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Rate the Unit, Day 27: Brom


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Dat Rules (borrowed/stolen from Integrity)

- Ratings are assumed to be on Hard Mode (JP Maniac). And only hard mode!

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake.

- Every ranking phase ends when the next RTU thread is posted (at this point, it's hard to tell).

- I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.

- "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" or "Gives you Bronze Sword" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "she brings a Savior to the team" as an argument.

- BEXP is free to be used in any quantity on any character.

- Skills can be reassigned freely.

- No transfers.

- Anyone that has done a RD RTU withholds the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise.


Fiona: 1.20

Meg: 1.34

Vika: 2.40

Leonardo: 2.53

Tormod: 3.28

Ilyana: 3.75

Nealuchi: 4.41

Tauroneo: 4.50

Black Knight: 4.60

Maurim: 4.72

Aran: 4.92

Laura: 5.13

Edward: 6.31

Micaiah: 6.50

Marcia: 7.31

Zihark: 7.44

Nephenee: 7.74

Elincia: 8.21

Leanne: 8.38

Rafiel: 8.45

Jill: 8.46

Volug: 8.87

Sothe: 8.93

Nailah: 9.00

Nolan: 9.06

Haar: 9.91

Lol Brom. He has nice bulk going for him but his offense is terrible. Terrible move. He has decent availability and thats about it.

1.5/10 with -1 bias .5/10

Edited by PKL
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Blaaaaaah, Brom is a horrible unit. Low Strength, Move, he's only good as a wall, and that's it. Once a horrible unit (referring to Path of Radiance), always a horrible unit.

2/10 (+.5 for availability.)

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Slowest unit in the game, (except for maybe Gareth and Mordecai, maybe) solid defense and HP, pretty high luck actually, low magic but nobody cares, and below average but salvageable stats in other areas. Gatrie completely outclasses him, and Tauroneo would to, if not for his disappearance. Good wall, lackluster offense, high availability, low move, ... 3.5/10+1 bias=4.5/10 because he's just so nice, and I would feel guilty if I didn't give him bias.

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Brom, the guy who works the fields in Ohma. Meg's daddy.




Good bases (for the time being)

Good HP.

Good availability.


Slower than molasses in January.

Kinda mehs out after his joining chapter.

Bad move.

Brom isnt horribad but he aint all that and a bowl of cherries. When we first meet him, hes like "Bitches dont know about my axe" and can double most bad guys on that map. Hes also the only one really putting a dent on the boss of that chapter. Neph is all running around cleaning up messes or visiting houses and recruiting Heather. Brom has bad move so hes like kinda trudging along. He does have Disarm though and thats a kinda cool skill. Once you get Heather, she can pick up whatever he disarmed. This helps in getting some of the bonus exp in that level if you dont kill all the volunteers. After that, though, hes all "yep..im Bromin'." and only really acting as a meatshield. This is good because meatshields are nice to have, but hes not doubling anymore cuz his speed is crap. And by that time, Mordy has joined and hes an even better meatsheild. Brom's low move means hes not getting to a lot of the murder. Even Leanne is kinda...out moving him here. Leanne-ing does help him a bit but yeah. In 2-E, hes probably not doing a damn thing. His part 3 is smelly too. We already have Gatrie by that point and Gatrie's got a pretty nice speed growth for his class. Disarm is probably going to someone like Mia anyway. Part 4...lol...

Brom is around a lot but hes just not that amazing outside his joining chapter. So yeah.

3/10. I tried using him once to Marshall status and hes ok but like, dat speed...

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He's good for using a big 'ol wall and that's about it. He is oh so slow and his stats are not even that really good so its far from worth babying/BEXP him. BUT his availability is good, and he is NEEDED on some chapters. Early Part 2. Regardless he is pretty bad, despite how nice he is.

3 +1 for being the nicest dude ever.


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* Begins in Part 2: Chapter 1

+ A Defensive Wall.

+ He deals good damage.

+ Good availability.

+ Good person... seriously!!!

- Low resistance... he needs to stay away from the magical units.

- He isn't a character, who has a desire to use it for

Score 5/10

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Average in p2, but mediocre->bad in the rest.

Oh, and the cool kids kill the 2-1 boss with Nephenee!

IMO, he's worth a 3.5/10

Mediocre, but has uses.

There are worse, however...

oh yeah

He made meg


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So here we have Brom.

