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Rate the Unit Day 6: Dagda


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Dat Rules (stolen/borrowed from Integrity, which where then copied from the FE10 ratings)

- Ratings are assumed to be on Normal Mode.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake.

- Every ranking phase ends whenever I get home from school, between 1500 and 1600 EST.

- I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.

- "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "she brings a warp staff" or any other justification as an argument.

- Rating a unit too low because you think its overrated will make me throw away your vote without mercy.

- I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise.

- Scrolls have no impact on a unit's rating. Just because Marty can become awesome with scrolls does not mean his score should go up.

- Warp skipping has an impact on scores in so far as "Safy has an high base staff rank". Nanna would score lower than Safy because of her lower rank, but no chapter is explicitly said to be skipped. You can't get Warp and then suddenly say every character after doesn't exist or requires turns to recruit. Something could be said of Xavier, or Conomore/Amalda who are in an escape chapter where Leaf starts next to the escape point.

Evayl: 5.02

Halvan: 7.35

Leaf: 8.18

Othin: 8.86

Fin: 9.06

Better Jeigan than Evayl in that he comes back. Will almost never suffer from fatigue thanks to high health. Axes and Bows aren't as good as swords are and he isn't as dodgy, but Charge is probably pretty good for him.


Edited by Papermate
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Base 46 HP is enormous as few units even come accross that, while 10 Defense means he's not dying anytime soon early on. 14 Strength is great early on as he can capture and 1RKO enemies at full health even with an Iron Axe, though he'll prefer the Hero Axe for midgame. 11 Skl is workable and 9 Speed surprisingly doubles a lot in this game, while also activating Charge often thanks to his massive health. While some people advocate the first Speed Ring to Leaf, I think he makes excellent use of it since it allows him to double/charge more key targets in mid/lategame.

Base A axes is overkill (Master is B for some reason), but his E bows is surprisingly workable. While he'll capture much less if you focus him on getting a good rank in bows, you'll soon find out he's much less of a hassle to train than your early joining Bowfighters and Roberto, while having the Charge skill that makes Selphina decent as an archery unit, and he combines it with a melee weapon type and a great strength base. The upper part of 8x is filled with Hunters and Hand Axe Bandits who like to attack through walls, so giving him an Iron Bow before his forced vacation is a good way to make him get an early D, just in time to fight a bunch of Dragon Knights no less.

He still remains a great unit while others play catch up thanks to his above average durability. A movement of 7 makes him excellent indoors while still not being too much of a liability outdoors. He's only going to drop in usage around Chapter 21 or so thanks to the high number of ballistae and long range magic that start to pop up in much bigger quantities, but he can still be a nice filler. It shouldn't be too hard to give him some scrolls when he's about to level up since he gains experience rather slowly. For all the punishment he takes and all the attacks he delivers in the frontlines, and to help activate Charge more often, the Sun Sword skill isn't such a bad idea if you can afford it.

A great unit for captures who doubles as an effective archer who requires much less training than other scrubs.


Edited by Dio
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just a consistently strong unit in general that is held back by not being available between chapters 4-8 and not having a staff rank

probably the only time that i'm going to actively dictate a bias point, so 10/10

also it's really nice that he has a movement base of 1 which means he's really good indoors

Edited by dondon151
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Great in early game, but becomes outclassed by other axe users later on due to poor growths. Great Ballista bait, I'll give him that.


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He is a useful part of any team. He makes capturing bosses early on feasible with his hammer. Still can hold his own in endgame. Just an all around decent unit. Not to mention I think he is the manliest character in FE with Bartre in 2nd.

Edited by Austin LePurple
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Base 46 HP is enormous as few units even come accross that, while 10 Defense means he's not dying anytime soon early on. 14 Strength is great early on as he can capture and 1RKO enemies at full health even with an Iron Axe, though he'll prefer the Hero Axe for midgame. 11 Skl is workable and 9 Speed surprisingly doubles a lot in this game, while also activating Charge often thanks to his massive health. While some people advocate the first Speed Ring to Leaf, I think he makes excellent use of it since it allows him to double/charge more key targets in mid/lategame.

