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The Weirdest Compliments you have ever received


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"Hey, can I hook you up with my 17 yr old daughter?"

2 different women have asked me this before (one of which I had just met that day!). I really wasn't sure how to respond either time. I think thats a compliment, right?

Oh and im 22 btw.

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Oh yeah, I remember another. I once needed a blood test and the middle-age nurse was like, "You have nice veins". She probably was a vampire.

He was definitely propositioning you.

How could you be so sure? ... Ah ha! So it was YOU in the stall!

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I get told I have beautiful eyes a lot. Even from guys... :/

I get that one a lot as well. Also get the nice eyelashes compliment from girls. Also get the nice smile/perfect teeth compliment.

The weirdest one is when I was at the beach with a friend and he told me I had a "perfectly shaped head".

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"I wish I had child bearing hips like yours!" From more girls than I can count

I'm a married dad, but thanks anyway :/

Wait, what?

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Hey, Rehab, I thought your W didn't work.

It doesn't, but I've found ways to compensate. My German typing accent should be gone for a bit.

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I got hit on and felt up by an old man at a gay bar. That's what I get for being such a slut :(

Old men hit on everyone. Even I was hit on by them on MySpace.

I guess the weirdest complement I got was when I was riding the bus to school back in high school, and turned around to my then-best-friend staring at my legs. I gave a blink.gif look and then his eyes met with mine and he said "You have nice thighs." and then I just said "Thanks?" unsure.gif He's supposedly striaght though...

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How could you be so sure? ... Ah ha! So it was YOU in the stall!

Oh shit he's on to me...

I guess the weirdest complement I got was when I was riding the bus to school back in high school, and turned around to my then-best-friend staring at my legs. I gave a blink.gif look and then his eyes met with mine and he said "You have nice thighs." and then I just said "Thanks?" unsure.gif He's supposedly striaght though...

He was definitely propositioning you.

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I've been told that I'm scary looking in a good way several times. I was waiting at lunch at school one time and these two girls behind me were talking about how nice my hair was and that they wanted to touch it(hell yea!), I've also been told that my eyes are "creepily beautiful" or something like that multiple times.(They're like blue-ish green)

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"I wish I had child bearing hips like yours!" From more girls than I can count

I'm a married dad, but thanks anyway :/

Wait, what?

Well, you know...


"Your feet are so small, it's adorable." what

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One of the most attractive girls in high school called me a hot nerd. I've been told I look like a Greek god too. Um, some people tell me I look 17 or 18. Btw I turn 24 in like three months.

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He was definitely propositioning you.

Maybe if he was on bottom. Maybe.

One of the most attractive girls in high school called me a hot nerd. I've been told I look like a Greek god too. Um, some people tell me I look 17 or 18. Btw I turn 24 in like three months.

I didn't know Greek gods looked super young... laugh.gif

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Yeah, I have also had the young-looking thing. I'm going to university in 4 months, so I guess I'll get some weird stares once again ^^' I'm starting to get used to this, a few years ago I was really offended when someone mentioned it.

And also the eyelashes, my mother and sister both said they were jealous of my lashes.

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I saw some guy sick on the side of the hill next to my dorm. I gave him my pizza and he said, "get the **** out of here". And he proceed to eat the pizza. The most bizarre way of saying, "Thank you for feeding me."

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At the International school I'm attending in Tokyo, everybody including students and teachers tell me I have pretty eyes.

The reason why this is weird is that this is how everyone starts up a conversation with me.

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At the International school I'm attending in Tokyo, everybody including students and teachers tell me I have pretty eyes.

The reason why this is weird is that this is how everyone starts up a conversation with me.

this must lead to strange conversations

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I get this.

"You have alot of hidden potential, waiting to be released."

From almost every teacher or mentor figure.

Yeah, I've gotten this from teachers too. It means they think you're lazy/not trying... It's not a compliment, man...

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I was groped and then told I looked cute by a plainly drunk woman at work a few weeks ago.

Now if only I could figure out the secret technique to getting sober chicks to do that.

You just slip some of my secret recipe in their drinks and then...

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