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What's wrong with Donny?

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I looked at the main site, and it looks like if Donny were reclassed to a mercenary immediately, with no training, These would be his bases:

Lv: 1

HP: 18

Str: 8

Mag: 0

Skl: 9

Spd: 9

Lck: 11

Def: 7

Res: 0

Wpn: E Swords

Mov: 5

Compared to Krom, who I believe has balanced bases, Krom has +2 HP, +1 Mag,Res, and Mov, -1 Str, Skl, and Spd, and -6 Lck. Growth Rate wise, Donny would have good growths, so hewould probably win in that department.

Based on this data, I'm left wondering what everyone is complaining about. He seems like he would be worth a Change Seal if he could perform as well as the data suggests.

It's not that I'm poking fingers, I just feel like I'm missing something. Those bases + Good Growths = Solid unit, or so it appears. Is it that it takes a while to get a change seal? I'm in the dark.

Also, it looks like there needed to be a thread about him. Oh wait, there already was.

Edited by I don't play for turns
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I think people are mostly disappointed at what the Villager class is. Everyone thought it was gonna be like a trainee with some special class options, but we ended up just getting normal ones.

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For starters, you need to be level 10 to use a Change Seal.

Oh yeah ... I forgot. Isn't his joining level supposed to be easy or something, so you can train him? After all, I have something to base my inferences on, and they're not total guesses.

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Oh yeah ... I forgot. Isn't his joining level supposed to be easy or something, so you can train him? After all, I have something to base my inferences on, and they're not total guesses.

You need to have him gain a level there to join permanently, but it's a pain even on Normal.

the dumbass also has no lance-using options aside from villager

Yeah. Why would you do that, man? You don't even get a full set of 5-6 promoted classes for a Gen 1 character; all you have is three. You're not going to be racking up those low turn counts that way.

Edited by Othin
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Oh yeah ... I forgot. Isn't his joining level supposed to be easy or something, so you can train him? After all, I have something to base my inferences on, and they're not total guesses.

Nope the enemies are quite tough and abundant there compared to the previous chapters atleast in lunatic. The worst part about him is getting him from level 1 to 10 and he's counted as a regular unpromoted character in terms of EXP. In other words it takes him the same amount of EXP and the same cost investment(Change seals aren't freely buyable until chapter 16) to get him into a decent 1st tier class as it does to get another character promoted.

It doesn't help that his class list is restrictive, but he also takes 18 levels to get him a promoted class whereas at most other characters only need 9 at most and even then can stay in their decent 1st tier class or switch to another one.

The only merit he has is that unlike FE8's trainee's he does actually end up outpacing the other characters statwise by the time he in a 2nd tier class. But requiring 9 level ups in the villager class to make him usable, makes him near unusable.

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A villager from Iris. A common young man who likes plowing fields. Because he's never gone outside his village, he's interested in many things.

...As long as it involves fields that overlap each other with not much variety.

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I guess I get it now, but I'm still probably going to use him (If this game goes American), just because I always start on the easiest difficulty setting and I choose the characters who are good late-game not early. (For example: I used Nino during my first Fe7 ENM run. She pwnd the levels where shecould fight. AKA: chapter 30 and the endgame)

I'll at least pair him to pass on good growths.

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I guess I get it now, but I'm still probably going to use him (If this game goes American), just because I always start on the easiest difficulty setting and I choose the characters who are good late-game not early. (For example: I used Nino during my first Fe7 ENM run. She pwnd the levels where shecould fight. AKA: chapter 30 and the endgame)

I'll at least pair him to pass on good growths.

Yeah much as I'm annoyed by the villager class and Donny's poor class choices, I'll probably use him anyway for his personality.

If there's one thing Donny's good at its passing down the Good Growths skill.

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You know, Donny could just become a Demon Fighter at LV10.

Takes a while to be ready to clear Alm's map to get the scroll, though.

Edited by Othin
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Donny's problem is that his unique class doesn't actually give him anything unique or useful. Two skills that become less useful as you level up, and completely useless once you hit cap, are not worth trading in a whole other class tree. If Villager worked like the FE8 Trainees and could actually promote into something he'd be fine, but in practice he just has less potential than just about any other character.

Hell, he's better off passing down something male-specific like Counter to a daughter than his own exclusive skills.

Edited by Striped Shirt
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yah but the SOLDIER class could probably use magic

I believe that's only after they promote into 1st class SOLDIER. Even then, I'd rather give my Materia to someone like Anna who could make good use of it.

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Even if he could become a SOLDIER, it wouldn't help his case, since he can already become a Mercenary.

Soldiers and Mercenaries are different, most notable the former has much higher defense.

Proof that soldiers suck so bad that even magic can't save them.

Donny is a villager.

Anyway, I really don't understand why IS gave villagers Lances in the first place if they have no Lance promotions?

EDIT: I Missed the Cloud reference.

Edited by Emperor Hardin
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Given how abjectly terrible he is, part of me wants to believe that Donny is a little in-joke by Intelligent Systems parodying the low-leveled "potential" unit archetype that a) is a nightmare to train, and b) doesn't end up all that great anyway. That's the only way I can wrap my mind around things like not having a lance-wielding promotion choice and his decidedly average growths.

As a parent, Donny is decent, if only because he can pass on a handful of decent skills. As a unit, however, he's on the level of Wendy and Sophia.

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weak beats strong could be useful for classes that can only get to level 30,since those classes can use that skill even if they are fully leveled,because promoted enemies are treated as level 20+ their current level,so if we pair him with velvet(or nono,but then we'd have to choose from good growths and weak beats strong since villager is male only),her son could use weak beats strong as a taguel on level 30 and gain hit and avoid + 15 against late-game enemies.

That is at least the only way I can imagine this ability being useful for lategame....

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