Brom has poor potential with his low spd growth and cap. But he doesn't really need it. IN part 2 he's awesome for what he does. He's mandatory for 2-1 because Nephenee cannot survive and in 2-2 he can block off a part because he is so durable. In 2-E he can again block off a corner which is nice if you do a 3-turn for the drop and shield or a full clear (about 8 turns to kill ludveck in drafts?)

In part 3 there are just better candidates to use so he falls off.

If I had to remove him or Nephenee from the game it would be Nephenee. 2-1 can be done without her but not without him (unless you get lucky with crits and dodges.)


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You dont need to be lucky with nephenee at all. Just need to know what to do. In NM, i have her kill the boss just fine while recruiting heather. (she needs a shove from brom after she kills an armor) and thats about it. Staying in wrath is just a matter of vulnerary and parking in front of boss (so he gets wrath'd but the soldiers near him dont move) and then she moves down with brom (out of range of yeardley) and vulneraries. She kills a priest blocking the way to heather, which brom recruits. Boss hits her and she wraths again. Its even easier if she has transfers as she can 2RKo boss. Also, wrath activates more often than not. As for brom in drafts, hes horrible. He will probably never make it to ludveck without marcia. And id rather use elincia with BEXP to kill him in 1 turn.

Edited by PKL
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You don't need to be lucky with Nephenee at all. Just need to know what to do. In NM, i have her kill the boss just fine while recruiting Heather. (she needs a shove from Brom after she kills an armor) and that's about it. Staying in wrath is just a matter of vulnerary and parking in front of boss (so he gets wrath'd but the soldiers near him don't move) and then she moves down with Brom (out of range of yeardley) and vulneraries. She kills a priest blocking the way to heather, which Brom recruits. Boss hits her and she wraths again. Its even easier if she has transfers as she can 2RKO boss. Also, wrath activates more often than not. As for Brom in drafts, hes horrible. He will probably never make it to Ludveck without Marcia. And I'd rather use Elincia with BEXP to kill him in 1 turn.

I'm pretty sure the two soldiers behind Yeadley move after he attacks/is attacked. Also, 30% of 32 is 9.6, and one hit from Yeardley drops her to 14HP, so even if he hits her she's not going to wrath without another hit.

Anyway, Brom is pretty bad, but he is useful in Part 2. He's essentially needed to kill the boss in 2-1, as Nephnee's too frail and Heather is frail AND can't damage him. In 2-2 he's probably damaging things so that others can kill them, acting as a stone wall to stop enemies from reaching your frailer units. In 2-E he's probably being a stone wall to block enemies from getting to the seize point, and using a hand axe to attack enemies on lower levels from above on ledges. Part 3, you'd only really use him if you like the character, as Gatrie is so much better.


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I'm pretty sure the two soldiers behind Yeadley move after he attacks/is attacked. Also, 30% of 32 is 9.6, and one hit from Yeardley drops her to 14HP, so even if he hits her she's not going to wrath without another hit.

Anyway, Brom is pretty bad, but he is useful in Part 2. He's essentially needed to kill the boss in 2-1, as Nephnee's too frail and Heather is frail AND can't damage him. In 2-2 he's probably damaging things so that others can kill them, acting as a stone wall to stop enemies from reaching your frailer units. In 2-E he's probably being a stone wall to block enemies from getting to the seize point, and using a hand axe to attack enemies on lower levels from above on ledges. Part 3, you'd only really use him if you like the character, as Gatrie is so much better.


Magic Card heather.

and folks, read what PKL just posted.

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Brom has a strong start in part 2 as the easiest, obvious method for killing the boss in his joining chapter. It all goes downhill from there. He does a fine job chipping enemies for other, better units to finish off. By the end of part 2 Brom is just too slow, both stat-wise and movement-wise, to keep up. When he comes back in part 3, his availability means squat because Gatrie is just better. He isn't the worst unit in the game and he has his moments of usefulness, but he loses steam very fast.


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I'm pretty sure the two soldiers behind Yeadley move after he attacks/is attacked. Also, 30% of 32 is 9.6, and one hit from Yeardley drops her to 14HP, so even if he hits her she's not going to wrath without another hit.

Anyway, Brom is pretty bad, but he is useful in Part 2. He's essentially needed to kill the boss in 2-1, as Nephnee's too frail and Heather is frail AND can't damage him. In 2-2 he's probably damaging things so that others can kill them, acting as a stone wall to stop enemies from reaching your frailer units. In 2-E he's probably being a stone wall to block enemies from getting to the seize point, and using a hand axe to attack enemies on lower levels from above on ledges. Part 3, you'd only really use him if you like the character, as Gatrie is so much better.


