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I am?

Also, who is ignoring you? I just quoted two of your posts. Wouldn't that be the opposite of ignoring?

forget what I said earlier,it feels like you are ignoring me too

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That I don't find him suspicious? Can I explain much more than that? Hmm, I'm not sure what you're quite getting at now.

But I suppose you didn't exactly answer my question about him either...

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yeah,right, getting to that

I found Proto suspicious cause of his lack of posts mainly, he enjoys not posting much when he is scum with an excuse of being busy but actually wasting time playing Shady's favorite game

anyways, then he comes back trying to look like Life did a pretty good job too and decides to state exactly what he stated shouldn't be done in his own post.

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@Bizz: (I'm linking to the first post in the sequence because I can't be bothered to quote four different posts manually)

You getting angry about the truth is not my problem.

I don't do meta like that. I only care about what's happening in this game, and you're being ridiculously anti-town right now. Or maybe you're just really terrible at this game, that's also possible.

I also do what I want because I invented apples.

@Shinori: I will from now on simply treat everyone that continues not to take N0 seriously as anti-town, simple as that~

That said, the only thing Iris' miller claim tells us is that she'll probably show up as guilty to the cop no matter what, thus telling him not to waste his time inspecting her, as someone pointed out before me. That's a slightly pro-town thing to do, but doing one or two pro-town things doesn't automatically make someone pro-town. Because, you know, trying to appear pro-town is also what the mafia does in an attempt to blend in.

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To Iris's miller claim, I really would just have too agree with what most said. I honestly don't know exactly what a Miller is, since I couldn't find it in SF Mafia Info Dump, but based on Iris's context, I'm assuming it refers to a person who looks guilty but isn't, or like the hated town person.

And I'm trying to be an ass on purpose.Why? Because I ordered to.

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Let me add to my above post.

I really can't see the benefit of Iris being inspected, when she just said what is gonna come up anyway. Not that I 100% trust her (i don't 100% trust anyone yet), but announcing this now saves her from scratching for a potentially shady excuse later.

Still, if she's lying, then she essentially delayed the spotlight from pointing at her for a while.

It doesn't seem that scummy to me though. It would a little bit assuming that this other role she has could be a bunch of things, but I don't know what combination of roles would benefit a townie that when inspected, is revealed to be scum. Maybe the Bomb?

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Goddammit my phone autocorrect is annoying. I'll hop on a pc after I finish up colouring with my daughter.

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there's a reason why I'm playing terribly this game... or a reason why I'm not really paying close attention to what I say.

i can't tell who's roleplaying or who's not. I... fuck, stop picking on me, I don't really know if I can take it anymore.

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i'm also probably not going to be around as often because I have limited internet at home.

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there's a reason why I'm playing terribly this game... or a reason why I'm not really paying close attention to what I say.

What would that be?

i can't tell who's roleplaying or who's not. I... fuck, stop picking on me, I don't really know if I can take it anymore.

If you keep having personal issues with every single game you try to participate in, you might want to consider ending your SF mafia career.

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yeah,right, getting to that

I found Proto suspicious cause of his lack of posts mainly, he enjoys not posting much when he is scum with an excuse of being busy but actually wasting time playing Shady's favorite game

anyways, then he comes back trying to look like Life did a pretty good job too and decides to state exactly what he stated shouldn't be done in his own post.

Hm ok I think I can see that.

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I don't have personal issues with every game I play, and the above is a secret. I said some things yesterday that purposely sounded scummy and I can't remember who fell for it, but someone did. It might have been Blitz. But at any rate, I don't really have much else to contribute until more information comes up. Iris did say something that gives me a few qualms about her claim, though... she she hadn't said anything about it. I was going to explain further as to why Slayer's post bothered me but itss a dead horse by now and he seemed to understand why it did, even though that doesn't change the fact that it does bother me. Whther it's Iris or not though, I don't doubt the presence of a miller in this game, unless possibly the mafia know there aren't millers this game. I believe someone mentioned that possbility, too, but I'm still not on my pc.

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I also think Bal is Life, if that means anything. He made very specific remarks about NOC that sound identical to what Life has said about it in the past.

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I also think Bal is Life, if that means anything. He made very specific remarks about NOC that sound identical to what Life has said about it in the past.

This might be going a bit too meta, but because he's not going the full asshole it's possible he's a Mafia Life, as Life always seems a bit more forceful when there's OC Town as he loves to be the Town Leader.

For some reason, when I thought that, I suddenly got the idea Raymond could also be Life, but on the Town side, so maybe two people have Life as a character, Bal and Raymond. Only one is town and one is mafia, so it's possible they're Lovers.

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I apologize for the typos in my above posts. My phone is like that.

Basically, what I said about Iris's claim was more or less a test, and her response gave me quite a few interesting things to note down. I can't be any less cryptic than that nor can I reveal any of my notes until later, though, because phone. But I'll be cleaerer about some things later.

The remark I made earlier about 'teammates' was meant to sound scummy and I was wondering if anyone would catch it, and I think it was Blitz. I said that earlier. But this is to be more specific.

To keep in character: raymond, you shouldn't have joined this game, you're just going to die n1 ): what's the point. What's the point of life? What's the point of me? D: oh nooooo

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that was fantastic oh my god

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This might be going a bit too meta

Yeah. Yeah, I think it is. :/

Basically, what I said about Iris's claim was more or less a test, and her response gave me quite a few interesting things to note down. I can't be any less cryptic than that nor can I reveal any of my notes until later, though, because phone. But I'll be cleaerer about some things later.

Hmmm... Noted~

To keep in character: raymond, you shouldn't have joined this game, you're just going to die n1 ): what's the point. What's the point of life? What's the point of me? D: oh nooooo

Don't worry! Plot armour will protect me! n_n

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also I just realized that Kay called me out on not posting right before I did lol

I don't really care about N0 this game. Call me when D1 starts.

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my gut says you are the scummiest atm Ducky

why not explain why Proto is scummy to you before I explain my point?

How was what Strawman said unreasonable? Proto is barely posting and he might as well not be in the game. If you think Proto is scum then what's wrong with Strawman? The Strawman suspicions are really uncool for this stage of the game.

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tbh I don't think straw is that suspicious, I'm getting town reads from him if anything

he certainly isn't "the most suspicious atm," that's for sure

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