for midnight snacks. You begin picking out a pick-a-mix bag of goodies, when something happens, you really can't remember what, but afterwards you begin experiencing severe self-doubt, are your pillow forts really that great? They're just silly things made out of old pillows and bedsheets, how could they keep anyone safe? Oh what's the point.

Your role has changed:

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Building a pillow fortress for USER!" You will build a pillow fortress for USER and give him your bedsheets for the night. As a result, if someone comes to kill USER, he will be able to hide under your bedsheets and survive.

You wearily make your way back to your hiding place, abandoning the snack plan, and curl up to go to sleep, however, the night does not seem to want to give you any peace, and you wake suddenly in a flush as sweat pours down your face, a cold wind begins sweeping through your hiding place, and faint noises beckon you nervously to the screening theatre.

The doors SLAM shut and the eerie wind intensifies as the big screen lights up.

You scream and scream as you run and begin banging your fists against the theatre door, you have no idea why this ghost has come for you, but it seems it's intentions are anything but benign.

Eventually the doors suddenly give way and you scarper quickly back to your hiding place, crying all the way, leaving many to wonder what happened.

If only you had your bedsheets to hide under, you certainly don't feel any safer as you nervously go back to sleep.

(PS. Don't tell anyone about this last part, they might think you're crazy.)

You head out to build a fort for Psych, but as you are there. However, you were distracted by something or another, and ended up building it for Blitz instead. You had a lot of fun building that fort, and you really wish you could've stayed longer, but alas.

You quickly set to work designing and constructing a pillow fort for Strawman, this is the big one, a fort for the top man himself, you've dreamed of this, and it doesn't take you long to construct not just a pillow fort - a pillow castle, complete with pillow cannons and a flag.

You stand back to admire your work when you feel a thwack over the back of your head, swiftly turning as you fall to the floor, you see someone standing over you with a pillowcase filled with bricks. Before a word can leave your mouth, he continues bashing the bag into you, and soon enough, your vision goes black as you slip away into an eternal sleep

You are dead.

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If we're sharing amazing flavor, Mafia Asshole reporting for duty.

Agreeing on a course of action, you all set out to perform your decided duties.


You approach Blitz, and upon informing him that you are the town mayor and that he should claim to you, he quickly relinquishes his role pm:

Dear Blitz,

You fuckers and your IRC

back in my day, we had no IRC

You are Levity, Town Lover.

You really hate OC because fuck it's too confusing and IRC sucks and goddamn why does everyone target you with everything. However you are a good player even if your posts seem to be confusing since you don't really explain your thought process. Unfortunately everyone kills you Night 1 because everyone is unoriginal, despite this, you still love each and every one of us, awww.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - ilu USER." You will talk excitedly with USER throughout the night. As a result, USER will determine that you are Levity and a good player that they should totally target you instead.

Post Restriction: You like to rely on your gut to guide you, so you should make frequent references to it and any "gut feelings" you get throughout the game.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are removed.


You hop into the intercom room and announce that an update pertaining to Shinori will take place tomorrow, everyone in the lobby seems to be awaiting it with baited breath.


Eclipse approaches you during the night and the two of you begin chatting about whom you believe are behind that travesty of an anime showing. Little does she know!

At the end of the conversation, you leave Eclipse, cryptically stating that you'll get back to her about something or other, you weren't really paying attention, nor do you care, you just hope she'll wait around like an idiot while you chuckle to yourself with glee.


God DAMMIT you're mad, that dumbass Raymond isn't even trying, and is in desperate need of a verbal beatdown, and you're just the man for the job!

Grabbing Raymond and throwing him into the candy counter storage room, you proceed to yell obscenities and insults that most sailors would cover their ears at as you berate him for his poor town play and lack of understanding of how to play mafia.

A few hours later, you leave him with a smile on your face as he lays curled up in a ball, a shallow husk of the man he used to be.


You bide your time, you're sure your time will come, but tonight is not the night.

