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Let's Play Together! Fire Emblem Genealogy Of The Holy War Edition!



26 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Are We Pairing Aideen With?

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So a long, long time ago, in a land far, far away, dinosaurs flew on Sega sponsored Big The Cat powered jetpacs and the food was made of titanium and uh...

well, to make a long story short, me, Horace, Shin, and Darros decided to do a group LP of FE4, where we'd each do a chapter and commentate and stuff (yes, it's video, which may be good or bad depending on how you look at things). So to start things off, Shin has already recorded part 1 of the Prologue, so enjoy!

Also all of the pairings have been decided, but feel free to request anything else. The more silly, stupid, and disingenuous the request, the more likely we are to listen to it!

Edited by Refa
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Yeah, they're all predecided.

Shin thinks the poll is a gimmick anyways.

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I request that Ardan remains either base level if paired/is level 30 and doesn't promote if unpaired, also that Hannibal also reaches level 30.

Edited by Konnor97
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No Holy Weapon get! And you must kill Julia in chapter F! Shannon and Alice too!

We... could actually do this. we probably wont though I actually don't control any of the chapters where this stuff can happen, maybe the others'll agree though.

Looking at the poll results, it's pretty obvious what the unwashed masses want for Ayra.

The poll isn't there for people to decide our pairings, they're there so people can guess at them.

Have you guys already decided 2nd gen parings too? Not like they provide anything useful aside from LOLcritfest

Nopoe. Whoever stands by eachother for enough time, I guess.

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i should have posted this earlier but arena videos yay or nay

i am inclined to say nay because i'd have to think of something to say and would end up talking about my cat or something

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That wouldls makes sense since you need to best the ch2 arena to get holyn. Also, are you guys gonna save state abuse to get favorable level ups fore your characters? I doub't you will seeing as you guys are somthing like experts.

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No RNG abuse, other than getting past the arena (not for abusing level ups, just getting through it), which is probably why we won't show you arena videos. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shin is being a lazybutt and is making excuses so everyone yell at him

But idk shin said he'd do it on monday like this past monday and its friday uguuuu

i'm powerless until chapter 2 where i will kill off sylvia to get sharlow unless shin hurries up

and refa will break the valkyrie staff so shin can't revive her

also refa change the poll

Edited by General Horace
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  • 2 weeks later...

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