Base A axes is overkill (Master is B for some reason), but his E bows is surprisingly workable. While he'll capture much less if you focus him on getting a good rank in bows, you'll soon find out he's much less of a hassle to train than your early joining Bowfighters and Roberto, while having the Charge skill that makes Selphina decent as an archery unit, and he combines it with a melee weapon type and a great strength base. The upper part of 8x is filled with Hunters and Hand Axe Bandits who like to attack through walls, so giving him an Iron Bow before his forced vacation is a good way to make him get an early D, just in time to fight a bunch of Dragon Knights no less.

He still remains a great unit while others play catch up thanks to his above average durability. A movement of 7 makes him excellent indoors while still not being too much of a liability outdoors. He's only going to drop in usage around Chapter 21 or so thanks to the high number of ballistae and long range magic that start to pop up in much bigger quantities, but he can still be a nice filler. It shouldn't be too hard to give him some scrolls when he's about to level up since he gains experience rather slowly. For all the punishment he takes and all the attacks he delivers in the frontlines, and to help activate Charge more often, the Sun Sword skill isn't such a bad idea if you can afford it.

A great unit for captures who doubles as an effective archer who requires much less training than other scrubs.



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He rapes the game.

He has da con.

HE HAZ DA MOST SEXY BEARD EVER and he makes a man out of Marty!

Example of how this guy is broken: put him with a Scroll to avoid criticals on a high fortress and boost his magic if he faces magic units.

He becomes invincible there. Nothing can own him and with Charge, he doesn't need the Hero Axes so often and he'll be the best archer ever too, once he gets the sexy C rank in bows because of, you know, KILLER BOW!

And he'll be a great unit for ranked-efficiencies too. He is sturdy, he is FAST, he is POWEFUL, he has AXES that are the BEST weapon in this game mastered already (5% of disavantage because of the weak triangle weapon system here really helps).


Buy as many stamina boostes you can and unleash the Big Daddy!

Edited by marcus90
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Base 46 HP is enormous as few units even come accross that, while 10 Defense means he's not dying anytime soon early on. 14 Strength is great early on as he can capture and 1RKO enemies at full health even with an Iron Axe, though he'll prefer the Hero Axe for midgame. 11 Skl is workable and 9 Speed surprisingly doubles a lot in this game, while also activating Charge often thanks to his massive health. While some people advocate the first Speed Ring to Leaf, I think he makes excellent use of it since it allows him to double/charge more key targets in mid/lategame.

Base A axes is overkill (Master is B for some reason), but his E bows is surprisingly workable. While he'll capture much less if you focus him on getting a good rank in bows, you'll soon find out he's much less of a hassle to train than your early joining Bowfighters and Roberto, while having the Charge skill that makes Selphina decent as an archery unit, and he combines it with a melee weapon type and a great strength base. The upper part of 8x is filled with Hunters and Hand Axe Bandits who like to attack through walls, so giving him an Iron Bow before his forced vacation is a good way to make him get an early D, just in time to fight a bunch of Dragon Knights no less.

He still remains a great unit while others play catch up thanks to his above average durability. A movement of 7 makes him excellent indoors while still not being too much of a liability outdoors. He's only going to drop in usage around Chapter 21 or so thanks to the high number of ballistae and long range magic that start to pop up in much bigger quantities, but he can still be a nice filler. It shouldn't be too hard to give him some scrolls when he's about to level up since he gains experience rather slowly. For all the punishment he takes and all the attacks he delivers in the frontlines, and to help activate Charge more often, the Sun Sword skill isn't such a bad idea if you can afford it.

A great unit for captures who doubles as an effective archer who requires much less training than other scrubs.



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