First things first:

As you steel yourself for the night ahead, distant music catches your ears, you follow it to it's source in the screening theatre, and find yourself unable to resist the urge to dance to the hypnotic beat.

You spend all night dancing furiously.


You approach Slayer, who is too busy dancing furiously to question you when claim to be the mayor and demand his role pm information, as such, he happily relays it to you to the beat of the music:

Dear SlayerX,

I demand a lightning rod role for SFMM2. Make it happen.

You are Snike, Town Lightning Rod.

You always attempt to lead villages in OC games, making sure to not let little things like being a neutral stop you. You are eclipse's eternal rival and have a 100% win rate in Smogon OC games because you are the best, something which Paperblade likes to remind Life of constantly. And by the best I mean are often in the right place at the right time.

At night, and only once, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Shenanigans!" You will demand everyone target you with everything. However, you are a Canadian so this does not actually have any effect because you are irrelevant.

Since you are leading this village, you gain an additional two messages every day phase, for a total of four.

Post Restriction: You are the village leader, everyone must know this, act like a true leader, confident and outspoken, boss people around, oh, and it never hurts to remind everyone that you are, in fact, leading the village every now and then.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are removed.


Oh those dumbasses are going to get it now, you're pulling out the dirtiest trick you have.

You set about announcing grandly to everyone the long awaited postgame of itemafia, and everyone quickly logs onto their blackberries, tangerines, computers, whatever they have at hand to see this monumental occasion.

In actuallity, they're greeted by a hypno video that tricks them into spending all night dancing, ha HA! Score one for the main man.

While you're at it, you decide you may as well mess with these lebians* some more, and make them think that Shinori's death update is due for tomorrow, knowing them, they'll probably fall for it again.

*they're so bad they're not even worthy of the letter p.



He needs a lesson, bad. He wants to play Diablo 3? Oh he'll play Diablo 3.

You force him into a room with nothing but a computer and white walls and force him to play Diablo 3 on Nightmare mode with permadeath on while dancing furiously to the beat of you TELLING HIM HOW MUCH OF A USELESS FUCKTARD HE IS.

You leave him hours later, nearly catatonic as he drools all over the keyboard.


You barely have to even try, people are too busy hypnotized and dancing furiously to even consider anything you say a lie, and you take the chance to make Strawman think you'll get back to him about his dead girlfriend tomorrow.

Speaking of dead girlfriends...


LIERIS TIME BITCHES! You stealthily make your way through the theatre and sneak up on the delusional, dancing, figure of Prims, it's so simple, you have a wide variety of weapons that you stole from the school's supply closet at your disposal, that the hardest part is choosing which to use.

You settle on poison, and carefully pour it down Prims' throat, before stealthily making your escape.

tl;dr: You're all terrible people.

Time to get to work, you're a man down, so now isn't the time to let up.


You quickly set about making an announcement that Shinori will be lynched tomorrow, hopefully this time they really will fall for it again.


You lounge around for a while before you realise you are actually supposed to be doing something, quickly heading off, you once more start talking to Strawman, and convince him that you'll get back to him once again.


Your eyes run red with rage, who will be next? Raymond? Eclipse? That worthless piece of shit Psych?

Before you can choose, however, something happens, you can't remember what, but it leaves your head spinning with such uncontrollable rage that even you can't do anything tonight.


Putting on your best school uniform and balaclava, you sneak through the airvents seeking your target, eventually, you sight her, Levity, she should have known better than to try to play the hero.

Attaching a hook with a cable to the grate in the vent and fastening yourself to it, you slowly and quietly descend behind her, whipping out your trusty knife, you plant it cleanly into her back, and ascend back into the vent unseen.

Let's hee-ho!


Fourth time's the charm? Once more, you make an announcement stating that Shinori will be lynched tomorrow. Haze is becoming increasingly lazy with writing results for this one because it's the same action every night (not that I blame you.)