Nope those soldiers dont move when Yeardley is attacked in EP. For some reason, but they move in the next turn. :/ It doesnt take a lot of effort to just wrath Yeardley (herbs/vulnerary and smart enemy phase exposure) She can beat him faster than Brom.

Edited by PKL
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Pretty bad unit overall. He does stuff in 2-1, but that's about it. He is too slow to do anything in 2-2, can't help kill Ludveck in 2-E and becomes complete obsolete afterwards.


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Even though i like that guy he is quite useless in the game. If only he had earth afinity to support nephenee ....Ill give him a 3/10 and not biasing positive cause of MEG<br>

Edited by Russa
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I think Brom is better than Nephenee in Part 2. He doesn't double much, but his durability is much more solid and they both 2RKO most stuff. Nephenee can ORKO with Wrath at times, but getting her into Wrath range when her HP is still in the 30s is kinda difficult. Not that you can't do it, but even when she gets there, her AVO isn't good enough yet for her to survive for more than a turn or so in Wrath range. All she's really got over him is 1 movement, and her frailty prevents her from really using it.

So, yeah, Brom. Pretty solid in Part 2 not compared to Haar/Elincia/Lucia, pretty bad later on when everyone starts ORKOing and he has difficulty doubling. But I think his Part 2 performance still nets him a 3/10. I won't give him negative bias for birthing Meg because he's a pretty cool dude otherwise.

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I think Brom is better than Nephenee in Part 2. He doesn't double much, but his durability is much more solid and they both 2RKO most stuff. Nephenee can ORKO with Wrath at times, but getting her into Wrath range when her HP is still in the 30s is kinda difficult. Not that you can't do it, but even when she gets there, her AVO isn't good enough yet for her to survive for more than a turn or so in Wrath range. All she's really got over him is 1 movement, and her frailty prevents her from really using it.

So, yeah, Brom. Pretty solid in Part 2 not compared to Haar/Elincia/Lucia, pretty bad later on when everyone starts ORKOing and he has difficulty doubling. But I think his Part 2 performance still nets him a 3/10. I won't give him negative bias for birthing Meg because he's a pretty cool dude otherwise.

Nope. Neph has 1-2 range options starting in 2-2 (transfer javelins from 2-P) while Brom doesnt. He is locked to 1 range, doesnt double and has bad move. How is he better than Neph in Part 2? Lets also not forget how bad Brom's weapon ranks are...seriously IS? Im changing my vote to 1/10

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Nope. Neph has 1-2 range options starting in 2-2 (transfer javelins from 2-P) while Brom doesnt. He is locked to 1 range, doesnt double and has bad move. How is he better than Neph in Part 2? Lets also not forget how bad Brom's weapon ranks are...seriously IS? Im changing my vote to 1/10

Brom has Hand Axe's in 2-F. Also even if Neph doubles more often, they still both 2RKO. Neph also can't utilise her full move all the time as she's 2/3HKO'd by most of 2-2, and Brom is 4/5HKO'd, and so serves as a wall to stop enemy units from reaching Heather, Leanne, Untransformed Lethe and Nealuchi.

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You said it yourself. In 2-E he has hand axes. He doesnt have them when you want him to. 2-E is a 1 turn map anyway so Brom/Nephenee dont see much combat there. Neph having 1-2 range access in 2-2 makes her better than Brom. She can deal with thunder mages very well and can chip/counter stuff at 1-2 range, hell she can even kill the boss with Wrath. Brom is most likely only shoving in that map. Its like, the only reason I dont give him a flat 0.

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So Nephenee and Brom have about the same utility in part 2 by both being clutch in 2-1 (though Brom is definitely killing the boss because Neph gets killed by him and the soldiers, not to mention stl grtlance doesn't produce favourable hitrates against him). They both do little in 2-2 because that's mostly a laguz + Lucia map though I suppose Brom is better because he can meatshield here and there(and having 1-2 range here isn't so big a plus it should be counted as one outside of drafting environment). Then in 2-E you either don't use them at all because you 1-3 turn the map or Brom is superior to Neph because he can meatshield, they both 2-3RKO and they both have 1-2 range.


Brom is better in P2

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