How does Strawman keep falling for this? Eh whatever, it's not your problem, once more you trick the poor sap into thinking that you're going to get back to him, man you don't even have to try anymore.


Alright, time to take out all that pent up aggresssion from last night out on one of these chucklefucks, and you know just who is deserving.

Reinfleche, that little bitch acts like he runs the mafia scene around here, but there is only one mafia god, and judging from your carefully crafted fakeclaim, you know all too well that it is you! Grabbing the inactive shit you throw him into the ground and give him a good tongue lashing about why RANDOMLY DISAPPEARING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GAME AND ONLY HAVING 36 POSTS AT THIS POINT IS FUCKING DISGRACEFUL. FUCKING HELL PLAY THE GAME OR SUB OUT.


You don't know.

But you feel proud of yourself for doing the public a favour by making sure they are aware of their retard status.

You waltz back to base, leaving Rein crying on the floor.


You decide to try a new tactic tonight, hiding in plain sight, everyone believes your lies anyway, so you confidently stroll through the lobby, twirling a handgun in one hand and holding a boombox playing "The Pink Panther" in the other.

As you march into Raymond's room, he turns to face you, but is met with the barrel of your gun pressing against his forehead.


Good riddance to bad fruit.

You once more calmly head back to base, paying no heed to the blood that has splattered all over your school uniform, it's not like it matters. After all, you have plenty more where that came from.


You decide to give Balcerzak a taste of his own medicine. Good work, good work!

As you head home, laughing to yourself at how you're going to fool those idiots even with your dying words, someone calls out to you with a, "Hey, mister!" You turn to see what it is, and are met with a bullet to the chest for your efforts. You fall to the ground, unconscious.

As you wake, you are greeted with flashing lights and visions.

Great, trapped in your own personal hell, from which there is no escape.

You are dead.



That little shit Marth should have been fucking godkilled for that flagrant disregard of a time honored tradition! Fucking new players should learn their place! IF THERE IS GOING TO BE A TOWN LEADER, IT SHOULD BE SOMEONE WITH A WEAK ROLE AND EXPERIENCE. LIKE YOU, THE GOD. GODDAMN.

Thank god you quit this shitpile and joined the army instead.


Hmm. What now? It's getting kind of boring, everyone is just so easy to fool. It's like they don't care at all. Well, whatever.

You stroll into Psych's home and shoot him in the head, and leave. Good thing this is so easy, his magic was doing a number on your little group.

Looks like your teammates couldn't be counted on for anything, assholes didn't even try to look town. Oh well, more wallet for you when you, being the mafia god that you are, escape unharmed.

You pull Iris away from her studies and throw her in detention, forcing her to write "I WILL NOT BE A STUPID BITCH AND LET SCHOOL GET IN THE WAY OF MORE IMPORTANT THINGS LIKE MAFIA" 5,000 times while you yell at her. It's a soul crushing experience, and afterwards you leave her there, barely conscious.

You have other business to atend to, afterall, and you can't waste too much time with just one of these incompetents. That dumbass Rein has been a thorn in your side all week, how are you supposed to freely choose kill targets when a bunch of them are hidden behind inpenetrable pillow forts?

Well, you know just how to teach that guy a lesson.

You find him constructing a gigantic pillowfort for one of the other idiots, doesn't matter which one, you're after the builder. You sneakily grab one of his pillowcases and begin filling it with bricks. When the case is nice and full you walk begin Rein and deliver it to the back of his head, hard, he goes down, but he's not out yet, you continue swinging the brickpillow into him until he stops moving, and then quickly retreat back to base.

Oh and I forgot.

On your way back to base, a mysterious fog sets in all around you, you pause, confused, for a moment, and glance around, a chill wind starts blowing through the hallway, and a voice creeps into your ears.

Deciding someone is playing a bad prank on you, you shrug this off and head back to base, making a mental note to slap whoever did this and teach them how to prank properly before you kill them.

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